43. Nothing is said to you [Muhammad] save what was said
to the messengers before you. Lo! your Lord is owner of
forgiveness, and owner [also] of painful punishment.
44. And if We had appointed it a Qur’ân in a foreign language
they would assuredly have said: If only its verses were
expounded [so that we might understand]? What! A foreign
tongue and an Arab? – Say to them [O Muhammad]: For
those who believe it is a guidance and a healing; and as
for those who disbelieve, there is a deafness in their ears,
and it is blindness for them. Such are called to from afar.
45. And We verily gave Moses the Scripture, but there has
been dispute concerning it; and but for a Word that
had already gone forth from your Lord, it would before
now have been judged between them; but lo! they are in
hopeless doubt concerning it.
46. Whoso does right it is for his soul, and whoso does
wrong it is against it. And your Lord is not at all unjust
to His slaves.
? . 47 To Him is referred [all] knowledge of the Hour. And no
fruits burst forth from their covers, and no female carries
or brings forth but with His knowledge. And on the day
when He calls to them: Where are now My partners? they
will say: We confess to You, not one of us is a witness
[for them].
48. And those to whom they used to invoke of old have failed
them, and they perceive they have no place of refuge.
49. Man tires not of supplication for good, and if ill touches
him, then he is disheartened, desperate.
50. And verily, if We cause him to taste mercy after some
hurt that has touched him, he will say: This is my own;
and I deem not that the Hour will ever rise, and if I am
brought back to my Lord, I surely shall be better off with
Him– But We verily shall tell those who disbelieve [all]
that they did, and We verily shall make them taste hard
51. When We show favour to man, he withdraws and turns
aside, but when ill touches him then he abounds in
52. Say: If it is from Allah and you disbelieve in it– Who is further
astray than one who is in extreme dissension [with Allah]?
53. We shall show them Our signs on the horizons and within
themselves until it will be manifest to them that it is the
Truth. Does not your Lord suffice, since He is Witness
over all things?
54. How! Are they still in doubt about the meeting with their
Lord? Lo! Is not He encompassing all things?
Revealed at Mecca, [53 verses]
Ash-Shûrâ, “Counsel,” takes its name from a word in v. 38.
It belongs to the middle group of Meccan Sûrahs.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Hâ. Mîm.
2. A’în. Sîn. Qâf.[1]
3. Thus Allah the Mighty, the Wise reveals to you [Muhammad]
as [He revealed] to those before you.
4. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in
the earth, and He is the Most High, the Most Great.
[1] See Sûr. [2]. V.1, footnote.
5. Almost might the heavens above be rent asunder while the
angels glorify the praise of their Lord and ask forgiveness
for those on the earth. Lo! Allah is the Forgiver, the
6. And as for those who take allies other than Him, Allah is
Guardian over them, and you are in no wise a guardian
over them.
7. And thus we have revealed to you a Qur’ân in Arabic, that
you may warn the mother-town [Mecca] and those around
it, and may warn of a day of assembling whereof there is
no doubt. A host will be in the Garden, and a host of them
in the Flame.
8. Had Allah willed, He could have made them one nation,
but Allah brings whom He wills into His mercy. And the
wrong-doers have no protector nor helper.
9. Or have they taken protectors [or allies] besides Him? But
Allah, He [alone] is the Protector. He gives life to the
dead, and He is Able to do all things.
10. And in whatsoever you differ, the verdict therein belongs
to Allah. Such is my Lord, in Whom I put my trust, and
to Whom I turn.
11. The Creator of the heavens and the earth. He has made
for you pairs of yourselves, and of the cattle also pairs,
whereby He multiplies you. Nothing is as His likeness;
and He is the Hearer, the Seer.
12. His are the keys of the heavens and the earth. He enlarges
providence for whom He wills and straitens [it for whom
He wills]. Lo! He is Knower of all things.
