

A True Dialogue with a Newly-Converted Christian

In the Name of Allah, the Lord of Mercy, the Giver

of Mercy

All praise is due to Allah, the Almighty, Whose Help, Guidance and

Support we seek; we seek refuge with Him, the Almighty, from the

evils of our souls and our misdeeds. Truly, whomever Allah guides,

none can lead him/her astray and whomever He leads astray,

none can guide him/her. I beat witness that there is no God but

Allah and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.

This is a true a dialogue with a newly-converted Christian. For the

purpose of publication and to achieve the maximum benefit,

some modifications and citations have been added. Yet, for the

sake of justice, we did not add any word to the answers of the

woman, except for the linguistic and grammatical rules.

It is noteworthy to mention that the interviewee’s answers have

been written in red, so that they would be easily recognized and

distinguished. Also, some information like the place where she

has converted to Christianity, the Church that was responsible for

her conversion, etc. was kept classified.

This dialogue rings alarm bells and sheds light on the evangelists’

despicable ways and plans of how to lead Muslims astray. It also

offers answers to their big lies. That is to say that the dialogue

has a lot of benefits and useful pieces of information. Yet, you, o

dignified reader, will be astonished by how was this woman

stubborn on her mistakes, as if a devil takes control over her! We


ask Allah, the Almighty, to make this work fruitful and to guide

people thereby.

Seeking the Help of Allah, let us examine the dialogue carefully.


Welcome! Please, ask your questions.

I want to know, “Is Muhammad a true Messenger sent by Allah?”

Do you believe that Allah has sent many Prophets before

Muhammad? Do you believe that Moses, Job, Aaron, David, etc.

were all Prophets?

Yes, I do. I am Christian.

Muhammad was not the first Prophet, for many Prophets and

Messengers were sent before him, a fact which is proved by the

Quran “Say: I am not the first of the apostles…” (The Quran,

46:9) So, Muhammad (PBUH) was sent to disseminate

monotheism, to preserve the Sharia and its sources, to spread

virtues and to give succor to the Religion of Allah. Not only that,

but we can also say that Prophet’s Muhammad’s Sharia was the

most perfect one. So, whoever truly believes in the previous

Messengers must have not doubted that Muhammad is a true

Prophet sent by Allah. In other words, whosoever denies his

(PBUH) Prophethood totally rejects all the previous Prophets. In

this regard, Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah says: “Whosoever

denies the Prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH) totally rejects the

way through which we knew about the truthfulness of the

previous Prophets and the veracity of their Prophethood. That is

because the way by means of which we knew about Prophet

Moses and Prophet Jesus is the same way through which we knew

about Prophet Muhammad. Yet, if they claim that the Prophethood

of Moses and Jesus was supported and proved by miracles which


were consecutively transmitted to us, we respond that

Muhammad’s miracles are greater and their consecutive

transmission is even more truthful. As for his (PBUH) Book, i.e. the

Quran, it the most perfect (among all the heavenly-revealed

Books). In the same vein, contradictory and wrong is whosoever

claims that David, Solomon, Micah, Amos and Daniel were all

Prophets and yet denied the Prophet hood of Muhammad ibn

‘Abdu Allah.”1

In addition, he, may Allah have mercy upon him, says: “All the

proofs that prove the veracity of the Prophethood of Moses and

Jesus also give stronger and more plentiful evidence for the

veracity of the Prophethood of Muhammad (PBUH), that is to say

that believing in Moses and Jesus as true Prophets also

necessitates believing in Muhammad (PBUH) as a true Prophet. In

other words, to deny him Muhammad’s Prophethood is to deny

the Prophethood of both Moses and Jesus.”2

To recap, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was not sent with a

Message contradictory to those of the Prophets before him; Allah

says: “Nay: he has come with the truth and verified the

apostles.” (The Quran, 37:37)

All the Prophets performed miracles but he did not!

1 See Ibn Taymiyyah, Al-Jawab As-Sahih, vol. 2, pp. 26-29.

2 Ibid., 45.


First: according to the teachings of Christianity, John the Baptist,

i.e. Prophet John- Allah’s Peace be upon him, performed miracles,

yet you, Christians, believe in his Prophethood, don’t you?

