

1. Towards Understanding Christianity

2. Religion of Jesus or Religion of St. Paul

3. What Qur’aan Says About Christianity

4. Prophet Muhammad’s name comes 34 times in Bible

5. What Western Scholars Say About Trinity


Foreword 6

Introduction 7


Errors and Contradictions in Testament One 9

I. Bible Gives Various Names for GOD 9 2. Creation of the World 9

3. Date of Creation of World 13 4. Noah’s Flood 13

5. David Taking Census of the Jews 14

6. Eight Years Or Eighteen Years 15

7. Seven Hundred or Seven Thousand 15

8. 2000 Bathrooms or 3000 Bathrooms 15

9. 4000 or 40,000 Stalls 15 10. Plagiarism in Bible 15

11. Sex and Vulgarity 15

12. Life Span of Humans 16 13. Building the Temple .at Jerusalem 16 14. David Captures Horsemen 16 15. David Brought the Ark of GOD 16 16. David Raised His Spear 16 17. Famine in the Land of David 17

18. Who Killed Goliath 17 19. When Israelites Were Staying in Shittim 17

20. When Joseph Was a Minister at Pharoah’s Palace 17

21. Pope of Vatican Said 18 22. Conclusion 19


Errors and Contradictions in Testament Two 20

1. Genealogy of Jesus 20 2. Genealogy of Sheatiel 21

3. Who was Joseph’s Father 21

4. Jesus Became Christ 22

5. Changing Water into Wine 22 6. Jesus Rode Upon a Donkey 22

7. Jesus Gave Instructions to Carry Nothing 22

8. The Name of 10th Apostle Varies 23

9. Judas Iscariot’s Betrayal 23 10. How Judas Iscariot Killed Himself 23

11. Description of Passion 24

12. Jesus Prayed to GOD 24

13. Ascension of Jesus to Heaven 24

14. Re-appearance of Jesus 24 15. Appearance of Jesus to Saul/Paul 25

16. The Institution of Eucharist 26

17. Jesus’s Last Words of Advice 26 18. Farewell Sermon 27 19. Jesus is Telling Four Things to His Disciples 28 20. Capital Punishment 29

21. Conclusion 31


There are many religions cults and clans in this world. Some have small following others have large. Amongst the major religions are Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Judaism, Confucianism, Shintoism, Taoism, Chinese Folk Religionism, Bahaism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, New Age Religion etc. etc.

In pursuit of knowledge the author studied the Bible—the Book of Jews and Christians.

To his amazement he found lots of errors, contradictions, improbabilities and incompatibilities in Bible. In this booklet he has listed a few of them as a specimen to prove his point.

He has tried to highlight the view that all Bible writings are not of Divine nature. They are written by men. So, according to him the whole Bible is not the Divine Word.

To what extent the author has been able to prove his point of view, it is only the reader of Bible who could judge.

It is comforting to note that while writing on this sensitive subject, the writer has expressly confirmed that he means no disrespect to anybody.

36A, South Central Avenue Iqbal Begum

D.H.A. Karachi-75500


No messenger of GOD from Noah to Jesus laid any emphasis on the acquisition of knowledge except the Last Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon all Prophets) who made it incumbent upon all Muslims to seek and acquire knowledge.

This aroused in me the insatiable desire to study the Holy Bible—a revered book of nearly two billion Christians the world over.

The three monotheist religions are Islam, Christianity and Judaism and there is no difference between Islamic monotheism and that of Christians and Jews.

When I studied the Bible I found it to be interesting. There are about three times more words than in Holy Qur’aan as there is much verbosity. A lot of events are dramatised and there are errors and contradictions. Any book that is supposed to be of Di-vine nature ought not to have such discrepancies, for GOD never contradicts HIMSELF nor does HE change HIS words.

Socrates said: - “An examined life is not worth living.” To this dictum it could be added that: - “An unexamined faith is not worth believing in either.” And Ingersoll said. “The inspiration of the Bible depends upon the ignorance of the gentleman who reads it.

To a modern well-educated intelligent man an unexamined faith— whatever it may be is not worth believing in. It is no point in just listening silently to hotly delivered sermons of Pastors and Priests, which have hardly any substance, meaning, or element of Truth in them. They appeal mostly to one’s sentiments and not to one’s head. Bishop Andrews said. “The nearer the Church, the further from GOD.” Modern day environments demand that all followers of Bible should also look for spirituality, knowledge and Truth. Perhaps that is missing to a large extent in the Bible.

Here, in this booklet, Bible quotations are brought forward with a view to evaluate their authenticity and correctness. Errors and discrepancies are highlighted. However no disrespect, whatsoever, is intended at all to anybody.

36-A South Central Avenue Abdul Waheed Khan

D.H.A. Karachi-75500



Today’s Bible when examined in the light of modern knowledge and science stands exposed to criticism. Why? Because there are so many flat contradictions, improbabilities• and incompatibilities in its statements.

Certain passages of Bible are un-reliable. Others are whimsical where the element of truth is missing. There are other passages that are of fictitious nature. Still further there are events, which are either suppressed, or camouflaged or twisted to give another shade of meaning. At places there are two descriptions of an event contradicting each other.

At times they have used their own imagination to bring forward a certain point of view. They have put their words in the mouth of Jesus and they have made him say what various authors of Bible had liked him to say. Further there is a mountain of verbiage in the Bible.

