30 31
Exalted in Might, the Knowing.) [41:9-12]
The Angels are a creation of Allah which He created from light. The Messenger of Allah
صلى الله عليه وسلم said:
“The angels were created from light, the Jinn were created from a smokeless flame of
fire, and Adam was created from what was described to you (in the Qur`an: black dry
clay).” [Muslim]
Allah created them to do certain tasks; which they execute. Allah says:
([The angels say], ‘There is not among us any except that he has a known position.
And indeed, we are those who line up [for prayer]. And indeed, we are those who exalt
Allah.’) [37:164-166]
Allah has informed us of some of their names, such as Jibreel (Gabriel), Mikaa`eel
(Michael), and Israafeel (Rafael). Allah says:
(Whoever is an enemy to Allah and His Angels and His Messengers and Gabriel and
Michael - then indeed, Allah is an enemy to the disbelievers.) [2:98]
Jibreel is the angel who descends with the revelation upon the messengers, who
convey it to their nations. Allah says:
(The Trustworthy Spirit has brought it down. Upon your heart, (O Muhammad ,(صلى الله عليه وسلم
that you may be of the warners.) [26:193 -194]
Meekaa`eel is assigned with the task of distributing rain and vegetation, while
Israafeel has been assigned the task of blowing the horn that signals the events of
the Last Day. He will blow it for the first time, and all would be struck with terror. Allah
(And [mention] the Day the Horn will be blown, and whoever is in the heavens and
whoever is on the earth will be terrified except whom Allah wills.) [27:87]
Thereafter, he would blow the trumpet two more times on the Day of Judgment; the
second with which all would die, and the third with which all would be resurrected
and brought back to life. Allah says:
(And the Horn will be blown, and whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the
earth will fall dead except whom Allah wills. Then it will be blown again, and at once
they will be standing, looking on.) [39:68]
(Or do you feel secure that He will not send you back into [the sea]
another time and send upon you a hurricane of wind and drown
you for what you denied? Then you would not find for yourselves
against Us an avenger.) [17:69]
And He says:
(…and it is hit by a whirlwind containing fire and is burned.) [2:266]
And He says:
(So We sent upon them a screaming wind during days of misfortune
to make them taste the punishment of disgrace in the worldly life;
but the punishment of the Hereafter is more disgracing, and they
will not be helped.) [41:16]
Allah created seven heavens and seven earths. Allah says:
(It is Allah who has created seven heavens and of the earth, the
like of them. [His] command descends among them so you may
know that Allah is over all things competent and that Allah has
encompassed all things in knowledge.) [65:12]
In . of creation, the heavens and earth were joined
together. Allah says:
(Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the
earth were a joined entity, and We separated them and made from
water every living thing? Then will they not believe?) [21:30]
Allah has informed us when the heavens, the earth, and all that is in
between was created. He says:
(Say, ‘Do you indeed disbelieve in He who created the earth in two
days and attribute to Him equals? That is the Lord of all that exists.’
And He placed on it firmly set mountains over its surface, and He
blessed it and determined therein its [creature’s] sustenance in four
days without distinction - for those who ask. Then He rose to the
heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, ‘Come
willingly or unwillingly.’ They said, ‘We have come willingly’ And He
completed them as seven heavens within two days and inspired in
each heaven its command. And We adorned the nearest heaven
with lamps and as protection. That is the determination of the
●● Jibreel is the angel
who descends with
the revelation upon
the messengers, who
convey it to their
●● In . of
creation, the heavens
and earth were joined
Dr. Abdul-Rahman Al-Sheha
Among the angels is also the Angel of Death and his helpers. Allah says:
(And He is the subjugator over His slaves, and He sends over you guardian-angels until,
when death comes to one of you, Our messengers take him, and they do not fail [in
their duties]. Then they are returned to Allah, their true Lord. Unquestionably, His is the
judgment, and He is the swiftest of accountants.) [6:61-62]
Among them are also those who bear the Throne of Allah and those who are also
close to Him. Allah says:
(And the angels are at its edges. And there will bear the Throne of your Lord above
them, that Day, eight [of them].) [69:17]
Some have been assigned tasks in Jannah, while others have been assigned tasks in
Hellfire. Allah says:
(O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire, whose fuel
is people and stones, over which are angels, harsh and severe; they do not disobey
Allah in what He commands them but do what they are commanded.) [66:6]
Among them are those who have been assigned the task to protect humans. Allah
(For each [person] there are angels in succession, before and behind him. They guard
him by the Command of Allah.) [13:11]
Some of them record man’s deeds. Allah says:
(And indeed, (appointed) over you are keepers(4), noble and recording; They know
whatever you do.) [82:10-12]
Allah created Angels to worship Him. He says:
(To Him belongs whoever is in the heavens and the earth. And those near Him are not
prevented by arrogance from His worship, nor do they tire. They exalt [Him] night and
day and do not slacken.) [21:19-20]
No one knows their exact number except Allah. Allah says:
(And We have not made the keepers of the Fire except angels. And We have not made
their number except as a trial for those who disbelieve.) [74:31]
Whoever desires to learn more on this subject may read books (which are based on the
Qur’an and authentic Sunnah) which talk about the angels and their duties.
(4) Angels who preserve the deeds of men in records.
