

The return of the nation as it was to the leadership of mankind

rests on following the teachings of the Prophet (prayers and

peace be upon him) and the Rightly Guided Caliphs. Besides,

awareness of caliphate era and the prophet-hood method are

required steps to attain the goals pursued by the nation to be

achieve in this life. As Prophet Mohammad (prayers and peace

be upon him) said : "Do follow my Method (Sunnah) and the

!Method of the Rightly Guided Caliphs after me ". The history of the era of the Rightly Guided Caliphs is full of

lessons and examples which are scattered in books, sources, and

references. If this history is well presented, it will feeds the soul,

enlightens hearts, builds minds, sharpens resolve, offers lessons,

mature ideas, demonstrates the features and qualities of its

leaders, system of government, morals of the generation,

prosperity factors, and the reasons for its demise. One can make

use of that in the preparation of a Muslim generation who grow

up on the method of prophecy and the jurisprudence of

caliphate, and to identify the era which God said about it:

[And the foremost to embrace Islam of the Immigrants and

Supporters, and also those who followed them exactly (in faith).

Allah is well-pleased with them as they are well-pleased with

Him. He has prepared for them Gardens under which rivers flow

(Paradise), to dwell therein forever. That is the supreme success]

(Al-Tawbah: 100).

- 􀀁3 -

The Companions have applied the provisions of Islam and made

it known in the East and West of the world. Their era is the best,

and their history is a treasure that saved the nation's savings in

thought, culture, science and the movement of the Jihad (sacred

fight) and conquests, and dealing with the people and nations. !In this booklet we present a biography of the third caliph

Uthman ibn Affan Thu-Nourain , to extract lessons and examples

from the sides of this unique character. !!!!!

- 􀀁4 -

Uthman ibn Affan: Ancestry and Attributes

Uthman ibn Affan bin Al-Aas bin Umayyah bin Abdul Shams bin

Abd Manaf. He was born in the sixth year of the Year of the

Elephant. He became Muslim early and participated in the two

Migrations: first to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) and the second to

Madinah. !He married Ruqayyah, the daughter of the Prophet (prayers and

peace be upon him), and she died on the night of Badr. The

Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) then married her sister

Umm Kulthum, to him. !The scholars say: "No one is known to have married two

daughters of a Prophet except him." For this reason, he was

nicknamed 'Dhun-Nurain' (bearer of two lights). He was one of

the ten given the tiding of Paradise and one of the Companions

who compiled the Qur'an. !He had a long beard and was good looking. It is said that he was

the most handsome of the people. !!

- 􀀁5 -

Uthman ibn Affan in the Pre-Islamic Society

In the pre-Islamic society, Uthman (may Allah be pleased with

him) was among the best of his people. He was of high status,

very wealthy, extremely modest, and eloquent in speech. His

people loved him dearly and respected him. He never prostrated

to any idol during the Jahiliyyah and he never committed any

immoral action. He did not drink alcohol before Islam. !He was well versed in the knowledge that was available to the

Arabs during the pre-Islamic era, including lineages, proverbs,

and the history of important-events. He travelled to Syria and

Ethiopia, and mixed with non-Arab people, learning things

about their lives and customs that no one else knew. He took

care of the business that he had inherited from his father, and his

wealth grew. He was regarded as one of the men of Banu

Umayyah who were held in high esteem by all of Quraysh. Thus,

Uthman was regarded as being of high status among his people,

and he was loved dearly. !!

- 􀀁6 -

His Acceptance of Islam

Uthman was thirty four years old when Abu Bakr al-Siddiq

called him to Islam, and he did not hesitate at all, rather he

responded immediately to the call of Abu Bakr. Thus he was one

of the earliest Muslims. The first person to become Muslim after

Abu Bakr, ‘Ali and Zayd ibn Harithah was Uthman. Thus, he was

the fourth man to embrace Islam. !His coming to Islam so early was, perhaps, the result of what

happened to him when he was returning from Syria. He told the

Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace be upon him) about that

when he entered upon him along with Talhah ibn ‘Ubayd-Allah

and he presented Islam to them and recited Qur’an to them, and

told them of the duties of Islam and promised them that they

would be honored by Allah. They believed him, and Uthman

said: O Messenger of Allah, I have come recently from Syria,

and when we were between Ma’an and al-Zarqa’, I was about to

sleep when I heard a voice calling: O sleepers, get up, for

Ahmad has emerged in Makkah. Then we came here and heard

about you. !!

