
Mother of Moses – A Story of Reliance on God

She was a mother. And like all mothers, she adored her child.

Stories on Tawakkul - Letting Allah Take Hold

But he was a baby boy born at a time when boys were not allowed to live.

He was Moses (peace be upon him). And his mother was faced with the horror inflicted by the great tyrant, Pharaoh.

Out of fear that he would someday be defeated, Pharaoh ordered his soldiers to kill all baby boys born to the Children of Israel.

When Prophet Moses was born, his mother feared for his life. There seemed to be no way out. But, as is often the case when you can see no other way, God was there for her.

God says in the Quran what means:

We revealed to Moses’ mother, “Suckle him and then when you fear for him, cast him into the sea. Do not fear or grieve; We will return him to you and make him one of the messengers.” (28:7)

Imagine for a moment what she is being asked to do. Imagine placing your newborn child into the sea.

Mother of Moses - A Story of Reliance on God - About Islam

But imagine also being given something else that is priceless. Imagine being given the promise of God.

The mother of Moses is being promised that she does not need to fear or grieve because her Lord will protect her son and return him to her. Even more, God is promising her that her son will become a messenger.

Just as God promised, baby Moses was found by the wife of Pharaoh. God says in the Quran what means:

The family of Pharaoh picked him up so that he might be an enemy and a source of grief to them. Certainly Pharaoh and Haman and their troops were in the wrong. The wife of Pharaoh said, “A source of delight for me and for you; do not kill him. It may well be that he will be of use to us or perhaps we could adopt him as a son.” They were not aware. (28:8-9)

Her Trust in God

At a time when things looked impossible, God asked a woman to put her trust in Him. In exchange for that trust, God promised her His protection.

God always keeps His promises. And he kept His promise to her. In fact, as a show of His power, God even made that protection be found with the very enemy who was feared.

God says about Prophet Moses in the Quran what means:

When We revealed to your mother: “Place him into the chest and throw it into the sea and the sea will wash it up on the shore, where an enemy of Mine and his will pick it up.” (20:38-9)

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In this is a great sign and lesson. God showed her and all people that even if one’s neck is under the knife of a killer, if God is protecting you, that killer can do no harm to you.

Lessons from the Story

In this story, there is also a great lesson in reliance on God. Through this story, God shows humanity that only through putting our whole trust in Him, that can we truly be saved.

Had the mother of Moses chosen instead to rely on herself or the apparent safety of her own home, her son would have been killed. But by trusting in God, she saved her son and was saved from grief.

We know from this story that no matter how impossible it may seem, the promise of God is always true.

God says in the Quran what means:

That is how We returned him to his mother, so that she might delight her eyes and feel no grief, and so that she would know that God’s promise is true. But most of them do not know this. (28:13)

In the Quran, God tells us these stories to teach us that which most of us do not know. In the story of the mother of Moses is a profound lesson of trust in the power and promise of God.

And it is only in that trust that we can find protection even between the hands of our enemies.

Moses in Islam – 10 Surprising Facts!

About Islam

26 August, 2020

Many non-Muslims are surprised to learn that Muslims really love all prophets. One of the biggest stories throughout the Quran is that of Prophet Moses (AS). Here are 10 surprising facts about Moses in Islam. This is perfect to share with your non-Muslim friends. 

10. When Prophet Moses (AS) was born in Egypt, his life was in great danger and Allah inspired his mother to take action to protect her son. Quran 28:7.

9. Moses killed a man, repented to Allah and fled Egypt. He married a woman and worked for her father. Quran 28: 14-28.

8. Moses returned to Egypt with his family and when he was near Mount Tor, he saw a fire. This is described in the Quran 28:30

7. Moses brought several clear signs to Pharaoh about Allah but Pharaoh accused him of sorcery. Moses leads his people out of Egypt through the Red Sea when the sea opens up. Quran 26: 61- 68

6. Moses spoke to Allah directly but when he asked Allah if he could see Him, Allah cast his reflected glory over a mountain and the mountain turned to dust. This caused Moses to faint. Quran 7:143

5. When Moses returned to his people they had taken to worship the calf. The Quran exonerates Aaron. Quran 7:150

4. Children of Israel rebelled against Moses and the Quran narrates Moses’ powerlessness over his people. Quran 5:25

3. Prophet Moses is honoured in the Quran and described as one of the greatest prophets. 

2. Moses is revered as being specially favoured by Allah who could converse directly from Allah. He received the Torah directly from Allah and not an angel.

1. Moses was one of the prophets that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) met during Israa and Miraj. It was Moses who told Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to ask for a reduction of prayers for his people. 

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