

Quranic answers to the most important questions

of humanity

إجابات قرآنية لأهم أسئلة البشري ة


Hamad Alhoqail


In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.

All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds,

the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful,

Master of the Day of Judgment.

You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help.

Guide us to the straight path,

the path of those whom You have blessed; not of those who incurred Your Wrath, or of

those who went astray. {1/1-7}



This short takes us on a journey of discovery and knowledge that will lead us to the ultimate truth

and reality.

The herein is supported by the most authentic source, namely the Qur’an. It is the pure and

unaltered word of Allah (God) that provides us with the true knowledge of the absolute truth.

Reading and reflecting over this guidance will help answer many questions that our hearts and

minds may ask. Who is our Lord? Why has He created us? What is the purpose of our existence?

What will happen after we die? And so on.

It is essential that you prepare yourself before this journey by having an open and without


Our wish here is to provide you with that help you understand the nature of things. Thereupon, it

is entirely upon every reader and of intellect to make his or her own mind up.

Let the journey commence.


Q: Is there a ?

A: Allah said:

( Were they created by none, or were they the creators [of themselves]?)** (Or did they create the

heavens and earth? Rather, they are not certain in faith.). {52/35-36}

Q: Who is the ?

A: (Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the Maintainer of everything.).{39/62}

(Say, “Who is the Lord of the heavens and earth?” Say, “Allah.” Say, “Have you taken besides

Him protectors, those who have no power to benefit or harm themselves?” Say, “Can the blind


person be equal to the seeing, or can the darkness be equal to the light?” Or do they ascribe to

Allah partners who created the like of His creation, so they are confused between two creations?

Say, “Allah is the Creator of all things, and He is the One, the Subjugator.”) {13/16}

Q: What does the word (ALLAH) mean?

A: Allah means “The One who deserves all worship.” He is the one who has all meanings of

divinity and worships.

(Indeed, this is the true narrative, and none has the right to be worshiped except Allah, and Allah

is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise). {3/62}

(Say [O Prophet], “I am only a warner, and none has the right to be worshiped except Allah, the

One, the Subjugator,).{38/65}

Q: What are the evidences of the existence of the creator (Allah)?

A: The Quran is full of such evidences and some only presented here. (The reader is advised to

check the Quran for more evidences.)

1- Our Souls’ Testimony

(And [remember] when your Lord brought forth from the loins of the children of Adam their

offspring and made them testify about themselves [asking], “Am I not your Lord?” They said,

“Yes indeed; We testify.” [We did so] lest you should say on the Day of Resurrection, “We were

unaware of this,”) {7/172}

(Their messengers said, “Can there be any doubt about Allah, the Creator of the heavens and earth?

He calls you so that He may forgive some of your sins, and give you respite for an appointed

term.”) {14/10}

(Adhere sincerely to the true religion in all uprightness. This is the natural disposition with which

Allah has created mankind. There is no change in Allah’s creation. This is the straight religion, but

most people do not know.) {30/30}

2- Creation of the Heavens and the Earth


(Their messengers said, “Can there be any doubt about Allah, the Creator of the heavens and earth?

He calls you so that He may forgive some of your sins, and give you respite for an appointed term.)


(Do you not know that to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and earth, and that you have

no protector or supporter besides Allah?) {2/107}

(The Originator of the heavens and earth. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, “Be,” and

it is.) {2/117}

(Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and earth and the alternation of the night and day are signs

for people of understanding,) {3/190}

(All praise is for Allah Who created the heavens and earth, and made darkness and light. Yet those

who disbelieve set up equals to their Lord.) {6/1}

(It is He Who created the heavens and earth for a true purpose. On the Day [of Resurrection] He

will say, “Be,” and it will be. His word is the truth. His is the dominion on the Day the Trumpet

will be blown. He is the Knower of the unseen and the seen, and He is the All-Wise, the All-

Aware.”). {6/73}

(Your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and earth in six days, and then rose over [istawa]

the Throne. He makes the night and day overlap in rapid succession. He made the sun, the moon,

and the stars – all subservient to His command. Behold, His is the creation and the command.

Blessed is Allah, Lord of the worlds.) {7/54}

(Do you not see that Allah has created the heavens and earth for a true purpose? If He wills, He

can take you away and replace you with a new creation.){14/19}


(It is Allah Who has created the heavens and earth and sent down rain from the sky, producing

therewith fruits as provision for you. He has made the ships for your service to sail in the sea by

His command, and has made for you the rivers.)** (He has made the sun and the moon for your

service, both constant in their courses, and has made for you the night and the day.) {14/32-33}

(Do they not see that Allah, Who created the heavens and earth, is able to create the like of them?

He has decreed for them an appointed time, about which there is no doubt, yet the wrongdoers

persist in denial.) {17/99}

(it is He Who created the heavens and earth and all that is between them in six Days, then rose

over the Throne. He is the Most Compassionate, so ask about Him the One Who is All-


(And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and earth, and the diversity of your tongues

and colors. Indeed, there are signs in this for those who have knowledge.) .{30/22}

(He created the heavens without pillars that you can see; and He placed firm mountains on the

earth so it does not shake with you; and He spread therein all kinds of creatures. We sent down

rain from the sky and caused to grow therein all kinds of fine plants.)**( This is Allah’s creation.

