
• Under atheism, there is no such thing as free will. Humans merely experience the illusion of choice. The true makers of their choices are the chemical reactions going on in their brains.

• There are no metaphysical realities (such as God or soul). All that exists is wholly material and physical, and is ultimately reducible to matter, chemicals, and chance. Nothing more. Hence, everything operates in a purely mechanical way, with molecules simply interacting according to natural laws and random chance processes.

• Humans are a part of this unconscious, mechanical, and entirely physical system. Everything about them, including their brains, is governed solely and completely by the laws of chemistry and physics.

• Chemicals do not make decisions; they just react. Since humans are simply a mass of matter and chemicals, they do not reason, they just react. In the same way that water cannot decide to not boil and metals cannot decide to not conduct heat, humans cannot decide to think, say, or do anything other than what is chemically determined inside their physical brains.

• This means that all of human thoughts and hopes and dreams and feelings are not rational, but chemical, and humans have no control over them. Everything that humans do is determined purely by the laws governing the universe, and so choice or freedom is merely an illusion. (Atheism denies the mind, which is the intangible, non-physical part that represents the mental ability of discriminating, perceiving, reflecting, researching, making decisions, forming ideas, and being creative).

• Cornell University professor, William Provine, agrees, noting that, “Free will as it is traditionally conceived — the freedom to make uncoerced and unpredictable choices among alternative possible courses of action — simply does not exist… There is no way that the evolutionary process as it is currently conceived can produce a being that is truly free to make choices.”

• The ability to consciously initiate actions and make decisions is a basic, constitutive property of selfhood and identity. If free will is illusory, and actions are generated unconsciously, then nobody is in control of, nor responsible for, their own actions. Without free will, no one could truly be held blamable or culpable for any act. Everyone is just locked into a course of action that is determined by the motion and behavior of molecules and atoms in their brain.

Free will is a faculty of the reason and soul, by which a human is capable of distinguishing and choosing right from wrong and good from evil.

• Islam teaches that in order for humans to freely perform the test of life, God has given them free will as an inherent capacity of their nature, which is made up of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual powers.

• Human choices are not coerced or determined, yet humans cannot choose beyond what is choosable. Certain aspects of life — such as parents, gender and genetic makeup — have been predetermined for humans, but their moral choices have not. Those aspects of human life which incur reward or punishment are not under the control of destiny; they are truly free choices.

• Human will is neither greater than nor conflicting with God’s Will. Humans behave according to God’s Will, which allows them to exercise free choices in matters of action, belief and behavior. As the Qur’an states:

“Had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed — all of them entirely. Would you then (O Muhammad) compel the people, against their will, to believe?”


• Thus, both divine destiny and free will are real and not mutually exclusive. They operate simultaneously without negating one another. To die one day is the destiny of every human. To do good or bad while humans are living is their free choice.

• Humans make the choices; God decides the consequences. Humans are free to choose, but not free from responsibility for and the consequences of their choices and life outcomes. The outcome of each of their actions is governed by God’s Will.

• Whether humans choose to accept or reject Almighty God, they, as the rest of the universe, submit to God’s Sovereign Law. A believer submits willingly, in matters of both free choice (such as belief and disbelief or right and wrong) and non-free choice (such as birth and death), while a disbeliever submits unwillingly, in matters of non-free choice.

• This exercise of volition is neither indefinite nor unaccountable. It is limited by the inescapability of death and the finite time of life on earth. It will then be followed by the inevitable return of each person to God and accountability before Him for free will choices made in the worldly life.

Being human is a given but keeping your humanity is a choice.

"There is reward for keeping to every living thing" Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.

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