Second: working miracles is not the only requirement for proving

the veracity of a Prophet.

Third: Prophet Muhammad performed more than one thousand

miracles which were transmitted to us by the most righteous and

virtuous people. It is noteworthy to mention that those

transmitters never allowed telling lie, so how could you imagine

that they would tell lie about him (PBUH), especially if we take

into account that they were fully aware of his (PBUH) warning that

‘whoever tells lie about me deliberately, let him take his place in

Hell.”3 It is thus clear that his (PBUH) miracles are definitively

proven; thousands of his Companions were eyewitnesses to these

miracles; tens of them also narrated to us these miracles, so how

could they tell lie about him (PBUH) in this regard?

Let us offer a number of examples of his (PBUH) miracles to

further clarify this point; Anas ibn Malik, Jabir ibn ‘Abdu Allah,

‘Abdu Allah ibn ‘Abbas, ‘Abdu Allah ibn ‘Umar, Ubayy ibn Ka‘ab,,

Ubayy ibn Sa‘id, Sahl ibn Sa‘ad, ‘Aishah bint Abi Bakr and Umm

Salama narrated a very famous Hadith in which it is stated that

“Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to deliver the Friday Sermon

next to a trunk of date palm; yet when he (PBUH) began using the

3 Al-Bukhari and Muslim narrated that Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“Whoever tells lie about me deliberately, let him take his place in Hell”.


Minbar, the trunk cried out for him until he came to it and held it,

so it became quiet.”

The question here is, “Did all these Companions agree on telling

lie about him (PBUH)?” In actuality, this narration is more truthful

than the entire Bible. In addition, its transmitters are more just

then and greater in number than all the narrators of the Bible.

Let us carefully examine another miracle performed by him

(PBUH). In his Musnad, Imam Ahmad narrated that Messenger

Muhammad (PBUH) said about the creation of the fetus, “It is

created from both man’s and woman’s sperm,”4 a fact which is

proved by the Saying of Allah, the Almighty, “Surely We have

created man from a small life-germ uniting (itself): We

mean to try him, so We have made him hearing, seeing.”

(The Quran, 76:2) Exegetes of the Quran unanimously agree that

An-Nuttfat Al-Amshaj (a small life-germ uniting itself) is a mixture

of both the man’s and the woman’s sperm. Muhammad (PBUH)

clearly told us about this, even though the most famous doctors

of his time, who had leant medicine from the books of Aristotle

and Galen, mistakenly thought that when man’s sperm gets into

the womb of the woman, the fetus would grow and feed on the

menstrual blood. In other words, they thought that when the

woman got pregnant, the menstrual blood would cease coming

down, so that the fetus would feed on it. They never knew about

the fact that woman, exactly like man, is able to discharge a liquid

4 See Ahmad, Musnad, Hadith no. 4424.


by which she takes part in the process of fertilization and

production. Here, it is of great important to know that the

important role of the woman’s discharged liquid in the formation

of the fetus is only discovered in 1775 by Spallanzani and Wolff.

All of this definitively proves that Muhammad is a true Prophet to

whom Allah sent Divine Revelation.

The Quran mentions a great number of these miracles, including

but not limited to:

- During that period of time in which Islam was in distress,

Allah states clearly that it, i.e. Islam will remain till the end of

time; He, the Almighty, says: “…Certainly you tarried

according to the ordinance of Allah till the Day of

Resurrection…” (The Quran, 30:56)

- The Quran also states clearly that Messenger Muhammad

(PBUH) will go back to Mecca after being driven out from it.

Allah, Glorified is he, says: “…Most surely He who has

made the Quran binding on you will bring you back to

the destination…” (The Quran, 28:85) This refers to Mecca,

Prophet Muhammad’s homeland.

- It also states plainly that Allah, the Almighty, out of His

Grace, will enrich the people of Quraysh. Allah says: “…

Allah will enrich you out of His Grace…” (The Quran,

9:28), a matter that really happened.