So show me what others beside Him have created. In fact, the wrongdoers are clearly misguided.)


(He created the heavens and earth for a true purpose. He wraps the night over the day and wraps

the day over the night. He has subjected the sun and the moon, each running its course for an

appointed term. Indeed, He is the All-Mighty, Most Forgiving.) {39/5}

(Among His signs is the creation of the heavens and earth, and what He spread between them of

all living creatures. And He is Most Capable of bringing them together whenever He wills.)



(He created the heavens and earth for a true purpose, He shaped you and perfected your form. And

to Him is the final return.) .{64/3}

(Do they not see the earth, how many fine kinds of plants (in pairs

) We grow in it?) **( Indeed, there is a sign in this, yet most of them will not believe.) {26/7-8}

(Is He [not better] Who created the heavens and earth, and sent down for you rain from the sky,

by which We caused to grow gardens of cheerful beauty? You could never cause their trees to

grow. Is there any god besides Allah? No, but they are people who ascribe equals [to Allah].)!**

(Is He [not better] Who made the earth a stable place to live, and caused rivers to flow through it,

and placed therein firm mountains, and made a barrier between two flowing bodies of water? Is

there any god besides Allah? No, but most of them do not know.) {27/60-61}

[Pharaoh said], ( “So who is the Lord of you two, O Moses?”) **( He said, “Our Lord is the One

Who gave everything its form then guided it.”) {20/49-50}

(Pharaoh said, “What is ‘the Lord of the worlds’?” ) **( Moses said, “The Lord of the heavens and

earth and all that is between them, if only you had sure faith.”) ** (Pharaoh said to those around

him, “Did you hear [what he just said]?”) ** (Moses said, “Your Lord and the Lord of your

forefathers.”) ** (Pharaoh said, “Your messenger who has been sent to you is truly insane!”) **

(Moses said, “Lord of the east and west and all that is between them, if only you had sense!”)


(To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and earth, and to Allah is the final return.). ** (Do

you not see that Allah drives the clouds, then gathers them together, then turns them into a heap,

then you see raindrops coming out from their midst? He sends down hail from mountains [of

clouds] in the sky, raining it down upon whoever He wills and turning it away from whoever He

wills. The flash of its lightning almost takes away eyesight) ** (Allah alternates the night and day.

Indeed, there is a lesson in this for people of insight.) . {24/42-44}


3- Turning to the Creator in

(When adversity befalls Human beings, he calls upon his Lord, turning to Him in repentance. Then

when his Lord bestows His favor upon him, he forgets the adversity for which he was calling upon

Him before, and sets up rivals to Allah, to mislead others from His way. Say [O Prophet], “Enjoy

your disbelief for a little while; you will be one of the people of the Fire.”) {39/8}

4- Affirming What Hearts Already Know

(Is He [not better] Who created the heavens and earth, and sent down for you rain from the sky,

by which We caused to grow gardens of cheerful beauty? You could never cause their trees to

grow. Is there any god besides Allah? No, but they are people who ascribe equals [to Allah].)**

(Is He [not better] Who made the earth a stable place to live, and caused rivers to flow through it,

and placed therein firm mountains, and made a barrier between two flowing bodies of water? Is

there any god besides Allah? No, but most of them do not know.)** (Is He [not better] Who

responds to the distressed when he calls out to Him, and Who relieves suffering, and Who makes

you successors on earth? Is there any god besides Allah? Little is it that you take heed! ) ** (Is He

[not better] Who guides you in the depths of darkness of the land and sea, and Who sends the

winds as harbingers ahead of His mercy? Is there any god besides Allah? Exalted is Allah far above

the partners they associate with Him Is He [not better] Who originates creation then repeats it, and

Who gives you provision from the heaven and earth? Is there any god besides Allah? Say, “Produce

your evidence if you are truthful.”) {27/60-64}

(Say, “Who provides for you from the heaven and earth? Or who owns [your] hearing and sight?

Who brings forth the living from the dead and the dead from the living? Who controls all things?”

They will say, “Allah.” Say, “Do you not then fear Him?) ** (Such is Allah, your True Lord. What

is beyond the truth except falsehood? So how could you be averted [from the truth]?”) {10/31-32}

(If you ask them who created the heavens and earth and subjected the sun and moon, they will

surely say, “Allah.” How are they then deluded?) ** (Allah extends provision to whom He wills

of His slaves or restricts it. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing of everything.) ** (If you ask them who


sends down rain from the sky, then revives therewith the land after its death, they will surely say,

“Allah”. Say, “All praise is for Allah,” but most of them do not understand.).{29/61-63)}

(If you ask them who created the heavens and earth, they will surely say, “Allah.” Say, “All praise

is for Allah.” Yet most of them do not understand.) {31/25}

(If you ask them who created them, they will surely say, “Allah.” How are they then


5- Creation Creator

(Were they created by none, or were they the creators [of themselves]?) ** (Or did they create the

heavens and earth? Rather, they are not certain in faith.). {52/35-36}

(Does Human beings not remember that We created him beforehand, when he was nothing?)


