
Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq

(May Allah be pleased with him)

The Series of: Men and Women Around Muhammad

(prayers and peace of Allah be upon him)

Edition 2012, version 1

Project Manager

Kamal Ahmad !Translated by

Manal Qutub

Contents ! Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq: Ancestry and Attributes 5

Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq in the Pre-Islamic Society 6

His Acceptance of Islam 8

Migration to Madinah 11

Selected Views from the Biography of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq 13

In the Battle of Badr 13

Spending for God's Sake 14

The Day the Prophet Died 15

Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq the First Caliph in Islam: 16

His Reaction Towards Apostasy 16

Compilation of the Holy Qur'an 18

Extracts From his Sermons and Speeches 20

The Final Moments of his Life 23

PROJECT - Just One Message 25

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This is a splendid life, not of a single being, but of an entire

nation that endured a glittering light when darkness prevailed

the universe. It guided the lost humanity from the violent

ignorance to the safe edging of knowledge. From that culture the

human intellect graduated and enlightened, as it was graduated

and enlightened formerly from the Greek culture. Hence, it has

the infinite favor to all humanity. This culture is principally based

on monotheism and virtue, while the principals of the Greek

culture are polytheism and immorality which they attributed to

their claimed gods, and identified them as their mythology. !The life of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq represents the first page of the

Prophet's Companions history, it is the history of the best

generation that encompassed glory and triumph, which have

never been found in all human histories. Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq was

a notable man who obtained nobility of character, combining

between entire tenderness and determined stringency. His nature

was similar to the sea in its grandeur, sublimity, profundity, and

spaciousness, those features are genuinely concealed as jewels

and pearls underneath brines. !This booklet will comprise concise glimpses derived from the

biography of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with

him) , hopefully we might enlighten the sides of this distinctive

personality that subsequent to the greatest personality of the

Prophet Muhammad (prayers and peace of Allah be upon him). !!

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Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq: Ancestry and Attributes

He is the first Caliph after the Prophet Muhammad (prayers and

peace be upon him). His name is Abdullah bin Abu Quhafah

Uthman bin Aamer Al Qurashi Al Taymi, His lineage joins with

that of the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) six

generations before himself, in Murrah Ben Kaáb. It was broadly

agreed on naming him Al-Siddiq (The Truthful), for the reason

that before Islam he was one the chiefs of Quraish and one of

their consultants, and he was well-known of his truthfulness and

honesty. In the presence of Islam, Abu Bakr was the first man to

respond and believe the Prophet Muhammad's mission. !Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) was born in Makkah

in the year 573 CE (Christian Era), two years and some months

after the birth of the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him).

Abu Bakr was brought up within his decent good parents, thus

he gained a considerable self-esteem and noble status. His father

Uthman, named Abu Quhafah, accepted Islam in the Day of

Victory in Makkah. His mother Salma, named Umm Al Khair,

she embraced Islam early, and migrated to Madinah. !Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) was a slim white man

with slight shoulders, thin face, sunken eyes, protruding

forehead, and was used to dye his beard with henna, these are

his physical constitution. Regarding his morality, he was

munificent, courageous, determinate, has got good sense in

intricate stances, tolerant, patient, strong-minded, jurist,

knowledgeable of genealogy and history, has a great trust and

reliance on Allah, devout, alienated from desires, abstaining

from the world and willing with Allah's blessings, (may Allah be

pleased with him). !!

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Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq in the Pre-Islamic Society

In the days of ignorance, Al-Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with

him) was a noble man among the tribe of Quraish and he was a

premium, they sought his assistance in intricate circumstances.

He was well-known of several qualities: !Genealogical knowledge

He was well-informed of genealogy and Arabs history, so

proficient that he was a chief among others in this field, such as

Aqeel Ben Abi Talib and others, but he was distinguished with

his decent manner that he never disparaged ancestries, or

revealed blunders. !Trade

He was a trader before Islam, and traveled to Busra in the land

of Al-Sham for trading. He traveled among many countries, his

capital was forty thousand dirhams. He used to spend his money

generously. !Noble-mindedness

Al-Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him) was remarkably

virtuous, even before Islam he had made intoxicants forbidden

for himself. He answered the one who asked him: have you ever

drank intoxicant? Saying: 'I seek refuge in Allah, I never did it.'

