
Prophet Muhammad

Marry Aisha

Is the Purpose Criticizing the Marriage of Young

Girls or Distorting the Picture of Prophet


Most of the Western people are astonished from the fact that the

Prophet Peace be upon him married Aisha who was just nine years

old while he was fifty. Some of them even called such marriage as rape and

some of them condemned it. Not only this, but some of them portrayed the

Prophet of Islam Peace be upon him as a man who is sexually suppressed

and considered that as the real picture of Islam!!

They have ignored the fact that such marriage in such age in such era was

a natural matter, therefore it is clear that they are not criticizing the early

marriage of a nine-year-old girl to a fifty-year-old man as much as they are

keen to criticize and distort the picture of the Prophet of Islam Peace be

upon him and instigate others against him.

Accordingly, this undermines their credibility and unveils their false human

feelings and malicious intentions under the pretext of defending the

rights of woman. If they were really seeking denouncing such marriage,

they should have spoken about such marriage as a general phenomenon

which appeared before Islam and continued after it and would not focus

their criticism on one person as if he was the one who invented such marriage

or the first one who applied it or the only one who did it.

Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him was born in a society in which

early marriage was something ordinary and natural, therefore, he married

the way others did. Moreover, his enemies, who tried to kill him, did not

use such marriage as a pretext to distort his picture or instigate against him

because it was an ordinary matter in such era, and they were themselves

marrying girls in early ages.


Part Two

If such Marriage was Strange,

then why didn›t the Disbelievers

of Quraish use it as a Pretext

against Muhammad?


If such Marriage was Strange, then why didn›t the

Disbelievers of Quraish use it as a Pretext against


Those people competed in writing about such marriage and ignored the

similar cases in the era where Prophet Muhammad was living. Why

didn›t the people - who criticized the Prophet for marrying Aisha- criticize

the disbelievers who fought Muhammad and tried to kill him? They have

married girls in early ages and even preceded the Prophet Peace be upon

him in doing the same. So, if the intention of such criticizers is to criticize

the relation between an old man and a young girl, they should have then

spoken about the other similar cases which happened in the era of the

Prophet Peace be upon him.


Part Three

Europe also allows Marrying

Young Girls!


Europe also allows Marrying Young Girls!

The marriage in early ages was prevailing in Europe itself, especially the

early marriage of kings and rulers in the twelfth century for the purpose

of creating alliances guaranteeing the continuity of peace. An example

for that is the child empress «Anias», in France, the wife of two Byzantine

Emperors: Emperor Alexios Kamanos II, and the Emperor Andronikos Kamanos

I, respectively.

According to (William of Tyre), Anias was just eight years old when she

reached Constantine while Alexios was thirteen years old (1). Moreover,

the wife of Alexios Kamanos I was twelve years old when she married and

became an empress before attaining fifteen years. As for the empress of

Byzantium «Theodora» the wife of Manwel, she was thirteen years old when

she married the Prince of Jerusalem «Baldwin III»; moreover, «Margret Maria

Hingaria» married «Izak Anglos II» when she was nine years.

The age of Ainas in such era was not something extraordinary. It was even a

traditional matter that the new bride and bridegroom meet in Constantine,

in the house of the spouse who has the higher social rank (2). However,

before Alexios completed the third year as an emperor, the cousin of his

father Andronikos has appointed himself as an associate emperor (Born in

1118, i.e. he was sixty five years old) and then overthrew Alexios by force

and married «Aainas» although there were about fifty years gap between

1 William of Tyre, History of the Deeds Done Beyond the Sea, 13.4; P. Wirth, ‹Wann wurde

Kaiser Alexios II. geboren?› Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 49 (1956), 65-7.

2 One example being Anna Comnena, who was put into the care of her future mother-inlaw,

the dowager empress Mary of Alania, before she was eight years old so she could

be brought up with her fiancé Constantine (Anna Comnena, Alexiad 3.1.4; cf. 2.5.1 for a

further example)


them (3).

This clearly demonstrates that the marriage of young girls to men over sixty

years old was something usual in Europe among the governing class itself;

so, what about the public then? Of course such kind of marriage was prevailing

among the public in Europe itself after more than five centuries

from the marriage of Muhammad Peace be upon him and Aisha.

3 Choniates, Historia, 275-6.


Part Four

The Age of Consent in Most

Countries Worldwide!


The Age of Consent in Most Countries Worldwide!