Scholars say that today perhaps only twenty percent of Bible writing is Divine Related. The rest is all human writing. The difference is obvious. With the passage of time new versions of Bible keep Corning in and the older texts continue to undergo more and more distortions.

There are many versions of Bible of both Catholics and Protestants having their own 73 or 66 books respectively. There are- about seven hundred Bible versions and all are on display in London Museum. There is King’s James Version, Revised Standard Version, New International Version and American Standard Version etc. Today’s Bible remains no more the Word of GOD. It was written and rewritten in bits and pieces several times over a period of 1ast3300 years and hence there is plenty of plagiarism, subtractions and additions as well. This we will see. We will take Testament ONE first and then we will take Testament TWO.




Bible has two parts. One is Testament ONE (39 Books) and the other is Testament TWO (27 Books).

Now we will briefly go through few of the errors, contradictions, improbabilities and incompatibilities in Testament One. The very first chapter of Bible has eight glaring inaccuracies from today’s scientific point of view. The text reproduced here is from Holy Bible- NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION.

1. Bible Gives Various Names for GOD

In Bible GOD is called by various names i.e. ADONAI, YHWH, JAHOWAH, JEHOVAH, YAHWEH and LORD etc. While some names are dropped others are still in use. Different Bibles at Deuteronomy 6:4 use different words for GOD e.g.:

(a) King James Version of Bible— uses the word JEHOVAH for GOD.

(b) American Standard Version — uses the word JEHOVAH for GOD.

(c) Bible New International Version — uses the word LORD for GOD.

(d) The New Jerusalem Bible (Hebrew Text)— uses the word YAHWEH for GOD.

(e) New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures -- uses the word JEHOVAH for GOD.

In the Final and the Last Revelation of GOD, i.e. in the Holy Qur’aan. God HIMSELF has given HIS name to mankind as ALLAH.

2. Creation of the World

(a) Bible. Book of Genesis. Chapter 1. Verse I and 2:- “In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of GOD was hovering over the waters.”

At the initial stage of the formation of the universe only a gaseous mass like a smoke existed. To mention the existence of water at this stage is simply human imagination of Bible writers. Science considers it to be an error. Today’s Bible is conceived in the minds of men. Nothing is so firmly believed except that which is known the least.

(b) Bible. Book of Genesis. Chapt. 1. Verse 3 to 5:- “And GOD said, ‘let there be light’, and there was light. GOD saw that the light was good, and HE separated the light from the darkness. GOD called the light ‘Day’, and the darkness he called night. And there was evening, and there was morning—the First Day.”

Here science has a problem. This is the First day when the light has come. But where has it come from? If the source of light was Sun, then according to the Bible it appears much later on i.e. on the Fourth day as we will see later. Stars also appear on the Fourth day. So how can there be light three days in advance of Sun or stars? These are imaginary descriptions of events. There is a lot of human manipulation.

(c) Bible. Book of Genesis. Chapter 1. Verse.6 to 8:- “And GOD said, Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water. So GOD made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so. GOD called the expanse ‘sky.’ And there was evening, and there was morning—the Second Day.”

Here again there is an imagination of human mind. We have already seen earlier that the Sun and the stars had not appeared till then. So in the absence of Sun how can there be evening and morning? And how could there be water above in the sky?

Bible writers did not know that one day science would be so much developed that it would find faults with the Bible.

(d) Bible. Book of Genesis. Chapter 1 Verse 9 to 13:- “And GOD said, Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear. And it was so. GOD called the dry ground land, and the gathered waters

HE called seas. And GOD saw that it was good.

Then GOD said, Let the land produce vegetation: Seed-bearing plants and ‘trees on the land that hear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds. And it was’ so.

The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And GOD saw it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the Third Day.”

Here again the science has a problem. How come vegetation and trees with fruit and seed can flourish in the absence of Sunlight? (According to Genesis the Sun would appear much later i.e. on the Fourth Day) Surely human authors have taken a lot of liberty with the Bible text.

(e) Bible. Book of Genesis. Chapter I. Verse 14 to 19:- “And GOD said, Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let there be

lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth.

And it was so. GOD made two great lights— the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night.

He also made the stars.

GOD set them in the expanse of the sky to give light to the earth, to govern the day and the night and to separate light from darkness.

And GOD saw that it was good.

And there was evening, and there was morning—the Fourth Day.”

Here again there is a problem. In earlier verses — I 3 it has been said that the earth was already created on the First Day and there was vegetation and trees with fruits and seed. Now it is the Fourth Day and Bible now tells us that on the Fourth Day the Sun and the moon have appeared. But we know from science that the earth and the moon emanated from their original star—the Sun. So here again the Bible statement is other way. round. The Sun should have been mentioned first, light and darkness, vegetation, plants and trees and seeds should have followed thereafter. Order is God’s First Law. Today’s Bible was written in the understanding of man and it was written in the language of man.

(f) Bible. Book of Genesis. Chapter 1. Verse 20 to 23:- “And GOD said. Let the water teem with living creatures. and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky. So GOD created the great creatures of sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind.

And GOD saw that it was good. GOD blessed them and said, Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on earth.

And there was evening and there was morning on the Fifth Day.”

Here again Science has a problem with Bible. Bible says that the winged birds came on the Fifth Day and that too along with the fish. But Bible also says that it was on the Sixth Day that the Animals came on the earth. Coming of the birds before the coming of animals is not acceptable to science. According to science the fish came first, then animals came, and then came the birds—in that sequence. Bible is full of defects. And lately the Vatican has begun to accept the defects.

