
has already passed.” (The Quran, 8:38) This means that if you

want to embrace Islam, just declare the testimony of faith and

Allah will forgive all your previous sins and misdeeds.

You should be fully aware of one of the established principles in

the Islamic Sharia, that is, Allah, the Almighty, forgives all sins,

even apostasy; He, Glorified is He, forgives the apostate as long

as s/he repented and returned to Him, the Almighty. Telling us

about those who became apostate, and then wanted to return to

Islam, “How shall Allah guide a people who disbelieved

after their believing and (after) they had borne witness

that the Apostle was true and clear arguments had come

to them; and Allah does not guide the unjust people. (86)

(As for) these, their reward is that upon them is the curse

of Allah and the angels and of men, all together. (87)

Abiding in it; their chastisement shall not be lightened nor

shall they be respited. (88) Except those who repent after

that and amend, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.”

(The Quran, 3:86-89)

Well, but how can I believe in such a person who tells that Allah

swears with the sun, the moon, the figs, etc. Allah is All Great and

does not swear with any of His Creatures!

Allah, the Almighty, has the Absolute Right to swear with

whatever He wants of His Creatures, while we cannot swear but

by Allah.


(If we take the sun as an example,) this means that Allah Himself

worships the sun, for we make oath with what we really worship.

Ok, please answer this question, “Does Allah, the Almighty,

worship Jacob?!” In the Book of Amos, He, the Almighty, swore

with him, Allah’s Peace be upon him, “The Lord hath sworn by

the excellency of Jacob, Surely I will never forget any of

their works.” (Amos, 8:7)

When Allah, the Almighty, swear with something, He does so, in

order to how great it is. In other words, He, Glorified is He, wants

to show how All Wise, Omnipotent and All Knowing He is. As for

us, the human beings, we cannot swear except with Allah, the

Almighty, Alone in accordance with the teaching of our religion.

We cannot decide on this matter.

Amazingly enough, the Holy Bible states that Allah, the Almighty,

swore with the figs and olives. Some scholars yet believe that He,

Glorified is He, swears with the fig and the olives, the Mount of

Sinai and the Secure City (Mecca) to refer to the places of the

Messages of Prophets Jesus, Moses and Muhammad, peace and

blessings be upon them all, respectively.

By, there is something similar to this in the Holy Bible. The Book

of Deuteronomy reads, “And he said, The LORD came from

Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth

from mount Paran.” (Deuteronomy, 33:2)


As for the coming of the Lord from Sinai, it refers to the Divine

Message of Moses, while His Rising up from Mount Seir (one of the

mountains in the land of Judah in Palestine) gives a glad tiding

about Jesus, Allah’s Peace be upon him. With regard to His

Shinning forth from Mount Paran, it gives a glad tiding about the

coming of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), because Paran is one of

Mecca’s mountains. The people of the Book even called this

mount in their Scriptures with the same name. In the Book of

Genesis, they said about Prophet Ishmael, Allah’s Peace be upon

him, “And he dwelt in the wilderness of Paran: and his

mother took him a wife out of the land of Egypt.” (Genesis,

21:21) It is an undeniable fact that Prophet Ishmael did not live

but in Mecca.

To recap, to swear with such great objects and places gives glad

tidings to the People of the Book, to know about the Messages

and the exact places from which these Messenger would be sent.

Some of the Names of Allah, like Ad-Daar (the Harmer) and Al-

Mutakabbir (the All Proud), do not befit Him.

Allah is the truly All Proud God Who indeed deserves to be

described with this attribute. In addition, He, Glorified is He, is the

All Strong, the All Proud and the All Great. As for peoples’ pride, it

is nothing but a mere lie, for they do not really have this attribute.

This is proved by the fact that man was created from

contemptible water, and will eventually turn into dust, so why

should they be proud?!


Allah taught the Satan to bow down before Adam!

I think you mean, “Why did Allah order him to prostrate before


First: this is a big mistake, for Allah, the Almighty, did not instruct

him to prostrate to Him Alone. In the Quran and the Old

Testament, it is recorded that some Prophets bowed down before

other humans as a sign of considerable and deep respect. The

prostration of Prophet Jacob before Prophet Joseph is a case in

point. In the Quran, Allah, the Almighty, says: “And he raised

his parents upon the throne and they fell down in

prostration before him …” (The Quran, 12:100) The Holy Bible

also says: “…and Joseph’s brethren came, and bowed down

themselves before him with their faces to the earth.”

(Genesis, 42:6)

That is to say that the previous laws of Prophets allowed people to

fall in prostration for other than Allah as a sign of deep respect.

This was only prohibited in the Sharia of Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH). Allah knows the best!

One of the Attributes of Allah indicates that He harms others! If

this is case, I will be an atheist!