- In addition, it foretold that the Persians would be defeated by

the Romans within a number of years; Allah, the Almighty,

says: “Alif Lam Mim. (1) The Romans are vanquished,

(2) In a near land, and they, after being vanquished,


shall overcome, (3) Within a few years. Allah's is the

command before and after; and on that day the

believers shall rejoice, (4) With the help of Allah; He

helps whom He pleases; and He is the Mighty, the

Merciful; (5)” (The Quran, 3:1-5) The Quran stated this

clearly even though the Romans’ Empire during that period

of time was about to collapse; it was so weak that the

Persian attacks under the leadership of Khusraw Parvēz

dashed any hope of victory for them. It is enough here to

know that Parvēz, attempting to humiliate the Romans, had

taken the True Cross (upon which Jesus was crucified as

mistakenly thought by the Christians). In spite all of this, the

prediction made by the Quran actually fulfilled and the

Romans under the leadership of Hercules got victory over

the Persians in a decisive battle.”5 Not only that, but the

Quran also foretold that the Muslims would win victory over

the disbelievers in the same day the Romans would defeat

the Persians, a prediction that actually took place, for news

on the Romans’ victory came in the same day of the Great

Battle of Badr during which Muslims defeated the

disbelievers of Quraysh.6

- The Quran further challenged the Jews to wish for death, yet

they did not. Allah, the Almighty, says: “Say, "O you who

5 For more information on this great event, please visit; and

6 See Al-Baghawy’s commentary on the verses in question.


are Jews, if you claim that you are allies of Allah,

excluding the [other] people, then wish for death, if

you should be truthful." (6) But they will not wish for

it, ever, because of what their hands have put forth.

And Allah is All Knowing of the wrongdoers.” (The

Quran, 62: 6-7) In spite of this challenge to them, they did

not respond, for if they had done, they would have died

immediately. Commenting on this challenge, some scholars

say: “In spite of the fact that death would relieve all their

sufferings if they were truly truthful in their claims, they, i.e.

the Jews did not wish for it. Also, even though Prophet

Muhammad (PBUH) was fully aware of the fact that they

were determined to tell lie about him, he (PBUH) did not

attribute the challenge to himself, but rather said that this

challenge is from my Lord and yours, the One Who knows

your secrets and open words. In actuality, this challenge was

more severe on the Jews than challenging the Arabs to

produce something similar to the Quran. As well, had not

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) been absolutely certain that

they would not be able to meet the challenge; he would not

have presented it for them. Atheists and the opponents of

Messenger Muhammad wondered, “Why did not the Jews at

his (PBUH) time wish for death, thus proved him (PBUH) a

liar and thereby felt comfortable and helped people felt



These are striking examples which definitively prove that

Muhammad (PBUH) has performed so many miracles that cannot

be counted in this regard.

How did you say that John the Baptist did not perform miracles

even though he foretold the coming of Jesus?

First: This is not a miracle; it is a prediction.

Second: When John the Baptist was asked by the Jewish Rabbis

whether or not he was the forthcoming Prophet, he replied that he

was not him; that is to say that he predicted the coming of the

seal of all the Prophets, i.e. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

No, he, i.e. John did not predict that.

Do you have a copy of the Bible with you right now?


Would you mind please opening the Gospel of John, Book 1, “Now

this was John’s testimony when the Jewish leaders sent

priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, “Who are

you?” 20 He confessed- he did not deny but confessed- “I

am not the Christ!” 21 So they asked him, “Then who are

you? Are you Elijah?” He said, “I am not!” “Are you the

Prophet?” He answered, No!” (John, 1: 19-21)

According to this aforementioned text, the Jews waited for Jesus

and for the forthcoming Prophet, i.e. Muhammad. Now as long as


Jesus had already been sent, Muhammad was thus the one to be

sent after him!

Here is a very important subtle observation. The aforementioned

biblical text tells us that the Jewish Levites asked the John- Allah’s

Peace be upon him- “Are you Elijah?” whereupon he said, “I am


So, who is Elijah whom the Jews waited for?