34 35
taught us. Indeed, it is You who is the Knowing, the Wise.’ He said, ‘O Adam, inform them
of their names.’ And when he had informed them of their names, He said, ‘Did I not tell
you that I know the unseen [aspects] of the heavens and the earth? And I know what
you reveal and what you have concealed.’ And [mention] when We said to the angels,
‘Prostrate before Adam’; so they prostrated, except for Iblees.(5) He refused and was
arrogant and became of the disbelievers. And We said, ‘O Adam, dwell, you and your
wife, in Paradise and eat therefrom in [ease and] abundance from wherever you will.
But do not approach this tree, lest you be among the wrongdoers.’ But Satan caused
them to slip out of it and removed them from that [condition] in which they had been.
And We said, ‘Go down [all of you] as enemies to one another, and you will have upon
the earth a place of settlement and provision for a time.’ Then Adam received from his
Lord words [of repentance], and He accepted his repentance. Indeed, it is He who is
the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful. We said, ‘Go down from it, all of you. And
when guidance comes to you from Me, whoever follows My guidance - there will be
no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve. And those who disbelieve and deny Our
signs - those will be companions of the Fire; they will abide therein eternally.’) [2:30-39]
Humans are from the progeny of Adam . Allah says:
(O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul.) [4:1]
The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said regarding this:
“O people, your Lord is One, and indeed your father is one. All of you were created
from Adam , and Adam was created from the earth. There is no excellence of an Arab
over a non-Arab, a non-Arab over an Arab, a red person over a white, nor a white
person over a red, except in righteousness and piety.” [Ahmed]
(5) The proper name of Satan, who was not an angel but from the jinn. This prostration that was ordered was
one of respect, not worship.
Jinn are an unseen creation of Allah who were created to worship
Him. Allah says:
(And I created not the jinn and humans except they should worship
Me. I seek not any provision from them nor do I ask that they should
feed Me. Indeed, it is Allah who is the [continual] Provider, the firm
possessor of strength.) [51:56-58]
They are charged with the same legislations of the Deen as
humanity. Allah says:
(And [mention, O Muhammad], when We directed to you a few of the
jinn, listening to the Qur’an. And when they attended it, they said,
“Listen quietly.” And when it was concluded, they went back to their
people as warners. They said, ‘O our people, indeed we have heard
a [recited] Book revealed after Moses confirming what was before it
which guides to the truth and to a straight path.’) [46:29-30]
Allah created them from fire. He says:
(He created man from clay like [that of ] pottery. And He created the
jinn from a smokeless flame of fire.) [55:14-15]
Allah also says:
(And indeed, We created man from sounding clay of altered black
smooth mud. And the jinn, We created before from the smokeless
flame of fire.) [15:26-27]
Adam is the father of humanity. Allah says:
(And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels.
‘Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority.’ They
said, ‘Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and
sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?’ He
said, ‘Indeed, I know that which you do not know.’ And He taught
Adam the names - all of them. Then He showed them to the angels
and said, ‘Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful.’ They
said, ‘Exalted are You; we have no knowledge except what You have
●● Adam is the father of
humanity, Humans are
from the progeny of
●● Jinn are an unseen
creation of Allah
who were created to
worship Him.
Dr. Abdul-Rahman Al-Sheha
Allah has clarified that Adam was created from earth; as is exemplified in different
ways. In the following ayah, Allah says that Adam was created from dust:
(Indeed, the example of Jesus with Allah is like that of Adam. He created him from
dust; then He said to him, ‘Be,’ and he was.) [3:59]
In this ayah, Allah says that he was created from clay:
(He it is Who has created you from clay, and then decreed a term and a specified time
[known] to Him; then [still] you are in dispute.) [6:2]
Here Allah says that he was created from sticky clay:
(… ‘Are they stronger as creation, or those whom We have created?’ Verily, We created
them of a sticky clay.) [37:11]
Allah says that He created him from clay like that of pottery:
(He created man from clay like [that of ] pottery.) [55:14]
He that He created him from sounding clay of altered black smooth mud:
(And indeed, We created man from the sounding clay of altered black mud.) [15:26]
In any case, Adam was created from one substance.
Allah created Adam from the earth, and he passed through different stages. He stayed
like this, for as long as Allah willed; thereafter Allah breathed into him the soul which
He created for him. Allah says:
(And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, “I will create a
human being out of clay from an altered black mud. So, when I have fashioned him
completely and breathed into him the soul which I created for him, then fall down
prostrating yourselves unto him.’ So, the angels prostrated themselves, all of them
together. Except Iblees - he refused to be among those who prostrated.) [15:28-31]
Mankind thereafter procreated from a weak water-like substance (sperm). Allah says:
(Who made everything He has created good, and He began the creation of man from
clay. Then He made his offspring from the discharge of worthless water(1). * Then He
fashioned him in due proportion, and breathed into him the soul, and He gave you
hearing, sight and hearts. Little is the thanks you give!) [32:7-9]
As the first man was created from dust (which is of earth) man shall return to it, and
(1) male and female sexual discharge.
Adam And Haw’waa’
38 39
procreate. Allah says:
(O mankind! Fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it
its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear Allah,
through whom you ask one another, and the wombs. Indeed Allah is ever, over you,
an Observer.) [4:1]
The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said:
“Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day let him not harm his neighbor. Treat your
wives well, for indeed they have been created from a rib. Indeed the most curved part
of a rib is its top part. If you try to straighten it, it will break, and if you leave it, it will
remain curved, so treat your wives well.” [Bukhari]
They lived in Jannah before being expelled from it, due to the sin Adam committed.
