
First published on:Does Allah Love Us? – How to prove That?!

 Ahlan Writer

We discussed in the previous article Allah’s love to human. Now we’ll tackle another aspect, If Allah loves us, why are there many rules in Islam?

The first thing to think about here is this: does love mean to leave you to harm yourself and harm others and spread corruption without any instructions or rules to help you rectify your affairs?

Imagine there are two mothers.

The first mother loves her child and gives him no rules or instructions whatsoever even though she sees her child getting dirty, not taking care of his health, eating junk all the time.

She sees him hanging out with the wrong crowd that influence him badly, abuse harmful substances, bully others and fail his exam, and still gives no instructions.

He becomes the worst version of himself, doesn’t reach his full potential, harms himself and others, but she gives no instructions because she loves him!

So, the question here: Is it really considered ‘love’ if a mother gives no instructions and lets her child harm himself and waste his precious life?

Now, the second mother does things differently.

She loves her child immensely, but her love is translated in her desire to help him by the best he can be, live the best life and reach his full potential as a decent human being.

She puts rules and instructions to help him eat healthy food, be clean, stay out of harm and bad company.

If and when he fails, she forgives him immediately and helps him again and again and again and it doesn’t decrease her love for him one bit. Is this a better mother or the one who is not concerned about her child ruining himself, claiming that this is love?

If you see your child using drugs for example, and you leave him because “you love him”… is this really love or is it destruction? 

Essentially, true love is about wanting to see your loved ones be the best they can be, especially if you know them very well and know their potential. That’s why there are many rules in Islam.

So, back to our point, Allah the Glorified and Exalted loves us. 

But His love is Divine. It is a love that means teaching us what no one can teach us, being merciful to us like no one can be, forgiving us no matter how much and how gravely we sin. Simultaneously teaching us how to improve ourselves and be the best we can be spiritually, physically and socially. 

Allah is the Most Knowing of us and of this life that He created for us. In all unaltered Divine revelations and with every Messenger He sent, He has given us knowledge about Him and instructions to help us live a decent, pure life because He is ultimately The Best One to show us how we can succeed in this life and the next for eternity. The summation and completion of His revelations is in the Qur’an that He revealed to His final messenger, Muhammad (peace be upon him). 

But why doesn’t He love us from a distance and just leave us alone?

Think about it, why do millions of people follow famous life coaches and motivational speakers? 

Isn’t it to get guidance and instructions on how to live the best life, feel better and be more successful?

Well, Allah The Most Knowing has already given us that: 

O mankind, there has come to you instruction from your Lord and healing for what is in the breasts and guidance and mercy for the believers. (57) Say, “In the bounty of Allah and in His mercy – in that let them rejoice; it is better than what they accumulate.” [Qur’an 10-57:58](1)

Why there are many rules in Islam?

There are many rules in Islam. So, let’s look at what Islam instructs us to do very briefly. It instructs us to:

Connect with our Creator five times a day to speak to Him, confide in Him, receive His Mercy and Blessings. Where we disconnect from the hustle and bustle of this world and connect with the Healer, thus remember our Source and Destination. This helps us not to drown or get absorbed in the burdens of this world. 

Give alms-giving regularly with a set percentage so we benefit those who need us and increase in humbleness and awareness of our responsibility towards others. This helps us be selfless and think beyond ourselves. 

Fast so we can increase in God-consciousness, discipline the physical being in order to empower the spiritual being that makes us dignified creatures. This helps us gain self-mastery and increase in consciousness and gratitude for things we take for granted. 

Go on pilgrimage to the same spot where we all dress the same and connect with fellow human beings from all backgrounds and ethnicities. So, we get reminded that we are all equal before The One Creator of all mankind and that our colors and wealth don’t matter to Him, but what matters to Him is the sincerity of our hearts and our consciousness of Him in every aspect of our life.

Stay away from the few things that are harmful (like alcohol). On the other hand, He directs us to enjoy the tens of other things that are pure and beneficial to our body and soul.

Prioritize Him, the Giver of Life, and be conscious of Him, ask Him, rely on Him. Moreover, associate no one with Him because no one and nothing in this world that He created can measure up to Him. 

Basically, it instructs us to translate love into daily action, because that’s true love.

Now let’s reverse the question: Do you love Him? 

You might say yes. 

But does love mean the refusal to accept any rules from your beloved? 

Imagine that you love someone, but you refuse to commit to him/her, or call. Moreover, you don’t do what they love and avoid what they don’t love; is this a sincere relationship? It’s hardly even a relationship.

Every relationship has some rules and instructions.

It is very easy to talk the talk, but it takes true, sincere love to walk the walk.

That’s why Allah says:

Say, [O Muhammad], ‘If you should love Allah, then follow me, [so] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.’ “ (Qur’an 3-31)(2)

Anyone can claim to love God. Talking is easy and cheap, but what matters is who will follow Him, commit to Him and prioritize Him even over their own selves and desires.

Islam is about sincere, not fake love. It is about actions and commitment, not void words. That why there are many rules in Islam.

This is Allah and this is Islam! It is a way of life where Allah calls us to action to benefit us, purify us and reward us far greater than we deserve.

The point is to sincerely know, worship and commit to Him. Not to live a life devoid of Him/in negligence of Him and then claim that this is love.  

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