

Sayings and Teachings

In the Name of Allah,

the Most Gracious,

the Most Merciful

Muhammad (peace be upon him) said

(interlacing his both hands fingers):

“Believers are a structure like,

they fasten each other” Narrated by al-

Bukhaari (481) and Muslim (2585)


Sayings and Teachings

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Muhammad’s sayings and teachings are

very influential as they covered most

aspects of life. They emanated from a

base of wisdom and Divine revelation.

His sayings, actions, approvals and

attributes better known as “sunnah”

represent the second source of Islamic

legislation after the Qur’an.

“Your companion (i.e. Muhammad)

has not strayed from the path of truth

nor has he been deluded. Nor does he

speak out of whim” The Quran, 53:2-3

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Hope, Fated Death and


Muhammad (peace be upon him) drew

three lines on the sand and said: “This

is the human being (who has many

hopes and plans in this worldly life).

While he lives to attain or accomplish

these hopes death comes to him”.

Narrated by al-Bukhaari (6417) and

Muslim (1671)

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“Avail five before five:

Your youth before senility (old age)

Fitness before sickness

Wealth before poverty (needy)

Free time before busy time

Life before death”. Al-Hakim in Al-

Mustadriq No. 7846 (4/341)

“The perfect believers are those who

have the best manners”. (Narrated by


“Two graces, many people

underestimate; health and free

(leisure) time”. (Bukhaari, 6049)

“Envy is forbidden except in two

cases (you wish to have the same

thing others have but no bad wishes

to them). The first one is a man, God

bestowed on him wealth, so he spends

it righteously, the second case is a

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man, God bestowed on him wisdom,

so he acts according to it and teaches

it to others”. (Bukhari, 73/15)

“Make things easy to people

(concerning religious matters), and do

not make it hard for them; give them

good tidings and do not make them

run away”. (Bukhari, 69/11)

“Those who do honest trading and

business based on clear terms, God

blesses them and their business

(trade). Contrary, God does not bless

those who lie and hide facts”. (Bukhari,


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“You will not be a believer in God

unless you like for your brethren what

you like for yourself”. (Bukhari, 13/7)

“Every Muslim should pay Sadaqa

(spend something for charity), if he

didn’t find what to spend then let him

work in order to benefit himself and

be able to pay charity, if he didn’t find

a job, then let him help others (this

is an act of charity), if he didn’t find

anyone to help, let him do good deeds

and refrain from (avoid) doing bad or

evil deeds. This is a charity for him”.

(Bukhari, 1445/30)

“When man dies, he gains no rewards

except from three things; in case he

had dedicated a charity that people

can continuously profit from or he

had left knowledge or a science that

benefits the humanity or if he had

left a good (faithful) son who keeps

on praying and asking Gods blessings

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and forgiveness to his parents”. (this is

applicable for both males and females)

(Narrated by Muslim, Tirmithi, Nassa’i)

“Fear Allah wherever you are, follow a

bad deed with a good deed as it erases

it, and deal with people with high ethics”.

(Tirmithi - 1987 & Ahmad 5/153)

“Goodness (rightness) is good morality;

and sin

(misdeed) is what embarrasses you

(i.e. you are not comfortable within

yourself) and you hate it to be known

by others”. (Muslim, 15/2553)

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“A strong person is not the one who

throws his adversaries to the ground.

A strong person is he who contains

himself when he is angry”. (Bukhaari,

5785) and (Muslim, 4853)

“Whoever believes in Allah and the Day

of Judgment should say good (words)

or keep silent and

whoever believes in Allah and the

Day of Judgment must honor (be

generous with) his neighbor and

whoever believes in Allah and the Day

of Judgment must honor (be generous

with) his guest”. (Bukhari, 6018 &

Muslim 74-47)

(Please note all of the above sayings

are applicable for both males and


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“I swear by God that you will not be true

believers in Him unless you love each

other. I will tell you something, if you do

it you will love each other. Greet each

other frequently and make it a common

habit”. (Narrated by Muslim 54)

“No one will become a good believer

unless he wishes for his brethren what

he likes for himself”. (Narrated by

Muslim 54)

“Whoever helps a believer overcome a

difficulty, God will help him overcome

a difficulty at the Day of Judgment,

and God will always help an individual

as long as he/she is helping others”.

