This is the meaning of what the Prophet ((ﷺ said:
“‘Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or he is oppressed.’ A man enquired: ‘O Messenger of Allah! I help him when he is oppressed, but how can I help him when he is an oppressor?’ He said, ‘By preventing him from oppressing others. That will be your help to him.’.”
Jihad of delivering the Islamic Message (Jihad At-Tâlab):
In order to understand what the jihad of delivering the Islamic Message (Jihad At-Tâlab) is, we will present a few of the Prophet’s ((ﷺ letters, which he addressed to Heraclius, the Emperor of Byzantium and Cyrus (Al-Muqawqis), Patriarch of Alexandria, so we can look at the events from its background.
Letters of the Prophet ((ﷺ to defend the Christians:
The Prophet ((ﷺ criticized the injustice that the Christian sects did against each other, and their injustice towards themselves by associating partners with Allah in worship. He wrote that in his letter to Heraclius, Emperor of the Byzantines. His letter said:
“In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful, from Muhammad the Messenger of Allah, to Heraclius, chief of the Byzantines. Peace be upon those who follow the guidance. To proceed, I invite you to Islam, embrace Islam and you will be safe from Hell fire and from your previous sins; embrace Islam and Allah will bestow on you a double reward (because those of your followers who will embrace Islam too). But if you reject this invitation of Islam, you shall bear the sins of what happened to the Arians (the adherents of the doctrine of Arianism, who received persecution and murder from the Trinitarians). “O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians): Come to a word that is just between us and you, that we worship none but Allâh (Alone), and that we associate no partners with Him, and that none of us shall take others as lords besides Allâh. Then, if they turn away, say: ‘Bear witness that we are Muslims.’.”.”
Sahih Muslim)
He also addressed to Cyrus of Alexandria (Al-Muqawqis). His letter said:
“In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful, to Al-Muqawqis (Cyrus of Alexandria), chief of the Copts. Peace be upon those who follow the guidance. To proceed: I invite you to Islam, embrace Islam and you will be safe from Hell fire and from your previous sins; embrace Islam and Allah will bestow on you a double reward (because those of your followers who will embrace Islam too). If you reject Islam, you shall bear the sins of what happened to the Copts (from persecution and murder[23]).”
(Zad al-Ma‘âd (3/603))
The Messenger of Allah ((ﷺ indicated in the two letters to the massacres that occurred against the Arian sect and the Copts in Egypt and blamed Heraclius and Cyrus of Alexandria (Al-Muqawqis) for that.
What is worth mentioning, is that Arianism is not just a sect, but the whole Europe was Arian. The priest Jerome mentioned that by saying:
“The world awoke with a groan to find itself Arian!” [24]
Arianism was embraced by the Roman Empire through many of its Emperors who were Arians, it was also widespread in northern, eastern, central and western Europe through the embracing of the Arianism from many kings of Goths (Visigoth and Ostrogoth), and kings of Vandals, and kings of Suebi. Even Sir Isaac Newton was Arian.
But all those atrocities that occurred against Arians, many people tried to hide throughout the history! Even the books of Arius, the founder of Arianism, were burnt, and we don’t know what he was really saying except from the books of his enemies, who wrote against him that he was heretic and he was saying so and so.
For more information, you can revert to the books that mentioned some of the atrocities that have happened against the Arians.
we mentioned earlier, the applicable rule in the old days around the world was “it is obligatory for the people to follow the religion of their kings, and no one can embrace the religion he believes in.” Therefore, the ‘Jihad of delivering the Islamic Message’ is the jihad, during which the army of Muslims goes out to deliver and spread the message of Islam to the people and to uphold the Word of Allah and to cancel the severe control of the tyrants, who impose their own religion on the people and prevent them from embracing any other religion they want, so Jihad is not to impose Islam on the people (as some may think), but it is to guarantee the freedom of faith, and more explanation to this will be given below.
At this type of jihad, the previous arrangement will be reversed, so it does not start from the hand, the tongue, and then the heart. It is first by the tongue, then by the hand.
