
The Relevance of his


All praise is due to Allah, the Rubb of the

worlds, and may Allah exalt the mention

of His Prophet, and render him and his

household safe and secure from all derogatory


This Booklet sheds light on the requirements

of the testimony, that Muhammad

is the true messenger of Allah,

which people make in order to enter

into Islam. In specific, sixteen principles

should be understood by anyone who

embraces Islam, in order to fully commit

to the religion, and to be considered

a proper Muslim who truly believes that

there is nothing worthy of being worshipped

except Allah and that Muhammad

is the Messenger of Allah. Finally,

the booklet concludes with an important

discussion of the relevance of the

Prophet in our current times; the

twenty-first century. It addresses the

important question of how the Prophet

Muhammad remains both relevant

and influential in the lives of humanity

as a model of how best to live one’s life

and how best to worship the Creator.



The Testimony that Muhammad

is the Messenger of Allah

Just as it is important to fully understand

the meaning and the implications

of the testimony that there is

nothing worthy of worship except Allah,

it is equally important to understand

the second part of the testimony

of faith, namely that Muhammad is the

Messenger of Allah. Indeed, some will

stray from Islam simply by their disregard

for the second part of the declaration

of faith.

When one testifies that Muhammad is

the Messenger of Allah, he is stating

his belief that the Prophet Muhammad

was chosen by Allah to be

His Messenger and to convey His

Message. Allah specifically chose

the Prophet Muhammad to be

His Messenger. Allah says, “Allah

knows best with whom to

place His Message.” (6:124)

This is understood to mean that

the Prophet Muhammad

possessed the most appropriMUHAMMAD

The Messenger of Allah 7

ate characteristics for prophethood

as obviously Allah, due to His justice,

wisdom and mercy, would not choose

one who is treacherous to be His Messenger.

Allah would not choose for

such a mission anyone who would not

convey the message or who would

use the position to his own advantage.

If anyone claims that the Prophet

did not actually convey the entire message,

or that he distorted it in any way,

he is actually saying that Allah did not

know, and did not choose, the best

person to be a messenger. This is obvious


Furthermore, when one makes the

testimony of faith, he is also testifying

that the Prophet

has been sent for

all of mankind until the

Day of Judgment. Allah

says in the Quran,

“Say, [O Muhammad],

‘O mankind, indeed I

am the Messenger of

Allah to you all, [from

Him] to whom belongs



the dominion of the heavens and the

earth. There is no deity except Him;

He gives life and causes death.’ So

believe in Allah and His Messenger,

the unlettered prophet, who believes

in Allah and His words, and follow him

that you may be guided.” (7:158)

Thus, it is obligatory upon everyone

from the time of the Prophet until

the Day of Judgment to believe in

and follow the Prophet . This also

implies that the Prophet’s teachings

and his Sunnah are valid and obligatory

upon all of mankind until the Day

of Judgment. Yet, some people try to

resist the idea that they have to follow

the Prophet . By taking this attitude,

they must realize that they are going

against what they have testified to do.

Moreover, when one makes the declaration

of faith, he is testifying that

he believes with certainty that the

Prophet Muhammad conveyed the

message - he conveyed it correctly, he

conveyed all of it, and he conveyed it

clearly. Allah says in the Quran, “The

Messenger’s duty is only to convey

(the message) in a clear way.” (29: 18)

And the Prophet himself said, “I left

you on a bright path whose night and

day are alike. No one strays from it after

me except he is destroyed.” (Ahmad)

The obligations upon a believer

as regards the second

testimony can best be

summarized in the following

sixteen principles

or requirements:

To believe in the

Message of the

Prophet and

that he was sent to

mankind at large.



To believe that the Prophet is

infallible in matters pertaining to

the Deen.

To believe that the Prophet was

sent as a mercy to mankind and as

the seal (finality) of all messengers,

such that no prophet or prophets

will ever come after him.

