
Standing on the Side of God – 3 Steps to Be a Better Host


During the early period of the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) revelation of the Quran, he warned the people of Makkah of the horrors that awaited them in Hell if they did not turn their lives to God.

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He mentioned that there were 19 angels who were responsible for the oversight of Hell, keeping watch over those condemned to eternal punishment.

For the non-believers of Makkah, this was a laughable concept. Millions of people, they joked, would be watched over by just 19? That is hardly enough to manage a small village, much less the entirety of Hell.

In response to this joke, the following verse was revealed:

We have appointed none but angels as the keepers of the Fire, and We have not made their number but as a trial for the unbelievers so that those who have been endowed with the Book will be convinced and the believers’ faith will increase, and neither those who have been endowed with the Book nor the believers will fall into any doubt. As for those in whose hearts there is a sickness as well as the unbelievers, they will say ‘What did Allah aim at by this strange parable?’ Thus does Allah let whomsoever He pleases go astray, and directs whomsoever He pleases to the Right Way. And none knows the soldiers of your Lord but He, that people may take heed. (74:31)

Meanings of Soldiers

The word here used for soldiers (junud, or the singular jund), in modern Arabic is used to denote the obvious, soldiers who fight in an army against an enemy.

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In classical Arabic, as we have come to know together, this term is much deeper. In fact, the word reflects something closer to the idea of a “host,” or someone who both welcomes the authenticity of and provides support to another.

In an army, soldiers or “hosts” are given power and authority by the government to use violence, and support those on their side. This meaning can be seen elsewhere in the Quran, for example in chapter 2, the Quran states:

And when Saul went forth with the soldiers,” or a bit later in the same verse, “There is no power for us today against Goliath and his soldiers.” (2:249)

For the deeper meaning of “hosts,” we can look to chapter 28 where the Quran states:

And the family of Pharaoh picked him up [out of the river] so that he would become to them an enemy and a [cause of] grief. Indeed, Pharaoh and Haman and their soldiers were deliberate sinners. (28:8)

Does the word ‘soldiers – junud’ here mean only soldiers in an army?

Not at all, and it refers to all those who supported and stood with Pharaoh as non-believers against the message of Moses.

How to Be Better Hosts

How, therefore, can we as Muslims learn to be better “hosts” to the support of God and Islam?

We can take our first queue from the initial verse about the keepers of Hell. The Quran says in the verse we mentioned above:

We have not made their number but as a trial for the unbelievers so that those who have been endowed with the Book will be convinced and the believers’ faith will increase, and neither those who have been endowed with the Book nor the believers will fall into any doubt.

Learn to Listen

The first step, therefore, is to listen. Understanding the Quran, thinking about its many meanings, and developing a sense of the true depth of our faith is designed to help fill your heart with conviction.

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You become a “host” or “supporter” of God’s authority, able to withstand the many doubts that we all will no doubt face during our lives.

When we reach these moments of trial, instead of falling into doubt, our steadfastness in faith will help us to see them for what they truly are: a test to make us better Muslims.

Who Do You Support?

The second step is a warning, to be conscious of who you support. Being a “host” is a voluntary act, a role that you willingly step into. Such is the case with Islam or any other faith for that matter.

Therefore, the responsibility is upon us to figure out which side we stand on. If we fall into error, the Quran tells us clearly that the fault will be our own.

In Chapter 5, on the Day of Judgement God will ask:

O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, ‘Take me and my mother as deities besides Allah?’ He will say, ‘Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen.’ (5:116)

Therefore, we cannot point to others and say, “I was just following them.” That is not a good soldier, much less a good host.

We must therefore be conscious of our faith and actions, not blindly following the understanding of others, but examining our faith on its merits and reaching the conclusion that we are the most comfortable with.

Being a Good Example

Finally, being a good host means providing support to others in defense of our faith and beliefs. The most important of these is to be a good, honest, and hardworking person, fulfilling our religious obligations.

Your outward projection of Islam through your daily life is the best form of dawah to others and shows a good example. Then, expressing your faith to others, whether that be through performing charitable acts or speaking to your friends and family about matters of faith.

As you work on becoming a better “host,” remember that standing on the side of God is not always the easiest thing to do, but it always leads to the best conclusion and a better reward.

Self-Care – The Sunnah Way

Wardah Abbas

15 July, 2020

A few months ago, I had a very busy schedule, working on a big project with a colleague of mine and coming home to resume the tedious job of nurturing my household.

I was always striving to realize a new goal and meeting the excessive expectations I had of myself at the expense of being the well-rounded woman I was supposed to be.

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In the process, I neglected myself. Days rolled in and out and in no time, I began to feel inadequate, looking at my reflection in the mirror and disliking what I saw.

I resented everything around me and my discomfort continued to grow. Then finally, I paused. It took me quite some time to figure out what was wrong and in the end, I realized that I wasn’t taking care of myself. This and not the things around me was what needed to be fixed.