Do you threaten me to be an atheist?! Guidance is from Allah, so

embrace whatever religion you want. My only duty is to convey

the Message to you and Allah is the One Who guides whomever

He wants.


It is not a threat but a denial!

This word “the Harmer” is mentioned neither in the Quran nor the


So, please count the ninety-nine Most Beautiful Names of Allah to


Not a single authentic Hadith states that Ad-Dar is one of the Most

Beautiful Names of Allah, the Almighty. Yet, this name in question

was mentioned in a famous Hadith in which the Divine Names are

all counted. Most scholars of Hadith graded this Hadith as weak.

You can consult Mishkat Al-Masabih edited by Sheikh Al-Albani,

Hadith no. 2228.

Glory be to Allah! The Christians pay no attention at all to the

authentic Hadiths and narrations speaking about Prophet

Muhammad’s miracles, yet they are all ears to the weak Hadith

upon which they based all of their misconceptions and


May Allah change your affairs to what is better! As long as you

believe that there is a misconception (narration), you must firmly

believe in the authenticity of the Message, because the people

who transmitted this misconception are themselves the ones who

reported the many authentic Hadiths on the Prophet’s miracles to


Here is the one-million dollar question, “Does Allah decree good

and evil?!”


Yes, He, Glorified is He, does. He, the Almighty, is the Only Creator

in the universe. We do not follow dualism that allows its followers

to worship two gods; one for the good and another for the evil,

because all this is nonsense. As Muslims, we firmly believe that

Allah decrees both the good and the evil, because we are in a

test; He, the Almighty, says: “…We try you by evil and good

by way of probation…” (The Quran, 21:35) That is to say that

as long as we are being tested, the good and the evil will remain.

As for the word Ad-Dar, it is not on the Most Beautiful Names of

Allah, the Almighty.

Ok, I understood that as long as this Hadith is weak, so also will

be the other Hadiths on the miracles (of Muhammad).

We cannot judge a Hadith as weak of our own accord. The weak

Hadith is defined as the Hadith which is narrated a person who

has a weak memory or his trustworthiness is impugned. As for the

Hadith on Prophet Muhammad’s miracles, they have been

transmitted by tens of the Companions, all trustworthy, to

hundred thousands of the followers.

I want (you to tell me about) a great miracle so that I can firmly


If you have the good intention to believe, you need no miracle; all

what you want is to be honest with yourself, which is the easiest

matter. The religion of Muhammad is the same religion of all the

Prophets before him. (By talking to you,) we only try to bring you


back to the pure monotheistic creed of the Prophets of the Old


You should take into account that if you have no desire to believe,

not all the miracles of the world will be able to convince you. You

know very well that the disbelievers watched the miracles of their

Prophets, yet they stubbornly remain on their disbelief.

Ok, let me offer you this Hadith to know how the disbelievers

insisted on their disbelief, even though they knew for certain that

he was a true Prophet. Al-Mughira ibn Shu‘ba narrated: “In the

first day I knew about the Messenger of Allah, I was walking with

Abu Jahl ibn Hisham in the alleys of Mecca when the Messenger of

Allah met us. He (PBUH) then said to Abu Jahl: “O Aba Al-Hakam!

Believe in Allah and His Messenger. I call you to (believe in) Allah

Alone,” whereupon Abu Jahl said: “O Muhammad! Would not you

stop your abuse to our gods? Did not you just want us to bear

witness that you have conveyed the Message?! So, we bear

witness that you did! I swear to Allah that if I knew that you are a

true Prophet, I would follow you.” When the Messenger of Allah

(PBUH) left, Abu Jahl came to me and said: “By Allah, I truly know

that he is speaking the truth, but what prevents me from

following him is that the children of Qusay and we equally had the

honor of taking care of Allah’s Scared House, watering the

pilgrims, offering advice to people, and bearing the flag of

Quraysh in wars; this was the situation till we were on the same

track until they claimed, “A Prophet has been sent from us!” By

Allah, I will never follow him.” This Hadith shows clearly that even


though Abu Jahl firmly believed in the truthfulness of Prophet

Muhammad, he, out of arrogance, did not believe in him.

Ok, did Muhammad make just one miracle that cannot be refuted?

All his (PBUH) miracles cannot be refuted. All what the opponents

of Islam can do is to give rise to misconceptions about them,

which all people can do. In the Quran, Allah tells us about this,

“When they see a sign they incite one another to scoff.”

(The Quran, 37:14) This verse clearly indicates that they

conducted fruitless talks about the Signs of Allah when offered to


Please, be honest to yourself and abandon the disbelief of

Churches and the heresy of the Trinity! Bring back to the only

creed of all Prophets, which is monotheism.