To believe that the Messenger of

Allah is the most honorable

Prophet and Messenger.

To believe that the Prophet

conveyed to us the true and complete

Deen of Islam.

To believe the Messenger of

Allah conveyed the message

in its entirety and gave

sincere counseling to the

Muslim people.

To believe the

Shari’ah (law) of Muhammad

is the only

acceptable law and to

obey the Prophet as Allah


To be content with the

judgment of the Messenger and

not object to what the Prophet

has legalized and made law,

and to adhere to

the Sunnah of the

Prophet .

To hold the Prophet

in high esteem,

and to revere him, and to ask

Allah to exalt the mention of the


To love and respect the Prophet

as he should be revered and

respected, and to invite and persuade

people to accept Islam, using

wisdom and good manners.

To defend the Prophet

and his Sunnah

against the haters

of Islam, and

to adhere to the

Sunnah of the


• Muhammad




We conclude this treatise with the

words of Alphonse de LaMartaine1 in

Historie de al Turquie:

“Never has a man set for himself, voluntarily

or involuntarily, a more sublime

aim. Since this aim was superhuman, to

subvert superstitions which had been

imposed between man and his Creator,

to render God unto man and man unto

God, to restore the rational and sacred

idea of divinity amidst the chaos of the

material and disfigured gods of idolatry,

then existing. Never has a man undertaken

a work so far beyond human power

with so feeble means, for he (Muhammad)

had in the conception as well as

in the execution of such a

great design, no other instrument

than himself and

no other aid except a handful

of men living in a corner

of the desert. Finally, never

has a man accomplished

such a huge and lasting

revolution in the world, be-

(1) He was a poet, a

member of the

provisional government,

and a onetime

French presidential



cause in less than two centuries after its

appearance, Islam, in faith and in arms,

reigned over the whole of Arabia, and

conquered, in God’s name, Persia, Khorasan,

Transoxania, Western India, Syria,

Egypt, Abyssinia, all the known continent

of Northern Africa, numerous islands of

the Mediterranean Sea, Spain, and part

of Gaul. If greatness of purpose, smallness

of means, and astonishing results

are the three criteria of a human genius,

who could dare compare any great man

in history with Muhammad? The most famous

men created arms, laws, and empires

only. They founded, if anything at

all, no more than material powers which

often crumbled away before their eyes.

This man moved not only armies, legislations,

empires, peoples, dynasties, but

millions of men in one-third of the then

inhabited world. And more than that, he

moved the altars, the gods, the religions,

the ideas, the beliefs and the souls.

On the basis of a Book, every letter of

which has become law, he created a

spiritual nationality which blends together

peoples of every tongue and race. He

Islam is a complete

way of life. It

includes the social,

political, economical

and ethical aspects

of life.



has left the indelible characteristic of this

Muslim nationality, the hatred of false

gods and the passion for the One and

Immaterial God. This avenging patriotism

against the profanation of Heaven

formed the virtue of the followers of Muhammad.

The conquest of one-third the

earth to the dogma was his miracle, or

rather it was not the miracle of man, but

that of reason.

The idea of the unity of God, proclaimed

amidst the exhaustion of the

fabulous theogonies, was in itself such

a miracle that upon it’s utterance from

his lips, it destroyed all the ancient temples

of idols and set on fire one-third of

the world. His life, his meditations, his

heroic reveling against the superstitions

of his country, and his boldness in defying

the furies of idolatry, his firmness in

enduring them for fifteen years in Mecca,

his acceptance of the role of public

scorn and almost of being a victim of

his fellow countrymen. All these and finally,

his flight, his incessant preaching,

his wars against odds, his faith in his

success and his superhuman security


in misfortune, his forbearance in victory,

his ambition, which was entirely devoted

to one idea and in no manner striving

for an empire; his endless prayers,

his mystic conversations with God, his

death and his triumph after death. All

these attest not to an imposture, but

to a firm conviction which gave him the

power to restore a dogma.