Self-care is a fundamental aspect of being a Muslim

This is not just to boost productivity and a positive life but is also a way of showing gratitude to Allah (SWT) for the precious gift of health and wellness. So many of us get too engrossed in the hurly – burly of life; neglecting ourselves in the process.

However, it won’t be long before we’re battered from exhaustion and we begin to operate in a mental fog which makes it difficult to forge ahead even in the daily activities that consume our time.

How then do we as Muslims set ourselves up for well-rounded success in this life and the next by practicing self-care? The secret lies in looking into the sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH)  to implement tiny self-care habits into our daily lives. Here are a few tips to ensure a proper care of ourselves:

1. The Body

• Eat in moderation. Narrow your food choices by picking a few healthy breakfasts, lunches and dinners and rotating them for the week. 

Drink an extra glass of water or add an extra portion of fruits or veggies to each meal. Include super foods from the sunnah like dates, raw honey, watermelon, yoghurt, cucumbers and what you have into your diet.

The Prophet (PBUH) said: “No human ever filled a vessel worse than the stomach. Sufficient for any son of Adam are a few morsels to keep his back straight. But if he must fill it, then one third for his food, one third for his drink and one third for his breath.” (Tirmidhi)

 • Get active by taking walks at intervals or going up and down the stairs instead of taking the lift. You can also schedule at least 10 minutes every morning for light exercises. The Prophet(PBUH) used to keep fit by racing, riding horses and playing archery. He said:

“Teach your   children swimming, archery and horse riding.” (Sahih Muslim) 

• Give your body a treat by picking wardrobe items which feel great on your skin. Get at least ten minutes of the sun especially if you’re in a  cold climate.

Squeeze out time at least once a week to pamper yourself by going for a spa or having a massage. Stay a bit longer in the bath  tub or under the shower, then breathe, relax and feel refreshed.

• Take quick naps at least for ten to twenty minutes every day. This will reduce your sleep debt and get you ready to take on more tasks. The   Prophet (PBUH) encouraged us to take short naps—Qailulah—between the hours of dhuhr and asr.

Self-Care – The Sunnah Way - About Islam

2. The Mind

• Make out some time for meditation and reflection. Unplug yourself from the world for at least one hour. Switch off your cell phones and go somewhere quiet; probably a designated place for an uninterrupted “me” time.

Be still. Sit close to nature, perhaps somewhere green and be quiet for the short time. Tune in to your thoughts, feelings and sensations while breathing and reflect on your immediate environment.

The Prophet (PBUH) used to spend time alone for meditation in the cave of Hira and it was on one of these occasions that he received the first revelation from Allah ﷻ. 

•Do a mini de-clutter every now and then by recycling three things from your closet that you don’t really love or wear. You can also fix a small provoking situation at home that’s been nagging you. It could be a leaking sink, a light bulb that’s gone or a broken door handle.

• Make time to do the things you love. It could be reading a book over a good cup of aromatic tea, trying out a new recipe in the kitchen, playing a favorite game or sport, visiting a museum or art gallery, trying your hands out at sewing or even helping others. Just do what makes you feel good.

• Kick off the peeping tom by doing something that has been on your to-do list for ages that you’ll never do.

• Take out any negative people in your life. The prophet (PBUH) said:

“The likeness of a righteous friend and an evil friend is the likeness of a (musk) perfume seller and a blacksmith. As for the perfume seller, he may either bestow something on you or you may purchase something from him or you may benefit from his sweet smell. And as for the blacksmith, he may either burn your clothes or you may be exposed to his awful smell.” (Bukhari and Muslim).

3. The Soul

• Plan your day around the five daily prayers. No matter how busy you are, do not lose your five daily connections to Allah. Endeavor to pray at the right time.

• Spend some time with the Qur’an either by reading, listening to its recitation or reflecting on few of its verses. This will set you up for daily success, filling you with a daily dose of strength and inspiration.

• Give kindness and charity by helping others. It could be carrying a bag for someone, making someone smile, sharing your meal with neighbors, donating money or a few wardrobe items and what have you. Apart from improving your relationship with Allah, it also boosts your levels of happiness and life satisfaction.

The Prophet (PBUH) said:

 “Every Muslim has to give in charity.” The people then asked, “But what if someone has nothing to give, what should he do? The Prophet replied, “He should work with his hands and benefit himself and also give in charity (from what he earns).” The people further asked, “If he cannot find even that?” He replied, “He should help the needy who appeal for help,” Then the people asked, “If he cannot do (even) that?” The Prophet said finally, “Then he should perform good deeds and keep away from evil deeds, and that will be regarded as charitable deeds.” 

• Connect with other Muslims by going to halaqas at the masjid, attending Islamic conferences and seminars, visiting friends and family, planning fun Islamic activities amongst other things.

A daily incorporation of tiny self-care activities into your routine will lift the fog, increasing your levels of productivity and positivity and making you feel more connected to yourself and the world around you.