Said to him: 'why?' He said: 'I maintain my honor and preserve

my dignity.' !!

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Al-Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him) has never prostrated

to an idol. Once, in a gathering of the Prophet (prayers and

peace be upon him) and his Companions, Abu Bakr said: "I have

never prostrated to an idol. As I approached adulthood, my

father -Abu Quhafa- led me to a chamber of idols. He said:

'these are your grand elevated gods.' And he departed. I

advanced to an idol and said: 'I am hungry can you feed me?' It

didn't answer. I said: 'I am undressed can you dress me?' It

didn't answer. I threw off a rock upon it, and it fell down." Thus,

he was guided by his good manners, wisdom, and common

sense to avoid badness and depravity of the ignorance, and to

evade dishonest beliefs that contradict common sense, and

oppose sound perception and true virility.

Allah's Blessings upon Al-Siddiq, he obtained great values, high

ethics, and good behaviors within the ignorant society. He was

well-known among the people in Makkah as a leader over the

others in morality, values, and ideals. Thus, he had never been

discarded or criticized for any deficiency among Quraish,

except for his being a Muslim. !

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His Acceptance of Islam

Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) has accepted Islam

after a long search for the true religion that comes in accordance

with common sense, human desires, sound intellects, and

rightful insights. As a trader, he traveled a lot, and roved between

deserts, cities, and villages all over the Arabian Peninsula. Thus,

he has got the chance to closely contact people with various

religions -particularly Christianity- he thoughtfully listened to the

speech of monotheism by those who held the banner of finding

the true religion. !Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him) has

accepted Islam after an eager search, exploration, and awaiting.

His immediate acceptance for Islam was a consequence of the

steadfast friendship with the Prophet Muhammad (prayers and

peace be upon him). When the Revelation of Allah descended

upon the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him), he started to

call the individuals to monotheism. The first choice of the

Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) was Abu Bakr, due to

his intimate friendship and nobility. Likewise, Abu Bakr knew

the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) as a truthful,

honest, and noble person, that he has never been untruthful to

people, so how he would be untruthful to Allah? !The Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) confided Abu Bakr

about the new mission, saying: "I am the Messenger of Allah

and His Prophet, Allah Has sent me to inform His Message, I

call you to believe in Allah the Truth, by God it is the Truth. O,

Abu Bakr, I call you to believe in Allah only with no partners,

and not to worship other than Allah, and to sustain in

obedience for Allah". Abu Bakr accepted it immediately without

a slight hesitation, then he promised the Prophet to support him,

and he did it. In this way, Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (may Allah be

pleased with him) was the first adult free man to respond to the

Prophet's call and to believe in the new mission. !!

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When Abu Bakr embraced Islam, the Prophet (prayers and peace

be upon him) was overjoyed, as Abu Bakr was a source of

triumph for Islam, due to his intimacy with Quraish and his

noble character that Allah Has exalted him.

Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) did his best in

missionary, he immediately began to preach Islam to others.

Among the best people who accepted Abu Bakr's invitation to

Islam were: Zubair ben Al-Awam, Uthman ben Affan, Talhah ben

Ubaid Allah, Saád ben Abi Waqqas, and others (may Allah be

pleased with them all). They all declared their Islam to the

Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) and offered primary

support and vast assistance to the Prophet (prayers and peace be

upon him). People continued to accept Islam, men and women,

all were honest advocates for Islam. Even though they were few

in number, they represented a battalion of missionary, and a

stronghold for Islam. !Abu Bakr and the few believers have suffered immensely due to

heir conversion to Islam. Abu Bakr was well-known of his

courage and determination. As the number of Muslims rose to

thirty nine, Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) asked the

Prophet's permission to call the people openly to Islam. After

persisting in this request, the Prophet (prayers and peace be

upon him) gave his consent and they all went to the Holy

Mosque for preaching. Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with

him) delivered a sermon, which was the first ever in the annals

of Islam. When the unbelievers from among the Quraish heard

it, they fell upon Abu Bakr and the Muslims from all sides. Abu

Bakr was beaten so severely until he fell unconscious and was

near death. When he at last regained consciousness, he

immediately enquired: 'How is the Prophet?' In spite of all his

pain and injuries, his first thought was only for the Prophet, his

love for him was so unbounded that he considered himself with

nothing but the Prophet's well-being. !!