Apart from the European traditions in the medieval ages, if we look at

the current era i.e. after 14 centuries from the marriage of the Prophet

Peace be upon him from Aisha May Allah be pleased with her we

will find that the age of consent is still early in various places. AVERT, an

international Charity Organization interested in studying the HIV/ AIDS

diseases, having its headquarters in the United Kingdom, and works hard

for preventing this disease in all countries worldwide, mentioned a detailed

table in its website about the age of consent worldwide i.e. the legal age of

practicing the sexual intercourse worldwide or the age which is considered

by the countries and governments acceptable for making a sexual relation.

AVERT stated that the Japanese people can practice sex legally in the age

of thirteen year. In Argentine, it is allowed to practice sex in the age of thirteen.

In Canada, until 1890, the allowed age of consent was twelve years (4).

Similarly, the age of consent in Mexico is twelve years. In Panama and Philippine,

the age of consent is twelve years.

In Spain (5), Cyprus (6), South Korea, the age of consent is thirteen, while

in Bolivia, the sexual age of consent is the maturity age (7).

If this is the case in the 21st century, why they deny it?

All such cases took place after 14 centuries from the marriage of Prophet

4 Tories move to raise age of consent by Terry Weber, Globe and Mail, June 22, 2006.

5 specified by the Spanish Penal Code, Article 181(2)

6 Cyprus Penal Code, Article 154


Muhammad Peace be upon him and Aisha! You can also note that such

countries which have several cultural backgrounds allowed practicing sex

in e according to Article 308 of the Bolivian Penal Code arly age; so, why some persons

refuse respecting the traditions of a nation lived before 14 centuries? It is

not possible or logical to force other nations to follow the Western or the

American thinking concerning what is accepted or rejected! Especially before

14 centuries.

According to the said table in the website of AVERT Organization, the

legal consent age is different from state to another inside America itself,

for example, the sexual fitness age in Aiwa, Missouri and South Carolina

is fourteen while the age of consent in Arizona, California, North Dakota,

Oregon, Tennessee and Weskinson is not less than eighteen.

This means that it is not logical or reasonable to criticize the other nations

on the ground of the difference between them and the West or America

concerning the age of consent. The states of the United States themselves

are different in determining this age; therefore, it is silly or illogical to criticize

an early marriage took place before 14 centuries. It is worth mentioning

here that several organizations in the West have objected to rais the age

of consent.

For example, in Canada, such organizations corresponded with the parliament

members via internet and requested to reject this proposal and demonstrated

the dangerous effects thereof (8). One of such letters mentioned:

«Dear Parliament Member,

I write to you in order to express my attitude concerning the age of consent

which was increased from fourteen years to sixteen years the proposal of

8 see


increasing the age of consent is a backward dangerous movement and will

make the young males and females practice sex illegally».

If we return back to the legal age which qualifies the girl to accept or reject

the sexual relation or marriage in America and the West, we will find that

the age of ten to thirteen was the ideal acceptable age of consent in the mid

of the nineteenth century (9).

Moreover, the Americans should know that the legal age of practicing sex

was just ten years in UK and America in 1885, i.e. just one year older than

the age of Aisha when she married Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon

him before 13 centuries. Stephen Robertson wrote in this regard: «In 1885,

after the scandal which took place upon issuing the book of The Maiden

Tribute of Modern Babylon, the English writer «Sted» unveiled trading in

the young girls in London, and these campaigns became part of the war

launched against prostitution in the United States. This scandal urged the

British parliament to raise the age of consent from ten to sixteen and this

attracted the attention of the American reformers to the law of their Country

» (10).

The Western and American people should know the campaign of the Christian

Woman Association for Preventing Alcohol (WCTU 1885-1990) and

increasing the age of consent, as it was in most of the American states,

and after issuing the general law, the age of consent was determined as ten

years, while it was before seven years only in the state of Delaware (11).

9 [Waites, Matthew (2005). The Age of Consent: Young People, Sexuality and Citizenship.

Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 1-4039-2173-3, page 7.

10 Stephen Robertson, Journal of Social History, summer 2002

11 Linda R. Hirshman and Jane E. Larson, HARD BARGAINS: THE POLITICS OF SEX, Oxford

University Press, 1998, pp124-133, ISBN: 0-19-509664-9.


