
The Wife’s Rights , Duties of Wife

👩‍❤️‍👨 Muslim wives have various rights:

1⃣ The first of the wife’s rights is to receive mahr _a gift from the husband, which is part of the marriage contract and required for the legality of the marriage. 

2⃣ *maintenance*:

The wife’s maintenance entails her  right to food 🍚, drink 🥛, clothing 🧥, general  care and a suitable home 🏠,  👌🏾even if ➡️ She is wealthy 💰.

He is not forced, however, to spend beyond his capability .

3⃣ A Muslim man is duty-bound to support his wife and children in 👌🏾 kindness.

💟 This means showing good character, kindness, gentleness in word and deed and putting up with the occasional faults and negligence.

💫 The Prophet said: “ *The most perfect believers are the best in conduct. And the best of you are those who are the best to their wives.”*

4⃣ *Patience and Tolerance"* 

A man must make allowances for women’s 🍃 🍂nature, which is obviously different from that of men;he must also try to look at life from all sides, considering the advantages and disadvantages of his wife, for  ✋🏾no one is free from faults. 

✌️🏾Both spouses must exercise patience and take into account the positive aspects of each other’s personality, as the Qur’an states,

➡️ “ *Do not forget to show kindness to each other* .” (Soorat Al-Baqarah, 2:237) 

The Prophet ﷺ urges men to treat women with kindness, pointing their attention to the fact that women’s emotional and psychological nature is different from that of men, that such differences between men and women are in actual fact complementary and must in no way give rise to discord and eventual divorce.

5⃣ *Spending the Night with the Wife* 

The husband is recommended to spend the night with his wife and must do so at least once every four days. 

6⃣ *Defending Her, Representing His Honour*

When a man marries a woman, she becomes his ‘honour’ which he must stubbornly defend even if he gets killed in the process.

7⃣ *Not Revealing Bedroom Secrets* 

The husband must not talk to others about his wife’s particularities and bedroom secrets to other people. 

The Prophet ﷺ said, 

➡️“ *The worst person in the eyes of Allah on the Day of Judgement is that couple who have an intimate relationship with each other and the man then reveals their bedroom secrets to others.”*


*Duties of a Wife* 👩‍❤️‍👨

 With rights come responsibilities.

 Therefore, wives have certain obligations to their husbands. 

The Quran states: “… *The good women in the absence of their husbands guard their rights as God has enjoined upon them to be guarded* ….”(Quran 4:34)

1⃣ A wife is to keep her husband’s secrets and protect their marital privacy. Issues of intimacy or faults of his that would dishonor him, are not to be shared by the wife, just as he is expected to guard her honor. 

2⃣ A wife must also guard her husband’s property. She must safeguard his home and possessions, to the best of her ability, from theft or damage.

3⃣ She should manage the household affairs wisely so as to prevent loss or waste. 

4⃣ She should not allow anyone to enter the house whom her husband dislikes nor incur any expenses of which her husband disapproves.

5⃣ A Muslim woman must cooperate and coordinate with her husband. There cannot, however, be cooperation with a man who is disobedient to God.

 6⃣ She should not fulfill his requests if he wants her to do something unlawful. 

A husband also should not take advantage of his wife, but be considerate of her needs and happiness.


The Muslim woman was given a role, duties and rights 1400 years ago that most women do not enjoy today in the West.  

🌺These are from God and are designed to keep balance in society; 

🌼 Islam is a complete way of life.

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