(g) Bible Book of Genesis. Chapter 1. Verses 24 to 31:- “And God said, Let the land produce living creatures according .to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind.

And it was so.

GOD made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds.

And GOD saw that it was good.

Then GOD said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.

So GOD created man in his own image, in the image of GOD he created him; male and female HE created them.

GOD blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.

Then GOD said, I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food~ And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground— everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.

And it was so.

GOD saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the Sixth Day.”

Here the error as pointed out by science is that the Bible has placed the birds on the Fifth Day of creation while the animals are made to appear later on the Sixth Day.

Here again the sequence of events, according to science is other way round. Appearance of Animals should come before the appearance of birds. Is Bible really the word of GOD?

There is plenty of human manipulation.

(h) Bible. Book of Genesis Chapter 2 Verse 1 to 3:- “Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array.

By the Seventh Day GOD had finished the work he had been doing; so on the Seventh Day he rested from all his work.

And GOD blessed the Seventh Day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.”

Here comes the human manipulation. Allude an act to GOD so that it becomes justifiable for folks to follow it. Men willingly believe in what they themselves wish for. Much later Mark at 2:27 said, “Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.” The truth is that Sabbath is for man not for God.

If GOD did it, why should not they also do it. A typical Jewish line of thinking. It is also worth bringing to the notice of our readers that these three verses (Chapter 2 Verse 1-3) did not exist in the earlier YAHVIST text of Bible. It is a later addition in Bible by Jews. Why?

We know that all the days that are mentioned in Bible in the creation of the universe are very long periods of time spread over million and millions of years. But here abruptly we come to a day, which is only twenty-four hours long. It is just to justify the SABBATH —the Day of rest of the Jews.

Here again there is an addition in the Bible. This later day addition in the Bible is therefore deliberate, imaginative and purely whimsical just to justify the Day of Sabbath.

3. Date of Creation of World

Jewish calendar based on Genesis Chapters 4,5,11, 21 and 25 inform us that the world is only 5753 years old by the year 2002! (By adding ages of all generations from Adam to Jesus as given in Bible and up to this day). But the Scientists say that the world was created through a Big Bang some four and a half billion years ago. Even a ten-year-old boy will not believe, that the age of the world is 5753 years by the year 2002. (Refer to Maurice Bucaille’s book- The Bible The Qur’aan and Science).

4. Noah’s Flood

Bible mentions about Noah’s flood in the Book of Genesis at Chapter 6, 7 and 8.

In these three Chapters there again are contradictions of serious nature between YAHVISTIC version and SACERDOTAL version of Bible.

(a) Time When the Flood Took Place:- There are two different versions.

(i) According to YAHVISTIC Version:- It does not mention when the flood took place.

(ii) According to SACERDOTAL Version:- The flood took place when Noah was 600 years old.

(b) Flood:- According to two versions the flood lasted for different lengths of time:

(i) According to YAHVISTIC Version:- The flood lasted for forty days.

(ii) According to SACERDOTAL Version:- The flood lasted for one hundred and fifty days.

(c) Carrying Animals in the Ark:- There are two very different versions.

(i) According to YAHVISTIC Version:- “GOD ordered Noah to take seven males and seven females from each of the so-called “pure” animals, and a single from the “impure” species.”

(ii) According to SECRDOTAL Version: “Here this version of Bible says that Noah was to take one pair of each species.

5. David Taking Census of the Jews

There are two different versions on this subject.

(a) According to 2 Samuel 24:1:- “It says that it was lord GOD who incited David and said - “Go and take a census of Israel and Judah.”

(b) According to I Chronicle 21:1:- It says it was not GOD who incited David to take a census hut it was SATAN.

There are so many errors and contradictions In the Bible that it is difficult to distinguish the wheat from the chaff.

6. Eight Years Or Eighteen Years Old

The Holy Bible Revised Standard Version 1952 Edition gives two different ages of Prince Jehoiachin when he became a king.

2 Chronicle 36:9 says that he was 18 years old. But 2 kings 24:8 says that he was 8 years old when he became the king.

Later on when authors of Bible discovered this error, they promptly changed the age at both places to 18 years. Refer to Holy Bible New International Version 1983 Edition. There is a constant human manipulation with the Bible text.

One more error while we are on this subject. 2 Chronicle 36:9 says that he ruled for 3 months and 10 days whereas 2 kings 24:8 says that he ruled for 3 months only! Bible text is full of petty errors like these.

7. Seven Hundred or Seven Thousand

2 Samuel 10:18 says~ “David killed seven hundred of their charioteers.” Whereas I Chronicle 19:1 8 says-“David killed seven thousand of their charioteers.” Here note the difference. Hundreds verses thousands. Human authors write what they like. Is Bible the word of God?

8. 2000 Bathrooms or 3000 Bathrooms

I Kings 7:26 says that Solomon’s palace had 2000 bathrooms, but 2 Chronicles 4:5 says it had 3000 bathrooms.

Bible has many such contradictions. Can any one say that today’s Bible is the word of GOD’?

9. 4000 or 40,000 Stalls

The Holy Bible Revised Standard Version 1952 edition gives—two different numbers. 2 Chronicles 9:25 mentions that Solomon had 4000 stalls for his horses whereas I Kings 4:26 says that he had 40,000 stalls.