- 􀀁7 -

Undoubtedly this incident had a positive effect on Uthman and

he could not forget it when he could see all the facts before him

with his own eyes. He thought about this new call calmly, as

was his way in all things, and he found that it was a call to

virtue, a call to shun immorality, a call to worship one God

(Allah) and a warning against polytheism, a call to worship Allah

and a warning against heedlessness, a call to good morals and a

warning against bad morals. So he became Muslim in respond to

the call of Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, and he persisted in his faith,

calling others to Islam in a friendly and patient manner; he was

content, forgiving, kind, charitable, compassionate and

generous, helping the weak and oppressed until Islam became

strong. !!

- 􀀁8 -

His Persecution and Migration to Ethiopia

Allah’s decree that all are to be tested is applied constantly to

individuals, communities, peoples and nations. This applied to

the Companions too, and they underwent trials and tribulations

that would shake the foundation of lofty mountains. They spent

their wealth and shed their blood for the sake of Allah, and this

suffering became as severe as Allah willed that it should. The

prominent Muslims were not spared these trials. Uthman was

persecuted and tortured for the sake of Allah at the

hands of his paternal uncle al-Hakam ibn Abi’l-‘Aas.

The persecution intensified and affected all the Muslims, the

Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) was deeply grieved,

and wondered where could the Muslims go? Then the Messenger

of Allah (prayers and peace be upon him) thought of Abyssinia

(Ethiopia) and said to the Muslims: “Why don’t you go to

Abyssinia, for in (that land) there is a righteous king in whose

land no one is wronged.” Among those who migrated during the

first and second migration to Abyssinia was Uthman ibn Affan,

and on both occasions he was accompanied by his wife

Ruqayyah, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah (prayers and

peace be upon him). They arrived in Abyssinia in Rajab in the

fifth year after the Prophet’s mission began, and they found

safety, security and freedom of worship. !The Qur’an speaks of the migration of the early Muslims to

Abyssinia, as Allah says:

“And as for those who emigrated for the Cause of Allah, after

they had been wronged, We shall certainly give them goodly

residence in this world, but indeed the reward of the Hereafter

will be greater; if they but knew!”(Al-Nahl 16:41).

- 􀀁9 -

Al-Qurtubi (may Allah have mercy on him) quoted Qatadah as

saying: What is referred to here is the Companions of

Muhammad (prayers and peace be upon him), who were

oppressed by the nonbelievers in Makkah and expelled, until a

group of them migrated to

Abyssinia, then Allah granted them a place to which to migrate

(i.e. Madinah) and granted them supporters from among the

believers. !Uthman and the Holy Qur’an

The method by means of which Uthman ibn Affan (may Allah be

pleased with him) and all the noble Companions were educated

was the Holy Qur’an which was revealed from the Lord of the

Worlds. It was the only source of guidance to be accepted. The

Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) was keen to ensure

that the Muslims acquired their concepts from one source only.

The Holy Qur’an alone was to be the methodology and focal

point on which the Muslim individual, family and society were

to be raised. The verses which Uthman heard directly from the

Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace be upon him), played a

role in the formation of his Islamic personality. They purified his

heart and soul and influenced him, and he became a new man,

with new values, emotions, aims, behavior and aspirations.

Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) was deeply attached to

the Holy Qur’an. Abu ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami narrated how

he learned it from the Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace be

upon him) and his words indicate how greatly he loved to live

with the Book of Allah. !

- 􀀁10 -

It was narrated that ‘Abu ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Sulami said: Those

who taught the Qur’an – such as Uthman ibn Affan, Abd-Allah

ibn Mas’ood and others – told us that when they learned ten

verses from the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) they

would not go beyond them until they had learned the

knowledge contained in them and how to apply it in deed. They

said: So we learned the Qur’an and knowledge and its

application together. Hence they would spend a while to

memorize a soorah. !History has recorded for us some of the things that ‘Uthman

(may Allah be pleased with him) said about the Holy Qur’an. He


“If our hearts were pure, we would never have our fill of the

words of Allah, may He be glorified and exalted.”

“I would not like the day to come when I do not look in the

Covenant of Allah (i.e. the Mushaf).”

“There are four things which are outwardly virtues, but in reality

are obligations: mixing with righteous people is a virtue, and

following their example is a duty; reading Qur’an is a virtue and

acting upon it is a duty; visiting the graves is a virtue and

preparing for death is a duty; and visiting the sick person is a

virtue and asking him to make a will is a duty.”

“Ten things are the greatest waste of time: a scholar whom no

one asks about; knowledge that is not acted upon; sound advice

that is not accepted; a weapon that is not used; a Mosque that is

not prayed in; a Mus-haf (Qur'an) that is not read from; wealth

from which nothing is spent (in charity); a horse that is not

ridden; knowledge of asceticism in the heart of one who is

seeking worldly gain; and a long life in which no preparation is

made for the journey (into the Hereafter).” !