The major conditions of Jihad of delivering the Islamic Message:
1. The permission of the Muslims’ ruler:
This Jihad must be made by the permission of the Muslims’ leader. The great Sheikh ‘Muhammad bin Uthaimeen’ said:
“The army cannot invade except with the permission of the ruler no matter what the situation is, because the addressees of jihad and invasion are the rulers and not individuals, given that the individuals are to follow their rulers. Therefore, no one should make Jihad without the permission of the ruler, unless it is for defense; if an enemy, surprises the Muslim people, then they defend themselves by fighting. So, Jihad is linked to the ruler, and any invasion without his permission is a violation on his rights. That’s because if the individuals were allowed to invade without the permission of the ruler, then the situation would turn into a mess. Anyone would ride on his horse and invade, and if people could do that, great evils would occur.’ [25]
2. Ability:
Sheikh ibn Uthaimeen also mentioned an important condition for the Jihad, which is the ability. He said:
“It must be made under one condition: Muslims should have the ability and power to fight. If they do not have the ability, then entering the fight will lead them to destruction. Therefore, Allah the Almighty did not oblige Muslims to fight when they were in Mecca, because of their weakness. When they migrated to Medina, they formed the Muslim state and gained force, then they were ordered to fight. Therefore, this condition is obligatory, or else Jihad is dropped just like the rest of the duties, because all duties require ability, as a condition.” [26]
Stages of jihad:
The Jihad of delivering the Islamic Message has three stages that require gradation:
1. Inviting to Islam:
During this stage, the leader of Muslims sends an invitation to a certain king inviting him to Islam, and that king has the absolute freedom to accept embracing Islam or to stay on his religion.
2. Tax (Jizyah):
Tax (Jizyah) is an international system that has been applicable in the world in all civilizations from ancient times until today. It is a symbol of loyalty or truce and peace. Each country used to be either a country who collected taxes (certain amount of money) or a country who paid taxes to another. If a country stopped paying tax, then this meant that it stopped being loyal to it or in peace with it, and it was preparing to start a war against it.
The system of Tax (Jizyah) is still applicable, as the whole world is divided into many alliances. Each country from the great ones forms international alliances with the smaller countries, in order to support them politically or military, etc. In exchange, the great country gets advantages or financial benefits, for example: one of the loyal countries allows the great one to exploit a seaport on its territory in order to build a military base for itself. Alternatively, the great country might get the products of the other country such as diamonds, Uranium, Iron, or petrol in cheap prices or for free. Another option is to get special advantages for economic investments and so. All of that is considered a pledge of friendship and for the political and military support. if another country attacked the one loyal to one of the great countries, the great country would interfere military and defend it, and that is known as the system of Tax (Jizyah).
The king invited to embrace Islam has the right to reject the invitation and keep his authority, without being attacked or removed from his throne by anyone. He is asked to pay jizyah though, which is an amount of money in exchange for the protection he will get by the Muslim state. As long as his borders are joined to the borders of the Muslim state then the jizyah is considered as a truce between them, which, as we pointed out, is applicable around the world. It is like a symbol that he will not attack the Muslim state. If that country is attacked by another army, then the Muslims are obliged to defend it and to attack and fight the attacker.
What should also be mentioned is that the acceptance of the king to pay jizyah does not mean that he is free to do whatever he wants to his people, by enslaving them, suppressing them or forcing them to follow his religion. Also, he should not fight Islam or the Muslims, or prevent the Muslims from calling for Islam between his people. So, whoever wants to embrace Islam, whether he is a Christian or a Jew, he can do that without being oppressed, and whoever wants to stay on his religion he can also do it. Allah the Almighty said:
“And say: ‘The truth is from your Lord.’ Then whosoever wills, let him believe; and whosoever wills, let him disbelieve. Verily, We have prepared for the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers.), a Fire whose walls will be surrounding them (disbelievers in the Oneness of Allâh). And if they ask for help (relief, water), they will be granted water like boiling oil, that will scald their faces. Terrible is the drink, and an evil Murtafaq (dwelling, resting place)!”
(Al-Kahf 18:29)
If the king refused what we mentioned, to embrace Islam or to pay jizyah, or if he oppressed his people, only then Muslims were allowed to fight against that king and his soldiers who fought with him. As for the people, they have nothing to do with it. Those of non-fighters are not to be killed. Women, children, elders, and monks are not to be attacked, and the same applies to whoever is peaceful in general.
Preventives of the jihad:
Jihad of delivering the Islamic Message has preventives; it is not always permissible.
1. Inability of Muslims to fight: due to their weakness or their small number.
2. Existence of a treaty with the other countries: Therefore, it cannot be violated. This is also seen in our days, as most of the world countries have many treaties and partnerships with each other.
3. Existence of an interest that requires that they should not fight even if they can: In this case, it should be observed, like what happened with the Treaty of Hudaybîya.
Objective of jihad:
It is often repeated in some media, which do not broadcast but poisoned news and do not announce but lies in order to achieve certain political agendas, that Jihad is considered as an invasion of the world in order for it to get under one government. This is untrue, as Allah the Almighty said:
And if your Lord had so willed, He could surely have made mankind one Ummah [nation or community (following one religion i.e. Islâm)] but they will not cease to disagree. * Except him on whom your Lord has bestowed His Mercy (the follower of truth - Islâmic Monotheism) and for that did He create them. And the Word of your Lord has been fulfilled (i.e. His Saying): ‘Surely, I shall fill Hell with jinn and men all together.’.”