([The angel] said, “Thus it will be; your Lord says, ‘It is easy for Me; I did create you before, when

you were nothing.’”) {19/9}

(Do you not see that Allah drives the clouds, then gathers them together, then turns them into a

heap, then you see raindrops coming out from their midst? He sends down hail from mountains

[of clouds] in the sky, raining it down upon whoever He wills and turning it away from whoever

He wills. The flash of its lightning almost takes away eyesight.) ** (Allah alternates the night and

day. Indeed, there is a lesson in this for people of insight.) ** (Allah created every living creature

from water. Some of them move on their bellies, and some walk on two legs and some walk on

four. Allah creates what He wills. Allah is Most Capable of all things.) {24/43-45}

(His companion said, while conversing with him, “Do you disbelieve in He Who created you from

dust, then from a sperm-drop, then fashioned you into a well proportioned man?) **( As for me:

He is Allah, my Lord, and I do not associate anyone with my Lord.) {18/37-38}


6- The Divine Creation Making the Earth an Abode for Mankind

Allah has creation by fashioning it in a way that not only indicates that He is the creator, but also

that it has been made as an abode wherein we may live. The way He has created it with

organization, balance and wisdom should propel us to believe in Him and love Him.

(Have We not made the earth a resting place?) ** (And the mountains as pegs,) ** (and created

you in pairs,) ** (and made your sleep for rest,) ** (and made the night a covering, ) ** (and made

the day for seeking livelihood,) ** (and built above you seven mighty heavens,) ** (and made

therein a blazing lamp,) ** (and sent down from the rainclouds abundant water,) ** (so that We

may produce thereby grains and vegetation,) ** (and gardens with dense foliage?){78/6-16}

(Blessed is He Who placed in the sky constellations, and placed therein a radiant lamp and a

luminous moon.) ** (It is He Who made the night and the day to follow each other so that everyone

who wishes may reflect or become grateful.) {25/61-62}

(It is He Who sends down rain from the sky, from it you drink, and by it plants thrive on which

you pasture your livestock.) ** (He causes to grow therewith crops, olives, palm trees, grapevines

and all kinds of fruits for you. Indeed, there is a sign in this for people who reflect.) ** (And He

has subjected for you the night and day, the sun and moon, and the stars are made subservient by

His command. Indeed, there are signs in this for people of understanding.) ** (And He has created

for you various kinds of things on earth. Indeed, there are signs in this for people who take heed.)

** (It is He Who has subjected the sea, so that you may eat from it tender meat and extract

ornaments to wear. And you see the ships cleaving their way through its waves, so that you may

seek His bounty and so that you may give thanks. ) ** (And He has placed into the earth firm

mountains, so it does not tremor with you, and there are rivers and pathways so that you may find

your way,) ** (and landmarks and the stars by which they find their way.) ** (Is then He Who

creates equal to one who cannot create? Will you not then take heed?) ** (If you try to count

Allah’s favors, you will not be able to enumerate them. Indeed, Allah is All-Forgiving, Most

Merciful.) ** (Allah knows all that you conceal and all that you reveal.) ** (But those whom they

invoke besides Allah do not create anything, rather, they themselves are created.).{16/10-20}


(Do you not see that Allah has subjected to you all that is on the earth, and the ships that sail

through the sea by His command? He holds the sky from falling down on the earth except by His

permission. Indeed, Allah is Ever Gracious and Most Merciful to people.).{22/65}

(Do you not see that Allah has made subservient to you all that is in the heavens and on earth, and

has abundantly bestowed upon you His favors, both apparent and hidden? Yet there are some

people who dispute concerning Allah without knowledge, or guidance, or an enlightening

scripture.) {31/20}

(It is He Who spread out the earth for you, and made therein pathways for you, so that you may

find your way.) ** And it is He Who sends down rain from the sky in due measure, by which We

revive dead land. This is how you will be brought forth [from the grave].) ** (And it is He Who

created all types of things, and made for you ships and animals on which you ride,) ** (so that you

may settle yourselves on their backs, then remember the blessings of your Lord when you have

settled thereupon and say, “Glory be to Him Who has subjected this for us, for we could not have

done it by ourselves.) {43/10-13}

(It is Allah Who has subjected for you the sea, so that the ships may sail on it by His command,

and so that you may seek His bounty, and so that you may be grateful.) ** (And He has subjected

for you all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth; all is from Him. Indeed, there are signs in

this for people who reflect.) {45/12-13}

(Do they not see the birds enabled to fly in the open air? None holds them up except Allah. Indeed,

there are signs in this for people who believe.).{16/79}

7- Perfection of Creatures and the Universe

(Indeed, We have created everything according to a determined measure.) {54/49}


(He to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and earth, Who has never begotten a son, and

has no partner in His dominion. He has created everything and measured it precisely.) .{25/2}

(Allah knows what every female bears, and what the wombs may fall short or increase. With Him

everything is precisely measured.) {13/8}

(Glorify the name of your Lord, the Most High,) ** (Who created and fashioned in due proportion,)