Elijah was one of the greatest Jewish Prophets whom the Jews

knew very well. They were fully aware of his strong character and

biography. Considerable details about him were recorded in the

Second Book of Kings. It was this Prophet who chased the

worshippers of Baal- one of the false gods that people used to

worship in Ash-Sham in ancient times- and valiantly fought

against them until managed to slay four hundred and fifty from

their leaders. The story in full was recorded in the First Book of

Kings, chapter 18, verse 40 “And Elijah said unto them, Take

the prophets of Baal; let not one of them escape. And they

took them: and Elijah brought them down to the brook

Kishon, and slew them there.”

Noteworthy to mention that he- Allah’s Peace be upon him, did

not slay them until he proved that they worshipped false gods. In

this regard, it is recoded that they, i.e. the prophets of Baal

offered sacrifices, yet fire from the sky did not come down to

burn, which was the sigh of the Divine Consent and Acceptance

with them. On the other hand, when Elijah offered his sacrifice,


the fire burnt it. As such, people realized the falsehood of the

worship of the prophets of the Baal and the righteousness of the

worship of Elijah who offered his acts of worship to the Lord of all

worlds. Depending on evidence and sword, Elijah called people to

believe in the Oneness of Allah and to refrain from paganism.

These events took place in the 9th century B.C.

Centuries later, Prophet Malachi was sent. It is noteworthy to

know that this Prophet wrote the last Book in the Torah, which is

the Book of Malachi. At the end of this Book, Allah, the Almighty,

tells that He will send Prophet Elijah once again at the end of


Glory be to Allah! The final words of the Torah in hand state

clearly that Allah will send Prophet Elijah before the Day of

Judgment: “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before

the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: and

he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and

the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and

smite the earth with a curse.” (Malachi, 4:5)

By these words, the Torah comes to its end and Prophethood is no

longer mentioned. It is thus clear that a great Prophet was about

to be sent! It is Prophet Elijah … The Jews thus were required to

diligently search for him. That is why when Prophet John was sent,

the Jewish Levites, as mentioned before, hurried to him and

asked, “Are you Elijah?” whereupon he said, “No!” According to


these aforementioned words of the Book of Malachi, we knew that

Elijah would be sent to once again to call people for monotheism.

Someone may yet say: “In the Gospel of Mathew, chapter 17,

Jesus Christ told that Elijah had been sent yet they did not know

him? So, who was this Elijah who was sent?!” Early Christian

theologians, such as Origen, opine that Elijah’s coming would be

of two times; the first coming and the second one that would take

place before the Day of Resurrection. As for this biblical text in

question, Jesus Christ speaks about the first coming; that is to say

that the second coming was not fulfilled during that time.

Now we can conclude that the Jews wait for Prophet Elijah who,

according to the last words in the Torah, will be sent before the

Day of Resurrection.

Amazingly enough, the Christians also wait for Elijah the prophet

whose mention was recorded in the last Books of the Gospel,

which is the Book of Revelation in which it is plainly stated that a

great Prophet with definite signs will be sent. Here, we should

take into account that the Book of Revelation was written down

about 40 years after Jesus was ascended to the heaven, that is,

after the destruction of the city of Jerusalem at the hands of the

Romans in the year 70 A.C. Quoting Pope Origen who is one of the

greatest Popes throughout the history of the Church, “this text of

the Book of Revelation tells about the coming of Prophet Elijah

from the Levant.”7

7 See Tawadros Ya‘qub’s commentary on the Book of Malachi, chapter 4, p. 166.


Let us know quote the (Book of Revelation, 7:2), “And I saw

another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of

the living God … saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the

sea, nor the tress, till we have sealed the servants of our

God in their foreheads.”

Based on all of the aforementioned texts, we have in hand a

number of points: -

- A great Prophet, such as Elijah, will be sent before the Day of


- The Jews and the Christians wait for this Prophet;

- The distinctive feature of Elijah is that he will bring people

back to monotheism, away from the polytheists’ paganism;


- He will establish justice by evidence and sword.

Once again, both the Jews and the Christians agree on these

points. In this respect, Victorinus, the bishop of Pettau comments

on (Malachi, 4:5), “At the end of time, a great Prophet will

be sent to turn people to Allah; he will be given power to

perform miracles.”8

Also, according to the Book of Revelation, this forthcoming

Prophet will have the Seal of Prophethood referred to as “the

living seal of God”.

