First published on: 99 Names and Attributes Of The Creator: Al-Latif (The Subtle, The Gentle)
Jehad Adel
Like most people, I used to be worried about my future. What shall happen to me? What will happen if I lose the dearest people in my life? How shall I continue? I am still young. I have little experience in this life, and I cannot dive in this unknown journey alone. Sometimes I tried to forget that, but still, I was neither satisfied nor happy. This continued till I began to speak with myself rationally. Shall these worries end if I keep thinking like that? Of course NOT. I asked myself why am I not going directly to my Creator, and knowing about Him? Why am I knocking all the doors except His? As I am convinced that anyone cannot really love another one except if he knows him, I have done the same. One of the Noble Names of the Creator that attracted me is Al-Latif. So, I began my journey with that name, and I want you to accompany me, shall you?
Meanings of Al-Latif
To begin with, Al-Latif has many meanings. The first one is The One who knows the hidden affairs and secrets in the minutest details. From this aspect, He is The Subtle. Our Creator is the One who saves you in the subtlest of ways such that you do not even realize you were in danger. This leads us to the second aspect: gentleness. To illustrate, Allah (The Creator of Heavens and Earth) is the One Whose mercy reaches you in manners you even do not understand. Allah is the One Who blesses you, and you even do not know you are blessed. He is the One Who shall take care of your affairs without even you understanding that your affairs are taken care of.
Concept of Goodness and Evilness
Those meanings of Al-Latif may make matches in your mind with the seemingly bad incidents. I do agree with you that our earth is full of evil. But are these evil matters being pure ones? Let us be more specific. In your personal life, isn’t there a problem you face thinking that it is the end, and finally it turns to be very different? Of course, you and I face a lot. So why don’t we put our trust in our Creator?
Example from Prophet Joseph’s Life
Do you know that Prophet Joseph is one of those who understood the meaning of (Al-Latif) and consequently the concept of goodness and evilness? Do you know also that there is a full chapter in Quran (the final revelation from The Creator) tells Prophet Joseph (Arabic spell is ‘Yusuf’) tells his story in details?
First, his brothers threw him in the well, and he was taken by a caravan. Then he was sold to a noble house, and seduced ending up in jail. Finally, he became a finance minister, knowing that without this sequence in his life, he would not be at this position. So at the end, this happened:
And he raised his parents upon the throne, and they bowed to him in prostration. And he said, ‘O my father, this is the explanation of my vision of before. My Lord has made it reality. And He was certainly good to me when He took me out of prison and brought you [here] from bedouin life after Satan had induced [estrangement] between me and my brothers. Indeed, my Lord is Subtle in what He wills. Indeed, it is He who is the Knowing, the Wise’” [Quran.com/12/100]
How to Apply?
To be close to a person you love, you should act like his manners. The same should happen in dealing with our Creator. To act in accordance with This Name (Al-Latif), we should be gentle towards His creatures. We should put our trust in Him. To illustrate, others may know what is good for us, but for sure they cannot always achieve it. In contrast, Al-Latif knows what is good for you, and at the same time knows how to deliver it for you. Moreover, this Name comes in the Quran with the other Name: The Expert (Al-Khabir). Finally, we should ask Him to show us His hidden provision to be satisfied.
To conclude, shall you enjoy reading the chapter of Yusuf in the Noble Quran to know more about This Name?