** (and Who determined [the creation] then guided them,) {87/1-3}

(As for the earth, We have spread it out and placed therein firm mountains, and caused to grow

therein everything in due proportion.) ** (And We have made therein for you means of sustenance

and for those whom you do not provide) ** (There is nothing except that We have its treasuries,

and We do not send it down except in a determined measure.) ** (And We send fertilizing winds,

and send down rain from the sky for you to drink, and it is not you who could store it.) ** (Indeed,

it is We Who give life and cause death, and We are the Inheritors [of all things].) ** (We surely

know those of you who have gone before and those who are yet to come. ).{15/19-24}

(If Allah were to give abundant provision to [all] His slaves, they would transgress on earth; but

He sends down what He wills in due measure. Indeed, He is All-Aware and All-Seeing of His

slaves.) {42/27}

(We send down water from the sky in due measure and cause it to stay in the earth, and We are

surely able to take it away.) ** (With this [water] We produce for you gardens of palm trees and

grapevines, in which there are many fruits from which you eat,) .{23/18-19}

(Glory be to the One Who created all types of things that the earth produces, and of themselves,

and of things that they have no knowledge about.) ** (There is another sign for them in the night:

We strip from it the daylight, and they are left in darkness.). ** (The sun is running to its

determined course. That is the design of the All-Mighty, All-Knowing.) ** (As for the moon, We

have determined phases for it, until it becomes like an old palm stalk.) ** (It is not for the sun to


catch up with the moon, nor for the night to outstrip the day. Each is floating in its own orbit.)


(It is Allah Who causes the grain and fruit-stones to sprout. He brings forth the living from the

dead and the dead from the living. Such is Allah! So how are you being turned away?) **( It is He

Who cleaves the daybreak, and made the night for rest, and the sun and the moon with a precise

measurement; that is the design of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing.) ** (And He made the stars

as your guide through the darkness of the land and sea. We have made the signs clear for people

who know.) ** (It is He Who originated you from a single soul, then assigned for you a place to

stay and a place to rest. We have made the signs clear for people who understand.) ** (It is He

Who sends down water from the sky and We produce thereby every kind of plants. We produce

from it greenery from which We bring forth clustered grains. From the spathes of palm trees

emerging clusters of dates hanging within reach. And gardens of grapevines, olives, and

pomegranates – similar [in shape] yet different [in taste]. Look at their fruit when they bear fruit

and ripen. Indeed, there are signs in these for people who believe.) .{6/95-99}

(Did We not create you from a worthless fluid,) ** (then We placed it in a secure repository) **

(for a determined period?)** (For We determined it; How excellently We determine!) ** (Woe on

that Day to the deniers!) ** (Have We not made the earth a receptacle) ** (for the living and the

dead,)** (and placed therein firm towering mountains, and given you fresh water to drink?)


(Indeed, Allah will surely accomplish His purpose, for Allah has set a destiny for everything.)


(So glory be to Allah in the evening and in the morning,) ** (and all praise is due to Him in the

heavens and earth – and [glorify Him] in the afternoon and at noon.) ** (He brings the living out

of the dead and the dead out of the living, and gives life to the earth after its death. This is how

you will be brought forth.) ** (Among His signs is that He created you from dust, then you became

human beings spreading [on the earth].) ** (And among His signs is that He created for you

spouses from among yourselves that you may find comfort in them, and He placed between you


love and mercy. Indeed, there are signs in this for people who reflect.) ** (And among His signs

is the creation of the heavens and earth, and the diversity of your tongues and colors. Indeed, there

are signs in this for those who have knowledge.) ** (And among His signs is your sleep by night

and day, and your seeking of His bounty [by day]. Indeed, there are signs in this for people who

listen.) ** (And among His signs is that He shows you lightning, causing fear and hope, and He

sends down water from the sky, reviving therewith the earth after its death. Indeed, there are signs

in this for people who understand.) ** (And among His signs is that the sky and earth are

maintained by His command. Then when He calls you out of the earth, you will immediately come


8- The Subjection & Arrangement of the Universe

recent scientific discoveries, this universe isnothing – not even a single atom or

can go out of control. This precision accuracy theuniverse lead, without doubt, to the fact

that this universe is created by the one Omnipotent creator whoholds it together, controls

it and arranges it.

(o Him belong the keys of the heavens and earth; He extends provision to whom

He wills or restricts it. Indeed, He is All-Knowing of all things.) {42/12}

(Your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and earth in six days, and then rose

over [istawa] the Throne. He makes the night and day overlap in rapid succession. He made

the sun, the moon, and the stars – all subservient to His command. Behold, His is the

creation and the command. Blessed is Allah, Lord of the worlds.) . {7/54}

(He merges the night into the day and the day into the night, and subjected the sun and the moon,

each running its course for an appointed term. Such is Allah, your Lord. To Him belongs the

dominion, whereas those whom you invoke besides Him do not own so much as the membrane of

a date stone.) {35/13}


(Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and earth; the alternation of the night and day; the sailing

of the ships in the sea for the benefit of people; the sending down of rain from the sky by Allah,

reviving thereby the earth after its death; the spreading of all kinds of creatures therein; the

directing of the winds and clouds between the sky and earth – in all these, there are signs for people

of understanding.). {2/164}

(It is Allah Who has created the heavens and earth and sent down rain from the sky, producing

therewith fruits as provision for you. He has made the ships for your service to sail in the sea by