Allah says:
(And mention when We said to the Angels, ‘Prostrate to Adam,’ and they prostrated,
except Iblees, he refused. So We said, ‘O Adam, indeed this is an enemy to you and to
your wife, then let him not remove you from Jannah so you would suffer. Indeed, it is
promised for you not to be hungry therein or be unclothed. And indeed, you will not be
thirsty therein or be hot from the sun.’ Then Satan whispered to him; he said, ‘O Adam,
shall I direct you to the tree of eternity and sovereignty that will not deteriorate?’ And
they ate of it, and their private parts became apparent to them, and they begun to fasten
over themselves from the leaves of Jannah. And Adam disobeyed his Lord and erred.
Then his Lord chose him and turned to him in forgiveness and guided [him]. [Allah] said,
‘Descend from [Jannah] - all, [your descendants] being enemies to one another. And if
there should come to you guidance from Me - then whoever follows My guidance will
neither go astray nor suffer. And whoever turns away from My remembrance - indeed,
he will have a depressed life, and We will raise him on the Day of Resurrection blind.’)
Ten generations after Adam, people deviated from the truth, so Allah sent messengers.
Ibn ‘Abbaas said:
from it he will be resurrected from it on the Day of Resurrection.
Allah says:
(From the earth We created you, and into it We will return you, and
from it We will extract you another time.) [20:55]
The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم told us of his attributes. He صلى الله عليه وسلم said:
“Allah created Adam and his height was sixty arms-spans, and said
to him: ‘Go and greet those angels, and listen to how they greet you;
that will be your greeting and the greeting of your progeny.’ (So he
went and said): ‘As-Salamu alaykum,(2)’ and they responded, ‘As-
Salamu ‘alaykum wa Rahmatullah(3).’ They added ‘wa Rahmatullah’.
Everyone who enters Jannah will do so with Adam’s attributes, and
the creation to this day has been continually decreasing in height.”
The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم clarified why the children of Adam differ
from each other; whether in color, character, or nature. He صلى الله عليه وسلم said:
“Indeed Allah created Adam with a handful which he scooped from
the earth, so the children of Adam came to be that form and nature
according to the specific soil from which they came. Some are red,
black, white, and yellow, and some are easygoing, sad, despicable,
good and pure, while others are a mixture.” [Ibn Hibbaan]
After Allah created Adam He created his wife from one of his left
ribs, so that he would be comforted by her, and that they could
(2) Peace be unto you.
(3) Peace be unto you, and the Mercy of Allah.
●● Ten generations after
Adam, people deviated
from the truth, so Allah
sent messengers.
●● After Allah created
Adam He created his
wife from one of his left
ribs, so that he would
be comforted by her,
and that they could
Adam And Haw’waa’
40 41
(And Messengers We have mentioned to you before, and Messengers We have not
mentioned to you…) [4:164]
Allah, the Exalted, would send messengers and prophets from time to time to
guide people back to His Deen, and to worship Him. All Prophets and Messengers
conveyed the same Message, to worship Allah alone and to disbelieve in all things
worshipped to the exclusion of Allah. Allah says:
(And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, [saying], “Worship Allah and
avoid false gods.” And among them were those whom Allah guided, and among them
were those upon whom error was [deservedly] decreed. So proceed through the earth
and observe how was the end of the deniers.) [16:36]
The laws and legislations each nation was charged with differs; for some nations
were charged with things other nations were not. The (wisdom) behind this is to test
the obedience of those nations. Allah says:
(To each among you, We have prescribed a law and a clear way. If Allah willed, He
would have made you one nation, but that He may test you in what He has given you;
so strive as in a race in good deeds.) [5:48]
The last of messages, was the message of the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم who was sent
to mankind at large. Allah says:
(Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of Allah
and the last of the Prophets.) [33:40]
One of the things that the Messengers of Allah called people to was that there is
only One God worthy of being worshipped, Who disposes all affairs, and in whom
they should seek refuge. This would lead them to spiritual happiness, and peace of
heart and mind. Allah says:
(And We have only sent you [O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم] as a mercy for all that exists.) [21:107]
The proof that those who believe in Allah and in the Message achieve true happiness
is clear by contrasting their lives with the lives of those who deny the existence of
Allah, reject the Shari’ah, and the confusion, anxiety and spiritual unrest they live
through which causes them to take all forms of intoxicants to fill their spiritual void.
It even drives some of them to commit suicide. These things would never lead one to
happiness; even if one does feel happy, it is a short-lived happiness. It is like the one
who drinks salty water; it would not quench his thirst, rather it would increase his thirst.
Believing in Allah, far removed is He from every imperfection, submitting to Him, and
“For the ten generations between Nooh [Noah] and Adam people
were adhering to the Deen. Thereafter, people deviated so Allah
sent to them prophets, as givers of glad tidings (of Jannah) and as
warners (of the Hellfire).” [Haakim]
The first messenger sent to humanity was Nuh (Noah). Allah said:
“Verily, We have inspired you [O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم] as We inspired
Noah and the Prophets after him.” [4:163]
Allah has informed us in the Qur’an of the names of only a few
Prophets and Messengers. Allah says:
(And that was Our [conclusive] argument which We gave Abraham
against his people. We raise by degrees whom We will. Indeed,
your Lord is Wise and Knowing. And We gave to Abraham ,Isaac
and Jacob - all[ of them ]We guided .And Noah ,We guided before;
and among his descendants ,David and Solomon and Job and
Joseph and Moses and Aaron .Thus do We reward the doers of
good. And Zechariah and John and Jesus and Elias - and all were
of the righteous. And Ishmael and Elisha and Jonah and Lot - and
all[ of them ]We preferred over the worlds. And [some] among their
fathers and their descendants and their brothers - and We chose
them and We guided them to a straight path.) [6:83-87]
Allah says:
(Say: [O believers], “We have believed in Allah and what has been
revealed to us and what has been revealed to Abraham and Ishmael
and Isaac and Jacob and the Descendants and what was given to
Moses and Jesus and what was given to the prophets from their
Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and we are
Muslims [in submission] to Him.”) [2:136]
Allah also says:
(And [mention] Ishmael and Idrees(4) and Dhul-Kifl; all were of the
patient.) [21:85]
There are other Prophets and Messengers whom Allah did not
inform us about. Allah says:
(4) Enoch.