You will delight in the small pleasures you’ve created for yourself and nothing will seem quite as difficult as it ever did. And what’s more, it will also enrich your life, improving your relationship with your Creator and setting you up for success in this life and the hereafter.

Balancing Life as a Muslim: How Do You Do It?

15 July, 2020

QAs-salamu `alaykum. Dear brothers. I have a big problem, I don’t understand Islam until now. First, I thought that Islam is only to pray, fast, read Quran, etc. So, I spent my whole day only in praying, reading Quran, fasting, etc. Then I heard that Islam is not only to worship but also to be good at university, at work, etc. So, then I worked hard for university and worshiped Allah. Then I heard that Islam is also to do sports, to have a healthy body, to be active politically, to be a "Romeo" to one’s wife, to have spare time, to make jihad, to invent new things, and many other things. Then I heard that worshiping Allah is not only to pray and to fast and to read Quran, but it’s also to make adhkar (remembrance and mentioning of God by heart and tongue), to read Quran, to be friendly to parents, to be generous, not to be rude, and … and … and … many other things. I have now two problems: First I can’t balance my life between Islam, politics, wife, university, sports, etc. I don’t know who should get the greater part of my time, and how I should organize my day to do all what Islam wants. Second, Islam becomes too much to me; now I don’t know how to do all this, reading Quran, adhkar, fasting, praying, good character, listening to Quran, befriending religious persons … and many other things. I can’t sum up all this, it becomes too much for me. So please advise me how to solve these two problems.


Waleed Najmeddine

15 July, 2020

Short Answer:

It’s not easy, but it can be done with the right order of priorities. Priorities start with the fard, or obligatory acts of worship and deeds.

Our families and friends have rights over us, so does our society, but we don’t spend all of our time and efforts trying to please them alone.

Our bodies also have the right to enough rest and most importantly our relation with Allah (SWT).

Asalamu Alaikum brother,

Thank you for contacting About Islam with your question. 

In fact, your detailed question simply reflects your sincerity and anxiousness to become a good Muslim. Yet, you need not take things so hard, because definitely Allah knows how sincere and willing you are to please Him.

All you need to do is to take things step by step and to concentrate on organizing your time among your different duties. 

It goes without saying that there are many demands on us as Muslims.

We have a lot of work to do, and unfortunately there are not enough of us living up to the responsibilities Muslims face in this day and age. 

First, we have a vital need to learn and understand Islam so that we may practice it in the way that pleases Allah most. We do this so that we may lead peaceful and successful lives here on earth and, inshaAllah, are granted Allah’s mercy in the next life in Paradise. 

Once we have a solid footing in understanding and practicing our faith, we must then invite others to Islam in the most proper and effective ways we can. 

Of course, none of us can accomplish these things on our own. Nor can we do all of these things at once, as much as we’d like to.

Order of Priorities

Setting priorities and establishing balance in our lives is most important. Priorities start with the fard, or obligatory acts of worship (`ibadat) and deeds (mu`amalat).

This means that we have responsibilities towards Allah first, the One Who created us and provides us with everything we need in this life.

We need to obey Him because we trust that He will only command us to do what benefits us and only forbids us from doing those things which cause us harm. 

The importance of following Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is that he provides guidance and interpretation of Allah’s commands.

The Quran provides guidance for all of mankind, but does not give us information regarding all of the details we come across in our daily lives.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has encouraged us to hold fast to the Quran, and then to follow his ways to the best of our ability. 

We need to build our own faith and understanding of Islam, and then work on our surroundings. As I mentioned above, we cannot do everything all at once. Our bodies have rights over us.

Balancing Life and Rights

Getting enough nutrition, sleep, and exercise are very important; but we do not spend all of our time in these things.

Our families and friends have rights over us, but we do not spend all of our time and efforts trying to please them alone.

Our society has rights over us, but we do not devote ourselves to serving it at the expense of neglecting ourselves and loved ones.

It is better to pick a cause to strive for and become excellent in it, rather than spreading yourself too thinly, working for many causes at once; and therefore, failing to give each one the attention and effort it deserves. 

To summarize, basically the priorities we need to set as Muslims should be as follows:

Allah: following His commands and worshiping Him. 

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him): implementing his sunnah (traditions & habits) as much as possible. 

Parents: obeying and being kind to them. 

Spouses and children: cherishing and protecting them. 

Extended family: honoring and being kind to them. 

Fellow Muslims and friends: loving them and encouraging them to do what is right. 

Society: working to improve its condition and guiding it towards Allah.

This does not mean that we cannot focus on more than one thing at a time, only that we should never exert too much effort on things lower down on the list at the expense of those things higher up on the list. 

I hope this helps you with your concerns about keeping up with all of the demands on your time and efforts.

I ask Allah to forgive us all for our mistakes and to guide us all to what pleases Him Alone.



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