
First published on: God Intends For You Ease And Does Not Intend For You Hardship

  Hasnaa Heikal

Really, Allah (The Creator of Heavens and Earth) is the most merciful. Beginning with the universe subjected for us and passing by events of life and even the orders He gives and prohibitions He imposes.

For the first moment you may feel it’s a sort of obligation or restriction, but with few thinking or mediation you may know the wisdom of these orders and prohibitions.

And Allah wants to lighten for you [your difficulties]; and mankind was created weak.” []

The meaning of this verse

– This part of verse is a general role in Muslim’s life.

Imagine a manager of a company setting out rules regardless the circumstances of the employees, and a manager of another company setting out rules and exceptions for each rule taking in consideration the conditions of each employee.

– Allah ordered us to fast (i.e abstain from eating, drinking and coitus from daybreak to sunset), but He knows that fasting may be difficult in some cases or for some people as the sick, the travellers, pregnant and breastfeeding women and the aged who can not endure fasting; so He didn’t obligate them to fast.

“… So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey – then an equal number of other days. Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and perhaps you will be grateful.” [].

There are many exceptions to many rules according to what’s suitable for everybody.

Laws in Islam are organizers, not just restrictions

In Qur’an we find many verses giving options for persons who can’t follow the orders for one reason or another, such as: “he who does not find”, “he who is unable”, “whoever among you cannot [find]”,…etc.

And Allah says towards that:

No person is charged with more than his capacity.” []

From the verses above, we can conclude how Allah knows us more than we know ourselves. He knows our capacity and shall account us according to it.

– When Allah forbids you from stealing, for example, He forbids millions and millions from stealing from you. Then the law is for your interest and benefit.

– When Allah orders the rich to give charity to the poor, both the rich and the poor are reassured that the one who has will give the one who needs.

To sum up

– The Islamic law is a path to live in society based on justice, equality, peace and freedom by submission to Allah not to our inclination or evil.

– We can burden it because if we can’t, Allah will not order us.

– The aim is not to restrict, but to organize.

And Allah wants to lighten for you [your difficulties]; and mankind was created weak.” []

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