The Satan can split the moon!

This is not true. He could not; otherwise the universe will be

totally wiped out. Not even a single creature has anything to do

with the celestial bodies, because Allah, the Almighty, Alone is the

One Who runs their affairs (according to a due measure). Were

Iblis able to split the moon, you could not prove the veracity of

the Prophethood of any Prophet. Iblis is useless, and can do

nothing but to tempt people; he can never pick up a paper; all

what he can do is to entice the hearts and minds of the weak.

When clear and convincing proofs are offered, he tries to make


them unable to think clearly; yet he himself is, like disbelief,

utterly unable to do anything.

Ok, I believe in Jesus, is this enough to be admitted into the


You must (also) believe in Muhammad as a true Prophet sent by

Allah. You should know that there is nothing more serious than

rejecting the Revelation of Allah, the Almighty. Referring to this

point, He, Glorified is He, says: “Surely those who disbelieve

in Allah and His apostles and (those who) desire to make a

distinction between Allah and His apostles and say: We

believe in some and disbelieve in others, and desire to

take a course between (this and) that. (150) These it is

that are truly unbelievers, and We have prepared for the

unbelievers a disgraceful chastisement.” (The Quran, 4:150-


Thus, the worst form of disbelief is to deny the Revelation of Allah

and disbelieve in some of His Prophets. Also, being a Christian

leads you to disbelief in Allah and rejecting monotheism to which

all the Prophets of the Holy Bible called. Not even a single

Christian follows the sound monotheism of Jesus, Allah’s Peace be

upon him, today! Today’s only monotheistic religion is Islam.

The Quran states that those who believe, and those who are Jews,

and the Christians, and the Sabians, and whoever believes in the

Last day, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is

no fear for them.


All the Jews who followed the teachings of the true Judaism will be

admitted into the Paradise, and so will be the Christians who

followed the teachings of the true Christianity.

So, why did you say that Allah would not accept me as such?

That is because you are not following the true Christianity;

otherwise you would have believed in Muhammad (PBUH). You are

following the Christianity of the Church about which Allah, the

Almighty, says: “Certainly they disbelieve who say: Surely,

Allah-- He is the Messiah, son of Maryam…” (The Quran,

5:17); you are following the Christianity of the heathenish Trinity

about which Allah says: “Certainly they disbelieve who say:

Surely Allah is the third (person) of the three;” (The Quran,


The true Christianity believes in the Prophethood of Muhammad

(PBUH) and in the Quran as the Book of Allah. When the true

Christians hear the Quran, they weep for they truly know that it is

the Speech of Allah. Referring to this fact, Allah, Glorified is He,

says: “Certainly you will find the most violent of people in

enmity for those who believe (to be) the Jews and those

who are polytheists, and you will certainly find the nearest

in friendship to those who believe (to be) those who say:

We are Christians; this is because there are priests and

monks among them and because they do not behave

proudly. (82) And when they hear what has been revealed

to the apostle you will see their eyes overflowing with


tears on account of the truth that they recognize; they

say: Our Lord! We believe, so write us down with the

witnesses (of truth).” (The Quran, 5:82-83)

God is not the Christ, but the Christ is God, you get my point!

From the Christian point of view, God existed before the Christ,

thus God is the Christ! They believe that He, Glorified is He,

incarnated in the body of the Jesus Christ, son of Mary, Far

Exalted is Allah above their lies and fabrications!

As for their statement that the Christ is the God, this may be a

linguistic mistake, for the Christ, i.e. God the Son, comes next to

God the Father. The Quran clearly states, “Certainly they

disbelieve who say: Surely, Allah-- He is the Messiah, son

of Maryam…” (The Quran, 5:17), and not “Certainly they

disbelieve who say: Surely, the Messiah is Allah.”

Anyway, to view Jesus as God is none but disbelief, ignorance,

Trinity, paganism, offering acts of worship to human gods and

returning to these false creeds which the Prophet strenuously

resisted throughout their history.

The Christ was sent to be crucified.

Form where did you quote this statement?! No, he did not say

that, but rather said: “I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for

I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to

repentance.” (Matthew, 9:13) This clearly tells that Jesus was

sent to be a sacrifice, but rather to be a mercy. He was sent not to


call the righteous, but rather to call the sinners to repent, which is

mission of all the Prophets.

Do not tell lie about the Christ!

I know that the Christ is of a divine part, which is Allah, and a

human one, which is man.

The Christ never said this; where did he say that he is divine and

human?! Abandon worshipping the human gods. Your problem is

that even though you are a newly-converted Christian, you know

nothing about your religion.