- 􀀁11 -

His Staying Close to the Prophet in Madinah

(prayers and peace be upon him) !The strongest factor that shaped Uthman’s Character, brought out

his talents and potentials and purified his soul was keeping

company with the Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace be

upon him) and seeking knowledge from him. Uthman (may

Allah be pleased with him) stayed close to the Messenger

(prayers and peace be upon him) in Makkah after he became

Muslim, and he stayed close to him in Madinah after he

migrated there. Uthman devoted himself to studying various

branches of knowledge at the hands of the teacher and guide of

mankind who had been taught by his Lord in the best manner.

He was eager to learn the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah from the

leader of all of mankind. !Uthman tells us how he stayed close to the Messenger of Allah

(prayers and peace be upon him), as he said: "Allah, may He be

glorified and exalted, sent Muhammad with the truth and

revealed the Book to him, and I was one of those who

responded to Allah and His Messenger and believed. I made the

two early migrations and I became the son in-law of the

Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace be upon him) and I

received guidance directly from him". !Bay’at al-Radwan

When the Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace be upon him)

halted at al-Hudaybiyah, he deemed it essential to send a

representative to Quraysh, to tell them of his peaceful intentions

and that he had no desire to fight, and he wanted to respect the

holy places; he wanted to perform Umrah and then return to


- 􀀁12 -

The man chosen to be the representative of the Messenger of

Allah (prayers and peace be upon him) was Umar ibn al-Khattab

(may Allah be pleased with him). But ‘Umar apologized to the

Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace be upon him) and said

that he preferred not to go, and he suggested to the Messenger of

Allah (prayers and peace be upon him) that he send ‘Uthman

instead of him. He clearly explained the reason for that, which is

that it is essential for anyone who mixes with the enemy to have

protection. As no such protection was available to Umar, he

suggested to the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) that

he send Uthman, because he had a tribe who could protect him

from the harm of the nonbelievers until he had conveyed the

message of the Messenger of Allah. Umar said: “I fear for myself

with regard to Quraysh, for they know how hostile I am towards

them, and there is no one there from my tribe Banu Udayy who

could protect me. But if you want, O Messenger of Allah, I will

go and meet them.” !The Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace be upon him) did not

say anything, and Umar said: “But I shall tell you, O Messenger

of Allah, of a man who is held in high esteem in Makkah and

who has more relatives and is better protected: Uthman ibn

Affan.” The Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace be upon him)

called Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) and said: “Go

to Quraysh and tell them that we have not come to fight, rather

we have only come as visitors to this House, respecting its

sanctity. We have our sacrificial animals with us; we will

slaughter them and depart.” Uthman set out and came to

Makkah, he met Aban ibn Sa’eed ibn Al-‘Aas, who stood up and

welcomed him and offered him protection and said: I think you

will get what you want. !

- 􀀁13 -

Uthman entered Makkah and went to each leader in turn: Abu

Sufyan ibn Harb, and others. After receiving the massage, they

suggested to Uthman that he perform tawaf around the Ka’bah

but he refused, until the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon

him) will do. !There were rumors among the Muslims that Uthman had been

killed, then the Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace be upon

him) called his companions to swear allegiance to him, pledging

to fight the nonbelievers. The Companions responded, swearing

loyalty unto death.

The Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) said of his right

hand, “This is the hand of Uthman”, and he put it on his other

hand. The number of Companions from whom the Messenger of

Allah (prayers and peace be upon him) accepted the oath of

allegiance beneath the tree was one thousand and four hundred. !!

- 􀀁14 -

His Economic Contribution to the Establishment of the


Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) was one of the richest

of those on whom Allah had bestowed wealth. He engaged in

trade and was very wealthy, but he used this wealth in

obedience to Allah, seeking His pleasure and that which is with

Him. Thus, he was always first to do good and spend, and he did

not fear poverty. Among the many examples of his spending are

the following: !The Well of Roomah

When the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) came to

Madinah he found that there was very little fresh water there and

there was no source of fresh water in Madinah except the well of

Bi’r Roomah. The Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace be

upon him) said: “Who will buy Bi’r Roomah and share it with

the Muslims in return for reward in Paradise?” And he said:

“Who will dig the well of Bi’r Roomah and Paradise will be his?” !Before the arrival of the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon

him), no one could drink from Bi’r Roomah except in return for

payment. When the Immigrants came to Madinah, they did not

like the water:

A man from Banu Ghifar had a well called Roomah and he used

to sell water from it by the bucketful. The Prophet (prayers and

peace be upon him) said: “Will you sell it in return for a spring

in Paradise?” He said: O Messenger of Allah, my family and I do

not have anything else. News of that reached Uthman and he

bought it for thirty-five thousand dirhams, then he came to the

Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) and he said: Will you

promise me in return for it the same as you promised him? He

said: “Yes.” He said: Then I give it to the Muslims.