The age of consent in one of the American States was just seven years, just

120 years ago! But the Western people did not know that and just criticized

Islam and Muslims for the marriage of the Prophet Peace be upon him and

Aisha May Allah be pleased with her while she was nine years more than

1400 years ago.

Anyway, our modern age, at the beginning of the 21st century, witnessed

several early marriage cases in Europe itself, for example, the legal marriage

age in Romania is 16 years. The child Ana Maria, The Roma Gypsy

Princess, twelve years old, married the child Birita Mihai, fifteen years old.

Roma King Florin Cioaba, the father of the bride, told the journalists:

«In fact, this is a happy day in the royal house; the best days of my life it is

better for the children to marry in an early age». Fasil Eunisko, from Roma

Public Policies Center, stated: «The marriage of the princess did not happen

by force, she was the sweetheart of the king and he cannot act against her

wishes. We should preserve our traditions in order to preserve our identity

and being. Therefore, it is immoral to prohibit the traditions and norms,

and no one can prohibit it» (12).

12 DINA KYRIAKIDOU, The New Zealand Herald, October 01, 2003


Part Five

Is it Logical to judge a Marriage

Case that took Place before

1400 Years under the Laws of

the 1st Century?


Is it Logical to judge a Marriage Case that took

Place before 1400 Years under the Laws of the 1st


After demonstrating the age of consent for the American girl, which

was until the last part of the 19th century just ten years i.e. one year

older than Aisha when she married the Prophet Peace be upon him before

13 centuries; moreover, such age was just seven years in one of the

American States i.e. two years younger than Aisha May Allah be pleased

with her, and having demonstrated that the age of consent is still ranging

between twelve to thirteen years in most countries of the world, including

Western and Christian countries; accordingly, there is no ground to criticize

the marriage of the Prophet Peace be upon him and Aisha May Allah

be pleased with her which was portrayed by the instigators as an offence

against young girls.

Such instigators exploited the ignorance of the Western community about

the age of consent in the West and the non Muslim countries in order to

instigate against Islam and portray the Prophet of Islam Peace be upon

him as an offender. Such instigators are in fact hypocrite people because

they are accusing the Muslims with things practiced legally and normally

by non Muslims.

In brief, the early marriage still exist in the 21st century, and it is practiced

by European and Christian people in the 21st century; therefore, why is the

Prophet of Islam Peace be upon him blamed for such marriage which took

place before 1400 years? This clearly demonstrates the non credibility of

such instigators and their hidden aims under the pretext of defending the

rights of woman and the human rights in order to gain the sympathy of the

Western people toward Aisha the child who was «obliged» to marry a man

more than fifty years old, as they allege. However, apart from the instigaWhy

did Prophet Muhammad Marry Aisha; the Young Girl


tion of such criticizers who have concealed their actual aims, we would like

to demonstrate some points about the marriage of the Prophet of Islam

Peace be upon him and Aisha May Allah be pleased with her when she

was nine years old, in order to understand the reasons and circumstances

of such marriage.

Did they know the Arabian Peninsula before 14 Centuries?

It is worth mentioning that the Western principles and mentality in the

21st Century may not understand the Eastern & Arabian principles and

mentality in the 6th century fully and completely! There is a wide gap between

the two cultures, mentalities, and geographies. This is an important

point which should be recognized, because judging a norm practiced by an

Eastern community before fourteen centuries by a secular Western culture

in the 21st century won›t be just or accurate. Therefore, the Western people

in this era should study such norm and understand the reasons which justify

it. Anyway, such reasons are still convincing the Western and Christian

communities which do not oppose the early marriage until today.


Part Six

Brides in Africa are Younger

than Ten?


Brides in Africa are Younger than Ten?

In order to make the picture clearer to the Western people in the 21st

century, let›s compare between a nine-year-old girl in America and a nineyear-

old girl in some countries in Africa nowadays.

