
18 Personal Life-Lessons From the Themes of the Entire Quran!

It’s our responsibility to seek guidance from the Quran, by deriving palatable, daily life action points from its verses and focus on how the Book of Allah can make us a better person.

Contextualize The Quran

Why Do We Contextualize The Quran?

Below we translate the themes from the beginning till the end of the Quran in 18 universal lessons for life!

1. Remind Yourself Who You Are and Why You Are Here (Juz 1 & 2)

In this turbulent world full of distractions, it’s crucial to go back to basics.

Chapter Al Fatihah is your personal identity and contains the three objectives the whole Quran revolves around: beliefs (to believe in Allah), acts of worship (to know how we manage to worship our Lord in Whom we believe) and way of life.

Chapter Al Baqarah tells you why you are on earth. It tells you about different kinds of people (believers, disbelievers and hypocrites), the experience of the first successor on earth, Adam, and the nation who was given responsibility for earth but failed (the Israelites) as well as the one who was successful, Ibrahim (peace be upon him). It then explains Allah’s commands: it’s the chapter of guidance on how we can take our responsibility on earth.

Action Point:

While reciting chapter Al Fatihah daily remind yourself you are a believer, to worship the Merciful Lord who created everything from your heart; and don’t forget to ask Him for all you need and to practice what you know.

Action Point:

Ask Allah to help you fulfil all your responsibilities in your worship, work, family life and environment.

Action Point:

Al Baqarah is the only chapter that gives details of the five pillars of Islam; give careful thought to the pillars of your faith. O Allah, help us fulfil the pillars of Islam and faith (Iman), ameen!

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2. Remain Firm and Resist Influences from the Outside and Within (Juz 3)

Chapter Al-Imran is divided into two parts, telling you to remain firm on the straight path and to resist evil or harmful influences. The example of the battle of Uhud shows how you can prevent mistakes that happen due to your own desires.

Action Point:

Daily ask Allah to protect you from all bad influences on your faith and to protect others from your possible bad influence.

3. Be Just, No Matter the Circumstances (Juz 4, 5, 6)

Chapter Al-Baqarah tells you that you have a responsibility on earth and how to take it; then chapter Al-‘Imran urges sabr (perseverance); and chapter An-Nisa’ then tells you that perseverance also demands being fair and kind to the weak. Chapter Al-Ma’idah continues to show you how to be responsible.

Action Point:

Justice begins at home. Ask Allah to guide you to be fair and kind at home, as it’s easy to show your ‘worst’ self at home to those whom you might have authority over.

Action Point:

Realize the importance of everyone getting their due, in both business and personal environments. Islam is the opposite of the “survival of the fittest” mentality.

Ask Allah to help you treat women, men, children, the sick and the elderly in the way that pleases Him and to forgive you for all your shortcomings in how you treat(ed) others!

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4. Enjoy Good And Forbid Evil (Juz 7, 8)

Chapters Al Ma’idah and Al An’aam tell you to enjoy things that strengthen you and give you freedom from addictions and desires so that your heart may be pure enough to love and obey Him absolutely.

Chapters Al-Anaam and Al-A’raf show how you need to come out of your comfort zone to take a firm stance on evil.

Chapter Al A’raf describes the conflict between good and evil; Adam and Satan; between Prophets and those they attempt to teach; and between Paradise and Hellfire.

Chapter Al Anfaal tells you what you need to have victory over evil; first, belief in Allah and second, patience. Allah gives us strength to obey Him, as long as we rely on Him.

Action Point:

Be more grateful for all you have and realize how many things are halal (permissible) for you, rather than looking at what you can’t have!

5. Make Repentance a Routine (Juz 10, 11)

The previous ajzaa’ (plural of juz) showed who we are and what our responsibilities are; but we make mistakes. From this Juz repentance becomes the gateway to the rest of the Quran.

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Chapter At-Tawbah until chapter Hud show the pitfalls of hypocrisy; those who when times get tough, make excuses, give up, resort to violence, addictions etc. instead of turning to Allah for help.

Action Point:

Imagine a word where repentance wasn’t an option, thank Allah daily for the miraculous gift of tawbah (repentance); and spend a few minutes daily asking Allah’s forgiveness from the heart.