His command, and has made for you the rivers.) ** (He has made the sun and the moon for your

service, both constant in their courses, and has made for you the night and the day.) {14/32-33}

(It is He Who sends down rain from the sky, from it you drink, and by it plants thrive on which

you pasture your livestock.) ** (He causes to grow therewith crops, olives, palm trees, grapevines

and all kinds of fruits for you. Indeed, there is a sign in this for people who reflect.) ** (And He

has subjected for you the night and day, the sun and moon, and the stars are made subservient by

His command. Indeed, there are signs in this for people of understanding.) ** (And He has created

for you various kinds of things on earth. Indeed, there are signs in this for people who take heed.)

** (It is He Who has subjected the sea, so that you may eat from it tender meat and extract

ornaments to wear. And you see the ships cleaving their way through its waves, so that you may

seek His bounty and so that you may give thanks. ) ** (And He has placed into the earth firm

mountains, so it does not tremor with you, and there are rivers and pathways so that you may find

your way,) ** (and landmarks and the stars by which they find their way.) ** (Is then He Who

creates equal to one who cannot create? Will you not then take heed?) ** (If you try to count

Allah’s favors, you will not be able to enumerate them. Indeed, Allah is All-Forgiving, Most

Merciful.) ** (Allah knows all that you conceal and all that you reveal.) ** (But those whom they

invoke besides Allah do not create anything, rather, they themselves are created.).{16/10-20}

(Do you not see that Allah has subjected to you all that is on the earth, and the ships that sail

through the sea by His command? He holds the sky from falling down on the earth except by His

permission. Indeed, Allah is Ever Gracious and Most Merciful to people.) {22/65}


(Do you not see that Allah has made subservient to you all that is in the heavens and on earth, and

has abundantly bestowed upon you His favors, both apparent and hidden? Yet there are some

people who dispute concerning Allah without knowledge, or guidance, or an enlightening

scripture.) {31/20}

(Do they not see that We have created for them livestock made by Our Hands, and then they are

their owners?) ** (And We have made them subservient to them; some they ride, and from others

they eat, ) ** (and there are other benefits and drinks therein for them. Will they not then give

thanks?) {36/71-73}

(It is He Who made the earth smooth for you, so travel through its regions and eat from His

provisions. And to Him is the resurrection) {67/15}

(And We spread out the earth. How well did We smooth it out!) ** (And We have created

everything in pairs, so that you may take heed.) {51/48-49}

(Do they not see the birds enabled to fly in the open air? None holds them up except Allah. Indeed,

there are signs in this for people who believe) {16/79}

9- Your very own existence Human beingspoints you to your Creator

Think about yourself. You became a thing after having been nothing. You were created from a

drop of sperm, to a clot until you ended up a complete creature. This is solid proof of the power

and wisdom of your Creator. This should lead you to thank Him by submitting yourself to Him


(Does Human not remember that We created him beforehand, when he was nothing?) (19/67)

(Let Human reflect on what he was created from.) {86/5}


(Read in the name of your Lord Who created,) ** (created Human from a clinging clot.) ** (Read,

and your Lord is the Most Generous,) ** (Who taught by the pen,) ** (taught Human what he did

not know.) ** (Indeed, Human transgresses) ** (when he deems himself to be self-sufficient.) **

(Indeed, to your Lord is the return.).{96/1-8}

(and also in your own selves. Do you not see?) {51/21}

(He created you from a single soul, then He made from it its mate, and He created for you eight

pairs of livestock. He creates you in the wombs of your mothers [in stages], creation after creation,

in three layers of darkness. Such is Allah, your Lord. To Him belongs the dominion; none has the

right to be worshiped except Him. So how are you averted?) {39/6}

(O mankind, what has lured you away from your Lord, the Most Generous,) ** (Who created you,

then shaped and proportioned you,) ** (and assembled you in whatever form He willed?).{82/6-


(It is Allah Who created you from dust, then from a drop of semen, then He made you into pairs.

No female conceives nor gives birth without His knowledge. None is given long life or cut short

of his life except that it is in a Record. That is surely easy for Allah.) {35/11}

(O mankind, We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes

so that you may recognize one another. Indeed, the most noble of you before Allah is the most

righteous among you. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.).{49/13}

10- A creator knows his creation

Allah (the creator) gives in the Quran some hints about some signs in the universe none could

know but the creator who created it and knows its secret. Some of these were only discovered

recently while it was revealed to prophet Mohammad peace be upon him for more than 1400 years.

Only some are mentioned here:

(We will show them Our signs in the universe and in their own selves, until it becomes clear to

them that this [Qur’an] is the truth. Is it not enough that your Lord is a Witness over all things?)


