

The word can both inspire and destroy. The history of the Islamic world knows cases when speeches led to the victory of the army and changed the course of events. Here are some of them, writes the Fikriyat website.

Kuss Ibn Said


Kuss ibn Said was the leader of the Arab tribe Yad and a famous poet. Although he lived in pre-Islamic times, Kuss ibn Said did not worship idols, but belonged to the Hanifs – followers of the monotheism of ancient Arabia. At the famous fair Ukaz, which attracted Arabs from various places, he urged people to abandon the worship of idols and believe in the one Allah. Kuss ibn Said died before the arrival of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and his tribe, having arrived in Medina, converted to Islam. In one of his speeches, delivered in Mecca, addressing a group of people, among whom was Muhammad (peace be upon him), Kuss ibn Said said:

“O people! Go listen, memorize and learn for yourself! The living is mortal, the deceased is corruptible, what should happen will happen! It rains, grasses grow, children are born, taking the place of their parents. Then everyone leaves, disappears. The course of events is not interrupted, one event follows another. Be careful! Listen to what I tell you! There is news from heaven that there are things on earth from which you can learn for yourself! The earth is an open bed, and the heavens are a high dome. The stars go out and die, and the seas grow shallow and dry. Those who come to this world do not stay in it forever, and those who have gone to another world do not return back! …

O people of the Yad tribe! Where are your fathers and grandfathers? And where is Hell and Thamud, who built luxurious, elegant palaces and houses of stone? And where is Pharaoh and Nemrud, who, boasting of their earthly riches, being blinded by them, turning to their people said: “I am your greatest Lord!” This earth ground them in its mill, turning them into dust. Even their bones crumbled to dust and decay! And their houses collapsed. These places were also deserted, now they are inhabited by dogs. God forbid! Don’t be short-sighted and don’t be ignorant like they are! Don’t go their way! Everything that comes is perishable! Only the Supreme Lord is eternal! “

Ali ibn Abu Talib (may Allah be pleased with him)


After the death of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), the Muslim community experienced a crisis, there was a danger of its split, as Muslims fell into disagreements regarding his successor. In “Nahj al-Balaga” it is reported that when Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) and Abu Sufyan (may Allah be pleased with him) came to Ali (may Allah be pleased with him), wishing to take an oath to him, not wishing to discord among the Muslims , he said: “O people! Cut the waves of strife with the ark of salvation, turn away from the path of pride, and remove the crowns of exaltation. May he rejoice who ascends on wings or humbles himself and rests in rest. This is a semblance of stagnant water and a piece that the one who eats it chokes on. He who gathers the fruits before they ripen is like the cultivator of another’s land. “

When, after the death of Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), the Council of two candidates for the post of Caliph made a choice in favor of Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him), then Ali (may Allah be pleased with him), who was the second applicant, again, did not wishing to cause contention, he said: “You knew for sure that I was the most worthy of all other people for this; and, by Allah, I will humble myself to the extent that the interests of Muslims will not be hurt, and until there is oppression for anyone except for me personally, seeking (from this position possible) benefits and advantages (from Allah) and withdrawing from what you strive for from adornments and seduction. “

Tariq ibn Ziyad


Tariq ibn Ziyad (670-720) is called one of the most prominent military leaders in the history of Islam. According to legend, when he landed at Cape Gibraltar in 711 to begin the conquest of the Iberian Peninsula, he ordered the ships to be burned, showing that there was no turning back. The decisive battle between the Muslims and the troops of King Roderich took place on June 19, 711 and ended with the complete defeat of the Visigoths. It marked the beginning of the Muslim conquest of the region – just five years after it, the Arabs took possession of the entire Iberian Peninsula. Before the start of the battle with the outnumbered enemy, Tariq ibn Ziyad addressed his army with a speech:

“Where can you hide ?! After all, the enemy is ahead, and the sea is behind! In the name of Allah! There is no other salvation for you than courage and strength. Assess the situation – here you are on the island like orphans abandoned by the world! Soon you will meet a powerful adversary who has surrounded you from all sides like storm waves of a stormy sea, and has sent against you countless warriors, clad in steel and equipped with all the necessary weapons! What can you oppose to them ?! You have no weapons other than your swords, no supplies other than those that you snatched from the hands of your enemies! Therefore, you must attack them immediately, otherwise your needs will increase, the winds of victory will no longer blow in your direction, and the fear that reigns in the hearts of your enemies can be replaced by great courage. Cast away all fear from your hearts, believe in our victory, and in that, that the king of the barbarians will not be able to resist our weapons! … Do not think that I am setting you a task that I myself am afraid of, or that I am trying to hide from you the dangers of this campaign. No, you are facing a great test, but know that if you endure it, you will reap a rich harvest! .. “



Among the numerous victories of the Seljuk sultan Alp-Arslan (1030-1072), the Battle of Manzikert, which took place on August 25-26, 1071, undoubtedly occupies a special place. The Seljuks, despite the numerical superiority of the enemy, won a victory under the Byzantines and captured Emperor Roman IV Diogenes. This battle opened the way for Muslims to Asia Minor – over the next 10 years, they occupied almost the entire peninsula. On the field in Manzikert after Friday namaz Alp-Arslan, dressed in white clothes, made a speech:

“O Allah! I bow down to Your majesty and fight for Your sake. O Allah, my intentions are pure, help me! Curse me if I lie. Oh my warriors! If I die as a martyr, let these white robes become my shroud … It doesn’t matter that we are few. No matter how many they [our enemies] are, I want to fight with them in those hours when all Muslims offer prayers for us from the Minbar. Either I will triumph and achieve my goal, or I will perish as a martyr and go to heaven. Whoever wants to follow me, let him follow. Whoever wants to leave, let him leave. Today there is no sultan who commands, and there is no army who is ordered. I am one of you, a warrior fighting alongside you. Whoever follows me and devotes himself to Allah, or become martyrs and go to heaven, or remain alive and receive trophies … ”.

Asad ibn Zurara (may Allah be pleased with him)


Asad ibn Zurara (d. 623) was one of the companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who played an important role in the spread of Islam. He took part in the first and second oaths under Aqaba. During the second, when Abbas expressed doubt whether the people of Madina would be able to protect Muhammad (peace be upon him), Assad ibn Zurara (may Allah be pleased with him) said the following words: “O Messenger of Allah! We will protect you from what we protect ourselves, our sons and women from. If we break the covenant, may we become perjurers cursed by Allah. O Messenger of Allah! This is our oath of loyalty to you. ” But still before taking the oath of AssadIbn Zurara (may Allah be pleased with him) considered it necessary to warn his fellow tribesmen: “Wait, O inhabitants of Yathrib! Indeed, we would not have chased our camels, heading towards him, if we did not know that he is the Messenger of Allah and that his departure would mean a break with all Arabs, and the death of the best of you, and that they will cut you with swords. If you endure all this, then take it, and Allah will reward you, but if you fear for yourself, then leave it, and it will be more forgivable for you before Allah! ” In the second oath at Aqaba, the people of Madina took an oath to defend the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his followers with arms in hand. Soon after, the migration of Muslims from Mecca to Medina began, which led to a new period in Muslim history.

Sultan Mehmed II the Conqueror


Two days before the conquest of Constantinople, Sultan Mehmed II (1432-1481) gathered his military leaders and addressed them with a speech:

“Oh my pashas, ​​beys, yea and my comrades-in-arms in this war! I called you now not because I see shortcomings in the work done, but in order to urge you and encourage you to show zeal and courage in the offensive that I am planning … You see, the city is surrounded on all sides – both from the sea and from land … He cannot be saved from our swords. Call upon the warriors to show all their valor, diligence and heroism and perform their duties with enthusiasm. Explain to them that winning a war depends on three factors: fortitude, honor, and obedience. What is obedience to a soldier? It is everyone’s defense of the position he occupies, the preservation of silence and orderly actions and movements. With this order, each of you will hear the order of your superior and will be able to convey your order to your subordinates. “


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