13. He has ordained for you of religion what He enjoined
upon Noah, and that which We have revealed to you
[Muhammad], and that which We commended to
Abraham and Moses and Jesus, saying: Establish the
religion, and be not divided therein. Dreadful for the
associators is that to which you call them. Allah chooses
for Himself whom He wills, and guides to Himself him
who turns [toward Him].
14. And they were not divided until after the knowledge
came to them, through rivalry among themselves; and
had it not been for a Word that had already gone forth
from your Lord for an appointed term, it surely had
been judged between them. And those who were made
to inherit the Scripture after them are verily in hopeless
doubt concerning it.
15. To this, then, summon [O Muhammad]. And be upright
as you are commanded, and follow not their lusts, but
say: I believe in whatever Scripture Allah has sent down,
and I am commanded to be just among you. Allah is our
Lord and your Lord. To us our deeds and to you your
deeds; no argument between us and you. Allah will bring
us together, and to Him is the final return.
16. And those who argue concerning Allah after He has
been responded to, their argument has no weight with
their Lord, and wrath is upon them and theirs will be an
awful doom.
17. Allah it is Who has sent down the Book with truth, and
the Balance. How can you know? It may be that the Hour
is near.
18. Those who believe not therein seek to hasten it, while
those who believe are fearful of it and know that it is the
Truth. Are not they who dispute, in doubt concerning the
Hour, far astray?
19. Allah is gracious to His slaves. He provides for whom He
wills. And He is the Strong, the Mighty.
20. Whoso desires the harvest of the Hereafter, We give him
increase in its harvest. And Whoso desires the harvest of
the world, We give him thereof, and he has no portion in
the Hereafter.
21. Or have they partners [of Allah] who have made lawful
for them in religion that which Allah allowed not? And
but for a decisive word [gone forth already], it would
have been judged between them. Lo! for wrong-doers is
a painful doom.
22. You see the wrong-doers fearful of that which they have
earned, and it will surely befall them; while those who
believe and do good deeds [will be] in flowering meadows
of the Gardens, having what they wish from their Lord.
This is the great bounty.
23. This it is which Allah announces to His bondmen
who believe and do good deeds. Say [O Muhammad,
to mankind]: I ask of you no fee therefor, save loving
kindness among kinsfolk. And whoso scores a good
deed We add to its good for him. Lo! Allah is Forgiving,
24. Or say they: He has invented a lie concerning Allah? If
Allah willed, He could have sealed your heart [against
them]. And Allah will wipe out the falsehood and will
vindicate the truth by His words. Lo! He is aware of what
is hidden in the breasts [of men].
25. And He it is Who accepts repentance from His bondmen,
and pardons the misdeeds, and knows what you do.
26. And answers [the supplication of] those who do good
deeds, and gives increase to them of His bounty. And as
for disbelievers, theirs will be an awful doom.
27. And if Allah were to enlarge the provision for His slaves
they would surely rebel in the earth, but He sends down
by measure as He wills. Lo! He is Acquainted, a Seer of
His bondmen.
28. And He it is Who sends down the rain after they have
despaired, and spreads out His mercy. He is the Protector,
the Praiseworthy.
29. And of His signs is the creation of the heaven and the
earth, and of whatever beasts He has dispersed therein.
And He is Able to gather them when He wills.
30. Whatever of misfortune strikes you, it is what your hands
have earned. And He pardons much.
31. You cannot escape in the earth, for besides Allah you have
no protector nor any helper.
32. And of His signs are the ships, like mountains in the sea;
33. If He wills He calms the wind so that they keep still upon
its surface lo! herein verily are signs for every patient
grateful [heart]–
34. Or he causes them to perish on account of that which
they have earned– And He forgives much–
35. And that those who argue concerning Our signs may
know they have no refuge.
36. Now whatever you have been given is but a passing
comfort for the life of the world, and that which Allah
has is better and more lasting for those who believe and
put their trust in their Lord.