Where did Jesus say that he is divine and human?! Let me literally

quote Jesus’s statement for you, “…a man that hath told you

the truth, which I have heard of God…” (John, 8:40)

Not even one single Prophet believed in the Trinity, nor did they

know anything about it. Jesus is innocent from this disbelief.

He says (that he is) man, which mainly refers to manhood.

Great, so where did he refer to (his) divinity?!

He said: “Whoever sees me has seen the Father.”

First: This quotation cannot be cited here, because the Christ is

not the Father!

Second: none has ever seen Allah, a fact which is recorded in

(John, 1:18).


Third: Jesus says: “He that heareth you heareth me…” (Luke,

10:16) Based on this part of the biblical verse, did the Christ unite

with the disciples and all became God the Son?! This verse in

question plainly tells that any pure man, who does not view

humans as gods, will believe that Jesus Christ’s righteous deeds

are mainly based on the Law of Allah.

The ordinary reader can easily acquire this linguistic style! We

have something similar to this in the Quran wherein Allah says to

His Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), “…and you did not smite

when you smote (the enemy), but it was Allah Who

smote…” (The Quran, 8:17) Muslims do not take this text as a

pretext to claim that Prophet Muhammad is God, Allah forbids!

The same applies to the Saying of Allah, “Surely those who

swear allegiance to you do but swear allegiance to Allah

…” (The Quran, 48:10) This is text is much more obvious than

your own.

To recap, there is no single explicit text referring to the divinity of

Jesus Christ, but rather all are baseless statements such as yours.

By the way, the most famous statement in this regard is what is

attributed to Jesus in the Gospel of John, “I and my Father are

one.” (John, 10:30) This verse mainly refers to the unity of the

purpose and the good, and not a divine union as mistakenly

thought by those who worship humans instead of Allah.


The New Testament reads: “for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”

(Galatians, 3:28) Can we take this part of the verse as a pretext

that they have a divine unity?!

In the same connection, Jesus said to his disciples, “…that they

may be one…” (John, 17:11) Does this text mean that that the

disciples became a divine union?! Unfortunately, this is the best

of all your evidence! As well, your answers tell clearly that your

today’s creed is not originally found in the Holy Bible, but rather

results from what you learn in the Church that disbelieved in Allah

and His Messengers, led people astray and distorted that religion

of its Lord!

All praise is due to Allah for all our conditions!

The devil within you is about to be defeated. Say the testimony of

faith. It is now in his weakest possible form you could experience.

I am not possessed by a devil! I am the daughter of the Lord!

We all are the sons of God! Mocking at the Jews and Christians for

this very claim, Allah says in the Quran: “And the Jews and the

Christians say: We are the sons of Allah and His beloved

ones. Say: Why does He then chastise you for your faults?

Nay, you are mortals from among those whom He has

created, He forgives whom He pleases and chastises

whom He pleases; and Allah's is the kingdom of the

heavens and the earth and what is between them, and to

Him is the eventual coming.” (The Quran, 5:18)


But, you should be aware that even though the Gospel views the

Christ as the son of God, it does not accept other than the Jews to

be sons of God! This is crystal clear in the story of the woman of

Canaan who came to him, imploring to heal her daughter, but he

refused on grounds that she was not a Jew and that he was

exclusively sent to the Children of Israel. The biblical narration

goes on to say that Jesus said to her: “It is not meet to take the

children’s bread, and to cast it to dogs.” The word “dogs” here

means all races other than the Jews. In response to this statement

of Jesus, the woman said that ‘even dogs eat of the crumbs which

fall from their masters’ tables,’ whereupon Jesus felt

compassionate towards her and cured her daughter.

The full text reads “And, behold, a woman of Canaan came

out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have

mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David ; my daughter is

grievously vexed with a devil. But he answered her not a

word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying,

Send her away; for she crieth after us. But he answered

and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the

house of Israel. Then came she and worshipped him,

saying, Lord, help me. But he answered and said, It is not

meet to take the children’s bread, and to cast it to dogs.

And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs

which fall from their masters’ table. Then Jesus answered

and said unto her, O woman, great is thy faith: be it unto


thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole

from that very hour.” (Matthew, 15:22-28)

Now, let me ask you a question: “Does Jesus know the timing of

the Day of Resurrection?”

It is only the Father that knows; the Son knows nothing about it.

Does Allah know the timing of the Day of Resurrection?


So, the Christ is not god. The Holy Bible says: “But of that day

and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which

are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.” (Mark,


What I said is that the human (form of God) does not know, but

the divine (form) knows.

I asked you whether the Father or the Son knows (the timing of

this Day?)! You answered, “It is only the Father.” So, the Son, with

both his human and divine forms, does not know!

The divine (form) only knows.

Does Jesus in his divine form is the Father?!

For sure, he is not the Father, but he is the Son who does not

know the timing of the Hour, which none but the Father knows it!