●●Allah, the Exalted,
would send
messengers and
prophets from time to
time to guide people
back to the Deen of
Allah, and to worship
●● Allah has informed
us in the Qur’an of
the names of only
a few Prophets and
Adam And Haw’waa’
42 43
creation of man from clay.) [32:7]
What a difference between Qur’anic texts which honor man and raise his status and
the theories which equate man with animals? The Qur’an does not describe man as an
animal, except when he trails behind his lusts and desires without restriction; when he
does not use his intellect, hearing or sight to ponder over the magnificent creation of
the heavens and earth and his true purpose. Allah says:
(And surely We have created many of the jinn and mankind for Hell. They have hearts
wherewith they understand not, they have eyes wherewith they see not, and they
have ears wherewith they hear not. They are like livestock, nay even more astray.
Those! They are the heedless ones.) [7:179]
This is due to the fact that if one utilizes these senses properly - in pondering and
contemplating - it would lead him to believe in Allah, after His grace.
Ibn-ul-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy upon him, said:
“Allah, the Exalted, chose man from among all creation and honored him such
that He created them to worship Him. He created all things in the universe at their
disposal. He also bestowed upon them knowledge, and chose them for His love.
He gave them things which were not given to anyone else. He subjected for them
all that is in the heavens and earth and what is in between, even the angels who
are the nearest of His creation to Him. He used angels to protect man, while he is
sleeping and awake, and while he is sitting and standing. He revealed to them His
Books, and sent to them His Messengers, and spoke to them and addressed them.
He chose some of them for His love, and He spoke to others, and others were very
pious. He revealed to them His secrets, and made them the objects of His Wisdom
and Love. He created Jannah and Hell-Fire for them; His creation and command,
reward and punishment revolve around the human race, for he is the finest of
creation. Man is charged with obeying the commands and abstaining from the
prohibitions, and on account of that, he would be rewarded or punished.”
In ., man was nothing to be mentioned. Allah says:
(Has there not been over man a period of time, when he was nothing to be mentioned?)
obeying Him, would certainly efface all traces of sadness and make
one achieve true happiness and comfort.
They are a creation that Allah fashioned in the best stature. Allah
(Verily, We created man of the best stature.) [95:4]
He fashioned man perfectly and gave him due proportion. Allah says:
(O man! What has made you careless concerning your Lord, the
Most Generous. Who created you, fashioned you perfectly, and
gave you due proportion. In whatever form He willed, He put you
together.) [82:6-8]
He fashioned man in the best and most complete shape. Allah says:
(Allah, it is He Who has made for you the earth as a dwelling place
and the sky as a canopy, and has given you shape and has perfected
and completed your shapes and has provided you with good
things. That is Allah, your Lord, then blessed be Allah, the Lord of
the all that exists.) [40:64]
He preferred and honored him above all other creations. Allah says:
(And indeed We have honored the Children of Adam, and We have
carried them on land and sea, and have provided them with lawful
good things, and have preferred them above many of those whom
We have created with a definite preference.) [17:70]
Allah subjected everything in the universe at the disposal of
humans. Allah says:
(And has subjected to you all that is in the heavens and all that is in
the earth; it is all as a favor and kindness from Him. Indeed in that
are signs for a people who give thought.) [45:13]
Humans are a distinct creation. They have not evolved from other
beings. Allah says:
(Who has perfected everything He has created, and He began the
●● This is due to the fact
that if one utilizes
these senses properly
- in pondering and
contemplating - it
would lead him to
believe in Allah, after
His grace.
●● The Qur’an does not
describe man as an
animal, except when
he trails behind his
lusts and desires
without restriction,
and does not use his
Adam And Haw’waa’
44 45
(He creates you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation, within three
darknesses. That is Allah, your Lord; to Him belongs dominion. There is no deity except
Him, so how are you averted?.) [39:6]
The first stage: A drop of mixed fluid which results from the mixing of male and
female fluids. Allah says:
(And that He creates the pairs, male and female. From Nutfah(6) when it is emitted.)
If Allah wills, the sperm would mix with the female’s fluids and penetrate the ovary;
the sperm and the female fluid upon mixing is called ‘Nutfah’, and is the first stage of
human development. If it does not penetrate the ovary, the sperm would die. Allah
(Verily, We have created man from a nutfah drops of mixed semen in order to try him,
so We made him to hear and to see.) [76:2]
In this stage, it starts taking on some human attributes. Allah says:
(Cursed is man; how disbelieving is he. From what substance did He create him? From
Nutfah He created him and destined for him.) [80:17-19]
The gender of the fetus is also decided in this stage. Allah says:
(To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He creates what He wills.
