


🟦 The Jews and Christians say in their books that the prophet Dawood ( David ) practiced fornication with the wife of one of his soldiers then ordered that soldier to be put in confrontation with the enemy to be killed . A son resulted from this relation then died . Afterwards , the prophet Dawood married this woman and she gave birth to the prophet Soliman (Solomon) . 

🟦 The Jews claim that God used to walk with them in a tent because HE needed a house to settle in . So the prophet Dawood - as they claim - wanted to build a house for the God , but the God refused it to be built by Dawood because of his fornication and said that Dawood’s son Soliman will .

🔺Latter on ,in about year 1000 b.c in the time of Soliman , that house was built and called the “Temple of Soliman “ . This was the First Temple. After Soliman was deceased , the kingdom got divided and the phase of deterioration started .

🔺In 586 b.c , the temple was destroyed and the Jews were captivated to  Babylon in what is known as Babylonian captivity or Babylonian exile .

🔺Seventy years later, the second temple was rebuilt by Zerubbabel whom is an offspring of Dawood . That was in between 515 and 520 b.c . It was called the “The Zerubbabel Temple “ . But in 167 b.c , the temple was desecrated by the Seleucids though it wasn’t destructed . 

🔺In 40 b.c , the temple was renovated by Herod . Then in 70 a.d , it got burnt and destructed after the Jewish revolution against the Romans . In 132 a.d , the Jews sparked another revolution .

🔺Then in (132–135 CE) was the Bar Kokhba Revolt, also called Second Jewish Revolt which was a Jewish rebellion against the Roman rule . But it was crushed when they were defeated by the emperor Hadrian and were totally banned from Jerusalem . Hardrian wiped the old city away from history  and built a paganish temple instead of the Zerubbabel one in 135 a.d . The city was called The City of Iliya till it was conquested by Muslims then was called Jerusalem.

🔺In 135 a.d , the temple was totally wiped away from history and the Jews were displaced and scattered around the world till they came back in the twentieth century .

🔺The Jews are waiting for the Anti-Christ as their Redeemer . They say they must build the “Third Temple “ first . This is the reason for what they are doing in our time .

🔷 Why do Christians help them ?

Simply because they believe that the gathering of the Jews and building of the Third Temple signifies the decent of Jesus peace be upon him whom they consider their God . As a result, most Christians do not object what’s happening in Jerusalem. Actually they assist them due to their common objective .

🔺The Jews want to destroy the Aksa Masjid to have their Third Temple built in its place . Practically , no one really knows the place of the so called Zerubbabel temple, simply because the temple and the whole city have been wiped away from history since 135 a.d .

📍Note : All what the Jews and Christians say about the prophets of Allah Dawood and Soliman peace be upon them are lies and fabrications . They accused the prophet Loot ( Lut ) peace be upon him of practicing fornication with his daughters , accused the prophet Haroon ( Aaron ) peace be upon him of making the pagan calf , accused the prophet Soliman peace be upon him of  worshiping idols and building pagan temples , and accused the prophet Musa ( Moses ) peace be upon him of betraying Allah .. etc . They are the enemies of the prophets while Islam has honored them and deemed them above inferiorities .


#When_Will_Jerusalem_Be_Back ?

🟩 When Will Jerusalem Be Back ?

🔸It has been chosen and willed by Allah that the Jews stay till they follow the Anti-Christ . And it has been chosen and willed by Allah that the chosen elite whom will stay in a powerful bond defending the lands are the people of Jerusalem and those in the lands around it . Those whom have sold themselves to Allah . 

🔺These have their time and Those have their time!

🔸And it’s Allah whom chooses the martyrs and never grants succession to the enemies .

🟨 When it comes to numbers , Israel’s problem lies in time . The Jews in the whole world are 16 million and less than half of them are in Israel . Their problem is that they are from the highest populations in the average life time , in other words , a high percentage of the 16 million are elderly persons . So Jews are an elderly population and those in the age of high fertility are not much . As a result , they are not increasing .

🟨 On the other hand , most of the Palestinians are youths and children . Most of them are in the age of high fertility . Add with that the high birth rate in their population .

🔺The people of Ghasa are about 5 million while Israel are 9 million, 6 million Jews and 3 million from others . This means that there are only 6 million Jews in the area and 8 million from other religions. So with the high birth rate of the Palestinians , it’s expected that within one or two generations the Jews will be a minority .

🔺In addition, every Israeli Jew has another nationality, so they aren’t land owners .

🔷So time isn’t on their side !

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