It is thus clear that Jesus is not god!


They both constitute one divine form.

Allah is Great! By so saying, you have disbelieved in Christianity!

Your statement is known among the Christians by the heresy of

Sabellius. This man was excommunicated Church to be a

disbeliever when he said that the divine form of the Christ is the

same of the Father, which is against the teachings of the Church.

I am saying that we, Christians, have one God only; this is what I

know. As for the problem of the divine form of the god, I answered

you based on my personal reasoning; for I don’t know everything.

They are not one god! This is the most obvious intellectual

contradiction in Christianity!

You, Christians, believe in the Father as a complete God, the Son

as a complete God and the Holy Ghost as a Complete God!

In the same vein, (you believe that) the Son is not the Father, and

that the Holy Ghost is not the Son!

How could thus you claim that they are one god! They are three

distinct gods! To say that these three is one god is the most

obvious intellectual contradiction in Christianity, which is a

disaster! In actuality, this is the outcome of your disbelief and

keeping away from the monotheistic religions of Prophets!

Did not Jesus Christ, Allah’s Peace be upon him, decisively state

that God is one?! Why do you then add the Christ to God?!


Did not Jesus frequently say that God is other than Jesus?! The

Gospel of John states, “If I bear witness of myself, my

witness is not true. There is another that beareth witness

of me…” (John, 5:31-32)

There is another that bears witness to me!

There is another that bears witness to me!

There is another that bears witness to me!

It is thus clear that God is not Jesus but one else other than him.

The Christ is not God! This biblical text alone totally negates the

divinity of Jesus Christ, Allah’s Peace be upon him, a fact which is

crystal clear in the Gospel of Mark that states: “…for there is

one God; and there is none other but he …” (Mark, 12:32)

Once again, the Christ is not the God; he is a mere human being

who, like all the purified Messengers and Prophets before him,

was sent by Allah, which is why he, Allah’s Peace be upon him,

himself believes in the One Who sent him, i.e. Allah. This is a fact

which is recorded in the Gospel of John, “Jesus cried and said,

He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him

that sent me.” (John, 12:44) That is to say that the main role of

Jesus was to call people to believe in Allah, the One Who sent him.

Amazingly enough, according to the teachings of the Holy Book,

none will be admitted into the Paradise except those who bear

witnesses that there is no God but One God, i.e. Allah and Jesus


Christ is the Messenger of Allah: “And this is life eternal, that

they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ,

whom thou hast sent.” (John, 17:3) According to this text, Jesus

witnessed that the main key to the eternal life, i.e. the Paradise is

found in declaring that there is no god but One God and Jesus is

His Messenger, which is the essence of all the believers’ faith.

Jesus Christ is not thus but a great Prophet, a fact which is crystal

clear in many positions in the Gospels. For instance, the Gospel of

Luke states: “…Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a

prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the

people…” (Luke, 24:19)

As for the great miracles of Jesus, like bringing the dead back to

life and restoring the sight of the blind, they cannot sever as

evidence for his divinity, especially if we take into account that

the Old Testament clearly states that many Prophets, like Elijah

and Joshua, had also performed great miracles. In actuality, these

miracles serve as a vivid proof that he is a mere Messenger sent

by Allah. For this reason, Jesus, commenting on the famous

miracle of bringing the dead to life, “And Jesus lifted up his

eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard

me. And I knew that thou hearest me always: but because

of the people which stand by I said it, that they may

believe that thou hast sent me.” (Luke, 24:19) it is thus clear

that the ultimate objective behind making miracles was to make

people believe that he is the Messenger of Allah.


I’d like to ask you another question, “If you are standing now

before Jesus while being crucified on the cross, will you save him

or let him die?”

I cannot challenger the Will of God.

This means that you are going to leave him die! My question is

very simple, “If y0u have the ability to save him, would you do so

or not?”


Allah is Great! You should now have known how disbelief is

disastrous! (If this is your position,) what will be the difference

between you and those who killed him?!

Those who claimed that they had killed him might have been

confused, yet your disaster is even more serious than theirs.

Disbelief is the most serious disaster ever. Ask your (true) Lord for

forgiveness for ignorance and for killing Prophets and Gods! From

my personal viewpoint, all the Christians are killers of gods and


What are you saying?!

Yes, I am speaking the truth. What is the difference between you

and the killers of Prophets?! You are killing a great Prophet and a

true Messiah in order to justify the idolatrous belief of your

church. In other words, you want to justify the Crucifixion and



Let me please ask you a third question, “Where is this statement

in which Jesus said that he came for the sake of crucifixion or for

the sake of the sin of Adam?! Do you know that he never spoke

about Adam in the Gospel?!”