(Hud 11:118-119)
The real objectives of jihad are revealed by the saying of Allah the Almighty:
Permission to fight (against disbelievers) is given to those (believers) who are fought against, because they have been wronged; and surely, Allâh is Able to give them (believers) victory. * Those who have been expelled from their homes unjustly only because they said: "Our Lord is Allâh." For had it not been that Allâh checks one set of people by means of another, monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, wherein the Name of Allâh is mentioned much would surely have been pulled down. Verily, Allâh will help those who help His (Cause). Truly, Allâh is Qauei (All-Strong), ‘Azîz (All-Mighty). * Those (Muslim rulers) who, if We give them power in the land, (they) enjoin Iqamat-as-Salât (i.e. to perform the five compulsory congregational prayers), to pay the Zakât (annual compulsory charity for the poor) and they enjoin the good, and forbid the evil. And with Allâh rests the end of (all) matters (of creatures).”
Al-Hajj 22:39-41)
Allah also said:
“And what is wrong with you that you fight not in the Cause of Allâh, and for those weak, ill-treated and oppressed among men, women, and children, whose cry is: ‘Our Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from You one who will protect, and raise for us from You one who will help.’.”
(An-Nisâ’ 4:75)
Therefore, we see that the objective of jihad is to defend the religion and the right, and to prevent the injustice, so Jihad benefit the Christians, Jews, and Muslims; it is not a defense that only benefits Muslims.[27] If Allah the Almighty had not legitimized the elimination of injustice and falsehood through fighting (Jihad), then the truth would have been defeated, the earth would have been ruined, and the places of worship such as monasteries, churches of Christians, synagogues of Jews and the mosques of Muslims would have all been destroyed.[28]
In the honorable Qur’anic Verse, we note the result of Jihad or what came after it, after the righteous people have won against the people of tyranny, injustice and falsehood. The verse clarifies that the Mujahedeen (Muslim fighters) should abide by the objective of Jihad, which is to reform and not to spread corruption; to perform prayer and not to be haughty in the land. To pay from their money Zakat (annual obligatory charity) for those who are eligible for it, such as the poor and the needy, and not to possess the money of people or their wealth, and to enjoin the good and forbid the evil
Who is targeted by Jihad?
If Jihad is meant to protect the truth, uphold the word of Allah and protect the weak, then who is targeted by Jihad??! Allah the Almighty clarified those who are targeted by Jihad in His saying:
Allâh does not forbid you to deal justly and kindly with those who fought not against you on account of religion nor drove you out of your homes. Verily, Allâh loves those who deal with equity. It is only as regards those who fought against you on account of religion, and have driven you out of your homes, and helped to drive you out, that Allâh forbids you to befriend them. And whosoever will befriend them, then such are the Zâlimûn (wrong-doers - those who disobey Allâh).”
Ibn ‘Abbas narrated:
The pagans were of two kinds regarding their relationship to the Prophet ((ﷺ and the Believers. 1. People of war: so the Prophet ((ﷺ was at war against them; 2. People of treaty: neither did the Prophet ((ﷺ fight them, nor did they fight him.”
The Messenger of Allah ((ﷺ said:
“Whoever kills a Mu‘ahid (Christian or Jew who has a treaty with the Muslims or lives in a Muslim country or visits it) who has the protection of Allah and the protection of His Messenger, will not smell the fragrance of Paradise, even though its fragrance may be detected from a distance of Seventy years of walking.”
(Ibn-Mâjah – Sahih)
The Messenger of Allah ((ﷺ also said:
“Indeed, whoever kills a Mu‘ahid (Christian or Jew who has a treaty with the Muslims or lives in a Muslim country or visits it) that has a covenant from Allah and a covenant from His Messenger (ﷺ), indeed he has violated the covenant of Allah and the covenant of His Messenger, so he shall not smell the fragrance of Paradise; even though its fragrance can be sensed from the distance of seventy autumns walking.”
(At-Tîrmidhi – Sahih)
The Messenger of Allah ((ﷺ also said:
“You will soon conquer Egypt where Al-Qirat (name of currency that was used by Egyptians) is frequently mentioned. So when you conquer it, treat its inhabitants very well. For they have upon you rights and they have with you blood ties (i.e. relationship, because Prophet Ismael (Ishmael) the father of the Arabs, was the son of prophet Abraham from Hagar the Egyptian women).”
Mujahid (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated:
“Abd Allah bin Amr had a sheep slaughtered for his family, so when he came he said: ‘Have you given some to our neighbor, the Jew? Have you given some to our neighbor, the Jew? I heard the Messenger of Allah ((ﷺ saying: ‘The angel Jibril continued to urge me about (treating) the neighbors so (kindly and politely), that I thought he would order me (from Allah) to make them heirs.”