He bestows female [offspring] upon whom He wills, and bestows male [offspring]
upon whom He wills. Or He bestows both males and females, and He renders barren
whom He wills. Verily, He is the All-Knower and is Able to do all things.) [42:49-50]
Allah also says:
(He who forms you in the wombs however He wills. There is no deity except Him, the
Exalted in Might, the Wise.) [3:6]
If the mixed drop does not attach to the uterus, it would be removed from the womb,
by the will of Allah . Allah says:
(Allah knows what every female carries and what the wombs lose [prematurely] or
exceed. And everything with Him is by due measure.) [13:8]
(6) Drops of semen, male and female discharges.
Al-Ghazali said:
“Let man ponder the blessings of Allah, how He raised them from
a state of humility, worthlessness and despicableness to a level of
nobleness and stature. He came into existence after he was nothing;
he came into life after he was dead, and spoke after muteness. He
saw after he was blind, and became strong after he was weak, and
gained knowledge after he was ignorant, and was guided aright
after misguidance. He became rich after poverty. Therefore, he was
nothing, and what is worse than being nothing? Then he became
something by the command of Allah.” [Ihyaa ‘Uloom-ud-Deen]
Allah has clarified that man is created when the male’s sperm enters
the female’s egg. Allah says:
(So let man see from what he is created! He was created from a fluid,
ejected, proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs.) [86:5-
Allah has clarified that humans procreate through this process.
Allah says:
(And it is He who has created from water a human being and made
him [a relative by] lineage and marriage. And ever is your Lord
competent [concerning creation].) [25:54]
He has clarified that the fetus is kept in a safe place, far from outside
factors, until Allah decrees that it comes out. Allah says:
(Did We not create you from a worthless water? Then We placed it
in a firm lodging(5) for a known period? And We determined [it], and
excellent [are We] to determine.) [77:20-23]
Allah has clarified that the fetus passes through three stages of
darkness. It passes through specific stages until it reaches, by the
permission of Allah, its final stage, and then it exits the womb and
enters into this world. Allah says:
(5) The womb.
●● If Allah wills, the sperm
would mix with the
female’s fluids and
penetrate the ovary;
the sperm and the
female fluid upon
mixing is called ‘Nutfah’,
and is the first stage of
human development.
●●Allah has clarified
that the fetus passes
through three stages
of darkness. It passes
through specific stages
until it reaches, by the
ability of Allah, its final
stage, and then it exits
the womb and enters
into this world.
Adam And Haw’waa’
46 47
of you is brought together in his mother’s womb for forty days as a drop, then he
is a clot for a similar period, then a morsel for a similar period, then there is sent to
him the angel who blows the spirit into him and he is commanded regarding four
matters: to write down his provision, his life span, his deeds, and whether he is happy
or miserable....’.” [Bukhari & Muslim]
The soul is something which we neither see nor understand, yet we believe in it, for
we see its effects. The soul is one of the greatest proofs of the existence of our Lord.
It also serves as a refutation of the materialists who always desire tangible evidence
so that they may perceive with their senses, for they believe in the soul although
they cannot perceive it with their senses, rather through its effects. The soul is one of
the heavenly secrets. No one knows its true reality except Allah, and any attempt to
investigate it is futile. Allah says:
(And they ask you (O Muhammad) about the soul. Say, “The soul is of the affair of my
Lord. And mankind have not been given of knowledge except a little.) [17:85]
Ar-Raaghib al-Asfahaani(8), said:
‘(The spirit) is that with which a body would come to life, move about, sense his
surroundings, gain knowledge and hold certain opinions, and be able to discern
(between good and evil). If a person loses this, he would not possess any of these
traits, and would become a carcass that needs to be carried… It is that to which the
spiritual characteristics are attached just as physical characteristics are attached to
the body”
In this stage (mudghah) the bones are formed and then clothed with flesh. Allah says:
(We made out of that little lump of flesh bones, and then We clothed the bones with
flesh.) [23:14]
Allah also says this when narrating the story of ‘Azeez:
(Look at the bones, how We bring them together and clothe them with flesh.) [2:259]
The fetus continues to develop until the time which Allah prescribed for it comes to
pass, and then it emerges out into this world. Allah says:
(To him [alone] is attributed knowledge of the Hour. And fruits emerge not from their
(8) Taken from Dha’riyah ilaa Makaarim ash-Shari’ah pg. 75.
If Allah wills, it would attach itself to the uterus, and the ‘nutfah’
would enter the ‘alaqah stage. It implants itself in the wall of the
uterus and begins to nourish itself. Allah says:
(And We cause whom We will to remain in the wombs for an
appointed term, then We bring you out as infants.) [22:5]
The ‘alaqah stage. It is called an ‘alaqah (leach-like clot of
coagulated blood) due to the fact that it attaches itself to the wall of
the uterus and takes it nourishment from its blood. This is similar to
a leach which also takes nourishment from other creatures to which
it attaches. Allah says:
(Read! In the Name of your Lord, Who created - created man from a
clinging substance.) [96:1-2]
Allah also says:
(Was he not a Nutfah poured forth? Then he became an ‘Alaqa; then
Allah shaped and fashioned him in due proportion. And made him
two mates, male and female.) [75:37-39]
The Mudghah(7) stage: It is called a mudghah (lump of flesh) due
to the fact that in this stage it looks like a chewed piece of flesh.
