
What Are The Rewards for Women in Paradise?

28 September, 2020

QAs-Salamu alaykum. Whenever I read the Noble Quran, I find in many verses Allah giving glad tidings to His believing male servants of al-hur al-ain who extol in beauty. Does the woman have any partner in Paradise other than her husband? Furthermore, most of the statements concerning bounties in Paradise are directed toward the believing men. Is the reward of the believing women in Paradise less than that of the believing men?


`Abdullah ibn Abdulrahman ibn Jibreen

28 September, 2020

Wa `alaykum As-Salamu waRahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

In this fatwa:

1- In Paradise, believing men and women will be showered with blessings; there is no room for discrimination based on sex in Paradise.

2- The life of women in Paradise will be as pleasant and happy as the life of men. ِAllah created both of them and He will take care of both of them according to their needs and desires.

Answering your question, Sheikh `Abdullah ibn Jibreen, the late prominent Saudi Muslim scholar, stated:

Do women have less reward in Paradise?

There is no doubt that reward in the Hereafter encompasses both men and women. This is based on the following statements of Allah:


How Will Women Be Rewarded in Paradise?

{Never will I allow to be lost the work of any of you, male or female.} (Aal lmran 2:195)

{Whosoever works righteousness, whether male or female, while he(or she) is a true believer, We will give a good life.} (An-Nahl 16:97)

{And whoever does righteous good deeds, being a male or a female, and is a true believer, such will enter Paradise.} (An-Nisaa’ 4:124)

{Verily, the Muslims, men and women, the believers, men and women… [up to the end of the verse where Allah says:] Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward.} (Al-Ahzab 33:35)

Allah mentions them entering into Paradise together,

{They and their wives will be in pleasant shade.} (Ya Sin 36:56)


{Enter Paradise, you and your wives, in happiness.} (Al-Zukhruf 43:70)

Allah also mentions that He will-recreate the women in the verse that reads:

What Are The Rewards for Women in Paradise? - About Islam

70 Virgins for Men in Paradise: What Is for Women?

That is, Allah will recreate the elderly women and make them virgins. Similarly, Allah will recreate the elderly men and make them youths. It is also mentioned in the hadith that the women of this worldly life have a superiority over al-hur al-`ain due to the acts of worship and obedience that they performed [in this world].

{Verily, We created them of special creation and made them virgins.} (Al-Waqi`ah 56:35-36)

Therefore, the believing women will enter Paradise just like the believing men. If a woman had a number of husbands and she enters Paradise with them, she will choose among them and will choose the one with the best character and behavior.

Almighty Allah knows best.

Source: Islamic Fatawa Regarding Women, Compiled by Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Aziz Al-Musnad and translated by Jamal Al-Din Zarabozo, Darussalam, 1996.

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