Today all editions of Bible say that they were 4000 stalls. Authors of Bible can change anything of Bible any time. They can add and they can subtract.

10. Plagiarism in Bible

There is plagiarism in Bible i.e. one passage is reproduced verbatim at another place. Compare Isaiah 37 with 2 Kings 19. Both are identical. One author is copying the other.

11. Sexes and Vulgarity

This is what George Bernard Shaw said about the Bible- “The most dangerous book on earth, keep it under lock and key.”

There was a writing in “Plain Truth” of October 1977 which said- “Reading Bible stories to children can also open up all sorts of opportunities to discuss morality and abuse. An un-expurgated Bible might get a double or triple X rating from the censors. Facts are stubborn things.

For this Refer to Genesis:- 4:1. 4:17, 4:25, 9:21, 16:1-4, 19:15, 9:30~38, 20:l-l3, 249, 25:7-l0, 288, 29:21, 30:1-24, 34:2, 38:11.

Ezeikel:- 23:1-49: 2 Samuel:- 11:4, 13:14 I Kings:- 1:1-4

I Chronicles:- 5:1-3.

12. Life Span of Humans

At Genesis 6:3 Bible authors have made GOD to say, at the time of Noah’s Flood, that the life span of marl would be restricted to 120 years only.

But Bible at various other places gives the following ages. Adam 930 years, Noah 950 years, Abraham 175 years. Sarah 127 years, Ismael 137 years, Jacob 147 years and Moses 120 years.

Authors of Bible have even made GOD to contradict Himself?

13. Building the Temple at Jerusalem

According to 2 Chronicle 2:2 three thousand six hundred foremen were employed to supervise the construction work of Temple.

According to I Kings 5:16 only three thousand foremen were employed. Is Bible the word of God?

14. David Captures Horsemen

According to Holy Bible Revised Standard Version 1952 edition gives two different numbers.

2 Samuel 8:4 says that David captured 1700 horsemen.

But I Chronicles 18:4 says that David captured 7000 horsemen.

“Later editions of Bible have standardized this figure to 7000 horsemen.

Bible authors are constantly trying to improve their statements.

15. David Brought the Ark of GOD

According to 1 Chronicles 13 and 14 the Ark of GOD was brought by David BEFORE fighting the war against Philistines (Palestinians).

But according to 2 Samuel 5 and 6 the Ark of GOD was brought by David AFTER defeating Philistines (Palestinians).

Bible authors were uncertain of their writings. They were in doubt.

16. David Raised His Spear

According to I Chronicles 11:11 David raised his spear against THREE hundred men.

But according to 2 Samuel 23:8 David raised his spear against EIGHT hundred men.

Which one of the two statements is right?

17. Famine in the Land of David

According to Holy Bible Revised Standard Version 1952 edition there are two different periods of famine.

I Chronicle 2.1:12 says THREE years

But 2 Samuel 24:13 says SEVEN years.

Later additions of Bible have standardized this figure to SEVEN.

18. Who Killed Goliath

(a) I Samuel 17:23 and 50 say David killed Goliath.

(b) II Samuel 2 1:19 instead says Elhanan killed Goliath.

(c) I Chronicle 20:5 says Elhanan killed not Goliath.

These are three different statements. Which one Christians and Jews would like to believe in?

19. When Israelites Were Staying in Shittim

Men began to indulge in sexual immorality with Moabite women. So God’s anger struck them. There are two different statements as to what happened as a result: -

(a) According to Numbers 25:1: Twenty four thousand men died due to plague.

(b) But according to I Corinthians 10:8:- Twenty three thousand were killed by snakes and angels. Which one of the above two statements is right?

20. When Joseph Was a Minister at Pharaoh’s Palace.

His father Jacob came to Egypt to be with Joseph. There are two versions as to how many people in all came to Egypt.

(a) According to Genesis 46:27:- They were seventy in all.

(b) But According to Acts 7:14:- They were seventy five in all. There is a dilemma. Which one to believe?

21. Pope of Vatican Said

In 1962-65 the then Pope of Vatican called a meeting to discuss the Bible material that was found to be ‘imperfect’ and ‘obsolete.’ The Second Vatican Council discussed the painful situation of Bible discrepancies because it was engulfing the Christian faith. The use of words “imperfect” and ‘obsolete’ is very grave indeed in regard to Bible.” (Maurice Bucaille - The Bible, the Qur’aan and Science.)


After 2001 years the truth has come out. Bible is no more indefensible. All statements of Bible do not correspond with the established scientific facts. Today there is a confrontation between Bible and science. Bible statements that have remained unquestionable for the last 2000 years are now being questioned. Today, the Bible stands exposed.

Any apological argument to defend the Bible as the word of GOD is no more acceptable to any intelligent mind. Bible has proven to he only a historical novel. Bible and modern knowledge do not go together. Science has invalidated the Bible. So far Bible had tried to reconcile the irreconcilable. New discoveries have brought uneasiness in Christian circles. A modern Christian is embarrassed at certain passages of Bible, which are incomprehensible and at times even contradictory.

There is Catholic’s Bible and there is Protestant’s Bible but there is no such thing as Original Bible of Jesus.

Any one knows that the world was created billions of years ago and not just 5753 ago, as Bible would make us believe. Centuries old estimates of Bible have proven wrong.