I have no answer.

Was the Christ the fiery serpent or not?

I don’t know.

Yes, he was. The fiery serpent was made by Moses, Allah’s Peace

be upon him, yet people, out of their injustice and disbelief,

worshipped it.

Jesus used to say that he was similar to the fiery serpent. As I told

you, Moses made it, and whoever looked at it would be cured

from the bites of snakes, a fact which is recorded in (Numbers,


Yet, by the passage of time, people disbelieved and unjustly

worshipped it, a fact which is mentioned in the Second Book of

Kings, “He removed the high places, and brake the images,

and cut down the groves, and brake in pieces the brazen

serpent that Moses had made: for unto those days the

children of Israel did burn incense to it: and he called it

Nehushtan [a piece of brass].” (2 Kings, 18:4)

Jesus, on his part, said that he was the fiery serpent as recorded

in (John, 3:14). That is to say that whosoever believes in Jesus will


be healed. Yet, s/he will worship him will be like the fiery serpent

whom people unjustly worshipped instead of God.

Many warnings against worshipping Jesus are found in the

Gospels, as follows: -

- Did not he say to his disciples after the so-called famous

incident of crucifixion, “Behold my hands and my feet,

that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit

hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.” (Luke


- Also, before this so-called crucifixion, Jesus had sent 35

groups, each of two individuals, to call people. But, as long

as he has not been crucified yet, what would they call people

to?! This clearly indicates that his Message was of the same

nature of those of the Prophets before him; otherwise he

would not send these groups. Commenting on this incident,

the Gospel of Luke says: “After these things the Lord

appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and

two before his face into every city and place, whither

he himself would come.” (Luke, 10:1) It is thus clear that

those people who will believe the hands of those preaches

sent by Jesus will for sure believe in him as a Messenger sent

by Allah and not a crucified person!

- The Christ’s order to people to drink his blood, which poses a

big problem for Christianity since it totally refutes the

Christian dogma of Crucifixion and Redemption. That is

because the Jews to whom Jesus was sent used to view the


blood of a sacrifice as a life that has been slaughtered to

expiate the sins of the sinners. So, drinking the blood of the

sacrifice renders it void, which is why the Holy Bible

frequently stresses the prohibition of drinking the blood of

the sacrifice: “For the life of the flesh is in the blood;

and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an

atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that

maketh an atonement for the soul. Therefore I said

unto the children of Israel, No soul of you shall eat

blood, neither shall any stranger that sojourneth

among you eat blood” (Leviticus, 17:11-12) That is to say

that when Jesus orders people to drink his blood, this means

that he wants to prove to them that he was neither a

sacrificial offer nor an expiation. So, drinking his blood

renders their claim on offering him as a sacrifice baseless.

Glory be to Allah! How wonderful these signs are! It is

noteworthy to know that the Holy Bible itself admits this big

problem: “Blood represents the life of the animal to be

slaughtered for the sake of expiating the sinner. So, drinking

it changes the symbolic meaning of the sacrificial offer; for

the blood should be consumed instead of being shed. That is

because shedding blood is the price to be paid in order for

the person to be accepted by God, for this serves as

evidence that a life has been offered instead of the sinner.

Thus, drinking the blood negates the evidence on offering

the sacrifice. For this reason, people were unable to clearly


understand the text of the Old Testament when Jesus said to

them: “Drink y blood.”40 Only those who are profoundly wise

can understand and get the falsehood of claiming Jesus to be

divine as well as the dogma of Crucifixion and Redemption.

For example, he, Allah’s Peace be upon him, had compared

himself to a flower whom people worshipped, thus turned

disbelievers. (Isaiah, 14:12) The same is also mentioned in

the Book of Revelation: “I am the root and the offspring

of David, and the bright and morning star.” (Revelation,


I don’t know whether you are telling the truth or not.

This is normal, because they taught you nothing but legends,

fabrications and lies. There is a big difference between the

Prophets’ creed and the pagans’, and between the Prophets’

teachings and instructions clearly mentioned in all the Scriptures

and those of the church. Not one single Prophet ordered people to

worship other than Allah, but rather they fiercely fought against

those who tried to change this creed.

No, they did so by the great effect of the word, not by the sword.

By both of them, Prophet Joshua used the sword, and so did

Prophets Elijah and David; all the Prophets fought for

monotheism. According to First Book of Kings, chapter 18, Prophet

Elijah slaughtered 450 from the prophets of Baal. Jesus himself

said: “But those mine enemies, which would not that I

40 The Practical Commentary on the Holy Bible, p. 248.


should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before

me.” (Luke, 19:27) Even though this is an example, Jesus would

not offer it unless giving a sound meaning!

Whoever can affect people by his strong speech will not use the

sword, because none uses the sword but the weak.