37. And those who avoid the worst of sins and indecencies
and, when they are angry, forgive,
38. And those who respond to their Lord and establish prayer,
and whose affairs are a matter of counsel, and who spend
of what We have bestowed on them,
39. And those who, when great wrong is done to them, defend
40. The recompense of an ill-deed is an ill the like thereof.
But whosoever pardons and amends, his reward is the
affair of Allah. Lo! He loves not wrong-doers.
41. And whoso defends himself after he has suffered wrong–
for such, there is no way [of blame] against them.
42. The way [of blame] is only against those who oppress
mankind, and wrongfully rebel in the earth. For such there
is a painful doom.
43. And verily whoso is patient and forgives– Lo! that, verily,
is [of] the steadfast heart of matters.
44. He whom Allah sends astray, for him there is no protector
after Him. And you [Muhammad] will see the wrongdoers
when they see the doom, [how] they say: Is there
any way of return?
45. And you will see them exposed to [the Fire], made humble by
disgrace, and looking with stealthy glance. And those who
believe will say: Lo! the [eternal] losers are they who lose
themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection.
Lo! are not the wrong-doers in perpetual doom?
46. And they will have no allies to help them instead of Allah.
He whom Allah sends astray, for him there is no way.
47. Respond to your Lord before there comes to you from
Allah a Day which there is no averting. You have no
refuge on that Day, nor have you any [power of] refusal.
48. But if they are averse, We have not sent you as a guardian
over them. Your duty is only to convey [the message].
And lo! when We cause man to taste of mercy from Us
he exults therefor. And if some evil strikes them because
of that which their own hands have sent before, then lo!
man is an ingrate.
49. To Allah belongs the Sovereignty of the heavens and
the earth. He creates what He wills. He bestows female
[offspring] upon whom He wills, and bestows male
[offspring] upon whom He wills;
50. Or He makes them, males and females, and He makes
barren whom He wills. Lo! He is Knower, Powerful.
51. And it was not [granted] to any mortal that Allah should
speak to him unless [it be] by revelation or from behind
a veil, or [that] He sends a messenger to reveal what He
wills by His leave. Lo! He is Exalted, Wise.
52. And thus We have revealed to you [Muhammad] an
inspiration of Our command. You knew not what the
Book was, nor what the Faith. But We have made it a light
whereby We guide whom We will of Our bondmen. And
lo! you verily do guide to a straight path.
53. The path of Allah, to Whom belongs whatsoever is in the
heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. Do not all matters
reach Allah at last [for decision]?
Revealed at Mecca, [89 verses]
Az-Zukhruf, “Ornaments of Gold” is the fourth of the
Hâ. Mîm. Sûrahs. It takes its name from a word meaning
golden ornaments which occurs in v. 35. It belongs to the
middle group of Meccan Sûrahs.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Hâ. Mîm.[1]
2. By the Book which makes plain,
3. Lo! We have made it a Qur’ân in Arabic that perhaps you
may understand.
[1] See Sûr. [2]. V.1, footnote.
4. And lo! in the mother of the Book, which We possess, it is
indeed exalted, wise,
5. Shall We utterly ignore you because you are an extravagant
6. How many a prophet did We send among the men of old!
7. And never came there to them a prophet but they used to
mock him.
8. Then we destroyed men mightier than these in prowess;
and the example of the men of old has gone [before them].
9. And if you [Muhammad] ask them: Who created the
heavens and the earth, they will surely answer: The Mighty,
the Knower created them;
10. Who made the earth a resting-place for you, and placed
roads for you therein, that perhaps you may be guided;
11. And who sends down water from the sky in [due] measure,
and We revive a dead land therewith. Even so will you be
brought forth;
12. He who created all the pairs, and appointed for you ships
and cattle whereupon you ride.
13. That you may mount upon their backs, and may remember
your Lord’s favour when you mount thereon, and may
say: Glorified be He Who has subdued these to us, and
we were not capable [of subduing them];
14. And lo! to our Lord we are returning.
15. And they assign to Him a portion of His bondmen! Lo!
man is verily a mere ingrate.