It is a certain truth that (Original) Bible was inspired Divinely. But the Divine message was not reduced to writing or to memorizing immediately. The result was that with the passage of time the Divine Message got distorted or even lost.

We know that modern Bible was reproduced over many centuries all from failing memory by human authors. They wrote in pieces according to their understanding as of that time and also according to their own interpretations. They wrote out of ignorance or may he even through good intentions to bring about a point home, no matter how far away it may have been from the Truth. They may have even forgotten a good part of the Divine Massage. This is the reason that the statements of those times are now falling apart in the twenty first century. Bible has undergone a lot of subtractions and additions. Man is his own worst enemy.

Bible has not only scientific but also historical errors—just because it is composed and edited by men. Today scholars say that about twenty per cent of the Bible matter perhaps remains Divine. The rest is all novelistic verbosity. It is uncomforting to see that new versions of Bible continue to appear in the market. Today there are over seven hundred versions of Bible and all are on display in London Museum.




In Protestant Bible the first 39 Books form Testament One whereas the remaining 27 books form Testament Two. Out of these 27 books of Testament Two, the first four hooks are called the Gospels (i.e. Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). The remaining 23 books were written by Paul and by some others. These 23 books were written first, from memory, some 20 years after the departure of Jesus but these Books of Paul are placed in Bible in latter pages. The four Gospels were written even much later. Some 70 to 100 years afterwards, also from memory, after the departure of Jesus but these Gospels are placed in Bible in earlier pages. These human words cannot have the status of Divine Words.

Jesus spoke the Aramaic language that was a sister Arabic dialect. He spoke in parables. Jesus must have said something. The audience must have understood something else and after a lapse of so many years the writers of Bible Books wrote down, entirely something else and that too from failing memory.

Therefore, one can see a lot of human manipulation in Testament Two also. One can see the free play of human imagination. Some Gospels contain even imaginary descriptions of events and Matthew’s narration (chapter 27 and 28 is a master piece of this eye-witness accounts is no longer defensible in the light of modern knowledge. It has been established by scholars that the four Gospels were written, revised mid corrected many times over. Today what we read in Bible are not the words of Jesus hut of those men who wrote them. Gospel writers have distorted the events of Jesus’s life. Some events are omitted altogether while others are contrived fictitiously. Still others are whimsical. At times there are flat contradictions between two Gospels. All these are the sole product of human imagination. Jesus’s mission is certainly not doubted but the writings about his mission are certainly doubted.

Scholars say that only twenty per cent of Bible material is of Divine nature. The rest is all human verbosity. Christians should read their Bible in full from page one till the end and not by paragraphs and by hits and pieces. Surely a complete reading of Bible is disturbing. But the ignorant and the deaf never change their opinion.

Now let us look at a few examples of inconsistencies and defects in Testament Two part of Bible.

1. Genealogy of Jesus

Since Jesus did not have a biological father therefore to talk of his genealogy does not make any sense. If at all his genealogy could he quoted it can only be quoted from his mother’s side. But it is not so in Bible.

Moreover, Christians consider Jesus to be GOD incarnate or the son of GOD. In that case also how can there be a genealogy of GOD! Despite these two contentious arguments Bible does give a male genealogy of Jesus!

Only two Gospel writers e.g. Matthew and Luke mention Jesus’s Genealogy. But they give different lists. (Even they contradict each other from David downwards. Mark and John are silent on this subject. Why? We do not know the reason.

The list of two genealogies given by Matthew (1:1 -17) and by Luke (3;33-28) are questionable. Matthew in his list of names does not give any names from Adam, down to Abraham. But Luke does mention 20 names between Adam to Abraham!

Further, Matthew mentions in his list 28 generations between David down to Jesus whereas Luke mentions 41 generations! (Contrary to these both the Testament One mentions only 12 generations between Adam down to Jesus)!

Matthew describes Jesus’s childhood differently from Luke whereas Mark does not mention it at all!

Modern scientific knowledge tells us that Adam, the first man, must have come on earth millions and millions of years ago, and not just 20+41 generations ago as Bible tells us.

Bible statements therefore appear to be totally out of context. According to modern science Jesus must have come hundreds and thousands of generations after Adam. We can safely say that the genealogies produced by Matthew and Luke is either fake or whimsical. They have projected their own imaginary lists. The writers of genealogies did not appreciate at the time of their writings that one day, when science would develop so much, as it has done today, that they would be questioned and they would stand exposed. And they will not be able to defend themselves.

2. Genealogy Shealtiel

While mentioning the genealogy Matthew at 1:12 says that Shealtiel was the son of Jeconiah, whereas Luke at 3:27 says that Shealtiel was the son of Neri. Anybody would dislike that his genealogy is misquoted. Such misquotations regarding genealogy of a person can further he seen in Bible. Compare Matthew 1:13 with Luke 3:27, Matthew 1:8 with II Chronicles 26:1 and Matthew 1:11 with I Chronicles 3:16.

3 Who Was Joseph’s Father-Jacob or Mattathias

According to Bible, after the birth of Prophet Jesus, his mother Mary married Joseph. Father’s name of Joseph has been mentioned differently by Gospel writers. Matthew at 1:16 says that his father’s name was Jacob whereas Luke at 3:23 says that his father’s

name was Mattathias. It is surprising that such an honourable Book like Holy Bible should make such an embarrassing error regarding the father’s name of a person of such high status and dignity! And nearly two billion Christians read it with spiritual abandon!