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This event implies considerable lessons for every Muslim who is

keen to follow those honest believers. The event highlights Abu

Bakr's enthusiasm for the declaration of Islam in the presence of

the infidels, which signifies his strong faith and courage. His

main aim after his convection to Islam was to outspread

monotheism and to hoist the proclamation: No God but Allah,

Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Additionally, the event

accentuates his eagerness to announce the rightful religion to

everyone, in spite of the cruelty of the infidels. !!

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Migration to Madinah

When the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) and his

Companions suffered immensely from the harm of Quraish, the

Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) commanded his

Companions to migrate to Madinah. As narrated by Aishah (may

Allah be pleased with her) that the Prophet (prayers and peace

be upon him) said to the Muslims: "I have had a vision in which

I have been shown the place to which you will migrate, a land

of palm trees between two mountains and two stony tract of

land." Thus some of the Muslims migrated to Madinah, and most

of those who had left before for Ethiopia returned to Madinah.

Abu Bakr prepared to leave for Madinah also, but the Messenger

of God said: "Wait a little while for I hope to be permitted to

migrate as well." Abu Bakr said: Do you expect so? May my

parents be redeemed for you! The Prophet (prayers and peace be

upon him) said: "Yes." So Abu Bakr did not migrate in order to

remain with the messenger of God. He prepared two camels and

fed them well for four months to use them in their long journey. !The infidels from Quraish have noticed that the Prophet

Muhammad (prayers and peace be upon him) has got adherents

and supporters in another place, and they have noticed the

migration of the Prophet's Companions. Fearing the departure of

the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) from Makkah, they

planned to kill him. Hence, the angel Gabriel informed him to

leave Makkah. !It was noon, an unusual time for visiting, but the Prophet

(prayers and peace be upon him) went straight to the house of

Abu Bakr who knew at once that something important had

happened. Aishah and her elder sister Asma were with their

father, when the Prophet came in. "God Has allowed me to

leave the city and to emigrate," he said. "Together with me?"

Abu Bakr asked. The Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him)

answered: "Together with you." Then Abu Bakr Asked the

Prophet to take one of the prepared camels, the Prophet (prayers

and peace be upon him) agreed but with payment.

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The Messenger of God and Abu Bakr had employed a man

named Abdullh Ben Oraiqet, to be their guide, he was an infidel

but they trust him and gave him their two camels and took his

promise to bring the camels to the Cave at mount Thaur (south

Makkah) after three nights. They met on time, and the guide led

the way beside the sea. Once the infidels from Quraish have

perceived the Prophet's migration from Makkah, they offered

one hundred camels to the one who can bring him back. !Abu Bakr said: 'I was with the Prophet (prayers and peace be

upon him) in the Cave and when I raised my head I saw the feet

of the people (he means the infidels), I said: 'O Messenger of

God, if any of them should look under his feet, he would see us.'

The Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) Said: "O Abu

Bakr! What do you think of two persons the third of them is

Allah?" !The incident is described in the Glorious Qur'an as follows: !(( If you help him [Prophet Muhammad] not [it does not matter],

for Allah did indeed help him when the disbelievers drove him

out, the second of the two; when they were in the cave, he said

to his companion: "Be not sad, surely Allah is with us." Then

Allah sent down his calmness upon him, and strengthen him

with forces which you saw not ))

[ Al-Tawbah: 40]. !!!

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Selected Views from the Biography of Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq

(may Allah be pleased with him) !In the Battle of Badr

It is reported by Ibn Asaker that Abdul Rahman, the son of Abu

Bakr Al-Siddiq was with the unbelievers on the Day of Badr.

When he became a Muslim, he said to his father: 'You were

exposed to me on the Day of Badr and I turned away from you, I

did not kill you.' Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him),

said: 'As for me, if you were exposed to me , I would not have

turned a way from you.' !In this situation, the greatness of the faith of Abu Bakr (may Allah

be pleased with him), is exemplified by the depth of his

truthfulness and sincerity in preferring the love of Allah and His

Messenger above everything else. !The Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) said: "None of you

would be considered a (true) believer, until I am more beloved

to him than himself, his children, his family, and all the people

in entirety." !Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) truly applied the

guidelines affirmed in the Holy Qur'an. Allah the Great and the

Almighty Said: !(( You will not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last

Day, making friendship with those who oppose Allah and his

Messenger, even though they were their fathers or their sons or

their brothers or their kindred)) [Al Mujadelah: 22].

Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) would never love his

disbelieving son, due to his faithfulness to Allah and his

Messenger. It is the miracle of Islam, that embodied in its great

followers and their pure souls. Islam had liberated people from

their low desires and personal interests, which might expose

people to immorality. Thus, nothing would hinder the Muslim

from following God and His Messenger, and the holy war. !Spending for God's Sake

The occurrence of his spending are many, we display some of


Allah's Messenger (prayers and peace be upon him) said: "No

one has helped me without reciprocating it, except for Abu

Bakr, who has given me help, which Allah will reciprocate to

him in the Day of Resurrection. No one's property has

benefited me to the extent of Abu Bakr's." !Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) said:

'Alla's Messenger (prayers and peace be upon him) commanded

us to give charity, and it corresponds available property of mine.

I said: 'Today I shall better Abu Bakr. I have never bettered him.'

Then I brought half my property. The Messenger of Allah (prayers

and peace be upon him) said: "What did you leave for your

family?" I said: 'An amount like this.' Abu Bakr came with all his

property. And the Messenger of Allah (prayers and peace be

upon him) asked: "What did you leave for your family?" He

said: 'I have left Allah and his Messenger.' Then I said: 'I shall

never better you in anything.' !!

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The Day the Prophet Died

It is reported from Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them) ,

that when the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) died,

Abu Bakr went out while Umar was speaking to the people. Abu

Bakr said to him: 'Sit down O Umar,' twice, But Umar refused to

sit. !Abu Bakr said: 'To proceed, if anyone amongst you used to

worship Muhammad, then Muhammad is dead, but if you used

to worship Allah, then Allah is Alive and shall never die. Allah

says: !((Muhammad is no more than a Messenger and indeed (many)

messengers have passed away before him. If he dies or is killed,

will you then turn back on your heels (as disbelievers) and then

he who turns back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to

Allah, and Allah will give reward to those who are grateful))'

[Aal-Imrãn: 144]. !Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them) said: "By Allah, it

was as if the people never knew that Allah had revealed this

verse before, till Abu Bakr recited it and all the people took it

from him, and I heard everybody reciting it." !Umar ibn Al Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) said: 'my

legs could not support me and I fell down at the very moment of

hearing him reciting it, declaring that the Prophet (prayers and

peace be upon him) had died.' !!

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Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq the First Caliph in Islam:

His Reaction Towards Apostasy

It was not long after the death of the Messenger of Allah (prayers

and peace be upon him), when Islam became entangled in a

grave struggle from two directions: first with paganism that was

making a sudden comeback to the life and the second was with

the crusade that was simmering in the northern boarder of the

Arabian Peninsula; stifling the propagation of Islam and stalling

the entrance of its people into Islam. !Imam Al-Dhahabi said: 'When the news of the death of the

Prophet spread, many groups of people among the Arabs

apostatized from Islam. They objected to pay the almsgiving.

Abu Bakr decided to fight them. Umar and others impressed

upon him to refrain from fighting them, but Abu Bakr (may Allah

be pleased with him) , said: 'By Allah, if they refuse to pay a

rope which they used to pay at the time of the Messenger of

Allah, I will fight them for withholding it.' !Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) insisted: 'How can you

fight with these people although the Prophet (prayers and peace

be upon him) said: "I have been ordered by Allah to fight the

people till they say: None has the right to be worshiped but

Allah, and whoever said it then he will save his life and

property from me except on trespass the law, and his accounts

will be with Allah." !Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him), reiterated: 'By Allah!

I will fight those who differentiate between the prayer and

almsgiving, for almsgiving is a compulsory right to be taken from

the property (according to Allah's orders).' !Then Umar said: 'By Allah, it was nothing, but Allah brought

relief to Abu Bakr toward the decision (to fight) and I came to

know that this decision was right.' !

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Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) raised the banner of

war on all fronts. The desert never witnessed, even in the lifetime

of the Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) himself, such

grinding battles as those that occurred. But the men that were

trained by Muhammad (prayers and peace be upon him) upon

the recognition of the truth and total submission to it were

sincere to Allah in their deeds. They dealt idolatry a blow that

broke its spine and squeezed its soul until it faded into oblivion.