16. Or takes He daughters of all that He has created, and
honours He you with sons?
17. And if one of them has tidings[1] of that which he likens
to the Beneficent One, his face becomes black and he is
full of inward rage.
[1] i.e. tidings of the birth of a girl-child.
18. [Liken they then to Allah] that which is bred up in outward
show, and in dispute cannot make itself plain?
19. And they make the angels, who are the slaves of the
Beneficent, females. Did they witness their creation? Their
testimony will be recorded and they will be questioned.
20. And they say: If the Beneficent One had [so] willed,
we should not have worshipped them. They have no
knowledge whatsoever of that. They do but guess.
21. Or have We given them a Book before [this Qur’ân] so
that they are holding fast thereto?
22. Nay, for they say only: Lo! we found our fathers following
a religion, and we are guided by their footprints.
23. And even so We sent not a warner before you [Muhammad]
into any township but its luxurious ones said: Lo! we found
our fathers following a religion, and we are following their
24. [And the warner] said: What! Even though I bring
you better guidance than that you found your fathers
following? They answered: Lo! in what you bring we are
25. So We requited them. Then see the nature of the
consequence for the deniers!
26. And when Abraham said to his father and his folk: Lo! I
am innocent of what you worship
27. Save Him Who did create me, for He will surely guide me.
28. And he made it a word enduring among his descendants
that perhaps they might return.
29. Nay, but I let these and their fathers enjoy life [only] till
there should come to them the Truth and a messenger
making plain.
30. And now that the Truth has come to them they say: This
is mere magic, and lo! we are disbelievers therein.
31. And they say: If only this Qur’ân had been revealed to
some great man of the two towns?[1]
32. Is it they who apportion their Lord’s mercy? We have
apportioned among them their livelihood in the life of the
world, and raised some of them above others in rank that
some of them may take labour from others; and the mercy
of your Lord is better than [the wealth] that they amass.
33. And were it not that mankind would have become one
community, We might well have appointed, for those
who disbelieve in the Beneficent, roofs of silver for their
houses and stairs [of silver] whereby to mount,
34. And for their houses doors [of silver] and couches of
silver whereon to recline,
35. And ornaments of gold. Yet all that would have been but a
provision of the life of the world. And the Hereafter with
your Lord would have been for those who keep from evil.
36. And he whoever blinded from the remembrance of the
Beneficent, We assign to him a devil who becomes his
37. And lo! they surely turn them from the way [of guidance],
and yet they deem that they are rightly guided;
38. Till, when he comes to Us, he says [to his companion]: Ah,
would that between me and you there were the distance
of the two horizons[2]– an evil comrade!
39. And it profits you not this day, because you did wrong,
that you will be sharers in the doom.
40. Can you [Muhammad] make the deaf to hear, or can you
guide the blind or him who is in manifest error?
41. And if We take you away, We surely shall take vengeance
on them,
[1] The two towns were Mecca and Tâ’if.
[2] Lit. the two Easts.
42. Or [if] We show you that wherewith We threaten them; for
lo! We have perfect command of them.
43. So hold you fast to that which is revealed to you. Lo! you
are on a Straight Path.
44. And lo! it is in truth a Reminder for you and for your folk;
and you will be questioned.
45. And ask those of Our messengers whom We sent before
you: Did We ever appoint gods to be worshipped besides
the Beneficent?
46. And verily We sent Moses with Our signs to Pharaoh and
his chiefs, and he said: I am a messenger of the Lord of
the Worlds.
47. But when he brought them Our signs, behold! they
laughed at them.
48. And every sign that We showed them was greater than
its sister [sign], and we seized them with the doom, that
perhaps they might return again.
49. And they said: O magician! Entreat your Lord for us by
the pact that He has made with you. Lo! we verily will be
50. But when We eased them of the doom, behold! they broke
their word.
51. And Pharaoh caused a proclamation to be made among his
people saying: O my people! Is not mine the sovereignty
of Egypt and these rivers flowing under me? Can you not
then discern?