This dogma was twofold the unity of

God, and the immateriality of God. The

former telling what God is, the latter

telling what God is not. The one overthrowing

false gods with the sword,

the other starting an idea with words.

Philosopher, Orator, Apostle, Legislator,

Conqueror of Ideas, Restorer of

Rational beliefs... The founder of

twenty terrestrial empires and

of one spiritual empire; that

is Muhammad. As regards

all standards by which

human greatness may be

measured, we may well ask,

is there any man greater than



Relevance of the Prophet

Muhammad Today

In today’s modern and secular society,

we see many advances that demonstrate

the advancement of civilization.

More efficient cars, faster airplanes,

taller buildings, smart devices, AI, the

genetic engineering of everything from

foods to babies… indeed one could legitimately

wonder what a man living in

the desert fourteen hundred years ago

could contribute to such a society. Yet

beneath the advanced technology and

neon lit streets of today’s world teems

a world which seems only to be going

backwards in regards to moral integrity,

societal equality, environmental

protection and general kindness

and respect to one another.

Our world today experiences

more and more corruption and

vice where the strong devour

the weak. Advancement was

supposed to bring an end to

racism, murder, theft, rape and

all such evils; yet sadly the secular

experiment hasn’t been able to


do that. This is not to say that many

of our advances as a civilization are

without benefit. On the contrary, they

are great tools by which we can serve

one another and by which we can

make our world a better place to live.

Yet there is one critical ingredient that

continuously seems to be missing,

and that is the spiritual dimension. The

world today is in dire need for trust,

mercy, love and peace - all of which

stem from God alone.

The Prophet Muhammad was, is

and will always be an embodiment of

these excellent values, not to mention

his many other virtues. When his mission

began, the world around him was

struggling with many of the same vices

we find ourselves drowning in;

injustice, oppression, poverty,

petty wars, infanticide, and racism

amongst others. In twenty-

three years, the Prophet

Muhammad sparked

a revolution that would alter

world history and spread the

message of peace, justice and

mercy throughout many nations.


The message of the God, as delivered

and lived by the Prophet Muhammad

, continues today to guide millions

upon millions of people to improve

not only their own lives, but the lives

of those around them. It encourages

one to remember that this life is a life

of testing and not the goal which we

should be seeking. That there will be

a day when true and complete justice

will be meted out and where one will

find the complete fruit of their labor.

There is a distinct difference in the life

of one who follows in the footsteps of

the great men and women of faith before

them as opposed to the one who

denies any reason or purpose to life.

As you read more about Islam and see

the impact of the teachings

of Muhammad on

entire societies and nations,

as well as his specific

instructions to individuals,

you will gain the

best appreciation for the

true relevance of this man

in today’s world. Muslims

already know the rele25

vance of this great and noble prophet

to the human race every time they see

a Muslim put their faith into action.

It might be through selfless charity,

standing up for the rights of the oppressed,

the honor and respect given

to those who teach or any one from

among the many simple, yet profound,

lessons we have learned from that

great Prophet of the Almighty. And as

long as we continue to be members of

the human race, his teachings will always

be valid and practical.

سلام على نبينا محمد ù صلاة وال ü الحمد لله رب العالمين وال

سلم. S صلى الله عليه و U

All Praise is due to Allah Alone, the

Lord of the Worlds, and may God

Praise His Prophet Muhammad and

his household, and keep him safe

from all evil.

It is time to know Him


His Lineage, Childhood and Prophethood

Persecution and Hijra

His Manners & Characteristics

The Prophet’s Manners With Those Around Him

Textual, Scriptural and Intellectual Testimonials of his Prophethood

Intellectual Proofs of his Prophethood

The Relevance of his Prophethood

This booklet is the seventh in a series

of publications based on a book titled

Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah.

Each booklet covers an aspect of the

Prophetʼs life, deeds and teachings and

aims to provide a better understanding of


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