
In the Name of Allah,

the Most Gracious,

the Most Merciful

20 Arguments regarding the

doctrine of the original sin



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According to the explanation of this

doctrine, Adam sinned when he

disobeyed Allah, the Exalted, by eating

from the forbid-den tree. According to

Christian theology,2 the following eight

doctrines branch off from the principle

of original sin:

01 All of Adam’s descendants

inherit his sin, which means

that all human beings (with the

exception of Mary) are born with

this original sin on their account.

02 For God’s justice to be achieved,

a price must be paid as a penalty

for every sin that has been

committed, in order for that

sin to be wiped out and for the

individual to be forgiven.

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03 The only way to wipe out sin is

to shed blood; according to Paul,

“without the shedding of blood

there is no forgiveness of sins.”

(Hebrews 9:22)

04 This blood must be perfect,

sinless, and incorruptible.

05 Jesus (pbuh) alone can pay the

infinite price of sin because his

blood is perfect, sinless, and

incorruptible, and he is the

(alleged) son of God, the infinite


06 Jesus shed his holy sinless blood,

suffered indescribable agony,

and died to pay for the sins of

people. This concept is known as


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07 No one can be saved (attain

salvation) without accepting Jesus

Christ as his or her redeemer.

In other words, salvation is

restricted to those who believe

that Jesus was willingly crucified,

died on the cross, and shed

his blood as a price of that sin.

Acceptance of this doctrine is the

only way to attain ‘salvation’.

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08 Otherwise, everyone is

condemned to suffer eternally in

hell because of his or her sinful

nature and the sin originally

inherited from the father of

humankind, Adam.

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The doctrine of original sin can be

divided into six distinct parts:

01 The existence of original sin.

02 Humanity’s inheritance of the

original sin.

03 God’s justice requires a ‘blood

penalty’ for the original sin.

04 Jesus died on the cross to pay for

the sins of all humankind.

05 The rationality of the “God’s

sacrifice” dogma.

06 Salvation (from original and other

sins) is only for those who believe

in this vicarious sacrifice.

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Arguments against the six parts of the

dogma of original sin are as follows:

Argument against the first part: The

existence of original sin.

01 There is no conflict between the

Quranic verses and Christian

theology with reference to the fact

that Adam committed a sin when

he ate from the forbidden tree.

However, Allah has mentioned

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in the Quran that Prophet Adam

repented after that and submitted

himself completely to his Lord;

consequently, Allah forgave him

for the sin he had committed.

This is a tenet of Islamic belief

and has been mentioned in three

different chapters in the Quran (in

verses 2: 37, 7: 24 and 20: 122).

Based on Adam’s repentance

and Allah’s acceptance of his

repentance, the sin of Adam

(pbuh) was not inherited by his

children; hence, it did not require

the suffering and death of Jesus

Christ (or of anyone else) in order

to be forgiven.

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Argument against the second part:

Humanity’s inheritance of the original


02 The doctrine of inherited sin has

no support from the teachings of


03 The doctrine of inherited sin

has no support in the words of

the prophets who came either

before or after Jesus. If it was

required by God, then they would

have told their people about it

and taught them to believe in it,

because all prophets were sent

to guide people towards paradise

and ward them away from sins

and hellfire. If it were true, why

would they all have hidden this

important concept from their


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04 Indeed, Jesus himself regarded

children as innocent and pure,

not born in sin. This is clear

from his reported saying: Let

the children come to me; do not

hinder them, for to such belongs

the kingdom of God. Truly, I say

to you, whoever does not receive

the kingdom of God like a child

shall not enter it. (Mark 10:14-15)

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05 The doctrine of inherited sin

implies that all the people who

came after Adam but before

Jesus were born with original sin

and died with it on their account;

hence, all of them will be cast into

hellfire because they did not even

know of this dogma, and thus

could not profess it! And if that

were true, what would have been

the purpose of all the prophets

who came before Jesus?

06 All the prophets taught that every

human being is accountable for

his or her own sins, so children

will not be punished for the sins of

their fathers. Allah has mentioned

in the Quran:{That no bearer of

burdens will bear the burden of

another.}(Quran 53: 38) {Every

soul, for what it has earned, will

be retained.} (Quran 74: 38)

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07 Sin is not inherited; it is

something that people acquire for

themselves by doing what they

should not do or by refraining

from doing what they should do.