This is wrong, because there are oppressors who cannot be

deterred but by the sword. I myself believe that to use the

speech, when it is necessary to use the sword, is the greatest

weakness. The word will have nothing to do with the unjust

oppressor who would not be deterred except by the sword. Only

the cowards are those who use it in such a case! So, the sword

may be of good use in a position but useless in another, and so is

the word. Prophets never used the sword but for an appropriate

cause, and so did they with the word.

Let me ask you, “Do you think that “word” will bring any benefit

with Bashshar Al-Asad today? None can say this but those

oppressors who want to go on their brutal programs! All the

human tyrants deeply admire to be advised by good speech; they

do not yet want anyone to bother them or prevent them from

their tyranny.

Here, I’d like to drive your attention to the fact that those

evangelists who converted you are as dangerous as those tyrants.

By Allah, converting people to Christianity is even more

dangerous than killing; Allah says: “…fitnah is worse than

killing.” (The Quran, 2:191) Fitnah here refers to disbelief.


Accordingly, converting people to Christianity is even more

dangerous than killing.

As such, worshipping false gods other than Allah, such as Jesus

and the Holy Ghost, is an appalling crime as indicated by all the

heavenly-revealed scriptures: “If thy brother, the son of thy

mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy

bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice

thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods,

which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers ; namely,

of the gods of the people which are round about you, nigh

unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the

earth even unto the other end of the earth; thou shalt not

consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall

thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt

thou conceal him: but thou shalt surely kill him; thine

hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and

afterward the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone

him with stones, that he die.” (Deuteronomy, 13:6-10)

So, to worship a god who was nakedly crucified is a dogma never

known to any Prophet. In actuality, all Prophets called for

worshipping Allah, the Almighty, Alone. That is why when you

disbelieved in Allah, He, Glorified is He, entrusted you to your own

selves, thus became unable even to recognize the pillars of your

religion and consequently became extremely confused. Also,

when He, the Almighty, entrusted the preservation of your Book

to you, you distorted it by adding and omitting.


How and when was the Bible distorted? Who did such distortion?

How silly these old questions are! If there is a case of murder, will

we say it did not happen because the murderer is unknown? In

fact, the existence of the murdered person is enough to prove

that a crime took place, even if we do not know the criminal. Will

we say there is no murdered person on the account of the

anonymity of the murderer? Similarly, if the crime of distortion is

proven, it is not important to know the one who did it.

For example, consider the following biblical text: 'Now

concerning virgins I have no commandment of the Lord:

yet I give my judgment…' (Corinthians, 7:25) Could this be a

revelation from Allah? Are not they Paul's own words and personal


This is Paul's judgment, but it does not indicate distortion.

Thus, it is not Allah's Words; this is what is meant to be stated

here. Let us turn out attention to another proof of distortion. The

Prophets admitted the occurrence of distortion in their Books. The

Holy Bible relates that Prophet Jeremiah said: 'How do ye say,

We are wise, and the law of the Lord is with us? Lo,

certainly in vain made he it; the pen of the scribes is in

vain.' (Jeremiah, 8:8) Here, Prophet Jeremiah admits that

distortion took place in the Holy Bible.

Are these Divine Words revealed from Allah, or a human endeavor

that can be right or wrong? This biblical account alone is a


conclusive proof that the Holy Bible is not wholly revealed from

Allah. Therefore, distortion in the Bible is an indisputable fact

according to the confession of the Prophets themselves.

This means the end of a Message and the beginning of a new one

endowed to another nation. The Book has been distorted and the

temple has been demolished. I think that the foundation of the

Jewish creed has come to an end, for the basis of Jewish worship

and rituals is the temple. This temple was destroyed and its place

has become unknown for 2000 years.

The Book was partly lost and distorted and Christianity was

stained with idolatry and worshipping human deities. They

Christians set up Jesus and the Holy Spirit as gods with Allah.

They ate the flesh of the deities and drank its blood in the

Eucharist. All of these are old idolatrous and polytheistic acts.

They believed in the crucifixion of the deities, barely in the desert.

Further, the churches were filled with images and pictures strictly

prohibited by the Torah –As stated in the Ten Commandment.

Christianity was filled with idolatrous practices like the worship of

Mary and offering sacrifices to her. This is a clear proof that the

Christian Message has been abrogated.