The American girl used to live a modern easy life with all means of entertainment,

joy and luxury, while the African girl, in some of the black-skin

countries, use to shepherd sheep, bring water from wells several kilometers

far from her house, know cocking, clean the house, participate in the

agricultural works, and carry out other tasks just like the older people in

spite of her childhood. These responsibilities make the African girl in the

21st century an intellectually mature girl who is able to run her own affairs

when her family is not at home. However, the American or European girl

is living a modern easy life and do not bear such heavy responsibilities. She

has a baby sitter if her family is not at home. Moreover, the African girl in

the above mentioned example can take care of the western girl in spite of

their equal ages. So, how about the Arab girl before 14 centuries? The Arab

girl then was living in circumstances similar to the African girl in term of

tasks and responsibilities. The Arab girl at seven and eight years, since

14 centuries, was fully mature and responsible just like the African girl in

the above mentioned example. Therefore, she cannot be considered similar

to the Western girl who has no responsibilities. Accordingly, the Western

people should not compare the circumstances of the Western girl in the

21st century with the circumstances of the Arab girl before 14 centuries,

because any judgment like this will be inaccurate and not just in the best

cases. Moreover, the Western people should take into consideration that

the body of the girl in the hot regions reaches maturity before the girls in

the cold regions. The femininity of the girl in the hot regions appears before

the femininity of girls in the cold regions; therefore, she will be qualified for

marriage in early age.


This is exactly the case in the Arabian Peninsula before 14 centuries.

The environment of the Arabian Peninsula makes the girls mature in early

age, contrary to the environment of Europe & America; therefore, there is

no way for the criticizers to compare.

This fact was realized by the English orientalist R.V.C. Bodley, grandson

of Sir Thomas Bodley, the founder of Bodley Library, author of «Wind in

the Sahara», «The Messenger», and other fourteen books, after visiting the

Arabian Peninsula. He said after such visit:

«Aisha, though was young, was mature and grew up quickly like the other

Arab women. Such early marriage still exists in Asia & East Europe, and

is a natural habit in Spain and Portugal until recently» (13). The English

author added: «Since she entered the house of Muhammad Peace be upon

him all people felt her presence, and if there was a girl knowing fully what

is marriage, Aisha will be such girl. She has built her character since the

first day of her life in the house of the Prophet Peace be upon him which

was attached to the Masjed.(14)

13 R.V.C. Bodley, The Messenger, p 129 (Arabic version)

14 R.V.C. Bodley, The Messenger, p 130 (Arabic version)


Part Seven

It is not for Satisfying a Desire!


It is not for Satisfying a Desire!

It is Following a Good Advice and wishing for Enhancing Relations with

a Dear Friend “The marriage of the Prophet Peace be upon him with

Aisha May Allah be pleased with her was not his own idea, it was an opinion

by a woman called Khawla Bint Hakim, for the purpose of enhancing

relations with the dearest friend of the Prophet Peace be upon him i.e. Abu

Bakr As Siddeek, father of Aisha May Allah be pleased with them by way

of affinity. Abu Bakr May Allah be pleased with him was one of the pillars

of Islam and was the closest friend to the Prophet Peace be upon him.

He was the first orthodox Caliph after the death of the Prophet Peace be

upon him. It is worth mentioning here that the marriage of Aisha was made

upon an advice by a woman i.e. such opinion means that such marriage was

conforming to the customs and traditions of society and that such woman

did not find such marriage a breach to the rights of Aisha or confiscating

her freedom as alleged by the hypocrite people. Anyway, the Prophet Peace

be upon him did not wish to reject marriage with Aisha, the daughter of

the dearest friend.

His loyalty to his friend, Abu Baker, made him pleasant to accept the offer

in order to enhance relations between them.

It is worth mentioning also that Aisha, before marrying the Prophet Peace

be upon him, was engaged to another man; Jubair Bin Mut›em Bin Adei.

I.e. marriage in an early age was a norm & a custom widely prevailing in

such era and no one denied or objected it. Moreover, after marriage, Aisha

gained a high rank in the Prophet›s life.

The Prophet Peace be upon him was asked: Who is the dearest person in

your life? He said: Aisha.

He was asked: Who is the dearest person from men? He answered: Her


father (15).

Therefore, the marriage of the Prophet Peace be upon him with Aisha was

not for the purpose of satisfying desires as portrayed by some people; contrary,

it was done for several purposes. If the Prophet Peace be upon him

was seeking desires, he would not then, while being twenty five years old,

marry Khadija who was fifteen years older than him, and would not refrain

from marriage until her death.

Moreover, if he was seeking desires, he would not, after the death of Khadija,

marry an old woman eighty years old; Sawda Bint Zam›a Al Aameriah

who became a widow after her husband›s death. The Prophet wanted to

console her and to be an example for all Muslims in doing good deeds for

the widows. Anyway, the marriage of the Prophet Peace be upon him with

Aisha in such early age produced great benefits to Islam & Muslims.