52. I am surely better than this fellow, who is despicable, and
can hardly make [his meaning] plain!
53. Why, then, have armlets of gold not been set upon him,
or angels sent along with him?
54. Thus he bluffed his people to make light [of Moses], and
they obeyed him. Lo! they were defiantly disobedient folk.
55. So, when they angered Us, We took retribution from them
and drowned them every one.
56. And We made them a thing past, and an example for those
after [them].
57. And when the son of Mary is quoted as an example,
behold! your folk laugh out,
58. And say: Are our gods better, or is he? They raise not
the objection save for argument. Nay! but they are a folk
prone to dispute.
59. He [Jesus] is nothing but a slave[1] on whom We bestowed
favour, and We made him an example for the Children
of Israel.
60. And had We willed We could have set instead of you
angels to be viceroys in the earth.
61. And lo! verily Jesus will be [a sign for] knowledge of the
Hour. So doubt you not concerning it, but follow Me.
This is the Straight Path.
62. And let not Satan turn you aside. Lo! he is an open enemy
for you.
63. When Jesus came with clear proofs [of Allah’s Sovereignty],
he said: I have come to you with wisdom, and to make
plain some of that concerning which you differ. So fear
Allah, and obey me.
64. Lo! Allah, He is my Lord and your Lord. So worship Him.
This is the straight path.
65. But the factions among them differed. Then woe to those
who do wrong from the doom of a painful day.
[1] ‘Abd Allah, “slave of God,” is a proud designation with the Muslims,
bondage to Allah implying liberation from all earthly servitudes.
66. Await they nothing save the Hour, that it shall come upon
them suddenly, when they know not?
67. Close friends on that day will be foes one to another,
except for the righteous
68. O My slaves! For you there is no fear this day, nor is it you
who grieve;
69. [You] who believed Our verses and were Muslims,
70. Enter the Paradise, you and your wives, to be made glad.
71. Therein are brought round for them trays of gold and
cups, and therein is all that souls desire and eyes find
sweet. And you are immortal therein.
72. This is the Paradise which you are made to inherit because
of what you used to do.
73. Therein for you is fruit in plenty whence to eat.
74. Lo! the criminals are immortal in Hell’s doom.
75. It is not relaxed for them, and they despair therein.
76. We wronged them not, but it was they who were the
77. And they cry: O Malik! Let your Lord make an end of us.
He says: Lo! here you must remain.
78. We verily brought the Truth to you, but you were, most of
you, averse to the Truth.
79. Or do they determine any thing [against the Prophet]? Lo!
We [also] are determining.
80. Or deem they that We cannot hear their secret thoughts
and private confidences? Nay, but Our envoys, present
with them, do record.
81. Say [O Muhammad]: If the Beneficent has a son, then, I
shall be first among the worshippers. [But there is no son].
82. Glorified be the Lord of the heavens and the earth, the
Lord of the Throne, from that which they ascribe [to Him]!
83. So let them to converse vainly [in their talk] and play until
they meet the Day which they are promised.
84. And He it is Who in the heaven is [the only] God, and on
the earth [the only] God. And He is the Wise, the Knower.
85. And blessed be He to Whom belongs the Sovereignty of
the heavens and the earth and all that is between them,
and with Whom is knowledge of the Hour, and to Whom
you will be returned.
86. And those to whom they invoke instead of Him possess
no power of intercession, saving him who bears witness
to the Truth knowingly.
87. And if you ask them who created them, they will surely
say: Allah. How then are they turned away?
88. And he says: O my Lord! Lo! those are a folk who believe
89. Then turn away from them [O Muhammad] and say:
Peace. But they will come to know.
Revealed at Mecca, [59 verses]
Ad-Dukbân, “The Smoke,” takes its name from a word
in v. 10. Tradition says that smoke here refers prophetically
to the haze of dust which surrounded Mecca at the time of
the great drought and famine which preceded the Muslim
conquest of Mecca and facilitated it. It belongs to the middle
group of Meccan Sûrahs.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Hâ. Mîm.[1]
[1] See Sûr. [2]. V.1, footnote.