4. Jesus Became Christ

Matthew at 16:16 says that Simon Peter found out that Jesus was the Christ—through a REVELATION from heaven. But John at 1:41 says- no but it was Andrew who told him about this. Which one to believe.

5. Changing Water into Wine

Gospel of John was the last of the four Gospels that was written. And John is the only Gospel writer to mention about the changing of water into wine at the wedding ceremony at CANA. The other three Gospel writers Matthew, Mark and Luke do not mention anything about the performance of this miracle. The question arises as to why they did not mention it in their writings though they were written well before John wrote his Gospel. (Note all Gospel were composed between 70 to 100 years after the departure of Jesus).

6. Jesus Rode Upon a Donkey

All four Gospel writers have mentioned about the event. Now look at the variation in their expressions. Here are the specimens of their writings.

Matthew at 21:7 says:- “The disciples brought the donkey and the colt and Jesus sat on them.”

Mark at 11:7 says:- “When they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their cloaks over it, he sat on it.”

Luke at 12:35 says:- “They brought it to Jesus~ threw that cloaks on the colt and put Jesus on it.”

John at 12:14 says:- “Jesus found a young donkey and sat upon it.”

7. Jesus gave Instructions to Carry Nothing

Jesus gave certain instructions to his twelve disciples when they were being sent out to preach. They were asked to carry nothing with them. But

(a) Mark at 6:8 says that they were ALLOWED to carry a staff.

(b) Whereas Matthew at 10:9 and Luke at 9:3 say that they were NOT ALLOWED to carry even a staff with them.

Because of these contradictions one loses to a great extent the faith in the total authenticity of Bible narrations.

8. The Name of 10th Apostle Varies

Jesus designated them with authority to preach and to drive out the demons. The names of these apostles vary with different Gospel writers:

(a) According to Matthew 10:1-4-: The name of tenth disciple is THADDAEUS.

(b) But According to Luke 6:12-16: The name of tenth disciple is—JUDAS son of James.

9. Judas Iscariot’s Betrayal

There are two quite different stories that are built one by Matthew 26:14 and other by John 13:18 about Judas betrayal of Jesus leading to his arrest. How could these two Gospel writers describe this important event so differently? They have used their own imagination. They write what they want to write.

According to Bible, when the •High Priest questioned Jesus at his trial about his preaching, Jesus is made to say ‘yes’ at one place and ‘No’ at another. Gospel writers can create exceptional scenarios of their own liking.

(a) At John 18:20 Jesus is made to declare that— “I have spoken to the world. I always taught in Synagogues or at the temple, where all the Jews came together. I said nothing in secret.”

(b) But at Mark: 4:34 Jesus is made to declare that he did not say anything to them without using a parable. But when he was ALONE with his disciples, he explained everything.

10. How Judas Iscariot Killed Himself

Judas who betrayed Jesus for 30 silver coins was later filled with remorse. So he killed himself. Now look at the two versions of his death.

(a) Matthew at 27:5 says— “So Judas threw the money into the temple and left, then he went away and hanged himself.

(b) Acts at 1:18 says— “With the reward he got for his wickedness, Judas bought a field.

There he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out.”

Bible writers are surely imaginative.

11. Description of Passion

Jesus’s Last Supper with his twelve disciples was an important event when Jesus in his final moments bids farewell to his disciples. All the four Gospel writers mention this Passover event of considerable importance differently. How is it possible that each Gospel writer could record the memory of such an important event differently? Christians themselves are astonished at the existence of such variance and contradictions in Gospels.

Here one should remember that these four Gospel writers were not an eyewitnesses to Passover event. They have written their accounts 70 to 100 years later after the Last Supper—all from fading memory.

12. Jesus Prayed to GOD in the Night Prior to His Being Led to the Cross.

(a) According to Matthews 26:36-46 and mark 14:32-42:- Jesus prayed three times.

(b) But according to Luke 22:39:46:- Jesus prayed only once.

13. Ascension of Jesus to Heaven

Out of four Gospels, the two Gospel writers i.e. Mark and Luke mention about Jesus’s ascension. Matthew and John do not mention anything. Why’?

But here again, there is a problem with Mark and Luke.

There is a discrepancy in their accounts. Mark mentions Jesus’s ascension without giving any indication of time frame, whereas Luke gives two dates. Luke in his Gospel somehow places Jesus ascension on the very day of his coming out of the Tomb. But again he places Jesus’s ascension (in the Book of Acts of which he is said to be the author) 40 days after his coming out of the Tomb. Two different statements by the same author cannot be justified. Bible statements about events are aught to be authentic and without contradictions.

Again Mark at 16:19 says:- “Jesus was taken up into heaven, and he sat down at the right hand of GOD.” Whereas Luke at 24:5 1 says:- “Jesus left them and was taken up into heaven.” Christians get perturbed when these incongruities are brought to their notice.

14. Re-appearance of Jesus

Bible says that Jesus was crucified and then buried in a grave, and a big stone covered the grave. But according to Bible- after three days and two nights, the stone was removed and Jesus came out of the grave (i.e. resurrected). Now let us see how this event

is described differently by different Gospel writers causing mistrust and confusion.

Matthew, Mark and Luke give three different lists of women who came to Jesus’s tomb whereas John says that only Mary Madgalene went to the tomb.