They equally drove away the Romans from the boarders. They

broke the spine of the apostates. Some of them came back into

the fold of Islam and others perished far estranged from it. In no

more than a few years, Islam triumphed and was seen and heard

(far and wide) while other religions were on the brink of

extinction. !!

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Compilation of the Holy Qur'an

One of the greatest achievements Abu Bakr rendered to Islam

was the compilation of the Holy Qur'an. At that time, there were

hundreds of memorizers who had memorized the entire Qur'an

among the Companions during the life time of the Prophet

(prayers and peace be upon him), but the Holy Qur'an had

never been complied in a book-form, although its memorization

continued after the death of the Prophet (prayers and peace be

upon him). However, numbers of those memorizers had been

martyred in the various battles that had ensued after the

Prophet's passing. Consequently, it occurred to Umar that steps

should be taken to preserve the Qur'an intact in its original

form, against any kind of risk, and he saw that it was not prudent

to depend exclusively upon those who had committed its

memory to heart. Therefore, he urged Abu Bakr to have it written

down in the form of a book. Abu Bakr at first hesitated because

this had not been done by the Prophet himself. However, after

some debate on the subject, he agreed and appointed Zaid ibn

Thabit for this work, Zaid hesitated at the thought of undertaking

such a momentous task, but he later took heart and began the

work. Zaid was the most capable person to be charged with this

because he had acted as an amanuensis to the Prophet (prayers

and peace be upon him), and one of the Companions, who had

learnt the Qur'an directly from him. !

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Zaid ibn Thabit (may Allah be pleased with him), said: 'By Allah,

If Abu Bakr had ordered to shift one of the mountains from its

place it would not have been harder for me than what he had

ordered me concerning the collection of the Qur'an.' He

continued, 'I started locating Qur'anic material and collecting it

from parchments, scapula, leaf-stalks of date palms and from the

memories of men.' !The manuscript in which the Qur'an was collected, remained

with Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) till he passed

away, and then with Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) till

he depart this life, and finally it remained with Hafsah, Umar's

daughter. !It is reported from Ali ben Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased with

him), who said: 'The one who has the greatest reward amongst

the people is Abu Bakr. He was the first to compile the Qur'an

between two slates.' !!

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Extracts From his Sermons and Speeches

The Prophet Muhammad (prayers and peace be upon him) died,

on Monday 12- 3- 11. H. (of Al-Hijrah: the migration to

Madinah), corresponding 9th of June 632 CE (Christian Era). In

that day most of the Companions pledged their allegiance to

Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him) as the first

Caliph. The next day in the Mosque in Madinah, before Abu

Bakr led the prayer, Umar rose and addressed the assembly, he

bade them pledge their allegiance to Abu Bakr. All men rose and

pledged their loyalty to Abu Bakr. Then Abu Bakr rose and

delivered a speech saying: !'You have elected me to be your first Caliph, and I am not the

best of you. If I do well, help me, and if I do wrong, redress me.

Truthfulness is loyalty and disregard for truth is treason. The

weak among you shall be strong in my regard, until I have

restored their rights, if God pleases; and the strong among you

shall be weak in my sight until I have wrested from him the rights

of others, if God pleases. If any group of Muslims cease the holy

war, Allah will afflict them with humiliation. If adultery spread

among people, surely Allah will enfold them with troubles. Obey

me as long as I obey God and His Messenger. But if I disobey

God or His Messenger you owe me no allegiance. Arise for the

prayer, God have mercy upon you.' !In this address, Abu Bakr demonstrated the role of an exemplary

Caliph of Islamic government. !Abdullah bin Aqim said: Abu Bakr once spoke to us. He said:

'To proceed, I recommend to you the fear of Allah and to praise

Him, as it is due to Him, and to mix your desire with fear, and

merge your request with persistent humility. Verily Allah praised

Zachariah and the people of his household. Allah says:

((Verily, they used to hasten on to do good deeds, and they used

to call on Us with hope and fear, and used to humble

themselves before Us.)) [Al Anbiya: 90].