It is thus clear that none but Prophet Muhammad was sent with

the seal of Prophethood after the ascension of Jesus Christ. In

8 Ibid, 167.


addition, the members of his (PBUH) Ummah are the ones who

are sealed in their foreheads, a fact which is crystal clear in the

Saying of Allah, the Almighty, “Muhammad is the Apostle of

Allah, and those with him are firm of heart against the

unbelievers, compassionate among themselves; you will

see them bowing down, prostrating themselves, seeking

grace from Allah and pleasure; their marks are in their

faces because of the effect of prostration; that is their

description in the Torah …” (The Quran, 48:29) That is to say

that the Jews and the Christians know the members of the

Ummah of Prophet Muhammad by the marks of prostration on

their faces.

As for “the living seal of God” which was sent with Prophet

Muhammad, many reports form the Companions prove this

matter. In the two books of Sahih, Al-Bukhari and Muslim

narrated on the authority of As-Sa’ib ibn Yazid, Allah be pleased

with him, who said: “My aunt took me to Allah's Messenger

(PBUH) and said, "O Allah's Messenger (PBUH)! My nephew is- ill."

The Prophet (PBUH) touched my head with his hand and invoked

Allah to bless me. He then performed ablution and I drank of the

remaining water of his ablution and then stood behind his back

and saw "Khatam An- Nubuwwa" (The Seal of Prophethood)

between his shoulders like a button of a tent.”

According to this aforementioned Hadith, Prophet Muhammad had

the Seal of Prophethood. Many narrations have been transmitted

in support of the existence of this Seal of Prophethood (on Prophet


Muhammad’s back). In his Lata’if Al-Ma‘arif, Ibn Rajab says: “The

Seal of Prophethood is one of the (various) signs by means of

which the People of the Book used to recognize him (PBUH) with.

It is also narrated that Hercules once sent someone to him (PBUH)

in Tabuk to check this Seal of Prophethood.”

In his famous dialogue with Abu Talib, Prophet Muhammad’s

uncle, Bahira the monk says: “I recognize him with the Seal of

Prophethood that looks like the apple and that exists on the

bottom of the bones of his shoulder.”9 ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib, Allah be

pleased with him, on his part, described him (PBUH), saying:

“Between his shoulders is the Seal of Prophethood; he is the Seal

of all the Prophets.”

This Seal of Prophethood is further mentioned in the story of the

great Companion, Salman Al-Farisi, Allah be pleased with him,

who painstakingly searched for the true Prophet whose

descriptions and signs were conveyed to him by a priest in

Amorium; the priest told Salam: “The time of a Prophet who will

be sent with the religion of Abraham from the land of Arabs is

imminent. He will migrate to a city of many palm trees. He has

distinct signs (by means of which people can easily identify him);

he accepts the presents but not the alms, and the Seal of

Prophethood exists between his shoulders. So if you can go that

land to follow him, you must do.” Salman, Allah be pleased him,

has easily identified these three signs in Prophet Muhammad

9 Mishkat Al-Masabih, Hadith no. 5861; Al-Albani graded it authentic.


(PBUH). Telling about the story of his conversion to Islam, he said:

“I came to Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) while he was attending

a funeral of one of his Companions in Baqi‘ Al-Gharqad. He was

wearing two garments. I then came close to him and said Salam.

After that I went behind his back and looked carefully at him

(PBUH), so that I could see the Seal described to me by the priest

in Amorium. When he (PBUH) noticed that I went behind his back,

he realized that I want to check something, which is why he

removed this part of the garment on his back and I saw the Seal. I

thus began to copiously weep and kiss him (PBUH). Then, he

asked about my story and I told him about it.”10

To recap, the Seal of Prophethood is one of the distinctive features

of Prophet Muhammad, which is mentioned in the Book of

Revelation and which the Jewish Levites and priests knew very


Also, the Book of Revelation mentions another distinctive feature

of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), that is, he will be called the

Honest and the Truthful, and that his religion will be granted

succor by means of evidence, proof, sword and arrows.

