The Prophet’s
with His Family
In the Name of Allah,
the Most Gracious,
the Most Merciful
01 Gentleness towards the family:
The Prophet was very gentle towards
his family. The Prophet instructed
us saying: “Gentleness is not added
to something, except that it would be
embellished.” The Prophet said to
A’ishah: “O A’ishah, when Allah wants
good for a household, its members
would treat each other kindly.” (Targhib)
The Prophet’s Interactions
with His Family
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One should not boss their family
around unnecessarily or give them
chores that are impossible to complete
or treat them rudely when they are
good towards him.
One has to control his emotions at all
times, especially during arguments.
A’ishah said: “A group of Jews entered
upon the Prophet and they said to
him, ‘As-saam alaikum,’ (death be
upon you). I understood what they
meant, and said to them, ‘May death
be upon you! May the curses of Allah
fall upon you as well!’ The Messenger
of Allah calmly said, ‘O A’ishah, take
it easy. Allah loves that you approach
all of your affairs in a kind manner.’ I
said to the Messenger of Allah , ‘Did
you not hear what they said to you?’
He replied, ‘That is why I responded
by saying, ‘And may it be upon you.’”
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02 Serving his family:
The Prophet continually helped with
household chores. A’ishah described
what exactly that entailed. She said:
“He would repair his shoes and sew his
own clothes.” (Bukhari)
03 The Prophet would serve
The Prophet would take care of
his affairs by himself. He would not
his wife to serve him. A’ishah said the
Prophet would clean his clothes,
milk the sheep, and serve himself.
(Sahih al-Jami)
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04 Spending on his family:
Generosity and spending on the family
are principles that the Prophet
planted in the hearts of his Companions.
He said: “Indeed, Allah is generous and
loves generosity.” (Tirmidthi)
The Prophet was asked: “What is the
best form of charity?” He said: “The
money you spend on your family is the
greatest in reward.” (Muslim)
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The matter of taking care of the needs
of your wife is not a favor done towards
one’s wife, but a duty upon the Muslim
husband. The Prophet was asked:
“What is the duty of a husband towards
his wife?” He replied, “To feed her
as you would yourself, to clothe her
as you would yourself, that you not hit
her face or curse her and you should
not forsake her, except in the house.”
(Abu Dawood)
05 Comforting the family:
The Prophet sought comfort for
his family, as he would try his best to
avoid all difficulties. Anas said: “The
Prophet was traveling and a young
boy was singing a tune that would
make the camels walk at a faster pace.
The Prophet called out to him, ‘Slow
down,’ for he feared for the safety of
his family.” (Bukhari)
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06 Forbearing nature of the
Prophet :
The Prophet was always smiling, even
when he faced problems at home.
Umar said: “The men of Quraish would
overcome their wives and would
make them succumb to their will, but
in Madinah, the women of the Ansar
would overcome their men! Our
women picked up these habits from
the women of the Ansar. One day my
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wife was upset with me and yelled
at me. I was shocked that this took
place and reprimanded her for that.
With this, my wife said, ‘Why do you
reprimand me? Indeed, the wives of
the Prophet do the same, and some
of his wives even give him the ‘cold
shoulder’ all day long!’
This shocked me and I told her, her,
‘Any of them who does this is in a state
of loss!’ Umar then went to the house
of his daughter Hafsa, the wife of the
Prophet . Umar then verified what he
had heard from his own wife, and Hafsa
concurred. Umar then exclaimed, ‘You
are in a state of loss! Do you have
any guarantee that the punishment
of Allah would not descend upon you
on ac-count of Allah’s anger?’ He then
said, ‘Do not yell or give him the cold
shoulder. If there is anything you want,
ask me and I shall help you.’” (Bukhari)
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07 Fulfilling the wishes of his
The Prophet would immediately
respond and take care of his family’s
needs. A’ishah asked the Prophet : “All
your wives have a Kunya (nickname),
what shall mine be?” The Prophet said,
“Call yourself Umm Abdullah (mother
of Abdullah).” This is what A’ishah was
called until she died. (Silsilah)
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08 Caring for his wives:
The Prophet took care of his family
in the best manner when they fell
ill. A’ishah said: “Whenever one of
the wives of the Prophet fell ill,
the Prophet would recite the last
chapters of the Qur’an upon them.”
09 Greeting his family:
The Prophet would sit after Fajr
with his companions until sunrise.
After that, he would visit his wives. He
would greet each one and suppli-cate
for them. (Majma az-Zawaid)
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10 Seeking counsel from his wives:
During the events that led up to the
signing of a peace-treaty with the
of Quraish (al-Hudaybiyyah), he
com-manded his Companions to
slaughter their animals and shave their
heads. The Companions were so saddened
that they were not allowed to
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enter Makkah and perform the minor
pilgrimage (Umrah) that not even
one of them got up to carry out this
order. After repeating this command
three times, no one got up to follow
his orders, so the Prophet entered
upon his wife, Umm Salamah and he
told her what had happened. Upon
hearing his complaint, she told him
to go out and not talk to anyone until
he had slaughtered his animal and
shaved his head. The Prophet took
her advice. When the Companions saw
the Prophet slaughter his animal
and shave his head, they all raced
among themselves to do the same. (Al-
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11 The Prophet sought
permission from his wives:
One of the beautiful characteristics of
the Prophet was that he never was
unfair, even while he was ill. A’ishah
said: “The Messenger of Allah sent a
message to all his wives during his final
sickness saying, ‘I cannot visit you as I
usually do, so I seek your permission
to stay with A’ishah.’ His wives agreed
and allowed him to stay with her.” (Abu
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In another narration, the Prophet
said: “Where shall I stay to-morrow?