Allah says:
(We made the clot into a little lump of flesh, then We made out of
that little lump of flesh bones.) [23:14]
In this stage, the fetus starts to take the shape of a human until it
reaches its true human form. Allah says:
(Truly, nothing is hidden from Allah, in the earth or in the heavens.
He it is Who shapes you in the wombs as He pleases. There is no deity
except Him, the Exalted in Might, the Wise.) [3:5-6]
In this stage, the spirit is also blown into the fetus. Allah says:
(Then He fashioned him in due proportion, and breathed into him
the soul and He gave you hearing, sight and hearts.) [32:9]
There is a certain time period for each stage, as is mentioned in the
Hadeeth of Ibn Masood in which he said:
“The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم told us: ‘Verily, the creation of each one
(7) Literally, a mudghah is a lump of something which is chewed.
●● The soul is one of the
greatest proofs of
the existence of our
Lord. It also serves
as a refutation of
the materialists who
always desire tangible
evidence so that they
may perceive with
their senses.
●● The soul is something
which we neither see
nor understand, yet
we believe in it, for we
see its effects.
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“It is clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from God, or
Allah, because most of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later.
This proves to me that Muhammad must have been a messenger of God, or Allah.”
He further said:
“I have no difficulty in my mind reconciling that this is a divine inspiration or revelation,
which led him to these statements.”
Allah has clarified to us the reality of the life of this world and has informed us that it
is like a fleeting shadow.
(Know that the life of this world is but amusement and diversion and adornment and
boasting to one another and competition in increase of wealth and children - like the
example of a rain whose [resulting] plant growth pleases the tillers; then it dries and
you see it turned yellow; then it becomes [scattered] debris. And in the Hereafter is
severe punishment and forgiveness from Allah and approval. And what is the worldly
life except the enjoyment of delusion.) [57:20]
He explained that it is a trial and that its delights would busy one and cause them to
forget Allah. Therefore, one must be careful. Allah says:
(So whatever thing you have been given - it is but [for] enjoyment of the worldly life.
But what is with Allah is better and more lasting for those who have believed and
upon their Lord rely.) [42:36]
He explained that the life of this world is not permanent; rather it would lead one to
eternal life. The life of this world is like a plot of fertile land. A person will harvest only
that which he has planted: if good, he will receive good; if evil he will receive evil. Allah
(And put forward to them the example of the life of this world, it is like the rain
which We send down from the sky, and the vegetation of the earth mingles with it,
and becomes fresh and green. But [later] it becomes dry and broken pieces, which
the winds scatter. And Allah is Able to do everything. Wealth and children are the
adornment of the life of this world. But the good righteous deeds, that last, are better
with your Lord for rewards and better in respect of hope.) [18:45-46]
Due to the inferiority of this material world, Allah grants it to the disbelievers as well
coverings nor does a female conceive or give birth except with His
knowledge.) [41:47]
Allah says:
(And certainly did We create man from an extract of clay. Then We
placed him as a Nutfah in a firm lodging. Then We made the Nutfah
into a clot, then We made the clot into a little lump of flesh, then
We made out of that little lump of flesh bones, then We clothed the
bones with flesh, and then We brought it forth as another creation.
So blessed be Allah, the Best of creators. After that, surely, you will
die. Then, surely, you will be resurrected on the Day of Resurrection.)
In another ayah, Allah says:
(O People, if you should be in doubt about the Resurrection, then
[consider that] indeed, We created you from dust, then from a
sperm-drop, then from a clinging clot, and then from a lump of
flesh, formed and unformed - that We may show you. And We settle
in the wombs whom We will for a specified term, then We bring
you out as a child, and then [We develop you] that you may reach
your [time of] maturity. And among you is he who is taken in [early]
death, and among you is he who is returned to the most decrepit
[old] age so that he knows, after [once having] knowledge, nothing.
And you see the earth barren, but when We send down upon it rain,
it quivers and swells and grows [something] of every beautiful kind.
That is because Allah, He is the Truth, and it is He Who gives life to
the dead, and it is He Who is Able to do all things.) [22:5-6]
Allah always speaks the truth; He says:
(We will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their own
selves, until it becomes manifest to them that [the Qur’an] is the
truth. Is it not sufficient in regard to your Lord that He is a Witness
over all things?) [41:53]
In his book, “The Developing Human”, Professor Keith Moore(9) said:
(9) He is a doctor and professor of embryology, at the University of Toronto, Canada.
Taken from Muhammad al-Mut›ee›s book: ‘I won Muhammad and did not lose the
●●Allah has clarified to
us the reality of the life
of this world and has
informed us that it is
like a fleeting shadow.
●● The fetus continues to
develop until the time
which Allah prescribed
for it comes to pass,
and then it emerges
out into this world.