- 􀀁15 -

 !Expansion of the Prophet’s Mosque

After the Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace be upon him)

built his mosque in Madinah, the Muslims would gather there to

offer the five daily prayers and to listen to the speeches of the

Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) in which he would

issue commands and prohibitions, and they learned about their

religion in the mosque. Hence the mosque became too small for

the people, and the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him)

asked some of the Companions to buy the land next to the

mosque so that the mosque could be expanded and made big

enough to accommodate all the people. He said: “Who will buy

the land of So and so add it to the mosque in return for

something good for him in Paradise?” !Uthman ibn Affan (may Allah be pleased with him) bought it

with his own money for twenty-five thousand dirhams, or for

twenty thousand, then it was added to the mosque, which then

became large enough to accommodate the Muslims. !Tabook and the Generosity of ‘Uthman

When the Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace be upon him)

wanted to set out on the campaign to Tabook, he urged the

wealthy Companions to spend on equipping the army that the

Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace be upon him) was

mobilizing to fight the Byzantines. The Companions of the

Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace be upon him) spent

whatever they could afford. No sooner had Uthman heard this

call of the Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace be upon him),

but he hastened to seek the forgiveness and pleasure of Allah,

and thus this pressing need was met by the generosity of

- 􀀁16 -

Uthman. He supplied the army’s every need, down to the last

rope and bridle.

Ibn Shihab az-Zuhri said: Uthman supplied the army of Tabook

with nine hundred and forty camels, and sixty horses to bring

the number to one thousand. Uthman brought ten thousand

dinars to equip the army and placed the money before the

Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace be upon him) and the

Messenger (prayers and peace be upon him) began turning it

over with his hand saying, “No deed can harm Uthman after

today” twice. !Election of Uthman

Umar ibn Al-Kattab (may Allah be pleased with him) on his

death bed formed a committee of six people to choose the next

Caliph from amongst themselves.This committee was: Ali bin

Abi Talib, Uthman ibn Affan , Abdur Rahman bin Awf , Sa`d ibn

Abi Waqqas, Al-Zubayrm and Talhah. Umar asked that, after his

death, the committee reach a final decision within three days,

and the next Caliph should take the oath of office on the fourth

day. If Talhah joined the committee within this period, he was to

take part in the deliberations, but if he did not return to Medina

within this period, the other members of the committee could

proceed with the decision. Abdur Rahman bin Awf withdrew his

eligibility to be appointed as Caliph in order to act as a

moderator and began his task by interviewing every member of

the committee separately. He asked them for whom they would

cast their vote. !He arrived at the conclusion that the majority of the people

favored the election of Uthman. On the fourth day after the

death of Umar, 23 AH, Uthman was elected as the third Caliph,

with the title "Amir al-Mu'minin", (The Prince of the Believers).

- 􀀁17 -

Uthman's Method of Ruling

When the oath of allegiance was sworn to Uthman as caliph, he

stood before the people and declared his approach to ruling,

explaining that he would follow the guidelines of the Qur'an

and Sunnah and follow in the footsteps of the two Caliphs (i.e.,

Abu Bakr and Umar). He also stated in his speech that he was

going to run the people's affairs with forbearance and wisdom,

but he would accept no compromise with regard to punishments

that must be carried out. Then, he warned them against feeling

content with worldly things and being tempted by worldly trivia,

lest that lead them to compete with one another and stir up

grudges and resentment among them, which would in turn lead

to division and disunity. !He said:

"I have been given a responsibility and I have accepted it. Verily

I am a follower (of the Sunnah) and not an innovator. I promise

you that in addition to following the Book of Allah and the

Sunnah of His Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him), I will

do three other things:

following the examples of those who came before me with

regard to what you have agreed upon and decided, and what is

decided by good people openly, and not interfering with you

except when a punishment is required. This world is tempting

and it makes itself attractive to people, so that many people are

inclined towards it. Do not be content with this world and so not

put your trust in it, for it is not trustworthy. Understand that these

worldly temptations will not go away unless you ignore them."