(Narrated by Muslim 2699)

“Don’t ever underestimate any kind

act, even if you meet others with a

bright (smiling) face”. And he said:

“The one who greets others first is

closer to God than the others”. On

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another occasion he said to someone

who asked him about a good way to

deal with people: “Offer people food

and greet whom you know and whom

you don’t know”. (Narrated by Muslim


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Muhammad Gave Women

Their Rights

Before the advent of Islam, women

had no civil rights. Arabs used to give

preference to male babies over female

ones to the extent that many fathers

used to bury their female babies or

children alive.

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No gender discrimination:

Muhammad (peace be upon him)

condemned discrimination between

male and female children and taught

his companions to love their children

and raise them properly regardless of

their sex. In fact, he emphasized giving

more care and attention to female

children until they grow up and get

married. Muhammad (peace be upon

him) said: “Women are the twin halves

of men.” (Tirmithi, 1/154, 113)

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Women inherit like men:

Before Islam, women had no right to

inherit. Muhammad (peace be upon

him) successfully changed this custom.

Females gained the right to inherit like

males. However, Muhammad (peace

be upon him) did not create the Islamic

inheritance system, but he conveyed

God’s Words (preserved in the Holy

Qur’an) which stipulate the portions

for each individual (male and female)

eligible to inherit.

Muhammad (peace be upon him)

encouraged full respect of mothers:

A man asked Muhammad: “Who

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would deserve my closest support and

companionship? Muhammad replied:

“Your mother”. Then the man asked

Muhammad who will be after her?

Muhammad replied: “Your mother”.

The man asked the same question

again and Muhammad replied for

the third time: “Your mother”. Then

out of curiosity the man asked the

same question for the fourth time

(he realized that Muhammad wanted

to emphasize the best treatment to

mothers). Then Muhammad said to

him: “Your father” (i.e. your father

deserves your closest support and

accompany after your mother).

Scholars comment on the above story

that mothers cannot escape three

main sufferings “pregnancy, labor and

delivery, and finally breast-feeding and


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Muhammad (peace be upon him)

encouraged good treatment of wives:

He stated that if a man disliked one of a

woman’s traits, he will be pleased with

another. And he said: The believers

who show the most perfect faith are

those who have the best character;

and the best of the believers are those

who are best to their wives. (Tirmithi,

6/188, 3895)

This promotes love, harmony and

mutual understanding.

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Freedom, Justice &


“No compulsion” is an essential rule in


Muhammad (peace be upon him)

proclaimed himself as a Messenger of

God. He received a Divine Message to

humanity and struggled to convey it to

all people, but he did not force any one

to accept it. He recited the Holy Qur’an

which confirms the freedom of belief

and freedom choice for all people.

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“And had your Lord Willed, all people

in the earth would have believed

(all of them) together. So, will you

(Muhammad) compel or force people

until they become believers?” The

Qur’an, 10:99

There is no compulsion in religion, truth

(the right path) has become distinct

from error (wrong path), and whoever

rejects evil and believes in God has

grasped the most trustworthy handhold

that never breaks. And God is All-Hearer

All-Knower. The Qur’an, 2 :256

Morality & equality of all races:

In Islam, all people are considered equal

under law by reason of their being

members of the human race. Piety and

excellence of moral character are the

only criteria for individual superiority

in the eyes of God. Muhammad (peace

be upon him) put it in these words:

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” Your Lord is One. All humankind are

from Adam and Adam was created

from dust. An Arab has no superiority

over a non-Arab nor does a non-Arab

have any superiority over an Arab

except by piety (piety motivates good

deeds)”. (Musnad Ahmad 10/5586,


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Muhammad’s Teachings to

Preserve the Environment

Muhammad called for a green world

He linked the preservation of the

environment to the belief in God Who

created all beings. Therefore, a believer

in God can not cause mischief to the

environment because it is part of God’s

Kingdom. Harming the environment

and wasting or polluting its resources

(water, plants, animals, soil, air, marine

ecosystem, etc) is not acceptable from

an Islamic point of view.

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Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

“Any Muslim who plants a seed that

grows to a level, people or animals or

birds can benefit or eat from it, then

this act is considered as a Sadaqa”

(a charity that is rewarded by God).

(Bukhaari, 2320) and (Muslim,1188)

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To download and read the complete book,

click on the cover picture here.

This is an excerpt

of a larger book titled


(peace be upon him)

Who is he?”

by Osoul Center.

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