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miser and thinks himself self-sufficient. And denies the best [reward]. We will
make smooth for him the path for evil.) [92:5-10]
This does not mean that one must become a monk and leave all the good and
permissible things in this life from food, drink, clothes and sex. Allah says:
(Say [O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم]: ‘Who has forbidden the adornment of Allah which He has
produced for His servants and the good [lawful] things of provision?’) [7:32]
The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said:
“A strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than a weak believer, and in
each one there is good. Be keen to do what benefits you and seek help in Allah, and
do not be neglectful in doing so. And if any mishap befalls you, do not say, ‘If only I had
done such and such,’ but rather say, ‘This is the decree of Allah, and whatever He Wills
He does’, for indeed (the saying of ) ‘if’ opens the door for the Devil.” [Muslim]
What the Deen commands is that we be moderate in our lifestyles. Allah says:
(And let not your hand be tied to your neck, nor stretch it forth to its utmost reach, so
that you become blameworthy and in severe poverty. Truly, your Lord enlarges the
provision for whom He wills and straitens [for whom He wills]. Verily, He is Ever All-
Knower, All-Seer of His slaves.) [17:29-30]
Allah created men and jinn to worship Him alone. Allah says:
(And I created not the jinn and humans except they should worship Me. I seek not
any provision from them nor do I ask that they should feed Me. Verily, Allah is the All-
Provider, Owner of Power, the Most Strong.) [51:56-58]
Man was not created without purpose. Allah says:
(Did you think that We created you uselessly and that to Us you would not be
returned? So exalted is Allah, the Sovereign, the Truth; there is no deity except Him,
Lord of the Noble Throne.) [23:115-116]
Allah sent messengers to humanity in different periods of time to clarify to them and
guide them to the Straight Path which leads to the Pleasure of Allah. Allah says:
(Mankind was [of] one religion [before their deviation]; then Allah sent the prophets as
bringers of good tidings and warners and sent down with them the Scripture in truth
as the believers. Allah says:
(And [mention] when Abraham said, “My Lord, make this a secure city
and provide its people with fruits - whoever of them believes in Allah
and the Last Day.” [Allah] said, “And whoever disbelieves - I will grant
him enjoyment for a little; then I will force him to the punishment of
the Fire, and wretched is the destination.”) [2:126]
He also says:
(To each [category] We extend - to these and to those - from the gift
of your Lord. And never has the gift of your Lord been restricted.
Look how We have favored [in provision] some of them over others.
But the Hereafter is greater in degrees [of difference] and greater in
distinction.) [17:20-21]
Sahl b. Sa’d said:
‘The Messenger of Allah passed through Dhul-Hulaifah and saw a
bloated carcass of a sheep, and said: ‘Isn’t this sheep worthless to its
master?’ The Companions said: ‘Yes!’ He said: ‘By the one in Whose
hands is my soul, this world is far more worthless to Allah than this
sheep is to its master. Were this life equal to a wing of a fly, He would
not have given the unbeliever even a sip of water.’ [Haakim]
Allah encourages us to seek the Hereafter and its bounties. He says:
(Nay, you prefer the life of this world; Although the Hereafter is
better and more lasting.) [87:16-17]
The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم says:
“By Allah, the life of this world compared to the Hereafter is like
nothing except the likes of someone who dips his finger into this
- and he pointed to the sea - let him see with what he returns with
(how much water is on his finger as compared to the sea).” [Muslim]
No one will enjoy the bounties of the Hereafter except the best of
the creation, those who Allah chose and is pleased with. Allah says:
(As for him who gives (in charity) and keeps his duty to Allah
and fears Him. And believes in the best [reward]. We will make
smooth for him the path of goodness. But he who is a greedy
●●No one will enjoy
the bounties of the
Hereafter except the
best of the creation;
those that Allah chose.
●●Due to the inferiority
of this world, Allah
grants it to the
disbelievers kuffaar as
well as the believers.
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be done in accordance to His legislation. Allah says:
(And verily, this is my Straight Path, so follow it, and follow not [other] paths, for they
will separate you away from His Path. This He has ordained for you that you may
become the pious.) [6:153]
One must not say about the Deen things which Allah did not legislate, whether
willingly or unintentionally. Allah says:
(And the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allah, so invoke Him by them. And leave
[the company of] those who practice deviation concerning His names. They will be
recompensed for what they have been doing.) [7:180]
to judge between the people concerning that in which they differed.
And none differed over the Scripture except those who were given it -
after the clear proofs came to them - out of jealous animosity among
themselves. And Allah guided those who believed to the truth
concerning that over which they had differed, by His permission. And
Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path.) [2:213]
This was the case until all the messages were completed and
finalized by the Message of Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم who was sent to
mankind at large. Allah says:
(Say [O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم]: “Show me those whom you have attached
to Him as partners. No! Rather, He [alone] is Allah, the Exalted in
Might, the Wise.”) [34:27]
The role which humans were created to fulfill is clear and determined:
to worship Allah Who created them. Whoever employs his life in
that for which he was created will achieve true happiness, even if
the joys he possesses of this life are little. Whereas, whoever does
not employ his life in that for which he was created will only find
loss, psychological problems, unease, and sorrow in this life, even
if all the entertainments and joys of this life were made available to
him. Allah says:
(… then whoever follows My guidance will neither go astray [in the
world] nor suffer [in the Hereafter]. And whoever turns away from
My remembrance - indeed, he will have a depressed life, and We will
gather him on the Day of Resurrection blind.) [20:123-124]
Nothing has been created in this universe except for a definite
purpose, wisdom and greater benefit, whether we understand it or
not. Allah says:
(And We created not the heaven and the earth and all that is
between them without purpose. That is the consideration of those
who disbelieve. Then woe to those who disbelieve from the Fire!)
The worship of Allah is accomplished through fulfilling His
commandments and abstaining from His prohibitions, which must
●● The role which
humans were created
to fulfill is clear
and determined: to
worship Allah Who
created them.
●●Allah sent messengers
to humanity in
different periods of
time to clarify to them
and guide them to the
Straight Path which
leads to the Pleasure
of Allah.