** (Indeed, they are in doubt concerning the meeting with their Lord; He truly encompasses all

things.) {41/53-54}

(Are the disbelievers not aware that the heavens and earth were joined together and then We split

them apart? We created from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?)**( We have

set on the earth firm mountains so it does not shake with them, and We have made therein broad

pathways so that they may find their way.)** (And We have made the sky a well-protected canopy,

yet they turn away from its signs.)**( It is He Who created the night and the day, the sun and the

moon – each floating in its orbit.) {21/30-33}

(It is not for the sun to catch up with the moon, nor for the night to outstrip the day. Each is floating

in its own orbit.). {36/40}

(He created the heavens and earth for a true purpose. He wraps the night over the day and wraps

the day over the night. He has subjected the sun and the moon, each running its course for an

appointed term. Indeed, He is the All-Mighty, Most Forgiving.) {39/5}

(The sun and the moon follow their precise courses,) {55/5}

(He merges the two seas [of fresh and salty water] meeting together,) ** (yet between them is a

barrier so that they do not cross.). ** (Then which of the favors of your Lord will you [mankind

and jinn] deny? ) {55/19-21}

(It is He Who spread out the earth and placed therein firm mountains and rivers, and created therein

fruits of every kind in pairs. He causes the night to cover the day. Indeed, there are signs in this

for people who reflect..) {13/3}

(We created Human from an extract of clay,) ** (then We placed him as a sperm-drop in a safe

place,) ** (then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, then We made the clinging clot into

a lump, then We made the lump into bones, and We clothed the bones with flesh, and then We

developed it into another creation. So Blessed is Allah, the Best of Creators.) {23/12-14}


(He created you from a single soul, then He made from it its mate, and He created for you eight

pairs of livestock. He creates you in the wombs of your mothers [in stages], creation after creation,

in three layers of darkness. Such is Allah, your Lord. To Him belongs the dominion; none has the

right to be worshiped except Him. So how are you averted?) {39/6}

(Say, “It has been sent down by the One Who knows the secrets of the heavens and earth. He is

All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”) {25/6}

(Does He not know His Own creation, when He is the Most Subtle, the All-Aware?) {67/14}

Q. What are the attributes of our creator?

Our Creator informs us about some of His attributes

(Whether you speak secretly or openly, He is All-Knowing of that which is in the hearts.) ** (Does

He not know His Own creation, when He is the Most Subtle, the All-Aware?) {67/13-14}

(This is so that you may know that Allah knows all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth,

and that Allah is All-Knowing of everything. ) {5/97}

(He alone has the keys of the unseen; no one knows them except Him. He knows what is in the

land and sea. Not a leaf falls without His knowledge, nor a grain in the darkness of the earth, nor

anything moist or dry, but is [written] in a Clear Record.) {6/59}

(He is Allah; none has the right to be worshiped except Him, Knower of the unseen and the seen;

He is the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.) ** (He is Allah; none has the right to be

worshiped except Him, the Sovereign, the Most Holy, the Most Perfect, the Granter of Security,

the Watcher over all, the All-Mighty, the Compeller, the Supreme. Glory be to Allah far above

what they associate with Him.) ** (He is Allah, the Creator, the Maker, the Fashioner. He has the


most beautiful names. All that is in the heavens and earth glorifies Him, for He is the All-Mighty,

the All-Wise.) {59/22-24}

(The revelation of this Book is from Allah, the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing,) ** (the Forgiver of

sin and Accepter of repentance, the Severe in punishment and Infinite in bounty. None has the

right to be worshiped except Him. To Him is the final return.) {40/2-3}

(All praise is for Allah to Whom belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth, and to

Him is the praise in the Hereafter; He is the All-Wise, All-Aware.) ** (He knows whatever goes

into the earth and whatever comes out of it, and whatever descends from the heaven and whatever

ascends to it, and He is the Most Merciful, All-Forgiving.) {34/1-2}

(All that is in the heavens and earth glorifies Allah, for He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.) **

(To Him belongs the dominion of the heavens and earth; He gives life and causes death, and He is

Most Capable of all things.) ** (He is the First and the Last, the Manifest and the Hidden, and He

is All-Knowing of everything.) {57/1-3}

(No indeed, it is one of their fabrications when they say,) ** ("“Allah has children,” and they are

truly liars.) {37/151-152}

(They say, “Allah has taken a son.” Glory be to Him! He is the Self-Sufficient. To Him belongs

all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth. You have no proof for this. Do you say about

Allah something that you do not know?) {10/68}

(It is not befitting Allah to beget a son. Glory be to Him! When He decrees a matter, He only says

to it, “Be,” and it is.) {19/35}

(They say, “The Most Compassionate has begotten a son.”) ** (You have made a monstrous

statement, ) ** (at which the heavens are about to be torn apart, the earth split asunder, and the

mountains tumble down.) ** (because they have ascribed to the Most Compassionate a son.) **

(It is not appropriate for the Most Compassionate to beget a son.) ** (There is none in the heavens


and earth except that he will come to the Most Compassionate in full submission.) ** (He has

counted them and numbered them precisely.) ** (Each one of them will come to Him on the Day

of Resurrection all alone.) {19/88-95}

(Say: He is Allah, the One;) ** Allah, the Eternal Refuge.) ** He neither begets nor is He

begotten,) ** (and there is none comparable to Him.”) {112/1-4}

Q- Have we been created without purpose? why are we here?