The Book of Revelation says: “And I saw heaven opened, and

behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called

Faithful and true, and in righteousness he doth judge and

make war.” (Revelation, 19:11) Here, we should know that

‘seeing the heaven opened’ means that this is a vision which will

10 See Ahmed, Musnad.


be fulfilled. So, the question here is “Who is that Faithful and True

whom was sent by Allah, who will righteously judge and make war

and who has the Seal of Prophethood?” It goes without saying

that this person is none but Prophet Muhammad (PBUIH).

Let us now go back to the topic of Prophet Elijah whose name is

pronounced Elias in both the Arabic and the Roman languages.

Prophet Elijah was sent to call people to worship Allah, the

Almighty, Alone and to refrain from polytheism. He, Allah’s Peace

be upon him, fought against the prophets of Baal. We got all of

this information from the Torah, the First Book of Kings, chapter


If we carefully examine the verses of the Quran, we find that

Allah, the Almighty, tells us about the story of Prophet Elijah

(Elias) in the Chapter of As-Saffat; He, Glorified is He, says: “And

Elias was most surely of the apostles. (123) when he said

to his people: Do you not guard (against evil)? (124) What!

Do you call upon Baal and forsake the best of the creators,

(125) Allah, your Lord and the Lord of your fathers of

yore? (126) But, they called him a liar; therefore they shall

most surely be brought up; (127) but not the servants of

Allah, the purified ones. (128) And We perpetuated to him

(praise) among the later generations. (129) Peace be on El

Yasin. (130)” (The Quran, 37:123-130)

So the question to be asked here is “How did Prophet Muhammad

know about Prophet Elijah’s conflict with the prophets of the Baal,


even though most people knew nothing about it?!” Once again, if

we carefully examine the last of the aforementioned verses, we

will find that Allah, the Almighty, has called him, i.e. Prophet Elijah

or Elias as ‘El Yasin. So, who is ‘El Yasin? As for this name in

question, we will find that it is suffixed with the Arabic letter “in”,

exactly as the Arabic word Sinin is used in the Saying of Allah, the

Almighty, “And mount Sinin.” (The Quran, 95:2), to refer to

Sinai. This is a well-known grammatical maxim.

Amazingly enough, many exegetes of the Quran opine that the

name ‘El Yasin refers mainly to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). For

example, At-Tabari narrated that Sa‘id ibn Jubayr held the position

that the name Yasin is one of Prophet Muhammad’s names; he

quoted in support of his opinion the Saying of Allah, Glorified is

He, “Yasin, By the wise Qur'an, Most surely you are one of

the apostles.” (The Quran, 36:1-3) Noteworthy to mention that

Yasin is the name with which the Qur’anic Chapter preceding the

Chapter of As-Sffat begins. In actuality, this is the opinion of Al-

Hassan AL-Basry, Sa‘id ibn Jubayr, among many others.

It is thus clear that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was named Yasin

by way of telling about a glad tiding about his coming, and that

the Jews and the Christians wait for this Last Prophet whose

descriptions and signs are absolutely identical to what is

mentioned in their Books.

Now let me cite a striking example of the Torah in which the name

of Prophet Muhammad is explicitly and clearly mentioned. In the

Hebrew translation of the Song of Songs, it is stated: 

us now visit or Google translation to

translate this passage. Please, let us set the language button to

be from Hebrew to English.

Give the translation of the text in Arabic, first of all.

It is wrongly translated into "

beloved and comrades-in-arms, the daughters of Jerusalem.” Yet,

the sound translation reads “My beloved and comrades-in-arms is

Muhammad (PBUH). To prove this, let us quote this word,

from the Hebrew text and consult the dictionary.

You see? It gives the name of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

No, this cannot be; this contradicts the context of the passage, for

this Song mainly depicts the story of Solomon’s love to a woman,

so it has nothing at all to do with Muhammad!

You should offer this question to Allah, because He is the One Who

revealed this Chapter in the Torah. Also, you should be fully aware



of the fact that the Song of Songs, according to the consensus of

the Christians, contains some prophecies.

No, this wrong. Names cannot be translated; this is a general

maxim. So, if Muhammad was the truly intended person, his name

would be mentioned explicitly, exactly as the names of Abraham

and Isaac have been mentioned.

Well done!