What the Christian’s books wrote about Muslims and Jihad:
will now see what the books of Christians mentioned regarding how Muslims were tolerant towards them and did not persecute them. The ‘Synaxarium’ book[29], which is the one of the most important books of the Coptic Orthodox Church and it contains the biographies of the Prophets, the martyrs and the saints, mentioned the story of ‘Amr ibn Al-‘As (may Allah be pleased with him) and the Pope Benjamin I of Alexandria. Through it, we will see who is targeted by Jihad and how Muslims deal with the Christians and we will see who the one who really persecuted the Christians is! It said:
“Because of the massacres of the Byzantine Empire and their persecution against the Egyptian Copts, the Pope Benjamin I of Alexandria had to escape along with his bishops to the mountains for 13 years. After the Muslim conquest of Egypt
by ‘Amr ibn al-‘As, who went towards the city of Alexandria to fight the Byzantines there to kick them out of it. but, inside Alexandria riots and disorder happened; some of the bad people took the advantage of this situation and burnt churches and monasteries. Saint Mark's Coptic Orthodox Cathedral was one of them. They stole everything that was in it, a sailor man entered the church and put his hand inside the coffin of Saint Mark thinking it had money, he did not find anything except the mummy of Saint Mark and he took his clothes. He also took the head of Saint Mark and hid it in his ship. When ‘Amr ibn Al-‘As learnt about the escaping of the Pope Benjamin I, for thirteen years because of the persecution, he sent letters to all the Egyptian cities saying: ‘Wherever Benjamin the Patriarch of Christians Copts is, we are giving him our promise of safeguard, safety and peace. We are calling him to come reassured and without fearing anything, to manage his churches and people.’ Then the Pope came after he spent thirteen years on the run. ‘Amr ibn Al-‘As honored him with great respect and ordered that he receive his churches and their properties. When the army of ‘Amr was leaving Alexandria, heading to the five cities, they saw one ship that had stopped and did not move from its place. The army interrogated the captain and searched the ship; they found the head of Saint Mark. Then, they called Pope Benjamin; he carried it and walked with the priests and the people while they were joyfully singing hymns until they reached the church.”.
Gradation of the regulation of Jihad from prevention to obligation:
1. Prevention of fight: Jihad through fighting was prohibited on Muslims at the beginning of Islam, Allah the Almighty said:
Have you not seen those who were told to hold back their hands (from fighting) and perform prayer, and give Zakât (annual obligatory charity for the poor).”
(An-Nisâ’ 4:77)
2. Permission to fight: then the Muslims were allowed to do Jihad when the polytheists started persecuting them and forcing them to leave their homes. Allah the Almighty said:
Permission to fight (against disbelievers) is given to those (believers) who are fought against, because they have been wronged; and surely, Allâh is Able to give them (believers) victory. * Those who have been expelled from their homes unjustly only because they said: ‘Our Lord is Allâh’.”
Al-Hajj 22:39-40)
3. Defense through fight: then the Muslims were ordered to defend themselves through Jihad, when the polytheists attack them. Allah the Almighty said:
And fight in the Way of Allâh those who fight you, but transgress not the limits. Truly, Allâh likes not the transgressors.”
Al-Bâqarah 2:190)
4. Order to fight: when Islam became strong and was spread and the number of people who embraced Islam was increased, its exterior enemies from the neighboring to the Muslim state countries were increased as well, as they saw in it a great danger. Allah the Almighty ordered Muslims to do Jihad, in order to deliver the message of Islam to the nations, with the aim of upholding the Word of Allah, achieving justice and spreading it, not expanding, controlling, extending influences, being superior or being arrogant on the land. Not with the aim of taking revenge which only results in ruin and destruction. Allah the Almighty said:
And be not like those who come out of their homes boastfully and to be seen of men, and hinder (men) from the Path of Allâh; and Allâh is Muhîtun (encircling and thoroughly comprehending) all that they do.”
(Al-Anfâl 8:47)
The Qur’an demonstrated the persecution caused by the polytheists against the believers from Christians before the advent of Islam. Allah immortalized the story of their persecution in the Noble Qur’an to show that the actual goal is to push injustice away from the believers, whether they are Christians, Jews or Muslims. Allah the Almighty said:
“Cursed were the people of the Ditch. * Of fire fed with fuel, * When they sat by it (fire), * And they witnessed what they were doing against the believers (i.e. burning them). * And they had no fault except that they believed in Allâh, Al-‘Azîz (the All-Mighty), Al-Hameed (Worthy of all Praise)!”
(Al-Burûj 85:4)
These Verses were revealed in the Noble Qur’an to immortalize the story of the believers from the Christians of Yemen whom lived before the mission of the Messenger of Allah ((ﷺ. They were tortured from the people of their town because they believed in Allah the Almighty. They dug a huge ditch, and lit fire inside it, and then they give them the choice between to abandon their religion or to be thrown in the fire. So they were thrown in the fire, because of their faith in Allah the Almighty. Then they sat on the ditch watching them suffering and burning.
