What Is The Best Way to Spend My Time in Ramadan?
QSalam alaykum, what is the best way to spend my time in Ramadan?
The best way to spend Ramadan is in the due and mindful remembrance of Allah Almighty throughout the day and throughout everything you’re doing within the day.
We know from the noble Quran that fasting in Ramadan was prescribed to increase us in taqwa.
You should not let the fasting simply be about refraining from food and drink. You fast consciously with your limbs and your mind and heart as well. This is the kind of fasting that is meant to bring us closer to our Creator and closer to righteousness and closer to the noble, dignified human beings that Allah wants us to be.
Read on to learn the best ways to spend your time in Ramadan…
Walaykum Asalam wa Rahmat Allah wa brakatuhu Dear reader,
What Is The Best Way to Spend My Time in Ramadan?
Thank you very much for this important question that shows your desire for knowledge and keenness to make the best use of the precious time of Ramadan.
The best way to spend Ramadan is in the due and mindful remembrance of Allah Almighty throughout the day and throughout everything you’re doing within the day.
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We know from the noble Qur’an that fasting in Ramadan was prescribed to increase us in taqwa. Taqwa is a very precious and essential quality of the believer.
Essentially, it means to be mindful enough of Allah Almighty so that you pursue what is pleasing to Him and refrain from what displeases Him, and this is proper love and proper worship.
Please read our previous answer here on what is taqwa and what are its rewards.
Fasting: More than just refraining from Food and Drink
Your Salah is Your Oxygen
Now, throughout the day, you’re supposed to be fasting, right? To make the best of your fasting period, you have to also be mindful of Allah. This means that you should not let the fasting simply be about refraining from food and drink.
Rather, make it more comprehensive and holistic. Fasting encompasses not allowing your eyes to see something that isn’t halal (permissible), or your ears to listen to something that isn’t halal, or your mind and heart to consider something that isn’t halal or your tongue to utter something that isn’t halal …
You fast consciously with your limbs and your mind and heart as well. This is the kind of fasting that is meant to bring us closer to our Creator and closer to righteousness and closer to the noble, dignified human beings that Allah wants us to be.
Also, make sure you focus on the fara’ed (obligatory acts) and try to perfect them. Some people focus on the taraweeh prayer only in Ramadan – which are supregatory acts- that they may poorly perform their five obligatory prayers that come before the taraweeh. So, one must be mindful to perfect the obligatory acts (the five daily prayer, properly fasting during the day … etc) more eagerly during this month.
To help in your prayer, you may listen or read tafseer of the Quran, especially Surat Al Fatiha and the Surahs your most often pray with. This shall increase your khushu’ in prayer; also try to learn as many surahs as you can.
Learning new surahs will increase your concentration. Please read this helpful answer here on how to have khushu’ in prayer.
In addition to that, one of the most important and most rewarding acts you could do is to make dhikr! Dhikr is so easy and simple, yet it could earn you huge rewards and keep you connecting strongly with Allah Almighty.
You can read this answer here to know the value of dhikr and know a few adhkar to make.
Finally, read the Quran this month with the intention of increasing in guidance, closeness to Allah, attainment of His Light, Mercy, and Wisdom. Reading and contemplating on the Quran adequately can be a very powerful transformational tool. Read this to help you out insha’Allah.
Hope this helps, and may Allah bless your Ramadan and increase your rewards and forgive all your sins—you and all our brothers and sisters. Ameen.