They, i.e. the Jews and the Christians should have left names as

they were, that is, without translation. Yet, they did not do so,

because they used to translate the names of countries and people

with the aim of distorting and corrupting the prophecies

mentioned therein, which is a big problem. These are the bad

consequences of translation; it leads to distortion and corruption

about which Allah, the Almighty, says: “And when Allah made a

covenant with those who were given the Book: You shall

certainly make it known to men and you shall not hide it;

but they cast it behind their backs and took a small price

for it; so evil is that which they buy.” (The Quran, 3:187)

I’d like to drive your attention here to the fact that the prophecies

mentioned in the Song of Songs have been subject to distortion

and tampering with.

Let us offer some examples to further illustrate this point; they

mistakenly translated the word “Baca” to be the “The Valley of

Weeping” in Arabic translated bible, even though this is


contradictory to the English and French translations of the original

text. The English version, for example, reads, “Who passing

through the valley of Baca make it a well; the rain also

filleth the pools.” (Psalms, 84:6) The same thing applies to the

French version reading: “Lorsqu`ils traversent la vallée de

Baca, Ils la transforment en un lieu plein de sources, Et la

pluie la couvre aussi de benedictions.” (Psaume, 84:6) As a

matter of fact, if you carefully examine the word “Baca”, you will

find it beginning with a capital letter, which definitively proves

that it is a name of a place, not the Valley of Weeping. In the

Islamic tradition, Muslims know for certain that “Baca” is one of

the various names of Holy Mecca. It is the place wherein the first

House of worship for mankind has ever been established; Allah,

the Almighty, says: “Indeed, the first House [of worship]

established for mankind was that at Baca - blessed and

guidance for the worlds.” (The Quran, 3:96)

It is thus clear that had the intended meaning of this word in

question, i.e. “Baca” been “weeping or crying”, the English and

the French versions would have approved it, which clearly

indicates that they, i.e. the People of the Book deliberately

distorted the exact meaning of this word, in order to hide and

conceal this prophecy. Reading the text plainly tells that it speaks

about the Valley of Baca (Mecca) that will turn into a well (The

Well of Zamzam). It is an established fact that before the

existence of Zamzam, Mecca was without vegetation.


Here is another vivid example to further clarify this point; the

People of the Book were told in their Scriptures that Muslims’

Qibla would be changed from Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem to the

Scared House in Mecca. This is an established fact which is

mentioned in the Bible. Gospel of John reads: “Jesus saith to

her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall

neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the

Father.” (John, 4:21) This biblical text undoubtedly indicates that

the Children of Israel and the Christians knew for certain that the

Qibla would be changed. In other words, they knew that the

Divine Message would be granted to another Ummah, a fact

which is crystal clear in the Gospel of Matthew which reads,

“Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be

taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the

fruits thereof.” (Mathew, 21:43)

The Quran, on the other hand, tells that the Jews and Christians

knew Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as they knew their children, yet

they concealed the truth; He, Glorified is He, says: “Those to

whom We gave the Scripture know him as they know their

own sons. But indeed, a party of them conceals the truth

while they know [it].” (The Quran, 2:146)

Let us now cast light once again on the deliberate and intentional

distortion of the texts of prophecies. In this regard, I’d like to drive

your attention to a very important point, which is that one tries

hard to reach and discover these prophecies, because many of

their texts had been removed.


What if I tell you that there is a text in the Book of Isaiah which

makes a prophecy about the land of Arabs, yet the commentators

of the Bible interpreted “the land of Arabs” to be “the night”!

No, this is not right.

Ok, would you mind please reading the Book of Isaiah in which it

is clearly stated, “This is the divine revelation about Arabia.

In the forest of Arabia shall ye lodge, O ye travelling

companies of Dedanim. The inhabitants of the land of

Tema brought water to him that was thirsty, they

prevented with their bread him that fled.” (Isaiah, 21:13-14)

If you consult the map at the beginning of the Holy Bible in Arabic

version, you will find that Dedanim ديششدان occupies the same

location of today’s Mecca, and that Tema تيماء occupies the same

position of the Medina of Prophet Muhammad. Not only that, but

also one of the Medina’s districts is even called Taimaa’.

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