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Therefore, knew, O servants of Allah, that the Lord holds your

lives as a pledge for what is due to Him, and has taken your

covenant regarding it, and has purchased of you a little that is

perishable, in exchange for eternal abundance. Allah's Book is

among you, whose light cannot be extinguished, nor its wonders

end. Therefore, seek your illumination from its light, and accept

counsel from His Book and seek light from it in the day of

darkness. Verily, He has crated you for His worship and has

appointed for you guardian angels honorable in the sight of

Allah writing down actions, who know that which you do. !Know, O servants of Allah, that you proceed and draw closer to

an appointed time, the knowledge of which, verily, is hidden

from you. Compete with one another in fulfilling the obligations

of your appointed times before your appointed periods are

completed, lest they cast you upon the evils of your works, and,

verily, there are some who have made over the obligations of

their appointed times on others, and have taken no heed of

themselves. Therefore, I forbid you to be like them. Then haste,

flee, flee for behind you is a nimble pursuer, swift of deed.' !- When death approached Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (may Allah be

pleased with him), he called Umar bin Al-Khattab and said to

him: 'Fear Allah, Oh Umar, and you should know that Allah has

recommended some actions for the daytime, He will not accept

that you do them at night. He has deeds for the night and will

not accept that you do them in the daytime. He will not accept

voluntary acts until you fulfill the obligatory duties. Allah will

make heavy the scale of whoever fills it on the Day of Judgment

with their following the truth in this world. The scale that is filled

with the truth today, will be heavy tomorrow. !

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The scale of good deeds will be light for whosever fills it with

following the falsehood in this world. The scale in which

falsehood is placed will be light tomorrow. Allah mentions the

people of Paradise and mentions them with the best of their

deeds. When I remember them, I say: I am afraid, I may not

catch up with them. Allah also mentions the people of Hellfire

and He mentions them with the vilest of their deeds and their

best deeds will be rejected. When I remember them I say: I wish

I am not among these people. A servant of Allah should be

hopeful and fearful, not too confident and not despairing of the

mercy of Allah. If you keep to my advice, nothing will be more

beloved to you than death and certainly it will soon come to

you. If you disregard my advice, nothing will be more hateful to

you than death and you cannot prevent it.' !Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) enclosed in this

advice the authentic general guidelines that are indispensable

for every Muslim to adhere to. !!

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The Final Moments of his Life

Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) said: 'When Abu Bakr

became heavy with illness, I displayed this poem:

By your life! Affluence will be of no benefit

On the day that your throat rattles and the chest constricts.' !Then he uncovered his face and said: ' That is not right. Instead,

recite the verse of Allah:

((And the stupor of death will come in truth: This is what you

have been avoiding)).' [Q: 19]. !Abu Bakr recommended to Aihsah to bury him beside the

Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him) . When he died, Abu

Bakr's grave was placed adjacent to the Prophet, and it was dug

in such a way that his head was parallel to the shoulder of the

Prophet (prayers and peace be upon him). !Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) died on Monday

evening, 22- 6- 13 H. (of Al Hijrah: the migration to Madinah),

corresponding 23- 8- 634 CE. (Christian Era). He was sixty-three

years of age, and his caliphate continued for two years and three

months. ! May Allah have mercy on Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq and be pleased

with him and assemble us among his company. !!!!!!

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Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq in Brief:

He is Abdullah bin Abu Quhafah Uthman bin Amer Al Qurashi

Al Taymi. He was born in Makkah in the year 573 CE. Abu Bakr

was a noble man among the tribe of Quraish and he was a

premium. He was well-informed of genealogy and Arabs history,

as a trader he used to spend his money generously. He obtained

good manners, wisdom, and common sense. Thus, Abu Bakr

was the first adult free man to embrace Islam, and he preached

the new religion to others, but he suffered immensely due to his

conversion to Islam. He migrated to Madinah in the company of

the Prophet Muhammad (prayers and peace be upon him), and

witnessed all the events and battles as he was a lifelong friend to

the Prophet Muhammad (prayers and peace be upon him). He

was the first Caliph after the death of the Prophet (prayers and

peace be upon him). Among his considerable contributions: the

compilation of the Holy Qur'an, and his reaction towards

apostasy. Abu Bakr died on Monday evening, 22- 6- 13 H. ,

corresponding 23- 8- 634 CE. He was sixty-three years of age,

and his caliphate continued for two years and three months. !

May Allah have mercy on Abu Bakr and be pleased with him.

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