Here comes Islam: the religion of hope and Monotheism. It is the

region that turned the people once again to the law of Moses and

it is the purest monotheistic religion. Can you imagine that no one

of the Popes knows about the Book of the Hebrews? Can you

imagine the fact that, till this day, there is a disagreement over


the number of the Books of the Holy Bible? The Anglican

Protestants maintain that it is 66 Books only and the rest is

fabricated. On the other hand, the Catholic and the Orthodox

affirm that the number of the Books is 73. Thus, there are six

Books contained in the Orthodoxy's Holy Bibles not found in that

of the Protestants. Until this moment, there is no agreement

about the number of the Holy Bible's Books. This is due to the

unfortunate fact that it is not sacred, as it contains fabrications

and distortions.

Do you have a proof or an authentic source? You statement lacks

the evidence.

Here is a link from the bishop Takla's website; it is a well-known

churchly website that clarifies the Books rejected by the

Protestant Churches, yet recognized by the Orthodoxy ones:



This is a basic fact about the Christian faith. They deceived you

when they said to you, 'You are the daughter of the Lord.' They

took away your monotheistic belief, replaced the infallibility of the

Quran with the distorted Books. They made you leave the

monotheistic belief of Abraham, Noah, Job, Moses and Aaron to

adopt the belief in Trinity, the three district Persons, the human

deities and sacrificing them to wipe out the human's sins. Do you

know that the human beings sacrificed 16 deities to have their


sins forgiven, starting from Karishna to Jesus Christ. Killing the

deities for wiping out the human sins is an old idolatrous creed.

Declare the two testimony of belief in Islam and renounce such

disbelief. May Allah guide you! Say I bear witness that there is no

god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and

that Jesus is the servant of Allah and His Messenger. By Allah,

these are the greatest words in the universe. May Allah reform

your heart! 'Say to those who disbelieve, if they desist, that

which is past shall be forgiven to them…' (The Quran, 8:38)

How can I believe in the one who say that I can properly evaluate

the matters?

This does not mean that you are unintelligent. If I finished my

speech you would understand what I mean. What is meant is that

the woman's testimony in the transactions is half that of the man

because she doesn't go to the market place. This is the meaning

of her inability to evaluate the matters properly, as the Hadith,

which is self-explained, states. This is analogous with refusing the

testimony of the Bedouin regarding the city dweller, as stated in

the Hadith: 'It is impermissible that a Bedouin gives witness

regarding a city dweller.' (Reported by Abu Dawud) Such Bedouin

testimony is neither acceptable nor considered. This is because

he lives far away from the civilized milieu, its markets, prices, and

commercial transactions. In the urban places, pieces of furniture,

fruits, and other commodities are sold while the Bedouins have no

knowledge about them and they are prone to forget about them


with the passing of time. This Bedouin's testimony is categorically

unacceptable, even if another Bedouin concurred with him.

As the woman is close to the man's milieu and partly knows about

his conditions, her testimony was accepted if given along with

another person for the aforementioned precautions. In some other

issues, the woman is more attentive that the man and thus her

testimony is accepted while his testimony is totally rejected, as in

the case of fostering. In this case, woman's testimony is more

acceptable and accurate that ten men. How little those who

reflect are! The woman is equal to the man in the religious

obligations, as Allah, the Almighty, says: 'So their Lord

accepted their prayer: That I will not waste the work of a

worker among you, whether male or female, the one of

you being from the other…' (The Quran, 3:195)

The Muslim woman is not entitled to take the half of her father's


Do you mean that her share of inheritance is half that of the man?

This is determined by her position in the inheritance. For example,

the daughter's share of inheritance is larger than that of the

father of the deceased person. The daughter is entitled to half of

the share of her brother because he is charged with paying the

dower and maintaining his family, while the daughter is exempted

from these obligations. It is naturally, then, that he is entitled to a

bigger share of inheritance. This is the absolute justice. So he who

badly speaks about the rulings of inheritance in Islam, and levels


the accusation that the male's share is double that of the female

does not consider the Islamic financial system in general. The

distribution of property in Islam is based on a perfect,

constructive and complementary system. It does not consider

anomalous cases. For example, it is not permissible in Islam that a

woman maintains herself regarding the food, clothing or medical

care. It is not permissible that she pays the dower even if she got

married to different husbands. If the wife was divorced before the

consummation of marriage, the husband is obliged to maintain

her until her waiting period comes to an end. If we disregarded

one of the issues related to the Islamic financial system, certain

rulings would become clearly unfair. So, we should regard the

system as a whole and issue our judgment in the light of its

perfect construction, not in the light of one case alone. If the

rulings of the Islamic system are gathered completely and are

perfectly considered in their appropriate context, we will

recognize and understand their rationales and objectives. The

cases of inheritance number 520, including dozens of cases where

the woman gets a greater share than the man on account of her

position and age. Thus, the Islamic financial system is

complementary and fair because it is ordained by the Most Wise

and the fully Aware God: 'Does He not know, Who created?

And He is the Knower of the subtleties, the Aware.' (The

Quran, 67:14)

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