What does our Creator want us to do? Why has he created us? Why are we here?

Out of His mercy and divine wisdom, he answered these questions for us.

Allah has not created us in vain. Our Creator has made us with His ultimate wisdom and

knowledge. In the same way that each part of our body has a function and purpose, so too does

our entire whole. We must learn and discover why we have been created so we arrange our lives


(We have not created the heavens and earth and all that is between them in vain. That is the

assumption of those who disbelieve. So woe to the disbelievers from the Fire!) {38/27}

(Allah created the heavens and earth for a true purpose. Indeed, there is a sign in this for the

believers.) {29/44}

(We have not created the heavens and earth and all that is between them except for a true purpose.

The Hour is certainly coming, so bear with them graciously.) {15/85}

(Do you not see that Allah has created the heavens and earth for a true purpose? If He wills, He

can take you away and replace you with a new creation.) {14/19}

(He sends down the angels with revelation by His command to whom He wills of His slaves,

[saying], “Warn that none has the right to be worshiped except Me, so fear Me) ** (He created the


heavens and earth for a true purpose. Exalted is He far above what they associate with Him!) {16/2-


(Do they not reflect on themselves? Allah did not create the heavens and earth and all that is

between them except for a true purpose and for an appointed term, but most people deny the

meeting with their Lord.) {30/8}

(Allah created the heavens and earth for a true purpose, and so that every soul may be recompensed

for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.) {45/22}

(Does Human think that he will be left neglected? [neglected without being punished or rewarded

for the obligatory duties enjoined by his Lord (Allah) on him]? ) {75/36}

(We did not create the heavens and earth and all that is between them for fun) ** (If We had wished

for a pastime, We could have had it from Our own, if We were to do so.) ** (Rather, We hurl the

truth at falsehood, and it crushes it, so it vanishes. Woe to you for what you falsely ascribe [to

Allah]!) ** ( To Him belongs all those who are in the heavens and earth. Those [angels] who are

with Him are not too proud to worship Him (i.e. are not abstain by arrogance from His worship),

nor do they ever grow weary (i.e. they do not get tired of worshiping him).) ** (They glorify Him

day and night tirelessly.) ** (Or have they taken gods from the earth who [cannot even] resurrect

the dead?) ** (If there had been gods besides Allah in the heavens and earth, both realms would

have fallen in disorder. Glory be to Allah – Lord of the Throne – far above what they ascribe [to

Him].) ** (He cannot be questioned for what He does, but they will be questioned.) ** (Or have

they taken other gods besides Him? Say, “Bring your proof. Here is the Book of those who are

with me, and the Book of those who came before me.” Yet most of them do not know the truth, so

they turn away.) {21/16-24}

(Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and earth and the alternation of the night and day are signs

for people of understanding,) ** (those who remember Allah while standing, sitting, and lying on

their sides, and reflect upon the creation of the heavens and earth [saying], “Our Lord, you have


not created all this in vain. Glory be to You. Protect us from the punishment of the Fire). {3/190-


(Did you think that We created you with no purpose, and that you would not be brought back to

Us?”) ** (Exalted is Allah, the True Sovereign! None has the right to be worshiped except Him,

the Lord of the Honorable Throne.) ** (Whoever supplicates another god besides Allah, for which

he has no proof, his reckoning will be with his Lord. Indeed, the disbelievers will never succeed.)


(And [remember] when your Lord said to the angels, “I am going to appoint a vicegerent on earth.”

They said, “Will You appoint on it someone who will spread corruption therein and shed blood,

while we glorify You with Your praises and proclaim Your holiness?” He said, “I know that which

you do not know.”) {2/30}

(We said, “Go down all of you from here! Then when My guidance comes to you; whoever follows

My guidance, they will have no fear, nor will they grieve.) ** (But those who disbelieve and reject

Our signs, they are the people of the Fire; they will abide therein forever.”) {2/38-39}

(They said, “We were oppressed before you came to us and after you came.” He said, “It may be

that your Lord will destroy your enemy and make you successors in the land to see how you will

do.”) {7/129}

(Then We made you their successors in the land to see how you would behave.) {10/14}

(That is the abode of the Hereafter We will assign to those who neither seek superiority nor

corruption on earth. The best outcome is for those who fear Allah.)** (Whoever comes with a

good deed will be rewarded with what is better, and whoever comes with an evil deed, the evildoers

will only be recompensed for what they used to do.) {28/83-84}


(Moses said to his people, “Seek help from Allah and be patient. The earth belongs to Allah; He

gives it as an inheritance to whom He wills of His slaves, but the outcome is for those who fear

Allah.”) {7/128}

(It is those who, if We give them power in the land, they establish prayer and give zakah, and

enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong. And to Allah belongs the outcome of all matters.)