Considered rationally, it would

be the height of injustice to

condemn the entire human race

for a sin committed thousands

of years ago by the first parents.

Sin is a wilful transgression of the

law of Allah. The responsibility or

blame for it must lie only with the

person committing it, not with

his or her descendants. It is the

height of misanthropy to even

consider such a thing. Imagine

how unreasonable and hardhearted

a person could become

by believing that every baby is

sinful at birth!

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08 Saying that the original sin

committed by our father, Adam

(pbuh), was inherited by all of

humanity goes against the quality

of mercy which Allah attributes to

Himself. It is clear that the creed

of the inheritance of original

sin has no place whatsoever in

Islamic teachings.

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Argument against the third part:

God’s justice requires a ‘blood

penalty’ for the original sin.

The third part of the original sin doctrine

says that God’s justice requires that a

price be paid for the sins of humankind

(original sin and otherwise) and that if

God were to pardon (forgive) a sinner

without punishment, it would be a

denial of His justice.

The response to that has two points:

09 This view reflects complete

ignorance of two of Allah’s

attributes, namely mercy and

forgiveness. To elaborate, if Allah

finds some real good in you

and sees that you are sincerely

repentant, having a genuine urge

to conquer the evil within you,

then Almighty Allah will forgive

your failings and sins, out of His

loving mercy and forgiveness.

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10 The God Whom we worship

(Allah) is the Most Strong and

Most Rich; no one can harm Him.

Consequently, if He prescribes

a law and demands obedience,

then it is not for His own benefit

that we abide by it; it is for the

benefit of humankind. If we

disobey Him, we are the losers,

not Allah. If He punishes a person

before death for his or her faults

and sins, it is not for His own

satisfaction or compensation but

in order to keep evil in check and

to purify/reform the sinner, out of

His mercy. Bearing these facts in

mind, it is not valid to claim that

Allah’s justice requires that a price

be paid for the sins of others.

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Argument against the fourth part:

Jesus died on the cross to pay for the

sins of all humankind.

The fourth part of the original sin

doctrine says that Jesus (pbuh) paid

the penalty for all sins (original sin and

any others) by sacrificing his blood on

the cross of Calvary. The response to

this proposition has ten points (11-20):

11 The Christian concept of salvation

has no basis in the words of Jesus

(pbuh). It is not historically correct

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to say that Jesus (pbuh) had come

to die willingly and deliberately

for the sins of all humanity. In

reality, the present form of the

Bible testifies that he did not wish

to die on the cross.1

12 Indeed, the Bible points to the

fact that God (Allah), not Jesus

(pbuh), is the ultimate saviour:

...That you may know and believe me

and understand that I am he. Before

me no god was formed, nor shall there

be any after me. I, I am the Lord, and

besides Me there is no savior. (Isaiah


13 To punish an innocent man (Jesus)

for the sins of others is the height

of injustice, harshness, and lack

of mercy, and these traits cannot

be attributed to the Almighty.

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14 Rationally, we cannot accept

that the suffering and death of

one man can wipe out the sins

of others (because there is no

logical connection or relationship

between them). It is similar to a

father, for example, removing

one of his good teeth to relieve

the pain of his child’s bad tooth.

Hence, the idea of the crucifixion

is false and illogical.

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15 Jesus (like all the other prophets)

was sent to convey a message and

to be an example for his followers

during his time on the earth. He

was not sent to deliberately die

for them on the cross or to offer

his blood to absolve their sins.

16 Allah has mentioned in the Quran

that He is the Most Merciful and

Most Compassionate; He forgives

sinners, no matter how many

and how evil their sins, once

they repent. According to His

will, mercy, and favour, He may

even forgive sinners who do not


17 The concept of atonement is false

because it indirectly encourages

people to sin, assuming that their

sins will be wiped out through

someone else once they believe

in him! Furthermore, if someone

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dies for another person’s sins,

what is the point of adhering to

good and forbidding evil?

Reading through the crucifixion story

dispassionately, an unbiased reader will

surely feel in his or her heart that it is

hard to understand ̶ and consequently

difficult to believe!

Was there no way for Jesus to

achieve salvation for human beings

(assuming that salvation was actually

needed) other than this severe way?