- 􀀁18 -

Conquests During the reign of Uthman

The most important works of Uthman (may Allah be pleased

with him) are the conquest of Murrow, Turkey and the expansion

of the Islamic State. In addition to the conquest of Alexandria

and then Armenia, Caucasus, Khorasan, Kerman, Sajistan,

Africa, and Cyprus. Uthman expanded the Prophet's Mosque in

AH 2930, and has established the first Islamic fleet to protect the

Muslim beaches from the attacks of Byzantines. One of the most

important achievements of Uthman is the compilation of the

Holy Qur'an, which was started in the era of Caliph Abu Bakr Al

Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him). !!The Compliation of the Qur'an

It was narrated from Anas ibn Maalik that Hudhayfah ibn al-

Yamaan came to Uthman when he was on campaign with the

people of Syria and the people of Iraq in the conquest of

Armenia and Azerbaijan. Hudhayfah was very alarmed by the

differences in their recitation, so Hudhayfah said to Uthman: O

Prince of Believers, save this nation before they differ

concerning the Book (Qur'an) as the Jews and the Christians did.

Uthman set word to Hafsah saying: "Send us the manuscript so

that we may make copies of it, then we will return it to you". So

Hafsah sent it to Uthman, and he ordered four of the

Companions to make copies of it. They did that, until they had

made many copies, then Uthman returned the manuscript to

Hafsah, and he sent a copied Book (Mus-haf) to every reign and

ordered that all other Qur'nic material, whether it was

manuscripts or entire copies, be burnt.


- 􀀁19 -


At the end of his reign, and due to the expansion of Islamic

conquests and the presence of recent Muslims who did not

absorb the spirit of order and obedience, enemies of Islam led

by Jews started to foment civil strife to undermine the unity of

Muslims and their state. They raise suspicions about the policy of

Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) and incited the people

in Egypt, Kufa, and Basra to revolt. They deceived their followers

to implement their plan, and met the caliph and asked him to

give up. Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) called them to

the meeting in the mosque with senior Companions and other

people of the city, and he refuted their unreliable gossips, and he

answered their questions and pardoned them. Thus, they

returned to their country but they concealed malevolence and

promised to come back to the city to carry out their plots, which

were embellished by the Jew Abdullah bin Saba, who pretended

Islam. !

- 􀀁20 -

The Martyrdom of Uthman

(may Allah be pleased with him)

In Shawwal 35H of the Prophet's Migration, the turmoil

occurred, and the wrong-doers besieged Uthman in his home

(forty days) and prevented him from praying in the mosque and

even from water. But when he saw some of the Companions that

had prepared to fight them he prevented that fight as he did not

want to drop the blood of a Muslim for his own sake. Then the

conspirators broke into his house from the back (from the house

of Abu Hazm Al Ansari) and attacked him as he was reading the

Holy Qur'an. His wife Naila attempted to protect him, but they

beat her with the sword, cutting off her fingers. The rebels killed

him (may Allah be pleased with him) and his blood spelled onto

the Qur'an. He was martyred on the 18th of Dhul-Hijjah 35AH,

and he was buried at Al-Baqi' in Madinah. !!

May Allah have mercy on Uthman ibn Affan and be pleased

with him and assembles us among his company. !!

- 􀀁21 -

Uthman Ibn Affan in Brief: !

He is Uthman ibn Affan bin Al-Aas. He was born in the sixth

year of the Year of the Elephant. He became a Muslim early and

participated in the two Migrations: first to Abyssinia (Ethiopia)

and the second to Madinah. !

He married Ruqayyah, the daughter of the Prophet (prayers and

peace be upon him), and she died on the night of Badr. Then the

Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) married her sister

Umm Kulthum, to him. For this reason, he was nicknamed

'Dhun-Nurain' (bearer of two lights). He was the third Rightly

Guided Caliph, one of the ten given the tiding of Paradise, and

one of the Companions who compiled the Qur'an. !

Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) was one of the richest

of those on whom Allah had bestowed wealth. He engaged in

trade and was very wealthy, but he used this wealth in

obedience to Allah and seeking His pleasure. Some of his

economic contributions are; the well of Roomah, expansion of

the Prophet's mosque, and the campaign to Tabook. !!

- 􀀁22 -

He was assigned as a Caliph in 23AH, and his era witnessed a

wide Islamic conquests. His most important contribution was

the compilation of the Holy Qur'an in one version. But a turmoil

emerged during his era, aroused by the Jew ibn Saba', which led

to the murder of Uthman. He was martyred on the 18th of Dhul-

Hijjah 35AH, and he was buried at Al-Baqi' in Madinah. !

May Allah have mercy on Uthman and be pleased with him. !

- 􀀁23 -


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