(And do not obey the command of the transgressors,) ** (those who spread corruption in the land

and never do what is right.”) {26/151-152}

(Blessed is He in Whose hand is the dominion, and He is Most Capable of all things) ** (Who

created death and life to test you as to which of you is best in deeds, and He is the All-Mighty, the

Most Forgiving.) {67/1-2}

(Then if you turn away, what else can be expected but that you will spread corruption in the land

and sever your ties of kinship?) {47/22}

(Allah brought you out from your mothers’ wombs not knowing anything, and He gave you

hearing, sight and intellect, so that you may be grateful.) {16/78}

(Say, “It is He Who brought you into being and gave you hearing, sight, and hearts; little do you

give thanks.”) {67/23}

(Say, “Indeed, my prayer, my sacrifice, my living and my dying are all for Allah, Lord of the

worlds.) ** (He has no partner. This is what I have been commanded, and I am the first to submit

to Allah.”) ** (Say [O Prophet], “Should I seek a lord other than Allah, when He is the Lord of

everything?” Every soul will face the consequence of its actions. No bearer of burden will bear the

burden of another. Then to your Lord is your return, and He will inform you concerning that over

which you used to differ.) ** (It is He Who has made you successors on earth and raised some of


you over others in ranks, so that He may test you with that which He has given you. Your Lord is

swift in punishment, and He is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.) {6/162-165}

(Indeed, this religion of yours is one religion, and I am your Lord, so worship Me alone.) {21/92}

(Indeed, this religion of yours is one religion, and I am your Lord, so fear Me.) {23/52}

Lord of the heavens and earth and all that is between them. So worship Him and be constant in

worshiping Him. Do you know anyone equal to Him?”) {19/65}

(Allah is your Lord Who created the heavens and earth in six Days, and then rose over the Throne,

governing all affairs. None can intercede except by His permission. Such is Allah your Lord, so

worship Him. Will you not then take heed?) ** (To Him is your return all together. Allah’s promise

will surely come true. He originates the creation then brings it back, so that He may justly reward

those who believe and do righteous deeds. But for those who disbelieve there will be a drink of

scalding water and a painful punishment because of their disbelief.) ** (It is He Who made the sun

a radiant light and the moon a reflected light, and precisely determined its phases, so that you may

know the number of years and account [of time]. Allah has not created all of this except for a true

purpose. He makes the signs clear for people who know.) ** (Indeed, in the alternation of the night

and day, and in what Allah has created in the heavens and earth, there are signs for people who

fear Him.) ** (Those who do not expect to meet Us, and are pleased and content with the life of

this world, and those who are heedless of Our signs,) ** (their abode will be the Fire, for what they

used to earn.) ** (As for those who believe and do righteous deeds, their Lord will guide them by

virtue of their faith. Rivers will flow beneath them in the Gardens of Bliss.) ** (Their prayer will

be, “Glorify be to You, O Allah,” and their greeting will be, “Peace,” and the closing of their prayer

will be, “All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.”) . {10/3-10}

(It is Allah Who causes the grain and fruit-stones to sprout. He brings forth the living from the

dead and the dead from the living. Such is Allah! So how are you being turned away?) ** (It is He

Who cleaves the daybreak, and made the night for rest, and the sun and the moon with a precise

measurement; that is the design of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing.) ** (And He made the stars


as your guide through the darkness of the land and sea. We have made the signs clear for people

who know.) ** (It is He Who originated you from a single soul, then assigned for you a place to

stay and a place to rest. We have made the signs clear for people who understand.) ** (It is He

Who sends down water from the sky and We produce thereby every kind of plants. We produce

from it greenery from which We bring forth clustered grains. From the spathes of palm trees

emerging clusters of dates hanging within reach. And gardens of grapevines, olives, and

pomegranates – similar [in shape] yet different [in taste]. Look at their fruit when they bear fruit

and ripen. Indeed, there are signs in these for people who believe.) ** (They regard the jinn as

partners of Allah, even though He created them, and they falsely attribute to Him sons and

daughters without knowledge. Glorified and Exalted is He far above what they ascribe to Him.)

** (The Originator of the heavens and earth. How could He have a son when He never had a

companion? He created all things, and He is All-Knowing of everything.) ** (Such is Allah, your

Lord; none has the right to be worshiped except Him, the Creator of all things. So worship Him,

for He is the Maintainer of all things.) . {6/95-102}

(Your Lord says, “Call upon Me; I will respond to you. Those who are too proud to worship Me

will enter Hell, utterly debased.”) ** (It is Allah Who has made the night for you to rest therein

and the day bright. Indeed, Allah is Most Bountiful to people, but most people are ungrateful.) **

(Such is Allah, your Lord, the Creator of everything; none has the right to be worshiped except

Him. How can you be deluded?) ** (This is how deluded are those who rejected Allah’s signs.) .


(Say, “Who provides for you from the heaven and earth? Or who owns [your] hearing and sight?

Who brings forth the living from the dead and the dead from the living? Who controls all things?”

They will say, “Allah.” Say, “Do you not then fear Him?) ** (Such is Allah, your True Lord. What

is beyond the truth except falsehood? So how could you be averted [from the truth]?”) {10/31-32}

(O mankind, worship your Lord, Who created you and those before you, so that you may become

righteous) ** (He Who made the earth a resting-place for you, and the sky a canopy; and sends

down rain from the sky, and brings forth fruits thereby as a provision for you. So do not set up

rivals to Allah while you know.) . {2/21-22}

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