Regulations of Jihad in Islam:
Jihad in Islam has its regulations and ethics which uplift it from injustice, iniquity and violation. Therefore, no one from the enemies is killed except for the ones who joined the fight or helped with it. It is forbidden to kill the elders, the women, the children, the sick, the wounded, the prisoners, the clerics and the monks! It is also forbidden to kill the wounded in the battle, mutilate the dead, chase the ones who run away from the battle, kill animals, ruin houses, expose any place of worship in danger, pollute the water or the wells, cut trees or burn them… etc.
These were as well the directions and orders of the honorable Messenger of Allah ((ﷺ and his successors after him towards the armies they sent for Jihad. It is what we see in the testament of the Messenger of Allah’s ((ﷺ successor, Abu Bakr As-Siddîq –may Allah be pleased with him- to the leaders of the armies:
“I command you ten things, so you must memorize them after me: do not betray, do not deceive in the spoil, do not break a pact, do not mutilate the dead, do not kill a small child, do not kill an elder or a woman, do not cut or burn palm trees, do not cut down a fruitful tree, do not slaughter a lamb, a cow or a camel except when wanting to eat them. You will pass by people (i.e. monks) who freed themselves to stay in monasteries for worship, leave them as they are (i.e. don’t bother them).”[30]
In Islam, the prisoners of war have rights. It is not permissible to torture, humiliate, terrorize them or deprive them of food or drink until they die, on the contrary, they should get a kindly treatment. Allah the Almighty said:
“And they give food, inspite of their love for it (or for the love of Him), to the poor, the orphan, and the captive, * (Saying): ‘We feed you seeking Allâh’s Countenance only. We wish for no reward, nor thanks from you.’.”
(Al-Insân 76:8)
The Muslim state has the right to deal with the prisoners according to what the public interest and the international agreements require. They can be released with or without ransom or in exchange of Muslim prisoners.
As for the public of non-Muslims in the country which the Muslims went to, the Islam prohibited their being attacked, assaulted or hurt in anyway, as the Messenger of Allah ((ﷺ said:
“Whoever kills a Mu‘âhid (Christian or Jew who has a treaty with the Muslims or lives in a Muslim country or visits it) who has the protection of Allah and the protection of His Messenger, will not smell the fragrance of Paradise, even though its fragrance may be detected from a distance of Seventy years of walking.”
(Ibn Mâjah)
It also prohibited to get from their dignity, so they are not to be humiliated or degraded, oppressed or persecuted, as the Messenger of Allah ((ﷺ said:
“If anyone wrongs a Mu‘ahid (Christian or Jew who has a treaty with the Muslims or lives in a Muslim country or visits it), or diminishes his right, or forces him to work beyond his capacity, or takes from him anything without his consent, I shall plead for him on the Day of Judgment.”
(Abu Dawûd)
The Messenger of Allah ((ﷺ used to recommend his companions of Mujahidin to be kind toward the people of any country they go and treat them nicely. He said:
“You will soon conquer Egypt where Al-Qirat (name of currency that was used by Egyptians) is frequently mentioned. So when you conquer it, treat its inhabitants very well. For they have upon you rights and they have with you blood ties (i.e. relationship, because Prophet Ismael (Ishmael) the father of the Arabs, was the son of prophet Abraham from Hagar the Egyptian women).”
The poof of carrying out the Messenger of Allah’s ((ﷺ will, is the promise Umar ibn Al-Khattab –may Allah be pleased with him- gave to the people of Jerusalem, when he entered it as a conqueror, he said:
“In the Name of Allah, Ar-Rahman (the Most Gracious), Ar-Raheem (the Most Merciful). This is what the salve of Allah Umar ibn Al-Khattab promises to the people of Jerusalem of safeguard: I give them safeguard on themselves, their money, their churches and their crosses… they shall not receive any persecution regarding their religion, and not one of them shall get any harm.”
Has the history ever witnessed such nobility, justice and tolerance from a victorious winner towards a defeated one? However, he –May Allah be pleased with him- could have commanded them to do whatever he wanted! But it is about justice, seeking to spread the religion of Allah and loving good for all people. This indicates that Jihad in Islam is not intended to worldly interests.
Is every war from Muslims considered Jihad?
It needs to be taken into consideration that not every war any Muslim country does is considered Jihad, and not every Muslim person who fights is considered Mujahid (fighter). That is because Jihad has conditions, and we as Muslims differentiate between the term ‘Jihad’ and the term ‘war’, but the media today try to ruin the image of Islam through distorting the meaning of Jihad and present it as a barbarian war, in order to achieve certain political agenda. So, the media look for any ongoing war in the world, if it is between two Christian countries, then they say: “A war broke out between this country and that one”, and they don’t relate that war to the religion of the fighters. However, if one of the parties is Muslim, they say: “Extremist Muslims Mujahidin declare the Holy war (Jihad) on a Christian country.” The question is: who gave them the authority to ascribe the term ‘Jihad’ on that war or the term ‘Mujahidin’ on those fighters??