Action Point:

Daily ask Allah to protect you from hypocrisy.

6. Stick to the Truth, Even if it’s Against Yourself (Juz 12, 13)

Chapter Yusuf shows you how the plan of Allah is beyond your understanding, and the truth will always prevail. Chapter Ar-Ra’d talks about the fragility of falsehood and the power of the truth.

Action Point:

Stick to the truth, whatever the temporary cost (loss) thinking of Allah’s reward.

7. Look at Nature to Strengthen Your Bond With Allah (Juz 14, 18)

After realizing the depth and force of truth, found only in and with Allah, chapter Al Hijr and chapter An Nahl, as well as Juz 18, Al-Muminun until Al-Furqan, gives you insights in the nature of Allah, drawing comparisons with nature to aid your understanding. Chapter Ibrahim shows us the worst fate is not earthly loss, but rather the loss of connection to Allah.

Action Point:

Daily simply look outside and let any aspect of nature remind you of Allah and your love of Him.

8. Be Ready to Be Led by Allah to Wherever He Chooses to Take You (Juz 15, 16)

It’s easy to complain, loose heart and choose to move away from the straight path. Chapter Bani Israel and chapter Al Kahf show us the journey from darkness into light; for example, the Night Journey of Prophet Muhammad and the teaching of Al Khidr to Moses about the reality of life.

Juz 16 demonstrates the courage of the Prophets and their suffering. Satan uses our natural fear of suffering to create more suffering! He whispers that you can find pleasure and avoid pain by consenting to a bit of disobedience; but any joy you experience on this path is just temporary.

Action Point:

Ask Allah for beneficial knowledge to help you stay on the straight path and protect you from darkness of disbelief. Knowledge is light!

Action Point:

Make it a habit to say a’oodhu billahi mina-sh shaytanir rajeem when Satan tries to tempt you to choose ‘the easy way out’ by sinning and not taking responsibilities.

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9. Remember Here and the Hereafter (Juz 17)

Chapter Al Anbiya urges to accept the revelations of the Prophets and their strong-as-steel connection to the Hereafter. Chapter Al Hajj reminds you how Hajj is as a rehearsal for the Day of Judgement. Are you ready?

Action Point:

Daily consider an existence in which death is so close. Ponder the urgency of the Prophet’s message; O Allah, give us a life of good deeds and a good ending, ameen!

10. Be Critical of the (Social) Media (Juz 19)

Chapter Al-Furqan until An-Naml urges you to look through the critical lens of the Quran and that media is a double-edged sword; it is used either to mislead people or to guide them. In the past people turned to magicians, poets, and prophets for information.

Action Point:

Ask Allah to help you distinguish truth from false information and to protect you from the evil of the media.

11. Know Allah Didn’t Abandon You (Juz 20)

Sometimes it can be hard to be patient when tests and trials don’t seem to end, as seen in the life of Moses. The temptation is great to seek refuge in lesser powers. 

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In chapter An-Naml until Al-Ankabut, we see how created things (like the spider’s web and the facilities of Fir’awn) can be beautifully engineered, but those who seek refuge in created things rather than in the Creator will only become hopelessly entangled.

Action Point:

When you feel tempted to seek help of lesser powers, read the stories of prophets who endured hard trials for long periods. Or simply look back at your own hard times, did Allah not bring ease with hardship?

Tell yourself: the longest day is only 24 hours and trust Allah fulfil His promises to you, no matter how long it takes.

12. Be a Productive Muslim (Juz 21)

In chapter Ar-Rum we see how the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) predicted that the Romans, though broken and weak at the time of his prediction, would eventually triumph over the Persians.

What is it that allows believers to have victory? The answer is in chapter Luqman; it lies in practices contrary to power-seeking; you can overcome any enemy and thus be productive when you submit yourself to Allah.

Action Point:

Ask Allah to be more obedient and productive in your role as a Muslim child, student, teacher, and/or parent.

13. Be Sincere (Juz 22, 23)

In chapter Al-Ahzab until Ya-Sin you are invited to look at submitting to Allah in specific instances; like in times of hopelessness, doubt and confusion.

