
First published on: Challenges of Being Cooped up in Quarantine

 Health, Life Style, Social Problems Life Guide, Mental Health Abeer Eltahan

#I_can’t_breathe. This is how most of us feel by now after months of isolation out of Coronavirus; being cooped up in quarantine at home. This quarantine; isolation; is taking its toll on all of us.  We all suffer from massive trauma due to helplessness, grief, loneliness, anxiety, fear and even depression.  After going through all the movies, documentaries, all the social media and eating yourself silly you need to stop and take care of yourself once again.

In this article, we offer a group of techniques that would make it easier to deal with those challenges being cooped up in quarantine.

You are made of three components as a human: body, mind and soul.

You should take care of all three aspects of your essence in order to survive this global calamity.

How to do so? … Here are some techniques and ideas:

1. Body Care in Quarantine

You’ll get so many tips online and from family members and friends on how to maintain a healthy body cooped up in quarantine.  

Here are few, to the point, advice about how to take care of your body:

Eating healthy: you should eat lots of fruits veggies and a moderate amount of proteins and carbs.  Also, you should cut down on wheat, salt and sugar, which is always a good idea. 

You might consider dietary supplementation if you suffer deficiencies of any sort to maintain a healthy body and high immunity level.

Drink lots of fluids specially water which is vital for all your organs; two to three liters per day is exemplary.

Good night sleep is almost key to good body health in general and mental health in specific.

Do things that you kept procrastinating around the house: 

Tidy up

Clean up

Fix broken things


Sun light and fresh air are essential for your: Growth hormone, Melatonin, vitamin D optimization, your general mood, body and mental health.

Last but not least PHYSICAL EXERCISE; this is VITAL to maintain optimum general health.  You should make it a part of your daily routine if you are alone.  Or, you might even invite family members that you live with to join in and make it a happy time for all.


2. Mind Care in Quarantine

Having a clear head and a sound-focused mind is crucial during these troubled times. It is very easy to wallow and fall into anxiety and depression while being cooped up at home.  So here are some valuable tips to keep your sanity during quarantine:

The first and most important tip is to keep busy.  An empty head is a welcoming environment for worries, irrational fears, catastrophic thoughts, Satin and sins. The solution is to KEEP BUSY.  Here are some ideas: 

Work online

Learn new things

Try new things, for example, listening to this, 

Read and / or study daily

Schedule your days so time would not be wasted

Avoid social media or at least limit your time on it

Pick up a new interest

Don’t forget to have some fun 

Explore Islam 😊

Keep your spirits up with optimism and happy thoughts. A good mood is a great immunity booster and a launching deck for all that is good.

Avoid being flooded with bad and dark news and look for the good ones as well. Actually, a sensible balance is always smart.

Engage in enjoyable activities preferably that are group activities to maintain human contact even if virtual (Online).

3. Soul Care in Quarantine

If your mind is the steering wheel of your body, your soul is the fuel of your body and mind engine; thus, take good care of your soul. Indeed, It is certainly different for each of us; no one-size-fits-all formula so, here are some suggestions:

Keep faith and certainty that there is always wisdom behind everything that happens. Indeed, life is a trial that we each are going through whether we liked it or not, one should get smart and deal.   

Maintain your worship and connection to your Creator. Believers have as much endorphins and serotonin in their brains as athletes; that is a scientific fact.

Peace and contentment: these will be attainable only if one had both faith and worship covered.  Being certain that you have The Defender “God” at your back is a relief and it is Belief.  

Muhammad PBUH the last Messenger of God said:

How wonderful is the case of a believer; there is good for him in everything and this applies only to a believer. If prosperity attends him, he expresses gratitude to Allah and that is good for him; and if adversity befalls him, he endures it patiently and that is better for him.” [Muslim] (1)

Strengthening family ties: working on your relationships with family members is the best you can do for yourself. 

Anas b. Malik reported:

I heard Allah’s Messenger PBUH as saying:

He who is desirous that his means of sustenance should be expanded for him or his age may be lengthened, should join the tie of relationship” [Muslim] (2)

For those without family, friends, or a supportive community; loneliness and even a sense of abandonment may be overwhelming. Although social connections via the internet are often helpful, they are no substitute for the embrace of a friend or loved one. Indeed, we all should lend a helping hand or show affection and sympathy to all fellow humans in time of need; even virtually for the time being.

Maintain hope and optimism always, because a dark soul is the shortest way to weak body and mind. Look for good news and share glad tidings; be the fellow you aspire to have. 


To conclude,

No one can say it’s easy being Cooped up in Quarantine but one should make the best of every situation.

Hence, take care of your body, mind and soul and even better take care of your own people. Giving is the best way to receive. 

Resort to Him:

Allah – there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.” Qur’an [2:255] (3) 

How Can I Find Peace in These Troubling Times?

 Social Problems Life Guide, Mental Health Esraa Mohammad

Fears, upsets, losses and illnesses, how can we find peace between all these troubling feelings and times?

To begin with, Allah the Almighty says in Qur’an:


And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient, Who, when disaster strikes them, say, ‘Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.‘ Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the [rightly] guided.” Quran (2:155-157) (1)


You can’t find peace without satisfaction, and patience is the key to satisfaction but to be patient you should have a strong faith.

How to get Strong Faith in Troubling Times?