In order for them to know if that war is Jihad and if those fighters are Mujahidin, they have to put the goals of Jihad, its morals and conditions in front of their eyes and see if they are applied in that war or not! It needs also to be taken into consideration that there are many political considerations that rule the world and the relations among countries, which are away from the name of Jihad, since they are wars of interests. For example:
1- Crimean War: in 1853 between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire. The United Kingdom and France entered the war against Russia to support their alliance with the Ottoman Empire, because of political considerations and not religious ones, as all of Russia, the United Kingdom and France were Christian countries while the Ottoman Empire was Muslim country.
2- In 1854, Greece, which was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire at that time, took an advantage of the Crimean War between Russia and the Turks. Thus, they made the Epirus Revolt against the Turks in order to get them out of Greece. Therefore, it was France and the United Kingdom which suppressed that revolt, surrounding the main ports of Greece and preventing the entrance of the supplies. In addition, they suppressed the participants in that revolt, so that Greece would remain under the Ottoman rule!!
The Holy war:
Is Jihad in Islam a Holy war through which people are enforced to leave their religion and embrace Islam? The answer is: ‘Of course not, because there are clear texts in the Noble Qur’an that prohibit forcing people to leave their religion and beliefs in order to embrace Islam, Allah the Almighty said:
“There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path.”
(Al-Bâqarah 2:256)
The purpose of Jihad is to deliver the message of Islam to the people and not to coerce them into embracing it. As Allah the Almighty said:
“So if they dispute with you (Muhammad) say: "I have submitted myself to Allâh (in Islâm), and (so have) those who follow me." And say to those who were given the Scripture (Jews and Christians) and to those who are illiterates (Arab pagans): "Do you (also) submit yourselves (to Allâh in Islâm)?" If they do, they are rightly guided; but if they turn away, your duty is only to convey the Message; and Allâh is All-Seer of (His) slaves.”
(Âl-‘Imrân 3:20)
The reason of prohibiting coercion is that, guiding to the right religion, knowing it, and following it, is a bestowal from Allah that He chooses to give to whoever He wants from His slaves, not by force or obligation. Allah said:
“Not upon you (Muhammad) is their guidance, but Allâh guides whom He wills.”
(Al-Bâqarah 2:272)
Therefore, it is not permissible to force non-Muslims from Jews and Christians to embrace Islam, and if that happens, their Islam is then untrue. The condition of embracing Islam is that it has to be voluntarily and from one’s own will, not by coercion or enforcing. Someone might argue, ‘but we see on channels reports about an attack on a church in a country that has an ongoing war’, so we tell him: ‘the report could be true and could not be true, and if it is true, how many mosques have been ruined and attacked in that country as well?’ If he also says that some Christians have been killed, we say ‘how many Muslims have been exterminated in that country as well?’! When you speak of a country that has an ongoing rough war, then it is normal for such things that have nothing to do with Islam and its teachings to happen.
Therefore, that war is not Jihad. The reason it is not called Jihad is that many people were forced to emigrate or were killed. Furthermore, many houses of worship were demolished. Jihad is against all of these and does not acknowledge them.
Difference between a war and Jihad:
The difference between a war and Jihad is clarified when look into some of the wars that have been conducted throughout history, from which:
-Alexander the Great: Alexander the Great has gained the respect of all nations and world countries as an internationally influential and major figure. He fought many battles in order to expand his kingdom, until the Greek Empire reached India.
Genghis Khan: he established the biggest Empire in the world that after his death was extended from China until the East of Europe in Poland and other countries. He has many statues in several countries, and he is respected by many nations.
he invaded Europe until his Empire’s borders conjoined many European countries.
- The British Empire: (the empire on which the sun never sets) its colonies extended from the Far East until the Far West. This is the reason why it was called empire on which the sun never sets.
-The French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Japanese colonies: they extended from the East until the West to expand their authority and power.
The common thing between all these Empires and all the wars they fought, is that they were seeking to capture the wealth and territories of the other countries, to extend their power and authority around the world. Another common thing between those wars, is that their result was the destruction of many civilizations, the slaughter and enslavement of nations, leaving millions of victims behind. This is what history has proven and showed us. Genghis Khan is considered a national hero in his country, but he and his grandson Hulagu are seen as war criminals in the countries they invaded. They crushed nations, spread corruption and destruction. Hulagu destroyed the ‘House of Wisdom’, its books and scientific manuscripts that are priceless. Now, in order to know the difference between those wars and Jihad, we need to compare the goals of these wars, their results and morals with the goals, results and morals of Jihad! Jihad is what stopped that tyranny and protected the Muslim and non-Muslim civilians.