Being young, Aisha was able to learn and keep the principles of Islam from

the Prophet Peace be upon him quickly; therefore, she gained wide knowledge

in religion and became a reference for the old and young companions

concerning the Holy Quran, jurisprudence, interpretation, and the prophetic

traditions. She was one of the greatest scholars in jurisprudence, and was

for the companions like a teacher. They were asking her about all things in

Islam, and she delivered one fourth of the Islamic teachings (16).

The Prophet Peace be upon him has qualified Aisha to be a good source

and reference for the Muslims after him. Aisha was a young, clever, and

bright woman with a strong memory; therefore, the Prophet Peace be upon

him was confident that she will keep the great Islamic heritage assigned to


The revelation was coming down to the Prophet Peace be upon him every

15 «Sunan At Termithi»-Hadith No.3886

16 «Aisha and Politics»- by Al Afaghani-p.16


time he is in the house of Aisha only. This was an indication to her for

focusing on understanding the great mission of her husband in order to

perform her role in guiding the Muslims. The Muslims in the reign of Abu

Baker, Omar, Othman, Ali and Mo›awiah May Allah be pleased with them

learnt a lot from her and the scholars were consulting her in the religious

issues. She remained a reference for the Muslims and a source for teaching

them their religion.

Mr. Saeed Al Afaghani said: I have spent several years studying Lady Aisha

May Allah be pleased with her. I found myself in front of a miracle, and did

not find the right description for her. She has vast knowledge, diversity of

specializations and several fields of experience; jurisprudence, prophetic

traditions, interpretation, juristic science, morals, poetry, medicine, history

She has mastered all such fields before being eighteen (17).

17 «Aisha and Politics»- by Al Afaghani-p.18,19


Part Eight

Let›s Pause here!


Let›s Pause here!

It is important to know that the instigators who exploited this marriage

to harm Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him have relied on the

ignorance of people about the details of such marriage and tried to gain the

sympathy of the western people toward Aisha as if she was an American

girl in the 21st century and was deprived of her childhood, while the actual

facts are totally different. It is not logical to compare the American or Western

girl in the 21st century with an Eastern Arabian girl before 1400 years.

This is totally illogical because it is misleading and causing misunderstanding

reality; therefore it will lead to misjudgment. If such criticizers want the

Prophet Peace be upon him before 14 centuries to marry according to the

American or Western customs in the 21st century, it is then their own affair;

they cannot impose their own principles on generations preceding them

several hundreds of years. It is not logical to issue judgments on the old

generations according to circumstances which they did not live or participate

or establish. Moreover, such criticizers did not compare the marriage

of the Prophet Peace be upon him and Aisha May Allah be pleased with

her with the realty & customs of several Western and Christian countries

after hundreds of years and did not compare it with the marriage in the

Jewish religion which allowed the marriage of a child when she attain three

years and one day only. Therefore, this demonstrates the incredibility of

such criticizers and discharges the Prophet Peace be upon him from their

fabricated allegations and falsifications.

It is worth mentioning here also that several prophets Peace be upon them

were very old and married young virgin girls. The Bible mentioned that

Dawood (David) Peace be upon him - was old and caught cold and was

not able to warm himself in spite of wearing heavy clothes. Kings1, the first

chapter, stated:

«When King David was old and well advanced in years, he could not keep


warm even when they put covers over him. So his servants said to him, Let

us look for a young virgin to attend the king and take care of him. She can

lie beside him so that our lord the king may keep warm. Then they searched

throughout Israel for a beautiful girl and found Abishag, a Shunammite,

and brought her to the king.

It is a very clear picture; Prophet Dawood (David) Peace be upon him - was

very old; however, they searched for him a virgin girl tens of years younger

than him in order to keep him warm. Such verses are speaking about sexual

meanings such as warming Prophet Dawood Peace be upon him using

a young beautiful virgin girl, as stated in the verses! So, why don›t such

people who instigate against Islam look at this issue and consider it rape?

Why don›t the Western media speak about such event the way they speak

about the marriage of the Prophet Peace be upon him and Aisha? The

reason is simple; the purpose of such criticism is not such marriage cases

or relationships; contrary, they are seeking to distort the picture of Islam

only, instigating against it and making people hate this religion and its followers!

But the truth will appear some day, and people will surely discover

the malicious goals and methods of such instigators.

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