Now let US see what these four Gospel writers say about this event. And they say it differently:-

(a) Gospel of Matthew:- Here an angel is made to say to the women, who came to visit the tomb, that they will find Jesus in Galilee. But immediately thereafter Jesus is made to join them at the tomb itself. (And not at Galilee).

Matthew says that Jesus appeared only once after coming out of the grave.

(b) Gospel of Luke:- Mentions that after resurrection Jesus appeared to people at a place called Emmaus (the question is whether it was Galilee or Emmaus?).

(c) Gospel of Mark:- The women who went to the tomb to search Jesus were met by one angel who told them that they will find Jesus at Galilee.

(d) Gospel of John:- Only one woman- Mary Madgalene went to the tomb where she was met by two angels (not one). While she was talking to angels. Jesus appeared to her standing next to her.

The reader must have noticed that in each case the list of women who went to the tomb is different, and so is the place of reappearance of Jesus. Was it at the tomb, or was it at Galilee or was it at Emmaus?

Such is the confusion. This confusion is further confounded when we read about Jesus’s reappearance that is mentioned by Paul also. In a letter to Corinthians he says it differently. He says that Jesus appeared to more than five hundred people all at once, and also to James-Jesus’s brother. Further he says that Jesus also appeared to all Apostles and of course to Paul himself.

There is enough contradiction in each of the above-mentioned five statements. All these statements are weak, blurred and disjointed causing uncertainty and giving rise to confusion. All these five statements have, within them, elements of fantasy and individual imagination. Surely the writings are not Divine.

15. Appearance of Jesus to Saul/Paul

There are two differing versions regarding Jesus’s appearance to Saul I Paul while he was on a journey to Damascus when he saw a light from heaven.

(a) According to Acts 26:14— “All companions fell to the ground.”

(b) But According to Acts 9:7— “All men travelling with Saint stood there. There are many such contradictions in Bible.

16. The Institution of Eucharist

The ritual ceremony of Eucharist is performed by the Catholic community of the church. It is unique to this church only. Churches of other denomination neither believe in it nor do they practice it.

The ritual ceremony of Eucharist is the Holy Communion (i.e. to be associated with Jesus where a piece of ordinary daily used bread becomes Jesus’s flesh, followed by a sip of wine, which becomes the blood of Jesus. Catholics eat and drink both to be one with Jesus. Of course the ritual is only symbolic but to Catholics it is not akin to cannibalism but an act of utmost solemn spiritual union with Jesus. Eucharist ceremony is the most essential act of Catholic Christian Community Church Service.

Matthew, Mark and Luke all three mention in one way or the other the breaking of bread and drinking of wine (Matt. 26:23, Mk. 14:22, Lk. 22:19-22).

It is surprising that despite very detailed and long descriptions of Jesus’s life by John, he does not mention a word about eating and drinking of bread and wine. Why?

Such lapses by different Gospel writers give rise to doubts in one’s mind to question—is Bible really the word of God?

17. Jesus’s Last Words of Advice

After the end of Last Supper Jesus gives a very long parting speech to his disciples. In this speech he lays down for Christians the future line of action regarding their faith and belief.

He says that some times in future another Messenger/Prophet of God will come after him. Whose name would be PARACLETE? They should believe in him and follow him. PARACLETE means the Praised One i.e. Ahmed or Muhammad.

PARACLETE is the English translation of Greek word PARACLETOS. Subsequent editions of Bible have replaced this very significant word with other words e.g. Counselor Comforter, Advocate, Adviser etc. This is done to camouflage the meaning of real word PARACLETE.

Ahmed is the heavenly name of Muhammad (Peace be upon all Prophets). Jesus’s followers were advised by Jesus that his followers should believe in and follow the Praised One i.e. Prophet Ahmed/ Muhammad when he comes sometimes in future.

Only Gospel of John records the details of this long and important farewell speech of Jesus to his disciples after the Last Supper. The other three Gospel writers Matthew,

Mark and Luke have tried to avoid writing on this subject in detail. They have described this important speech in short and in passing only. Why?

Here these questions arise. First - Why the other three Gospel writers have not fully mentioned about these important farewell parting words? Second - Is it that their memory had failed? Third - Or, they intentionally and deliberately left it out because this parting speech has a very deep affect on the future conduct, belief and faith of Christians. All this proves that the present Bible is not the word of God. It is written by various authors according to their own thinking. Sometimes adding, sometimes subtracting the crucial matter.

18. Farewell Sermon

Now let us see what exactly John says about this farewell sermon.

(a) John 14: 15-16:- “If you love me, you will obey what I command. And I will ask the father, and he will give you another Counselor.”

Here Jesus is specifically giving a command to his followers to obey and follow another Counselor who would come in future.

(b) John 14:26-:- “But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name will teach you all things and, will remind you of everything I have said to you.”

Here Jesus is specifically giving guidance to his followers that after his departure another Counselor (Ahmed/Muhammad) would come who would teach them all things and would remind them once again all things, which he has been preaching.

Here adding the name of Holy Spirit is a clever attempt to divert the readers mind to Angel Jibrael from the word Counselor. Word Holy Spirit has been added deliberately but unnecessarily because Holy Spirit was present even at that time. Jesus was talking of future.

(c) John 15:26-27:- “When the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of Truth who goes out from the Father, he will testify, about me. And you must also testify for you have been with me from the beginning.”