Jihad in the Bible
(Jihad in Christianity and Judaism)
Before mentioning some of the texts of the Old Testament about Jihad, we will mention Paul’s quotes from the New Testament, where he praised the Jihad mentioned in the Old Testament and considerably complimented everything that was done during those wars, like the killing of unarmed civilians!
Paul say in his Letter to Hebrews: (11:30-34): (30By faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they were encircled for seven days. 31By faith the harlot Rahab did not perish with those who did not believe, when she had received the spies with peace. 32And what more shall I say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak and Samson and Jephthah, also of David and Samuel and the prophets. 33who through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions. 34quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in battle, turned to fight the armies of the aliens.)
Now let us see through the Old Testament what happened after the walls of Jericho fell down, an action which Paul mentioned and considerably complimented in his previous message!!
Joshua (6:16-24): (16And the seventh time it happened, when the priests blew the trumpets, that Joshua said to the people: "Shout, for the Lord has given you the city! 17Now the city shall be doomed by the Lord to destruction, it and all who are in it. Only Rahab the harlot shall live, she and all who are with her in the house, because she hid the messengers that we sent. 18 And you, by all means abstain from the accursed things, lest you become accursed when you take of the accursed things, and make the camp of Israel a curse, and trouble it. 19 But all the silver and gold, and vessels of bronze and iron, are consecrated to the Lord; they shall come into the treasury of the Lord." 20 So the people shouted when the priests blew the trumpets. And it happened when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat. Then the people went up into the city, every man straight before him, and they took the city. 21 And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, ox and sheep and donkey, with the edge of the sword… 24 But they burned the city and all that was in it with fire(
They did not only kill every soul of man, women and children, even the animals, they burned the whole city with fire!!!
1 Samuel (15:3): (3 Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them. But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.)
Hosea (13:16): (16 Samaria is held guilty, for she has rebelled against her God. They shall fall by the sword, their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child ripped open.
Isaiah (13:15-16): (15 Everyone who is found will be thrust through, And everyone who is captured will fall by the sword. 16 Their children also will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; Their houses will be plundered and their wives ravished.
2 Samuel (4:12): (12 So David commanded his young men, and they executed them, cut off their hands and feet, and hanged them by the pool in Hebron.)
1 Chronicles (20:3): (3 And he brought out the people that were in it, and cut them with saws, and with harrows of iron, and with axes. Even so dealt David with all the cities of the children of Ammon.
Immoderation and extremism between Islamic Sharia and man-made law
• The Islamic Sharia and combating immoderation and extremism.
• Monasticism in Christianity:
1. Celibacy is better than marriage:
2. No divorcing:
3. Beheadings:
• Islam and combating the slavery system
• The slavery system in the Bible
• Islam and combating racism
• The Islamic Sharia and its legalization of enjoying the life and constructing on the earth.
Immoderation and extremism between Islamic Sharia and man-made law
The Islamic Sharia and combating immoderation and extremism
Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) sent Muhammad ((ﷺ and revealed the Sharia to him, which is a mercy for all humankind. Allah the Almighty said:
“And We have sent you (O Muhammad): not but as a mercy for the ‘Âlamîn (mankind, jinn and all that exists)”
(Al-Anbiyâ’ 21:107)
He sent the Messenger ((ﷺ as a mercy for them in all their affairs, a mercy for themselves and for their souls that used to either worship idols (or icons or crosses) which could not benefit or harm them, or associate other slaves or creatures (like Jesus or Buda) in the worship of Allah, so Allah guided them to worship Him, the Almighty, alone and not associate partners with Him in worship.
And He also sent him as a mercy for their bodies, as some foods and drinks, which can cause damage to the bodies, are prohibited. Allah the Almighty said:
“Say (O Muhammad): "I find not in that which has been revealed to me anything forbidden to be eaten by one who wishes to eat it, unless it be Maitah (a dead animal) or blood poured forth (by slaughtering or the like), or the flesh of swine (pork); for that surely is impure or impious (unlawful) meat (of an animal) which is slaughtered as a sacrifice for others than Allâh (or has been slaughtered for idols, or on which Allâh’s Name has not been mentioned while slaughtering). But whosoever is forced by necessity without willful disobedience, nor transgressing due limits; (for him) certainly, your Lord is Ghafûr (Oft-Forgiving), Rahîm (Most Merciful).”
(Al-An‘âm 6:145)
As a mercy for them regarding their finances, as Allah the Almighty has forbidden them to take money unjustly or if it is the result of cheating or eating up other’s property unjustly. Allah the Almighty said:
“And eat up not one another’s property unjustly (in any illegal way e.g. stealing, robbing, deceiving, etc.), nor give bribery to the rulers (judges before presenting your cases) that you may knowingly eat up a part of the property of others sinfully.”