2. By the Book that makes plain
3. Lo! We sent it [this Qur’ân] down on a blessed night– Lo!
We are ever warning–
4. Whereupon every wise command is made clear
5. As a command from Us. Lo! We are ever sending [the
6. A mercy from your Lord. Lo! He is the Hearer, the Knower,
7. Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between
them, if you would be certain.
8. There is no deity save Him. He quickens and causes death;
your Lord and Lord of your forefathers.
9. Nay, but they play in doubt.
10. But watch you [O Muhammad] for the day when the sky
will bring visible smoke
11. That will envelop the people [of Mecca]. This will be a
painful doom.
12. [Then they will say]: Our Lord relieve us of the torment.
Lo! we are believers:
13. How can there be remembrance for them, when a messenger
making plain [the truth] had already come to them,
14. And they had turned away from him and said: One taught
[by others], a madman?
15. Lo! We withdraw the torment a little. Lo! you return [to
16. On the day when We shall seize them with the greatest
seizure [then], in truth We will take retribution.
17. And verily We tried before them Pharaoh’s folk, when
there came to them a noble messenger,
18. Saying: Give up to me the slaves of Allah. Lo! I am a
faithful messenger to you.
19. And saying: And exalt not against Allah. Lo! I bring you a
clear authority.
20. And lo! I have sought refuge in my Lord and your Lord
lest you stone me.
21. And if you do not believe me, then leave me alone.
22. And he called to his Lord [saying]: These are criminal folk.
23. Then [his Lord commanded] set out with my slaves by
night. Lo! you will be followed,
24. And leave the sea behind at rest, for lo! they are a drowned
25. How many were the gardens and the water springs that
they left behind,
26. And crops and goodly sites
27. And pleasant things wherein they took delight!
28. Even so [it was], and We made it an inheritance for other folk;
29. And the heaven and the earth wept not for them, nor were
they reprieved.
30. And We saved the Children of Israel from the shameful
31. [We saved them] from Pharaoh. Lo! he was a tyrant of the
transgressors ones.
32. And We chose them [the children of Israel], purposely,
above [all] the worlds.
33. And We gave them signs wherein was a clear trial.
34. Lo! These [disbelievers] are saying:
35. There is nothing but our first death, and we shall not be
raised again.
36. Bring back our forefathers, if you speak the truth!
37. Are they better, or the folk of Tubb’a[1] and those before
them? We destroyed them, for surely they were criminals.
[1] A name for many kings of Himyar (the South Arabians), each of whom
was called Tubb’a just as every king of Egypt was called Pharaoh.
38. And We created not the heavens and the earth, and all that
is between them, in play.
39. We created them not save with truth; but most of them
know not.
40. Assuredly the Day of Decision is the term of all of them,
41. A Day when friend can not avail friend, nor can they be
42. Save him on whom Allah has mercy. Lo! He is the Mighty,
the Merciful.
43. Lo! the tree of Zaqqum,
44. The food of the sinner!
45. Like molten brass, it boils in their bellies
46. As the boiling of scalding water.
47. [And it will be said]: Take him and drag him to the midst
of Hell,
48. Then pour upon his head the doom of boiling water.
49. [Saying]: Taste! Lo! you were indeed the mighty, the noble!
50. Lo! this is that whereof you used to doubt.
51. Lo! the righteous will be in a secure place
52. Amid gardens and water-springs,
53. Attired in silk and brocade, facing one another.
54. Even so [it will be]. And We shall wed them to fair ones
with wide, lovely eyes.
55. They call therein for every fruit in safety.
56. They taste not death therein, save the first death. And He
has saved them from the doom of Hell,
57. A bounty from your Lord. That is the supreme success.
58. And We have made [this Qur’ân] easy in your language
only that they may heed.