He could have prayed to Allah to

forgive the people from the sin they

inherited (assuming that the notion

of inherited sin was true). God is the

Most Compassionate; surely if Jesus

was His son, He would have forgiven

them in reply to His son’s prayers! And

if Jesus himself was God, he could have

absolved them himself.

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In fact, it is not appropriate for God to

be crucified. The Old Testament, and

thus the law of Moses, says that a man

who is crucified is “cursed by God”;

it forbids leaving his body overnight

because it would “defile” the land.

How can God be cursed? How can he

curse Himself?

And if a man has committed a crime

punishable by death and he is put to

death, and you hang him on a tree, his

body shall not remain all night on the

tree, but you shall bury him the same

day, for a hanged man is cursed by

God. You shall not defile your land that

the LORD your God is giving you for an

inheritance. (Deuteronomy 21:22-23)1

Paul confirmed this curse but claimed

that Jesus (pbuh) had to be crucified –

and had to bear the curse of God – in

order to redeem human beings from

such a punishment.

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Christ redeemed us from the curse of

the law by becoming a curse for us-for

it is written, “Cursed is everyone who

is hanged on a tree.” (Galatians 3:13)2

In other words, the only way justice

could be carried out was for Jesus to

substitute himself for human beings,

to give his life and be cursed… as if

God could not bring about justice by

any means other than this severe and

harsh way.

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Argument against the fifth part: The

rationality of the “God’s sacrifice”


18 Christian doctrine states that

Jesus (pbuh) was crucified by

the administration of the Roman

governor of Jerusalem, Pontius

Pilate, with the cooperation of

certain Jewish leaders.1 However,

the Quran has explained that

Jesus did not die; rather, Allah

raised him when they attempted

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to kill him. Allah replaced him

with another person who

resembled him, and it was this

other person who was killed. To

this day, Christians believe that

Jesus himself was the one who

was killed on the cross, but Allah

has mentioned in the Quran:

{And [for] their saying: Indeed, we

have killed the Messiah, Jesus, the

son of Mary, the messenger of Allah.

And they did not kill him, nor did they

crucify him; but [another] was made

to resemble him to them. And indeed,

those who differ over it are in doubt

about it. They have no knowledge of

it except the following of assumption.

And they did not kill him, for certain.

Rather, Allah raised him to Himself.

And ever is Allah Exalted in Might and

Wise.} (Quran 4: 157-158)

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19 Here is another proof that Jesus

was not killed. Islamic teachings

clearly foretell the second coming

of Jesus before the final hour; this

is an additional and final miracle

for Jesus. He will return not as

God, as the Christians believe,

but as Jesus, Allah’s messenger

and slave, as he has always

been. One of the purposes of

his coming will be to correct the

misconceptions surrounding his

message and mission. Prophet

Muhammad (bpuh) said that he

will stay forty years, and these

will be the happiest years of life

on this earth. During that time,

those who had misconceptions

about him will correct their

understanding and believe in him

as a messenger, not as the son of

God (Allah).

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«It was narrated by Abu Hurayrah (may

Allah be pleased with him) that the

Messenger of Allah (bpuh) said:

By the One in Whose Hand is my soul, it

will not be long before the son of Mary

descends amongst you, a just judge and

ruler. He will break the cross, kill the

swine, and abolish the tax paid by Jews

and Christians. Money will be so plentiful

that no one will accept it. At that time, a

single prostration will be better than this

world and everything in it.

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased

with him) then said: Read if you wish

(the following verse of the Quran):

{And there is none from the People of

the Scripture but that he will surely

believe in Jesus before his death. And

on the Day of Resurrection he will be

against them a witness.} (Quran 4:

159)» (Recorded by Bukhari)

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This ends the answer of the fifth part

of the doctrine.

Argument against the sixth part:

Salvation (from original and other

sins) is only for those who believe in

this vicarious sacrifice.

20 The Bible itself contradicts the

notion of original sin. In this

regard, the Bible says about the

dispute concerning original sin:

He who plants and he who waters are

one, and each will receive his wages

according to his labor. (I Corinthians 3:8)

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It also says:

The son shall not suffer for the

iniquity of the father, nor the father

suffer for the iniquity of the son. The

righteousness of the righteous shall

be upon himself, and the wickedness

of the wicked shall be upon himself.

(Ezekiel 18:20)

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This is an excerpt

of a larger book titled


by Majed S. Al-Rassi.

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