Here Jesus is specifically giving guidance that the Counselor (Ahmed/Muhammad) would be very truthful in all his statements. He will be in fact the Spirit of Truth. He will come from GOD and he will give testimony under oath about the real and true status of Jesus as a prophet. He will testify that prophet Jesus is the son of Mary and not the Son of GOD. Further Jesus advised his followers to testify the same also.

(d) John 16:7-8:- “But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away the Counselor (Ahmed/Muhammad) will not come to you: but if I go, I will send him to you.

When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment.”

Here Jesus is again repeating that the Counselor (Ahmed/Muhammad) would come after his departure in some future time. Jesus is emphasizing that the Counselor (Ahmed/Muhammad) would come for the whole world and not for a limited community. And to the whole world, he will, on one hand, warn against sin, its guilt and its consequences of Hell, while on the other hand, he will lead the world towards righteousness, uprightness by using judgment in all matters of belief and faith. Jesus is clearly pointing to the arrival of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) at some future date.

(e) John 16:13-14:- “But when he, the Spirit of Truth, (Ahmed/Muhammad) comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own: he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.”

19. Here Jesus is Telling Four Things to His Disciples

(a) That the Spirit of Truth (i.e. the Counselor or Prophet Muhammad) will guide you with all the truth and nothing but the truth. So whatever he will say and preach would be the absolute truth.

(b) Whatever he will say will not be from his own mind.

(c) But whatever Divine words he would hear (from GOD through Angel Jibrael), he would repeat them out verbatim to the world at large (i.e. Qur’aanic words).

(d) And finally he will tell you what is to come in future i.e. about death, Day of Judgment and another life in the Hereafter- whether that life be in Heaven or Hell.

Jesus has used the word PARACLETOS four times. PARACLETOS is in Greek, whereas PARACLETE is in English. Words like Counselor, Advocate, Adviser, Comforter etc. are also used in other Bible Versions. Repeating this word four times shows the emphasis of Jesus on the importance of this word. Then Jesus has also commanded his people to obey and follow his this advice.

Gospel of John has added another word:- “The Holy Spirit.” This is an addition by John to hijack reader’s mind towards something else. Jesus is clearly indicating, as it is in Bible, about another messenger who would be in inhuman flesh and blood and who would come and would live with human beings. Who would have ears to hear the message of GOD (through Angel Jibrael) and would have a tongue to repeat out those

very Divine words to the world at large. Jesus’s message is simple and clear that another messenger/prophet would come and his followers should listen to him and follow him. John has added the word “The Holy Spirit” only to sidetrack and distort the emphasis from the word Counselor. This is neither honest nor truthful. This appears to be the reason why Matthew, Mark and Luke have kept themselves away from making any statement on this crucial subject. Despite being the truth, the Christians are mentally not ready to accept it. Their spiritual crisis persists. The Church vainly tries to wriggle out of Jesus’s final commands to his followers.

(f) Jesus at Luke 24:49 also says:- “I am going to send you what my Father has promised.”

(g) Moses at Deuteronomy 18:15 also says: Here also the arrival of Prophet Muhammad (Ahmed) is forecast by Moses.

This was Jesus’ spiritual sermon to his followers. In this farewell speech Prophet Jesus has spelt out the ultimate of his spiritual mission. These last words of Jesus are of fundamental significance to the future of Christian faith. If Christians obey and follow this message of Jesus it can radically transform the present belief and faith of Christians.

On this verse hangs the future of Christian faith. The Church must admit the truth of arrival of Prophet Muhammad because his arrival in foretold not once but four times by no less an authority, than Jesus himself. This was the command of Jesus, which Christians are disregarding. Can there still be a worse example of disbelief and disobedience of Jesus?

It is significant to note that the arrival of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon All Prophets) is mentioned at thirty-four places in Bible. (See my hook “Arrival of Muhammad is mentioned 34 times in Bible.”)

20. Capital Punishment

Bible (New International Version) at Deuteronomy 21:22-23 says:- “Cursed is every one who is hung on a tree.” St. Paul also says the same thing at Galatians 3:13:- “Cursed is every one who is hung on a tree.” But Gospels say that Jesus was crucified to death. How come? Jesus was a great Prophet. He was no criminal to deserve capital punishment! It is difficult to reconcile the apparent contradiction.

Further while we are on this subject of capital punishment there are three variations in Deuteronomy 2 1:22-23 statements. They are:-

(a) Some Bibles do quote this statement.

(b) Other Bibles quote this statement—but in brackets. Why?

(c) Still others (like. The Good News Bible 1977 Third Print does not mention it at all.

(d) And so does the Deuteronomy used by Jews.

It is clear from this that the authors of Bible manipulate their writings according to their own choice.


We have seen that in both Testament One and Testament Two of Bible there are errors and contradictions causing doubts and confusion. I have quoted only a few as a specimen. They are in thousands.

It is evident that human authors have, at will, changed the words, the meanings and the main substance and spirit of Bible. Now the real spirit has gone out of Bible. Only the outer shell remains without the real exhilarating spiritual juice.

Straight and truthful message of Prophet Jesus is camouflaged.

For real Divine guidance, men who wish to search for the ultimate Truth, would have to look somewhere else where they can find answers to all the yearnings of their starving souls because satisfaction is only found in Truth.

False dogmas can never extend satisfaction to the spiritual assets of any individual soul. It is therefore perfectly justifiable for Christians to carefully re-evaluate their faith with wisdom so as to be able to follow the Straight Way.


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