59. Wait then [O Muhammad]. Lo! they [too] are waiting.
Revealed at Mecca, [37 verses]
Al-Jâthiyah, “Crouching,” takes its name from a word in v.
28. It belongs to the middle group of Meccan Sûrahs.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
1. Hâ. Mîm.[1]
2. The revelation of the Book is from Allah, the Mighty, the
3. Lo! in the heavens and the earth are signs for believers.
4. And in your creation, and all the beasts that He scattered in
the earth, are signs for a folk whose faith is certain.
5. And the difference of night and day and the provision that
Allah sends down from the sky and thereby quickens the
earth after her death, and the ordering of the winds, are
signs for a people who understand.
6. These are the verses of Allah which We recite to you
[Muhammad] with truth. Then in what fact, after Allah
and His verses, will they believe?
7. Woe to each sinful liar,
8. Who hears the verses of Allah recited to him, and then
continues in pride as though he heard them not. Give him
tidings of a painful doom.
9. And when he knows something of Our verses he makes it
a jest. For such there is a shameful doom.
10. Beyond them there is Hell, and that which they have earned
will not avail them, nor those whom they have taken for
allies besides Allah. Theirs will be an awful doom.
[1] See Sûr. [2]. V.1, footnote.
11. This is guidance. And those who disbelieve the verses of
their Lord, for them there is a painful doom of wrath.
12. Allah it is Who has made the sea of service to you that
the ships may run thereon by His command, and that you
may seek of His bounty, and that you may be thankful;
13. And has made of service to you whatsoever is in the
heavens and whatsoever is in the earth; it is all from Him.
Lo! herein verily are signs for people who reflect.
14. Tell those who believe to forgive those who hope not for
the days of Allah; in order that He may requite folk what
they used to earn.
15. Whoso does right, it is for his soul, and whoso does
wrong, it is against it. And afterward to your Lord you
will be brought back.
16. And verily We gave the Children of Israel the Scripture and
the understanding of the Scripture and the Prophethood,
and provided them with good things and preferred them
above [all] peoples;
17. And gave them proofs of the matter [of religion]. And
they differed not until after the knowledge came to
them, through rivalry among themselves. Lo! your Lord
will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection
concerning that wherein they used to differ.
18. And now have We set you [O Muhammad] on a clear way
of [Our] commandment; so follow it, and follow not the
whims of those who know not.
19. Lo! they can avail you nothing against Allah. And lo! as for
the wrong-doers, some of them are friends of others; and
Allah is the Protector of the righteous.
20. This is a clear insight for mankind, and a guidance and a
mercy for a folk whose faith is certain.
21. Or do those who commit ill-deeds suppose that We shall
make them as those who believe and do good deeds, the
same in life and death? Evil is their judgment!
22. And Allah has created the heavens and the earth with truth,
and that every soul may be repaid what it has earned. And
they will not be wronged.
23. Have you seen him who makes his desire his god, and
Allah sends him astray due to knowledge, and seals up
his hearing and his heart, and sets on his sight a covering?
Then who will lead him after Allah [has condemned him]?
Will you not then heed?
24. And they say: There is nothing but our life of the world;
we die and we live, and nothing destroys us save time;
when they have no knowledge whatsoever of [all] that;
they do but guess.
25. And when Our clear verses are recited to them their only
argument is that they say: Bring [back] our fathers then, if
you are truthful.
26. Say [to them, O Muhammad]: Allah gives life to you,
then causes you to die, then gathers you to the Day of
Resurrection whereof there is no doubt. But most of
mankind know not.
27. And to Allah belongs the Sovereignty of the heavens and
the earth; and on the day when the Hour rises, on that day
those who follow falsehood will lose.
28. And you will see each nation crouching, each nation
summoned to its record. [And it will be said to them]:
This day you are requited what you used to do.
29. This Our Book pronounces against you with truth. Lo!
We have caused [all] that you did to be recorded.
30. Then, as for those who believed and did good deeds,
their Lord will bring them in unto His mercy. That is the
evident success.