Where shall I stay tomorrow?” He was
looking forward to A’ishah’s turn, so all
his wives allowed him to stay where
he wished, and he stayed at A’ishah’s
house until he died. A’ishah added,
“He died on the day of my usual turn,
at my house. He died while his head
was against my chest.” (Bukhari)
12 Involving the family:
The Messenger of Allah would always
involve his family. Anas said: “One of
the Prophet’s neighbors prepared a
splendid meal for him, and he invited
the Prophet . The Prophet pointed
at his wife saying, ‘What about her?’
The man said, ‘No,’ so the Prophet
declined saying, ‘I cannot attend.’ The
man then invited the Prophet once
again and the Prophet asked him,
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‘What about her?’ The man once again
said, ‘No,’ so the Prophet declined
his invitation yet again. The man then
invited the Prophet for a third time
and when the Prophet asked about
A’ishah he invited her as well, so the
Messenger of Allah accepted his
invitation.” (Muslim)
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13 Correcting mistakes:
The Prophet used great wisdom
when correcting the mistakes of his
family. One day A’ishah said: “Safiyah
is very short…” She said this in a
derogatory manner and the Prophet
immediately stopped her from saying
anything further, and said, “You said
a phrase, by Allah, were it mixed with
the ocean, it would have polluted its
water.” (Targhib)
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On another occasion, Safiyah heard
Hafsa saying, “Safiyah is the daughter
of a Jewish man!” When she heard
this, she wept! The Prophet asked
her, “Why do you weep?” She said,
“Hafsa has said about me, ‘You are
the daughter of a Jewish man!’” The
Prophet calmly told her, “You are
indeed the daughter of a Prophet,
and your Uncle is a Prophet, and you
are married to a Prophet! So how can
she put you down?” The Prophet
then told Hafsa, “Fear Allah, O Hafsa!”
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14 The Prophet accepted the
excuses of his family:
There is no doubt that mistakes will
occur during marriage. A husband may
do something wrong, just as a wife
may make a mistake. When a spouse
accepts the excuse of his family,
this would be indicative of the good
manners that the spouse possesses.
One day the Prophet was waiting
for A’ishah and she was a bit delayed.
The Prophet asked her, “What held
you back?” She said, “O Messenger of
Allah I heard a beautiful recitation,
the likes of which I have never heard!”
The Prophet then went and listened
and he came back after a long period
and said, “This is Salim, the freed slave
of Abu Hudhaifah.” (Takhrij al-Ihya)
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15 Making his family happy:
The Prophet was keen on making
his family happy. A’ishah said: “The
Messenger of
Allah asked me, ‘Are you not pleased
that you shall be my wife both in this life
and in the next?’ A’ishah responded,
‘Of course!’” (Silsilah)
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16 Kindness towards his family:
The Messenger of Allah dealt with
those around him in the most gracious
manner. A’ishah said: “When the
Prophet was with his wives, he was
the kindest person, the most generous
of all people and was always smiling
and laughing.” (Jami as-Saghir)
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17 Forgiving nature towards his
The Prophet was a very forgiving man.
Even if a person intentionally made
an error, he pardoned that individual.
When the Prophet conquered
Makkah, and those people who were
once his enemies stood before him, he
asked them, “What do you think I shall
do to you?” They replied, “You are a
gracious brother and a gracious cousin.”
He then said, “Go, for you are all free!”
The Prophet could have taken the
opportunity to avenge the previous
hardships and sufferings he faced from
them, but instead he set them free. His
family had the greatest share of this
grace. If the Prophet asked his wives,
“Have you made any lunch,” and they
had not, he comforted them by saying,
“I am fasting.” (Nasa’ee)
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In such a way, his family would
never feel bad or feel that they had
disappointed him.
18 The Prophet would give his
family what they yearned for:
The Prophet would make a habit of
trying his best to give his family what
they yearned for as long as it was not
something prohibited.
A’ishah once said, “O Messenger of
Allah, all your Companions have performed
the Hajj (greater pilgrimage)
and Umrah (lesser pilgrimage)
except for me!” The Prophet
asked her, “Didn’t you perform Tawaf
(circumambulate the Ka’bah) when
you first arrived?” She said, “No.”
The Prophet then said, “Go with
your brother to the neighborhood
of Tan’eem and make inten-tion to
perform Umrah.” (Bukhari)
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To download and read the complete book,
click on the cover picture here.
This is an excerpt
of a larger book titled
“Romance in Islam”
by Abd Ar- Rahman
bin Abd Al-Kareem Ash-Sheha.
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