Adam And Haw’waa’
Dr. Abdul-Rahman Al-Sheha
(Everyone upon the earth will perish. And the Face of your Lord full of Majesty and
Honor will abide forever.) [55:26-27]
However much man tries to avoid it, he will never be able to escape it. Allah says:
(Say: “Indeed, the death from which you flee - indeed, it will meet you. Then you will
be returned to the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, and He will inform you
about what you used to do.”’) [62:8]
Whatever man does to prolong his life; he would not be able to, since it is something
which is set and prescribed. Allah says:
(And every nation has its appointed term; so when their time has come, they will not
remain behind an hour, nor will they precede [it].) [7:34]
Allah challenges men and jinn who doubt the existence of Allah, the Creator, Who
created them, with the following:
(Then why, when the soul at death reaches the throat? And you at the moment are
looking on. And Our angels are nearer to him than you, but you do not see. Then why
do you not, if you are exempt from the reckoning, bring it back, if you are truthful?)
Upon death, everyone will believe, but they will not have the opportunity to return to
this world and do good deeds. Allah says:
([For such is the state of the disbelievers], until, when death comes to one of them, he
says, “My Lord, send me back. So that I may do good in that which I have left behind!’
No. It is but a word that he speaks, and behind them is a barrier until the Day when
they will be resurrected.) [23:99-100]
Only Allah knows when and where man will die. Allah says:
(Verily, Allah [alone] has knowledge of the Hour and sends down the rain and knows
what is in the wombs. And no soul perceives what it will earn tomorrow, and no soul
perceives in what land it will die. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.) [31:34]
Death is of two types; greater and lesser. Greater death is when the soul departs the
body without returning to it. The lesser death is sleep; when the soul departs the body
and returns to it at the time of waking. Allah says:
(It is Allah who takes away the souls at the time of their death, and those that die not
during their sleep. He keeps those for which He has ordained death and sends the
rest for a term appointed. Verily, in this are signs for a people who think deeply.) [39:42]
The End
56 57
[truly] be resurrected as a new creation?” Say [O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم]: ‘Be you stones or
iron. Or [any] creation of that which is great within your breasts.” And they will say,
“Who will restore us?” Say, “He who brought you forth the first time.” Then they will
nod their heads toward you and say, “When is that?” Say, “Perhaps it will be soon.” On
the Day He will call you and you will respond with praise of Him and think that you
had not remained [in the world] except for a little.») [17:49-52]
They reject and belie the Day of Judgment. Allah says:
(Those who disbelieve say, “The Hour will not come to us.” Say, “Yes, by my Lord, it will
surely come to you. [ Allah is] the Knower of the unseen.” Not absent from Him is an
atom’s weight within the heavens or within the earth or [what is] smaller than that or
greater, except that it is in a clear register. That He may recompense those who believe
and do righteous good deeds. Those, theirs is forgiveness and a generous provision.)
On that Day, Allah will resurrect the entire creation. Allah says:
(Your creation and your resurrection will not be but as that of a single soul. Indeed,
Allah is Hearing and Seeing.) [31:28]
Allah will gather them all together on that Day, the Day of Recompense. Allah
(Say [O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم]: “(Yes) verily, those of old, and those of later times. All will be
gathered together for the appointed Meeting of a known Day.”) [56:49-50]
All of creation shall be resurrected on that Day. Allah says:
(And indeed, We have already known the preceding [generations] among you, and
We have already known the later [ones to come].) [15:24]
Allah will judge all of mankind accordingly; if they did good, they would receive a
reward, and if they did evil they would be punished. Allah says:
(On the Day when every person will be confronted with all the good he has done, and
all the evil he has done, he will wish that there were a great distance between him and
his evil. And Allah warns you against His Punishment and Allah is full of Kindness to
[His] servants.) [3:30]
Allah also says:
(On the Day when Allah will resurrect them all and inform them of what they did. Allah
After death one would be resurrected, and the records would be
handed out. Allah says:
(That is because Allah: He is the Truth, and it is He Who gives life to
the dead, and it is He who is able to do all things.) [22:6]
The unbelievers throughout the ages have disbelieved in the
Resurrection and the handing out of records. This is not a new thing.
Allah says:
(Those who disbelieve have claimed that they will never be
resurrected. Say, “Yes, by my Lord, you will surely be resurrected;
then you will surely be informed of what you did. And that, for Allah,
is easy.”) [64:7]
They try their best to lead men astray and to make them reject the
fact that they will be resurrected after death. Allah says:
(Does he promise you that when you have died and have become
dust and bones, that you will be brought forth [once more]? Far,
very far is that which you are promised!) [23:35-36]
They deem their life and death to be mere events of nature and do
not realize that they (life and death) are creations like themselves.
Allah says:
(And they say: “There is not but our worldly life; we die and live,
and nothing destroys us except time.” And they have of that no
knowledge; they are only assuming.) [45:24]
Some even sought impossible evidences in order to believe. Allah
(Verily, these people are saying: ‘There is nothing but our first death,
and we shall not be resurrected. Then bring back our fore-fathers, if
you speak the truth!’) [44:34-36]
Allah refutes them by saying:
(And they say: “When we are bones and crumbled particles, will we
●● The unbelievers
throughout the ages
disbelieve in the
Resurrection and in
the handing out of
records. This is not a
new thing.
●●Death is of two types;
greater and lesser.
Greater death is when
the soul departs
the body without
returning to it. The
lesser death is sleep;
when the soul departs
the body and returns
to it thereafter.
The End