In the previous ajzaa’ we saw studies contrast: light and darkness, belief and disbelief, life and death, the world and the eternal. We see that the only way out of our struggles is submission to the will of Allah, a submission that renders us radically and forever free.

In chapter Ya-Sin until Az-Zumar we see how the universe is made of opposites, so clearly regulated by Allah. He commands us to worship Him alone; some of us worship Him in a way to be seen and admired by others. On top of this we are given a marvelous set of rules to live by, yet some disregard these rules or add of their own!

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Action Point:

Daily thank Allah for this universe He created and for making us a Muslim within it. O Allah, purify our heart of shirk, showing off and false religion, and make us among the guided ones, ameen!

14. See the Urgency Dawah (Juz 24)

Chapter Az-Zumar until Fussilat warn of death and punishment; are you doing enough to inspire those who do not believe?

Action Point:

Ask Allah, Al Hadi, to help purify your intentions and guide you to the most effective means to spread the message of the Quran.

15. Apply the Quran to Your Daily Life (Juz 25)

Chapter Fussilat until Al-Jathiya (known as the “Ha wa Meem” because they all begin with the letters Ha and Meem), show how Allah’s message was passed from the nation of Israel all the way to the followers of the Prophet Muhammad.

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What Does the Quran Really Preach?

With the Quran we have something that is both ancient and ahead of its time, just as relevant today as it was when it was first revealed and it will forever stand the test of time.

Action Point:

Learn how to apply the verses of the Quran to your daily life. Daily pick a random verse, read the translation and see how you can apply it. Check for ayah action points from the entire Quran.

16. Strive For Ihsan (Excellence) and Balance (Juz 26, 27)

Chapter Al-Ahqaf until Adh-Dhariyat show us the life-giving power of worshiping what is real. Human beings like to think we are at the centre of the universe, rather than recognizing Allah is the centre of our world.

Chapter Adh-Dhariyat until Al-Hadid show us that on our life’s journey we are presented with different paths to choose and how our desires and whispers of Satan might deceive us. It shows us how sometimes you’re asked to follow a middle road, for example between wealth and simplicity and being able to relax as a believer in permissible ways.

Action Point:

Ask Allah to help force your desires to the background so you can feel the joy of not following your ego and so you can achieve your potential by worshiping Him to the best of your ability.

Action Point:

Ask Allah daily to help you make balanced decisions.

17. Be a Good Member of the Ummah. (Juz 28, 29)

Many of us don’t ‘feel’ part of the Ummah nor realize the importance of a good community. Chapter Al-Mujadilah until At-Tahrim show us the importance of a good ummah and gives guidelines on how to build one.

Chapter Al Mulk until Al Mursalat just like the 24th Juz, show us the urgency of dawah; expanding the numbers of the Ummah by quoting the Quran and Hadith, exhibiting excellent manners, and warning of punishment for those who don’t believe.

Action Point:

Study the guidelines of Allah to build the Ummah, such as avoiding friendships with hypocrites and other enemies of Allah, being fair and trustworthy in marriage etc and ask Allah to help you benefit the Muslim Ummah.

Action Point:

Think about the non-believers in the world around us and supplicate for their guidance.

18. Bring Yourself to Account (Juz 30)

This beautiful, comprehensive Juz concludes the Quran and the methodology of your responsibility on earth. It urges you to believe in the greatness of Allah and His abilities, reminding you that you will meet Him and return to Him on the Day of Judgment, and to remember Him and thank Him.

Chapter Al-’Asr, described by Imam Ash Shaafi’i: 

“If nothing of the Qur’an was revealed except this surah, it would have sufficed the whole of humanity,” covers all the features of Islam!

Action Point:

Beg Allah to help you fulfil your responsibilities on earth and give you the Highest Paradise.

Action Point:

Study chapter Al ‘Asr, ask Allah to help you use your time in the best way and revive a sunnah daily by reciting it each time you leave a company!

One of the most common questions that I am asked, quite regularly, is: “How you can keep up with the burden of being a Muslim?”

This Religion is Easy...

This Religion is Easy...