(Al-Bâqara 2:188)
Allah has ordained the rules that regulate their life affairs, leading them into a straight path that has no immoderation or dereliction. Allah the Almighty said:
“He (Allâh) has ordained for you the same religion (Islâmic Monotheism) which He ordained for Nûh (Noah), and that which We have revealed to you (O Muhammad), and that which We ordained for Ibrâhîm (Abraham), Mûsâ (Moses) and ‘Îsâ (Jesus) saying you should establish religion (i.e. to do what it orders you to do practically), and make no divisions in it (religion) (i.e. various sects in religion). Intolerable for the Mushrikûn, is that (Islamic Monotheism) to which you (O Muhammad) call them. Allâh chooses for Himself whom He wills, and guides unto Himself who turns to Him in repentance and in obedience.”
(Ash-Shûra 42:13)
Allah the Almighty sent with him the Sharia of mercy. Allah the Almighty said:
“And by the Mercy of Allâh, you dealt with them gently. And had you been severe and harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from about you; so pass over (their faults), and ask (Allâh’s) Forgiveness for them; and consult them in the affairs. Then when you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allâh, certainly, Allâh loves those who put their trust (in Him).”
(Âl-‘Imrân 3:159)
The Sharia of gentleness and leniency. Allah bestowed His Grace upon the humankind by sending them His Messenger, saying:
“Verily, there has come unto you a Messenger (Muhammad) from amongst yourselves (i.e. whom you know well). It grieves him that you should receive any injury or difficulty. He (Muhammad) is anxious over you (to be rightly guided, to repent to Allâh, and beg Him to pardon and forgive your sins in order that you may enter Paradise and be saved from the punishment of the Hell-fire); for the believers (he is) full of pity, kind, and merciful.”
(At-Tâubah 9:128)
Two of the qualities of this Sharia are its tolerance and easiness, so it has no Intransigence or hardship. Allah the Almighty says:
“Allâh burdens not a person beyond his ability. He gets reward for that (good) which he has earned, and he is punished for that (evil) which he has earned.”
(Al-Bâqara 2:286)
The Messenger of Allah ((ﷺ says:
“If I forbid you to do something, then keep away from it. And if I order you to do something, then do of it as much as you can (i.e. according to your your ability and capacity).”
(Sahih Al-Bukhâri)
His wife, (the mother of the believers) A’isha –may Allah be pleased with her- said about him:
“Whenever the Prophet (ﷺ) was given a choice between two matters, he would (always) choose the easier as long as it was not sinful to do so; but if it was sinful he was most strict in avoiding it.”
(Sahih Muslim)
Allah sent him with a Sharia that fought all forms of immoderation and extremism, through clear legitimate texts that warned people against carelessness or immoderation in the religion, like those before them did, as Allah the Almighty said:
“Say (O Muhammad): ‘O people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians)! Exceed not the limits in your religion (by believing in something) other than the truth, and do not follow the vain desires of people who went astray before and who misled many, and strayed (themselves) from the Right Path.’.”
(Al-Mâ’idah 5:77)
• He prohibited immoderation and extremism in the religion, as the Messenger of Allah ((ﷺ warned strongly against them. The Prophet ((ﷺ said:
“Beware of immoderation (and extremism) in religious matters, for those who came before you were destroyed because of their immoderation (and extremism) in religious matters."
• He also prohibited immoderation and extremism in worship. Anas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
“Three men came to the Prophet’s wives’ houses to inquire about the Prophet’s worship. When they were informed, they considered his worship little (i.e. less than they imagined) and said: "Where are we in comparison with the Prophet? while Allah has forgiven his past and future sins! (i.e. we need to worship more)". One of them said: "As for me, I shall offer prayer all night long." Another said: "I shall observe Sâum (fasting) every day from sunrise to sunset and shall not break it for any day". Another said: "I shall abstain from women and shall never marry". The Prophet ((ﷺ came to them and said, "Are you the people who said such and such things? By Allah, I fear Allah more than you do, and I am the most obedient and dutiful among you to Him, but still I observe fast and break it (i.e. I don’t fast everyday), perform the night prayer (at one part of the night) and sleep at (the rest of the) night, and marry women. So, whoever turns away from my Sunnah (tradition) does not belong to me.”
(Sahih Al-Bukhâri)
He ((ﷺ also said:
“The religion (of Islam) is easy, and whoever makes the religion a rigor, it will overpower him.”
(Sahih Al-Bukhâri)
• He prohibited as well toughness, inflexibility, immoderation and extremism when treating others. He ((ﷺ said:
“May Allah show mercy to a man who adopts a kind attitude when he sells, buys and demands for the repayment of loans.”
(Sahih Al-Bukhâri)
• He prohibited toughness and immoderation when calling others to Islam. He ((ﷺ said:
“Facilitate things to people (concerning religious matters), and do not make it hard for them and give them good tidings and do not make them run away (from Islam).”
(Sahih Al-Bukhâri)