Of course Muslims believe that Jesus is the word of God but this description does NOT mean that Jesus is the son of God in the literal sense, but a symbolical one.
It means that he spoke the word of God. Also when Prophets were to speak God's revelation to others, they would say "hear the word of the Lord". Hosea 4:1
It’s a metaphorical description to show how Jesus is close and attach to God as messenger and prophet.
On page one [1] of Genesis in the Old Testament, we find the word "Allah" seventeen [17] times.
We call God in Arabic “Allah” = Almighty God,, the word Allah is a standard translation of the English word Almighty God,
the word Allah is used by all Arab speakers from all faiths, including Arab Christians and Arab Jews, and both Muslims and Jews agree that Allah is not a trinity God.
لفظ إله عند اليهود تعني إنسان قوي عظيم قديس
All believers were called "God", and Moses was the "God" of the Believers, Aaron and Pharaoh:
Moses was called "The God" (Exodus 7:1 of the Believers, Aaron and Pharaoh.
Jesus said he was greater than Moses.
Thomas, the Disciple, called Jesus "My Lord and my God" (John 20:28). Jesus denied to be GOD Almighty.
All Believers were called "GODS and Sons of GOD" (Psalm 82:6) in the Bible.
"GOD" in the Bible also means master, leader, priest. Therefore, the doubting Thomas' statement didn't suggest that Jesus was his Creator.
And Jesus being a "God" doesn't mean that he is GOD Almighty.
He is just another mere "God" like the rest of the believing creations and nothing more.
The Bible also says that Jesus had to be "in according to Melchizedek".
And who is Melchizedek? According to the Bible, he was the Jews' highest priest who had "no father and no mother", and "no beginning and no end" (Genesis 14:18, Psalm 110:4, Hebrews 5:6-10, Hebrews 7:1-20). Jesus had to be similar and inline with him; another proof that Jesus being "God" doesn't mean he is the Creator of the Universe.