You see, to non-believers, Islam is perceived to be a very difficult religion that is cumbersome to its adherents. This could not be further from the truth! Islam is a religion of ease and a mercy to mankind gifted by our Creator.

As a new Muslim, I did have a sense of being overwhelmed at the beginning. However, this was because I panicked and erroneously believed that I had to learn everything and all at once. Eventually, I realized that I could go at my own pace and learn the basics of Islam which gave me a solid foundation on which to build up my faith.

The religion of Islam is universal. It wasn’t sent to Muslims only. Rather, it was sent to all of mankind. For this reason, Allah Almighty has made it easy for all of humanity to follow Islam. And despite our shortcomings, our Creator provides countless ways for humans to achieve salvation.

There are many ways that Allah made Islam the easiest religion to follow.

The Five Pillars of Islam

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) revealed that the religion of Islam is built on five pillars which are:

Declaration of Faith or Shahadah

Obligatory Prayers

Alms Giving or Zakah

Fasting in Ramadan

Pilgrimage to Makkah or Hajj

The five pillars of Islam lay the groundwork for new Muslims and born-Muslims to follow. The first is the declaration of faith that “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His final Messenger.”

The second is in regards to the five daily obligatory prayers which take only about 5 minutes each to perform and are easy to learn even for non-Arabic speakers.

The third pillar is alms-giving which is mandatory for able Muslims to pay during the month of Ramadan.

And the fourth pillar is the month of fasting, or Ramadan, in which a Muslim refrains from eating or drinking from dawn until dusk in addition to abstaining from other worldly pleasures such as intimacy with one’s spouse.

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And then there is the fifth pillar of Islam, which is the pilgrimage to Makkah.

Now if you look closely at the 5 pillars of Islam, you will realize that only the obligatory prayers are required on a daily basis, while the other pillars are for specific times of the year or during one’s lifetime. Allah Almighty has not given us anything that is impossible to do; even the 5 pillars of Islam are possible for all Muslims!

Natural State of Islam

Did you know that you were born in a natural state of Islam? That’s right! You’ve got your own GPS called fitrah, best translated into English as ‘instinct’, that guides you back to your Lord and Cherisher. Every human is born in a natural state of Islam and it is the parents that decide whether the child will grow up as a Muslim or belong to another faith.

Regardless, the fitrah is that nagging voice in the back of your head that helps you differentiate between right and wrong.

Since humans have limited free will, we either listen to our fitrah or ignore it entirely. Just the fact that Allah Almighty has given us such a powerful tool proves that Islam is a religion of ease. Our fitrah makes it easy to enjoin good, forbid evil and walk a path of righteousness. But only if we listen to it.

Everything in Moderation

Whether in worship or even matters of fiqh, Muslims must strike a balance to avoid any extreme and follow a middle path. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

Religion is very easy and whoever overburdens himself in his religion will not be able to continue in that way. So you should not be extremists, but aim to be near to perfection and receive the good tidings that you will be rewarded; and gain strength by worshiping in the mornings and the nights. (Al-Bukhari)

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We’re only human and should be moderate in everything. Some misguided Muslims might think that praying around the clock or fasting daily will help them achieve salvation. However, by going to the extreme, they’re neglecting other duties that Allah Almighty has enjoined upon us such as taking care of our families or even visiting the sick.

Moderation is key to optimizing your worship while also fulfilling all the rights that your family and community have upon you.

Reaching Out When Needed

There may be times when you do feel overwhelmed by an aspect of the Islamic faith simply because you do not understand it or because you’re too afraid to ask for help.

The best part about being a Muslim is that there is an Ummah, or community, made up of Muslims from around the globe. You might even be blessed enough to have a large community of Muslims residing in your city. If not, you can find an endless number of Muslims online and active in social networking groups geared towards Muslims. Take the first step and reach out when needed.

Allah has made our affairs easy for us and even given us a system of support in our Ummah which further makes Islam a religion of ease.

Allah Almighty has given us all the tools needed to succeed in this life and the next. There is no other religion, on the face of the Earth, that can claim that. Whether you live in the middle of America or travel to a faraway land such as the Gambia, chances are high you’ll run into a Muslim who greets you with the shared sentiment of peace and brotherhood

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