Look at what our Creator and His Messenger said about that:

1.Having a positive view:

As Prophet Muhammad said:

How wonderful is the case of a believer; there is good for him in everything and this applies only to a believer. If prosperity attends him, he expresses gratitude to Allah and that is good for him; and if adversity befalls him, he endures it patiently and that is better for him.”[Muslim]. (2)

But How in Troubling Times?

Read what Prophet Muhammad said:

There is nothing (in the form of trouble) that comes to a believer even if it is the pricking of a thorn that there is decreed for him by Allah good or his sins are obliterated.” [Muslim] (3)


And Allah said in the Noble Qur’an:

… If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe.’ “ Quran (14:7) (4)


What would Allah do with your punishment if you are grateful and believe? And ever is Allah Appreciative and Knowing.” Quran (4:147) (5)

2.Remembrance of God with Ability to Change Everything in Troubling Times:

Allah said:

Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts are assured.” Quran (13:28) (6)

Finally, we should know that faith is the backbone of inner peace and one can’t find it without strong faith that depends on it. Faith tells you that everything will pass in this life but complete rest waits for you in the Hereafter.

No disaster strikes upon the earth or among yourselves except that it is in a register before We bring it into being – indeed that, for Allah, is easy. In order that you not despair over what has eluded you and not exult [in pride] over what He has given you. And Allah does not like everyone self-deluded and boastful “ Quran (57: 22-23) (7)

To conclude,

You deserve to search for happiness and inner peace. Start your journey by reading Qur’an, and exploring Islam. Be Muslim to discover this life and live it properly. Also, you can have a one to one conversation if any questions found!

The Quarantine Is Giving Me Depression, What Should I Do?

 Life Style, Social Problems Health in Islam, Life Guide, Mental Health Omnia Khaled

Depression is actually haunting everyone of us for different reasons. But nowadays the main reason for depression is quarantine. We all feel like prisoners in jail. I know it’s not easy at all. You may wonder, quarantine is giving me depression, what should I do?

Let me remind you, when you was so frustrated with being busy all the time because of your different responsibilities? Some were busy because of work; others did because of studying. All were waiting for a chance to take a break to stop the wheel of life for a moment to breathe. Finally, the chance is here on a silver plate. What you really need is to seize it.

Be Thankful:

   Maybe the surroundings are not helping; bad news is everywhere, infections are spreading, the death toll is increasing. However, we still alive and we should be thankful for this chance. We still have food, fresh air,  living with our families, having countless blessings, and the most important thing that we have is time. From time to time, you need to give yourself a break to contemplate and think about your live. Stop saying, quarantine is giving me depression, and seize this chance. Some people need quietness, others want to spend time with their families and some need to learn new things. At least, we have sufficient time to do whatever we like. 

Negative People:

   You must meet a negative person who gets mad at little things. This person never feels contented with anything. Being around those people may cause you depression. Also, his/her dissatisfaction will ruin his entire life. Resulting in, losing his/her contact with friends and family. Finally, he ends up miserable and alone. Do you like his way of living? Do you like to end up your life like him? Actually, for me, no I don’t. So, be aware of your decisions. Heads up, you are the one who must choose to complain or to make use of this golden chance. 

Ideas to Make Use of Quarantine: 

1- Contemplate:

   Ask yourself why is this happening in the world? There must be reasons for that. Have you understood reasons behind this or you have just complained? Most important, have you given yourself time to understand God’s message from this calamity or you still unaware of it? Thus, it’s your real chance to appraised God with true appraisal. It’s your chance to think about your purpose in life; to think deeply why I am here, what I am supposed to do. Confront yourself…

Have I achieved my real purpose or have I gone astray? What I am doing right now is the true thing or not?  In other words, What I am doing now will satisfy my Lord? Has He brought me here to be meaningless, or I am of great value?

Actually, every single answer you are in need of is here found in Islam. Islam copes with our nature. God has stated clearly:

And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” [Quran 51-56] (1)

2- Make New Habits:

   How many times have you tried to get a new habit? Countless times, right?  Maybe you failed because of a lack of time or different distractions that drive you away. But now you have no excuse. You have time, and you are free to do whatever you hoped to do. So, start to take the first step even if it is little as it’ll make a huge difference at the end. Look at what Messenger Muhammed (PBUH) said:

The acts most pleasing to Allah are those which are done continuously, even if they are small.”   [Sahih Muslim] (2)

3- Value What You Have:

   Complaining, quarantine is giving me depression! It’s better to take a moment to appreciate what you already get freely without paying back. You have home, family, food, fresh air, friends, education, good health, mind and etc. Even though, you still unhappy complaining about life. You just need to learn how to see the glass half full, to see the slight light in the deep darkness, and fully believe that whatever happens is the best. In fact, every hard situation has a silver lining. And look at God word:

And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe.’ ”   [Quran 14-7] (3)


To sum it up,  quarantine is hard but with your positive way of thinking, you can make it on your side. Make the most of every moment you have as you will be asked for your time. Prophet said:

Man’s feet will not move on the Day of Resurrection before he is asked about his life, how did he consume it, his knowledge, what did he do with it, his wealth, how did he earn it and how did he dispose of it, and about his body, how did he wear it out”    [At-Tirmidhi ] (4)

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